Sophia Pt. 03


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We were all finally able to sit down at the table. Mine and Vanessa's omelets were the last two. The table was unusually quiet and, without the normal breakfast chatter, no one was even teasing Megan over being a sleepy head. That was normally a great sport for one and all, and it was her mumbling retorts that made it so funny. This morning, however, Megan was looking alert and attentive. Hell must have frozen over! Personally, I thought that on many weekend mornings Megan was just faking it. I've even had a quiet talk with her in the past about it. I wanted to be sure that she didn't mind the teasing because it was all done in fun, but sometimes you can really hurt someone's feelings that way. I'd rather drive a rusty knife through my own heart than hurt my little girl or let others hurt her. However, she had assured that she knew it was all done in fun, with no mean intent behind it, and she strongly hinted that she did enjoy it - it was just another form of attention. I believed she was beginning to look at our new friends as more like a loving family than just friends. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Vanessa finally broke the silence.

"Don, how do you like your omelet?"

"Just fine, Vanessa, it's great." I picked up a big fork full of omelet and stuffed it in my mouth to emphasize my point. Actually I'm not much of an omelet eater, but you never insult the cook.

"I wanted to cook at least one meal for you after all the times you've cooked for me. Ah, I've got a scheduling problem; I've got to get back to taking care of some personal things. So, if you don't mind, we are going to have to cancel our Thursday night workouts together." Vanessa looked at me a little sadly.

I had enjoyed my time with her and it was a nice change having a workout buddy, but I understood. "I can certainly understand Vanessa. You've devoted a lot time to helping my improvement and sacrificed your own personal life to do it. I want to say that I appreciate it and thank you. So, don't give it another thought, I'm just so very grateful for all that you've done for me." I swear after I said that I heard a sigh of relief come from Maria, who was sitting beside me. Freddie spoke next.

"Don't think that you are going to have Thursday nights off, Don. Thursdays evenings are now going to become your semi-official practice date nights. Vanessa told us about your date last night while we watched our nighty-night movie. Sounds like you did better than anyone could have hoped for; you should be proud of yourself. This Thursday is my turn to be your practice date. Is that okay, do you think you're ready for me big boy?" Freddie gave me a saucy grin.

"I don't know; I'll have to ask my booking agents. Well, my little cherubs, is Daddy ready for this blonde haired temptress?" I asked with a grin.

Robin spoke up quickly, "Sure, but no making kissy face on the first date!"

Megan gave a quick glance towards Maria first before replying, "If you promise to be home before midnight and make sure to put on clean underwear that night, then I'll let you go."

"Gee, thanks, Moms."

"Freddie, my Moms say I can go, so what are your plans?"

"You will take me to the art museum where there is a special exhibition of American art. For dinner, you will make me the lettuce thingy with fried shrimp, fried squid, and THE PIE for dessert. I will be at your house at five thirty and we will leave for the art museum by seven."

"Got it, one Korean special hold the pork, and sizzle some sea monkeys."


I was so upset about Don's date, I wanted to get a big stick to smack people with and yell "HE'S MINE, PISS OFF!" I longed to wrap Don in chains, kidnapping him, stealing him away to a lonely cabin on a mountain top that I knew about. The only thing that stopped me was my girls. How could I explain it to them? How could I leave them behind while taking their father?

I knew this wasn't anyone's fault but mine, but I had such a hard time controlling my temper. I tried to stay close to Don, but when I felt my behavior was getting out of line, I would get away for a few minutes to blow of some steam.

Vanessa's behavior towards Don was giving me the heebie-jeebies; I knew that Vanessa no longer viewed Don as just a friend. I also knew that she was a dear and trusted friend who would never betray me. However, when she looked at Don, a timid look of longing filled her face and when she looked at me she had such a guilty looking and distraught appearance. I loved Vanessa like a sister I never had, the same with Kathy and Freddie, but I found Don first and I was certain she would respect that. Nonetheless, the conversation we are going to have this Saturday night isn't going to be fun. If necessary I could always use a big stick on her, and I had found a beaut out in the garage. I think it was an old ax handle, except it was new. I wouldn't hurt her much, just enough to get my point across.

I made dinner that evening but, what with Freddie being a vegetarian; it is hard to make something that pleases everybody. Don always does it somehow. How does he do that? Everyone seems to like Dungeness crab, so I served that again. For dessert I served two blueberry cheesecakes that I had made myself. I had secretly been practicing making cheesecakes for the past month and a half in order to get it just right. My ex-husband, Richard, and his office staff had been my test dummies and had gotten totally sick of eating them. Almost every Wednesday and Friday I would go breezing into his offices with a cheesecake at lunch. It got so bad that all his staff started hiding from me, but Richard, the dear, took it like a man and sampled everyone, doing his best to critique it.

The cheesecake was a smash hit. Everyone loved it and had two pieces, even though they were stuffed with crab. In fact I think Don wanted a third, because I caught him checking out how much was left. I think he didn't voice his desire because of the diet he is on.

Dance lessons that evening were particularly tough on me. At first Vanessa was very stiff and clumsy with Don, then she finally seemed to forget herself and flow with dance. Eva was right to give them a VIP card and I was right that they were displaying great chemistry. My heart had fallen into my stomach; it was painful to have such a vacant feeling in my chest coupled with a twitching stomachache. I put my modeling lessons to use: the dress is too tight – smile; the shoes hurt your feet – smile; you might lose your boyfriend – smile.

I picked on some minuscule errors that Don was making so I could dance with him myself to show him the proper steps. For only the second time since I started teaching Don, I put on the song Moon River and we waltzed to the piece twice. We were good together, not as good as Vanessa and he were, but still very good. We just needed more practice. From now on, I'm going to dance with him every Wednesday. We've done it before, but we have to move the furniture in his living room to give us enough clear space, which dissuades us most of the time. However, I've seen his basement gym, and it is plenty big enough for a dance floor. It should be, since Don's basement is the basement of the entire apartment building and not just his lone apartment; his tenants aren't allowed access to it, except for a couple of special cases. That was one of the perks that he gave himself when finishing the building. He put in a raised wooden floor in both his gym and workshop because he didn't like walking on cement. The floor is scruffy, but I think it is usable as a dance floor, and I can probably make it even better if I clean it up a bit. Don's even got a sound system down there, so he can listen to his music while exercising.

When lessons were over, Don headed up to his room to relax in bed and watch TV, while we girls headed to the movie room. It was time for my showdown with Vanessa.

While everyone else stopped in the movie room, I grabbed Vanessa's hand and gently pulled her towards my office. She was looking pretty distraught but she followed me willingly. After I closed and locked the door - no more peeping toms! - I turned to her. "Vanessa, you know I love you like a sister. I know that you are good person. I also know that you had a special night dancing with Don, and ever since then you've been acting a little love struck. I'm not mad at you, I'm jealous and I'll fight you for Don, but I'm not mad. Do you want to tell me what is going on and what you are feeling?"

Vanessa broke down completely and started to cry. Ah shit, this isn't supposed to be my job! I rushed to her, put my arms around her, hugged her and gave her the "There, there, everything will be alright, we'll figure out something together, routine." But I didn't know if everything would be alright and inside, my heart was breaking too but I had to keep it together for myself, for my friend and for Don. We sat down on the couch together and finally she started to talk, though it was broken up by the occasional sniffle.

"Maria I'm so sorry, I didn't see it happening! I joked about being interested in Don, because he is such a great guy, but I would never have really made a play for him because I knew you wanted him. It just slipped up on me. I work out with Don four times per week. I'm his practice dance partner, twice a week. We go skiing twice a week, and frequently I'm instructing him and we're alone together. We have just spent so much time together that I've formed an emotional bond with him and didn't even realize it until that dinner at his house."

Crap, it started at dinner and not on the dance floor!

"Then we went to the club and I know you don't want to hear this, but the night was just magical for me." No, I didn't want to hear this, but I had too! "I never even came close to being a big league model like you were, and suddenly, in a room full of people, I was the star, and not just for my looks and it felt wonderful. Don took me to that level; he brought out the best in me and made me shine. I know Don has his weaknesses, quirks and mental hang-ups, but even with all that he is just so solid, that is the only word I can think to describe him. When I was with him on the dance floor I knew I was with a MAN and not just some guy. We're trying to give him some surface polish, but all the things a really man needs to be, he already is in abundance."

My face must have revealed the depth of my fear.

"No, Maria I'm not going after him. At least I won't go after him as long as you're interested in him. I've partially fallen for him, but I'm positive that he doesn't have the slightest romantic feeling for me. I'm just his good work out buddy and his tough ass trainer. I've spoken with Kathy and Freddie, and we all think that the major part of my problem is that I've been spending too much time with Don and not been out socializing on my own."

I suddenly felt very, very guilty. For over four months I've been demanding too much time from my best friends, because of my romantic interest, screw that, because of my love for Don. There I said it. Not once in those entire four months did I give any consideration about their personal lives. Oh what absolutely selfish and greedy bitch, I've been. I didn't have the right to be their friend.

"Vanessa, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I've been so selfish! I've completely forgotten about you three and your own lives. You all must hate me! I've been a terrible friend. For all these months it has been all about me, how can you ever forgive me? I created this situation by not having the courage to be honest with Don about my past." Then I broke down and Vanessa was comforting me.

"There, there, Maria it's alright and we all still love you. We understand, you're just in love woman, and you've got all your attention focused on your prey and his girls. You've been a wonderful friend to us. When I was left broke you rode to my rescue, same for Kathy and Freddie. The only job skills we had were modeling and suddenly they were all telling us that we're too old. Then all three of us had those disastrous first marriages. Freddie and I signed those pre-nups that let those asshole husbands of ours financially rape us. Kathy married that jerk, I don't know why she likes bad boys, and he squandered her savings. Then along comes our knight on a white horse, and that was you. Everything was gone. When you rescued me I was about ready to move back in with my folks; Kathy was almost on the street and Freddie was thinking about stripping for a living. You turned my love of exercise into my successful business, you turned Freddie's love of art into her career and you funded Kathy's return to college. You gave us back our pride and we can never repay you. You've always been there for us and now it is our turn to be there for you."

"Now, Kathy, Freddie and I have come up with a plan. It is really rather simple and we are not abandoning you, but the three of us are going to start going on dates again, although Kathy never completely stopped. I'm going to cut back on my hours with Don and I think we should start shuffling his practice dance partners a bit. I know that is not the best for learning, but I think it is necessary. Kathy thinks that, because we started this silly polishing Don nonsense, we have to go through with it. Stopping it suddenly might really confuse Don. What we think you should do is glue yourself to his side every chance you get. We think it is best if Don gets in a few more practice dates to build his confidence and ego, maybe one or two with each of us three, then it will be time for you to make your move. None of this setting him up on a real date nonsense! You probably already know this, but you're going to have to be patient and understanding with Don the first time you make love. Really patient, really understanding and really encouraging or he might break and run in shame and embarrassment, and you might never get another chance. As for your past, knowing Don, I don't think that there will be any problems. So…"

I recoiled from her, everything she said up to that point had reassured me and made sense, but how could Don with his sheltered family life accept my past so easily? Impossible! When I tried to stand up, Vanessa pulled me back down into a hug, god she is strong! She rocked me and stroked my hair, whispering in my ear.

"I know; I know you're not anywhere near ready to tell him and you think that he will despise you. I know you're making a dreadful mistake and are just letting your fears control you. If you had any sense at all, you would march up to his bedroom, tell him that you loved him and climb in bed with him for a week. We would be happy to take care of Megan and Robin for you. But if you want to take your time and get over your fears, we will stand behind you. We all love you Maria."

This wasn't how I thought my confrontation would go with Vanessa at all! I thought I might get in an argument with her. I thought I might have to comfort her. I never thought that I would be the one needing comforting!

We finally calmed down, fixed our appearances and rejoined everyone back in the movie room. Kathy and Freddie visibly relaxed when Vanessa and I returned arm in arm to the room. Megan and even Robin were looking suspiciously at us, as if they knew something big had happened.

I decided we all needed a treat so I went to the kitchen to get the rest of the cheesecake. When I got there I found a big piece missing. Don, that sneak, had probably stolen a piece and taken it up to his bedroom to enjoy. I was flattered that he liked it, but should I inform Megan and Robin that he was cheating on his diet or keep quiet? I would have to think about it. So everyone got a small piece of cheesecake, and a medium size piece of THE CAKE, which Don had brought up. I wonder if it was going to become THE CHEESECAKE, with maybe the sound of cows mooing?

The next morning I got up early to fix breakfast. I intended to show Don that I could be kind and considerate too. When I got to the kitchen I found Vanessa hard at work. Her back was to me, so she didn't see me. I saw RED, she had told me that she wasn't going to make a play for Don and here she was cooking and she hates to cook! I was going to cook for Don, what is going on here?!! I started to step into the kitchen when suddenly Freddie grabbed me, turned me around and put a finger over her lips urging me to be quiet. I settled down a bit and remained silent. She took my hand and led me out to the great room, far from the kitchen.

"What's going on here, Freddie?" I asked furiously.

"I thought you might be upset. This is Vanessa's way of saying goodbye to Don. She really likes him Maria, but she knows you love him. Vanessa has never had him over to her home, never been on a REAL date with him and never cooked him a meal. This is how she is getting closure; this is a goodbye dinner, except it's breakfast. Just let her do this, okay?"

Freddie had such a concerned and worried expression that it just reinforced my opinion that I was being a bitch again. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. "Of course it's alright; it just surprised me after what she said last night, and especially in light of her own hatred of cooking. Thank you for stopping me, Freddie, from making a complete fool of myself. Both you and Vanessa are my dear friends."

I had been so focused on my discussion with Freddie that I had been almost oblivious to the fact that someone was coming down the stairs and could possibly hear our conversation. I turned to find it was the worst possible person to have maybe heard us, it was Don! But he simply said good morning and moved towards the kitchen with his normal facial expression. We just dodged a damn big bullet!

At breakfast when Vanessa dropped Don's omelet on the floor, I was shocked to see him get up so quickly to comfort her, but she was very upset. He hugged her and patted her back, and did his best to calm her down. But when a moment had passed and my shock had dissipated, it was plain to see that Don was just comforting Vanessa as a friend, and that while Vanessa melted in his arms a bit, she was still holding herself back. That omelet she had dropped represented her goodbye kiss to Don, so I could understand why she was so upset. I would never tell her that Megan and Robin had told me that Don hated omelets (and I must swear them to secrecy about that!).

At breakfast Vanessa informed Don about the change in their workout schedule, and Freddie told him about the new practice date schedule.

I again rode home with Don and my girls, but we were finally getting tired of Yahtzee. We were going to have to find a new game. It was handy that Don's apartment made a good, safe place for us all to rendezvous and car pool before driving to my mountain home. Otherwise my insistence on riding with him and my girls would look very odd. This way it could simply be explained away as my fondness for Megan and Robin.

While we were riding back in the car I explained my idea about dancing lessons in his gym. Don admitted to me that there was plenty of room, but he was doubtful that the floor was in good enough shape for dancing. When I arrived at Don's apartment I took a quick look in his gym to look at the floor. He was right - it was a simple floor made of plywood that had been stained and sealed. There were some large rubber floor mats around the exercise equipment, but that was it. I decided to pull a "Don".

When I went back upstairs, I spoke with him. "Don, you're right about the floor, but when I was a kid taking dancing lessons, I had to work on the dance floor in the studio I was at many times (true). I know some ways to tune up a floor to make it usable. If you don't mind I will stop by early on Wednesday and fix things up a bit, it shouldn't really take me much work." I didn't tell a single lie, heh heh.
