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"Gee, that too bad. Give her my best when you see her."

"Steve, maybe I didn't explain myself fully, she needs a liver transplant or she'll die."

I could see the frustration in her face, her voice cracked and I almost felt sorry for her.

"I'd love to help Ann, but like Bob always told me, I have issues with it. But if you'll excuse me, I've got a dinner date and I don't want to be late."

Total shock is the only way to explain the look on her face.

"Steve, she'll die is she doesn't get a transplant," she said again.

"Ann, I heard you the first time and like I said, I'm sorry I can't help, but give her my best," I said pushing her out of my condo.

"Steve, I know you know about Linda's condition," my mom said over dinner. And yes, I did have a dinner date.

"So? And I'm supposed to care?"

"Linda was your wife, the mother of Annie."

"Let's see, oh yeah that's right, she was the one cheating on me and turned my daughter against me. Now I remember her," I said sarcastically.

"All right, things didn't go as you planned. But it would still be the Christian thing to do."

"When she cheated on me, was that the Christian thing to do? Getting me fired from my job, taking Annie away and turning her against me, was that also the Christian thing to do? I think not. Let them all burn in hell.

Two days later a reserved Bob showed up at my door. I let him stand outside my door for fifteen minutes before I answered the door. He was good; damn he was good at pleading his case. When he offered me five then seven million I flinched for just a moment. That was a hell of a lot of money.

"Boy, that's a lot of money Bob, but I have a few concerns," I said with a smirk. "With that much money I'd probably turn into an asshole like you and end up having to blow my fucking head off. You see I hate you more than life itself. You ruined my life and took everything that meant anything away from me. Now you want to buy me to save something that means more than money to you. At least Linda knew before she left me what a piece of shit you really are for setting her up, but after what she did there was no going back. So get the hell out of my sight before I do something I've wanted to do for years. You've lost, and all the money in the world can't help you this time."

Bob left with his head hung low. He'd won but at what cost. Between him and Linda they'd turned my heart to stone and nothing on earth was going to change it.

I saw Linda before she died. Don, her piece of shit husband was by her side. He had this indignant; I took your wife look, on his face when I walked in her room.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he spit at me.

"Just came to ask Linda is she wanted a real man once more before she met her maker."

I think if he could stand, he probably would have taken a swing at me, instead he just threw a couple of insults my way.

"I guess God's paying you back for fucking around with someone else's wife. By the way can you still get it up? I heard not, but I thought I'd ask anyway."

"Stop it. Stop it both of you," Linda called out. I think there's been enough said and done to last two life times. Steve, you're looking well."

"You too Linda. I always did like you on your back but not with all the tubes and bags though. Gotten any strange stuff lately?" I asked.

"Got any more insults? I know a few others that would probably be appropriate at this point and time. Let's just say I'm sorry for what I put you through and leave it at that, ok?"

"I guess so."

"Steve, why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see for myself what a rich white trash whore looks like when she dies. I heard if you pay enough you could get a couple of angels to carry you up to heaven so you don't even have to die. Daddy offered me seven million, I think he's going to have to at least double that for what you're looking for."

Shit-head threw a bedpan at me and fell on the floor coughing and spitting trying to get at me.

"Steve, I had no idea you hated me so much. I know I hurt you and I know that me telling you I'm sorry doesn't mean much any more, but I did love you."

"You, your father and shit-head here gutted me and put ice water in my veins. I'm just waiting for you to die so I can piss on your tombstone and dance on your grave; then it will end for me and I can move on with my life. If I were you, I'd grab a priest and make a full act of contrition. Even though I once said I wanted you to burn in hell, you weren't always a cheating wife. Take care, and I hope to see you on the other side," I said walking out of her room seeing her alive for the last time.

I didn't dance on her grave, I wanted to, but my heart did start to soften slowly but surely.

Mom was getting on in age and still sent holiday cards to Annie but never got one in return. I found Debra or should I say she found me two years after Linda died. She was following up on the research clinics past patents and gave me a call.

"You don't have to, but we'd like you to come in for an update exam. It's been five years and we'd like to compare how you are now to where you were when you first started."

I was teaching at a small community college and told her I would be in Thursday after my last class.

She was a fiery redhead with shoulder length curls, green eyes, a small pug nose and a ton of freckles. To say we hit it off would be an understatement.

"I see here you were married to another patient, Linda, who is deceased. Any children?"

"Just one, Annie," I replied.

"And how's she doing?"

"Not a clue. Haven't seen or heard from her in years. She kind of took her mother's side and wanted nothing to do with me, so I just stopped calling."

"Sorry to hear that," she said making notes in my file.

"Where are we going to dinner tonight? I know a dynamite Mexican restaurant or if you'd prefer Chinese, there's one only two blocks from here that makes the best dim sung in town."

"Give me one good reason that I should go out with you?' she said trying to stare me down.

"Because I'm special?"

She picked Mexican.

We dated for a month and became exclusive shortly there after. The first time we made love and I feasted on her pussy I stopped dead when she started screaming. I lost my erection and it killed the mood for me.

A flustered Debra, sweaty and all, asked what the hell was wrong. With her in my arms I gave her the short version on Linda. We kissed, we talked, we kissed and went back to what we originally started. When she grabbed a pillow I laughed under my breath.

We did things I'd only dreamed about doing with Linda. After six months she moved in with me and we settled into the groove of a loving couple.

"Well?" my mom asked one night at dinner with Debra and I.

"Well what?" Debra asked.

"When the hell are you two going to get married? I'm not getting any younger you know," my mom said putting down her fork looking at us.

"We haven't even discussed it mom and I don't think tonight is the time or place especially with my mother here pressing the issue." I told her.

Both mom and Debra laughed.

"You know your mom's right, just when are you going to pop the question anyway?" she asked pulling her tee shirt over her head exposing her beautiful milky white breasts.

"Keep this up and we'll end up talking instead of what I've been thinking about ever since dinner," I said as she removed her shorts standing in front of me in a red thong and ankle socks.

"Don't you like?" she said with her hands on her waist.

"Not like, love," I said moving in to kiss her.

Fireworks, Roman candles and M-80 explosions are what I saw and felt tonight. I guess we both went all out after talking about marriage and all.

"I ate her pussy until the neighbors pounded on the wall demanding that we hold down the noise. When I sucked on her clit, with a finger in each hole, she gave it up as she ate my pillow. Debra was just tall enough where I could fuck her and kiss her all at the same time. Damn, I loved this woman.

I dropped my load into one of the tightest pussies I'd ever had. After our first time she showed me what it was like to fuck a girl who could crack an egg with her internal muscles. I had to look twice to make sure I was in the right hole.

"That was nice, hell, that was fucking fantastic," I told her.

"Thank you for the compliment sir, now if you'll just give me a letter of recommendation I'll be on my way," she said laughing.

"Never. You will never leave my arms ever again," I said reaching under my pillow for the ring box. Taking the ring I put it on her finger. "I'm not even going to give you a chance to say no. I love you with my heart and soul and never want you to leave me."

All right, I shocked the shit out of her and for once Debra was speechless. She did however kiss me until I told her to ease up so I could grab a breath now and then.

"Asshole, when were you planning on asking me?"

"Tomorrow. I guess mom set things in motion, not that I'm complaining."

"Let's call her."

"Let's not and make love again. And then in the morning you can go over and show her the ring and start making plans."

"What plans?" she asked.

"I guess wedding plans," I said now confused.

"I'm not waiting for some damn fancy wedding. We'll get a license and my best friend is a notary. I'm not taking any chances of you getting cold feet or backing out. We'll grab our friends, immediate family and in the rose garden across the lake we'll do it. I've waited for this day forever, and I refuse to wait any longer."

I guess we won't be spending $200k on a wedding this time.

It was short, informal and everyone who meant anything to us was in attendance. We made up our vows and both of us had tears in our eyes at the end. We had the reception in our favorite restaurant and left for our mountain retreat the following day. Six days alone with Debra, with a mountain backdrop was heaven.

Life was better than good until out of my past came trouble. Debra caught it first, and who'd and hawed before talking to me.

It was only after dinner and a few glasses of wine that she got the courage to even bring it up.

"Hon, you love me right? I mean, you'd never get mad at me for telling you, I mean asking you something would you? I mean if I had a question to ask you, you wouldn't get mad at me just for asking, would you?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

She swallowed hard and kissed me.

"I know something about your life before me, and frankly I don't understand everything other than it's been a taboo subject. However, something came up the other day and I've got to ask you something I know you're not going to like."

"Deb, quick beating around the bush and just ask. What's the worst that can happen?"

"Someone that used to be close to you needs your help and someone you don't like very well asked me to ask you to help," she said waiting for the explosion.

At first I didn't understand the question until I put two and two together and came up with Bob.

"Your daughter Annie is sick and needs a kidney transplant. I've checked and you're a perfect match," she said still waiting for the explosion.

"Get dressed, God damn it," I yelled. "Deb, put something on, you and I are going a calling," I said getting up and heading upstairs.

"Steve, it's late, where are we going?" she asked.

"To do something I should have done years ago."

We drove in silence. I was hot and Deb was afraid to say any more than she already had. Bob had told her I'd probably lose it but he had no choice.

It had been a long time but I still knew the way. I pulled up the long driveway to a large and dark house.

"Steve, it's going on twelve and it looks like everyone's asleep."

"Well, then I guess we'll have to wake them."

I rang the bell and beat on the door with my fists as Debra looked on wondering where we were and what was going to happen next.

"Steve?" Bob said opening the door a crack.

I pushed in, flipped on the lights and started yelling.

"Annie, Annie, get your ass down her and right fucking now," I screamed as Bob said that it would probably be better to wait until morning.

"Fuck off Bob because if I leave now, I'm not coming back. Annie," I yelled one more time before I saw the shadow of two people descending the stairs. "About fucking time," I shouted.

"Steve, watch your language," a tired and agitated Ann shot back at me as she hid Annie behind her.

"Good, we have the whole damn family here, just like old times isn't," I said loudly. "Debra, this is my daughter Annie, my ex-mother in law Ann and I guess you already know my ex-father in law Bob."

"Maybe we should wait until tomorrow," Deb whispered to me.

"I've waited too long already," replied. "Annie let me see what you look like, I won't bite."

"I hate you, I hate you for killing my mother," she screamed at me.

"Hate is a good thing to have. It keeps you warm at night and even gives you something to live for," I said moving forward as she hung onto her grandma.

"Tell her," I said out loud. "Tell her or I will," I said now looking at Bob.

"Bob, tell her how you paid a friend of yours to seduce my wife. How it took about four months but under your watchful eye you made sure she slept with Don fully knowing that I would never forgive her for cheating on me. You know, she never even suspected that you were behind it until I asked her who introduced her to him. Linda wasn't the smartest girl on the planet but it only took her about thirty seconds after I asked. The look on her face said it all."

"Bob, tell your family how you bribed a co-ed to say I sexually assaulted her so that I would be terminated from my teaching job. But I guess I didn't just roll over, and it cost up another $500,000.00 to get me to go quietly away."

"The three of you made a great trio. You took Linda away from me, got me fired and the only thing left was to turn Annie against me. It couldn't have been that hard could it? Mother, grandparents all tell you what a low life I was and making sure you always had anything you wanted just like her mother; but I guess no one could for see the accident."

"Steve, you're wrong," Ann shouted angrily at me. "My husband is a good man, he would never do the things you're accusing him of."

"You're right about one thing, he did love his family. I asked myself over and over why he went through all the trouble to ruin my life and then one day it hit me; he could control me. Bob always wanted to be in charge and have it his way. Hell, he could always control Linda and his beloved wife, but I was always a thorn in his side. I didn't fit his mold for a son-in-law, I wouldn't kowtow down to him and he ended up hating me for it. He didn't know how to lose."

"Annie, your mother paid the price for my hatred of your grandfather. Your mother and Don meant less than nothing to me anymore but I still hated you Bob more than my own life. Bob, how did it feel to sentence your own daughter to death? Did he tell you that he offered me seven million, and I told him to fuck himself? Not one of my prouder moments I might add."

No one said a word until I'd finished with my tirade. Everyone just looked at one another and then at Bob. I guess they tried not to believe what I'd said was true but finally realized that I had nothing to gain by lying at this point. Just one look at a beaten Bob told them I was right.

"This is the last time I will ever set foot in this house again. You people have given me nothing but pain and heartache but no more. I've got a new woman in my life and it's time for me to move forward," I said smiling and grabbing Deb's hand.

"Annie, whatever you need I will give you because you still are a part of me. After all this is done and if you decide you want to be a part of my life great. If you don't, well then so be it, it'll be your loss not mine. There is however one person who has lived for the day she will see you again. My mother has never done anything to you. She helped raise you and you never once acknowledged her cards or gifts. I know they probably weren't up to par with what you received from your other grandparents but a thank you would have been nice."

"I never got them. I never saw a card or present all these years. I just thought that after mom died the two of you never wanted to see me again."

"I guess you'll have to ask your grandparents what happened to them all," I said looking at the two people I wouldn't want to be in their shoes when I left.

Debra and I turned and walked out. We didn't even get half way to the car when I felt two arms circle my waist. A tearful Annie was hanging on for dear life crying trying to tell me that she still loved me.

"Pumpkin, you need to get some sleep tonight because tomorrow and the next day are going to be very busy. We've got to get you well so I can tell you all the stories about your mom you never heard," I said kissing her on the top of the head and giving her one more hug.

The surgery went well and in a couple of months Annie was back to her old self, with one exception. She became a part of my life again. She still lived with her grandparents and they spoiled her rotten but did put money away for college. She still drives a nicer car that I do but like her mother she never rubs my nose in it.

Looking down I know Linda is proud of Annie. Every once in a while I look to the heavens and say, "At least we did one thing right."

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RuttweilerRuttweiler26 days ago
“I got a chip on my shoulder that’s bigger than my feet” — ‘I’ll Cry Instead’ — The Beatles

That describes this male character. Stiff-necked, and emotionally fragile. And mad all the time at anything that doesn’t go his way.

What a prize catch for any woman who wants to punish herself for the rest of her life. A woman with self esteem low enough to find this guy attractive is in for a ride to Helen Back. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

After hearing the truth about how despicable her grandparents were to her father, why tne fuck did Annie continue to live with them?


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Woe, what a fucked up story, about as fucked up as I could ever imagine. Fucked up people doing fucked up things. Very unpleasant to read - I need a shower after all that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

well,my opinion is this i don't give a shit what somebody did or didn't do to me i would NOT allow someone else to die if i could help it . i would have done ANYTHING to have saved my daughter from dying from breast cancer . this is the second story i read where an unforgiving person allowed someone to die that didn't have to . no stars from me,sorry .

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider1955about 2 months ago

Way too rushed ending. That make a great story just average. 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Psychopaths, all of them. Except his mother.

c24jc24j6 months ago

For those wondering about 'Burning Bob', that obviously happened, though the author was subtle about it. Bob knew he'd lost his daughter because of his actions. Yes, it would have been nice to really read of the others acknowledging it, (especially Ann) and of Bob COMPLETELY acknowledging it verbally . . . but it still seemed to be there. He was defeated in the end, and knew it was his fault . . . the accident, the loss of his daughter, everything. The sad thing is that he didn't seem to grow much. He didn't attempt to correct anything he'd done in the past. No matter what befell him, that would have shown he finally, really understood what he'd done, and wanted to change.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

there were a couple of problems with that story, the truncated ending and no real consequences for Bob and Ann (other than losing their daughter and getting dressed down by their former son-in-law)

That was a great dark ending for Linda and Don but Steve's rant at them was too immature and unhinged. I think it would have been more powerful to say something like:

"I loved you once, with all my heart, and would have gladly traded my life for yours, but your father took everything away from me using lies and deceit. My love, my marriage, my job, my humanity, my daughter... while you sat back and did nothing. Why? Because you were bored? Because your father disapproved of me? Thought me below your station? And after all of that you have the audacity to ask me to forget all the pain you've caused and give you a piece of my being to save your life? While you lay there waiting for your body to expire, think about what I've said, think about the evil your family unleashed on me. When you understand that, then you'll know exactly why I cannot forgive you and why I choose not to help you. Good bye Linda, may god have mercy on your soul... now go to hell!"

OOAAOOAA6 months ago

Great story!!!

...but where is the "Burning The Bob"???!!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Absolutely brilliant! One of the best stories I have had the pleasure of reading.

inka2222inka222211 months ago

I originally have it 5 stars, but downgrading to 4 for the piece of shit "daughter" still choosing to live with asswipe grandparents AFTER she found out they fucked him and her over. Wish he didn't give the ungrateful shithead the liver :(

Cracker270Cracker27011 months ago

Well written story. Very technically correct. I did not care for the story line and the MC was an articulated ass hole. Reluctant five based on quality of the writing only

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

if I were this guy Steve I would've told Bob that if wanted me to give a kidney I'd still take the 7 mil but he'd have to put a bullet in his own head first. let's see how much he wanted his grand daughter to be well. would he give his life for hers? good story, I gave it 5 suns. T.R.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman12 months ago

kind of a rather twisted plot, or the plot went sideways at the end.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

he stays with the grandparents to kill them little by little.... then goes after his father to get revenge (only on his father... not on the girlfriend/wife) .... doesn't it seem logical to you as BTB .... has anyone out there read any works in that style, I'd be interested in reading some.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

he stays with the grandparents to kill them little by little.... then goes after his father to get revenge (only on his father... not on the girlfriend/wife) .... doesn't it seem logical to you as BTB .... has anyone out there read any works in that style, I'd be interested in reading some.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

he stays with the grandparents to kill them little by little.... then goes after his father to get revenge (only on his father... not on the girlfriend/wife) .... doesn't it seem logical to you as BTB .... has anyone out there read any works in that style, I'd be interested in reading some.

u as BTB? ... the author should give us a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why would Annie associate at all with her grandparents Bob and Ann after learning the truth? Why would Ann stay married to Bob? Crazy.

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