Split in Time Ch. 07


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Wolfgang slowly glanced around, looking for any more objections to what had happened. No one's eyes met his as he slowly turned his body in a full circle. Slowly the pack went back about their business, most had agreed with what Amy had done, Jessa had been a big note of discord in the pack, by removing her the pack would run more smoothly.

"You weren't lying." Garnet said to the girls.

Wolfgang walked over to Amy and directed her to their family. Bastion quickly put down some more drinks as Amy and Wolfgang sat. Becky plopped into a chair next to Garnet and nudged her, Garnet nudged her back and it became a nudge war between the two women.

"Girls enough!" Kathryn told them.

"Sorry ma." They chorused together.

Amy coughed and spluttered as she had almost inhaled her drink. It took her a couple of moments before she could talk, "Excuse me... Becky did you just call Kathryn ma?"

Becky nodded giving Amy a bemused look, "Yeah, I chose to be adopted and Kathryn adopted me as her daughter, Laura's here too... somewhere? It's how we both became Were although Laura was adopted by a different family."

"See when hell hit the fan they were caught up in one of our evacuations," Garnet started to explain. "Since there were humans in our group no one took much notice and by the time we realised they weren't tied to the pack they had decided that they wanted to be pack. So first order of business was to protect the humans in our group, they were all turned by their mates and that's when we learnt we had two stray humans. They told us they would do anything to join the pack and they did."

Wolfgang turned to Amy, "what happened in your universe?"

"Becky was turned by force and Laura was killed in the same attack." Amy explained simply. "But you became a member of our family, even when you found your mate and left us."

Becky went still, "You know who my mate is?" She asked seriously.

Amy nodded, "a Scottish Alpha named Terri, come with Wolfgang and I'll introduce you."

Becky turned to her mother, "my mate's an Alpha?" She questioned.

"It explains your size and your leadership skills." Kathryn explained a little sad that she was losing her daughter, she had really become attached to Becky.

Everyone nodded agreeing with Kathryn.

"I was wanting to give Amy and the others a tour..." Wolfgang said to the table.

"So you figured everything out?" Garnet asked.

Amy and Wolfgang nodded as they stood. "I was actually going to leave Alanna and Electra with you until the gathering, let you get to know each other."

"Then all we need to know is where the training grounds are." Electra said as she stood.

"You fight?" Kathryn asked as she stood to join the others.

Alanna and Electra nodded, "Yep." Electra said.

"Well Sammy is teaching a group at the moment, may as well slide them in with the others." Garnet said as they took a different tunnel to the area where people worked at their crafts and on their bodies.

"Ah... no..." Amy said firmly. "The girls don't need the training Sammy will put them through." She said firmly as they took several different turns and came to a cavern which was larger than the common room. Sammy stood with a group of young men and women taking them through hunter training which was four ranks below enforcers.

"Hunter training," Alanna said with a little disgust.

"Boring." Electra agreed.

Taylor snorted and pressed her face to Rhun's arm to keep from laughing, the thought of Alanna and Electra being forced to sit in hunter training was laughable.

"Yeah... hunter training is um... well below what they've been learning." Amy said trying to be diplomatic as they approached Sammy and her group.

Sammy crossed her arms and glared a little at Amy. "Hunter training is important." She told Amy firmly, in fact hunter training was now compulsory for all members of this pack.

"I know... I'm not saying it isn't important all I am saying is that Alanna and Electra have been trained for Beta rank." Amy said which caused Sammy to seriously consider both women before her, as head enforcer she could commandeer Beta ranked people if she thought they would be better off protecting the pack, Wolfgang had given her the right and until now she hadn't had the need to use it. However she would since these two didn't have a group to look after.

"Leave them be Sammy, they are my daughters." Wolfgang said firmly knowing where her thoughts were leading her.

Sammy gave him a startled look but bowed her head.

"We haven't been assessed yet." Alanna added.

Garnet put her hand up, "I'll do it." She felt like a real good fight right about now and assessing rank was always a great fight.

"No... I'll do it after the gathering." Amy said; her daughters were trained even above Beta rank in her world so she knew what her daughters were capable of.

"You'll fight your own daughters?" Kathryn said surprised.

Amy nodded, "they are immortal, it's not like I'll kill them."

Wolfgang jerked to Amy, "they are both immortal?" He asked surprised as that was meant to be unheard of, in fact just Electra being immortal had stunned him as it broke the pattern of one immortal every four hundred years.

Amy nodded, "yeah so are their mates and Sage is also immortal."

"So you won't be losing us any time soon." Alanna told him with a nudge. "Although you will lose Electra kind of, her mate is an Alpha..."

Wolfgang was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact he had daughters, now he had to factor in the fact that his daughters had mates. "What about your mate?" He asked.

"He is content to be wherever I am but he does want to take me back to his people every now and again to visit." She explained. "But I'll always come back." She promised.

He turned to Electra, "do I know who you are mating?" He asked.

Electra shrugged, "you've probably heard of her but no you haven't met her."

He gave her a look that clearly meant and her name?

Electra chuckled, "Mayhem Collins."

Everyone who didn't already know this stared at Electra. "Mayhem? She's been found?" Sammy asked.

Electra nodded, "Yep, ma broke her and a bunch of others out of a detention facility the day she got here. The day she went and freed Alanna and me."

"Are we going to fight or are we going to talk?" Alanna asked annoyed as they had come here to fight.

"Fight," Electra said firmly.

"Train..." Amy corrected, "you will be assessed after the gathering." She told them firmly.

They nodded and walked off tugging their winter clothes off and finally their boots. Vivian made two bags appear and offered them to Kathryn. "Some spare clothes," she explained as Kathryn took the bags.

"We must go now, we have a lot of work to do." Amy told Wolfgang.

Wolfgang reached for her and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her deeply, she moaned and surrendered herself to his kiss. His tongue slid between her lips and tasted the inside of her mouth, her tongue duelled with his for long moments. Breaking the kiss he nuzzled at her throat for a few moments before he forced himself to release her and step back. "Go now..." he told her, his body quivered but a moment later she and her group, except for her daughters, was gone.


Sienna stood stiffly before her Alpha, she was anxious, afraid that she had done something wrong with dealing with a young man who had been caught harassing an underage female for sex. She had been firm and very public with his punishment but his father was an elder and promised to complain as he believed she had over reacted.

She was dressed simply in worn jeans and a heavy undyed hand knitted sweater, heavy military boots covered her feet which were spread slightly. Her black wiry hair was braided back to her skull to keep it out of the way and her dark eyes were wary of the man before her. Since becoming a Beta she had never been called in alone to speak with her Alpha which meant she had been doing her job well.

Wolfgang studied her for a moment, Toby's daughter was a very capable young woman, he wondered why she was so tense. "Why do you think you are here Sienna?" He asked wanting to get to the bottom of her nervousness as she would have to get over it if she was going to be a good second, she had to speak out even if it was against what the Alpha was saying.

"This could be a complaint about my leadership." She said firmly, a beta never showed weakness, not before their group or before their Alpha, her father had told her the day she finished her training. Never show doubt, make a decision and stick by it even if it is later confirmed as wrong, her mother had said a second later.

"Why would someone complain?" He asked curious as he had only heard good things about Sienna's leadership.

"I had to hand out punishment to an elder's son, he had promised to complain as he believed I had over reacted." She explained.

"Do you believe you over reacted?"

She shook her head, "no, not for what he did."

He smiled as he knew she would never second guess herself, "and you would never admit it even if you had," he rubbed his chin, "what did he do and what did you do to punish him?"

Taking a deep breath as she carefully thought through what she said before she began. "He was caught harassing an underage female for sex..."

Wolfgang growled, his eyes flashed dangerously. Sienna stayed still and waited for him to calm before she continued. It took him several moments but he eventually calmed down, he was pleased to note that she hadn't moved, she was exactly where she was before he lost his cool. It boded well for her for when she took her place as his second because he had no doubts now that she would be able to handle him in his fury, as many if not all of his Betas often backed away when he was angry. He nodded for her to continue.

"He was dragged to my attention, I called the group together and declared what I was told, I asked him if he was going to dispute the charges. He claimed it was all lies, but he was picturing what he did in his mind. It took all my will power not to jump across the gap and throttle him." She explained.

"That's right, you see mental pictures, series of events, even voices." Wolfgang said reminding himself of what Sienna was capable of, it would be a handy talent to have at the central den.

She nodded, "I reminded everyone what my ability was and said word for word what he said to the young woman, she verified and agreed to submit to a truth spell, he refused. I said if he was innocent then he would submit, again he refused. I said then I can only conclude that you are guilty, however I wanted everyone to know so I asked one of the Elementals to do the spell regardless."

Wolfgang nodded, he could see what she had wanted to accomplish, if there was one young man in the group then more than likely there were more. She was going to make an example of one of them to discourage the others.

"The truth came out," she continued, "I told him I could kill him under the law, and the next person I found would be killed, I had him stripped and flogged, and ordered that he would be flogged twice a day, every day for a week and that he would be left out for an hour in the cold after each flogging. Everyone has to be present for the floggings."

Wolfgang thought about her punishment for a moment, twice a day for a week everyone would be reminded that what he had done was wrong and that it would not be allowed. It was a good way of making them remember the laws.

"And what did his father say? What was his excuse for his son?"

"Youthful exuberance."

He hummed for a moment, "his name?"

"Christopher Murphy."

Wolfgang hummed again, "He was defending his son for breaking a very important law... I will deal with it."

Sienna frowned, a little confused, "So that isn't why I am here?"

"No..." He answered, "I have it on good authority that you will make a good second."

She just stood in absolute shock, Second? He was going to make her his second?

Wolfgang smiled as he watched the shock cross her face. "Look, you don't have to accept the position, but I would like you to stick around and see if you can do it, my mother knows the duties of a second, she promised to advise you if you needed it."

"Why me?" She asked, knowing Wolfgang and Garnet had been searching for a Second since their father's death. They hadn't found someone strong enough or brave enough for the position.

Wolfgang smiled, "because you stood still even when I lost my cool." There was a knock on the door and Kathryn walked in.

"Sorry I'm late," Kathryn said.

Wolfgang stood, "She isn't convinced."

Kathryn chuckled, "neither was Eden when he took the Seconds position." She turned to Sienna, "Come let me show you where you will be sleeping and around the central den."

"Have you seen my daughters?" Wolfgang asked.

"Alanna is heading towards your private library and Becky, Garnet and Electra went to the training grounds for a rough and tumble." Kathryn answered as she steered Sienna out of the room.

Wolfgang stood and went to find Alanna, last night he had gotten to know them as sisters but today he was hoping to get to know them as individuals outside of the fact that they were his daughters. He turned and paused, a low growl rumbled in his chest. He had found Alanna but she had been backed against a wall by two men. He went to race to her aid but paused as his eyes watched her slight movement as she edged carefully into a fighting stance. Although it went against everything within him he chose to wait, to see how she would deal with this.

"Back off," She told the men firmly.

"Come on, we're just being friendly," the man on the right said.

"And I told you No." She answered.

The two men glanced to each other then back to Alanna, her eyes were glancing between the two men. "Sorry, we simply won't take no for an answer."

Wolfgang felt his blood boil, first in Sienna's group now here, how many of his female members are being harassed? He went to end this now but stalled as Alanna was suddenly moving; the man on the right got an intimate meeting with her knee. He grunted and curled over his violated privates and collapsed. The man on the left turned just as Alanna let fly with a vicious hook which connected with alarming force, the second man went down, knocked out cold.

She glanced between the two men wondering if they were going to get up, Wolfgang walked forward. She looked up and met his amused yet also angry eyes.

"I didn't start it," She defended.

"I know, I witnessed it unfold. I am not angry at you but at them," he pressed the toe of his boot into the man still clutching at his groin. "Who taught you to kick there?"

"Tarval did, he said you don't need pretty to take down an idiot, it just has to be effective."

"Tarval," he had heard that name before, "your mate?" he asked just to be sure and she nodded, "I like him already."

She smiled and watched as Wolfgang glanced off; in minutes two enforcers appeared and scooped up the two men. "Chain them up and call the central pack together."

They nodded and walked off, frog marching the two battered men. Wolfgang wrapped his arms around his daughter and hugged her to his chest. "After I take care of this, I would like to hear more about your Tarval."

Alanna smiled, "I would like that."


Amy was restless, tomorrow the Ancients would go out and collect the Alphas. Some like the vampires were already here so that their body clocks could be rewired; while they were here the sleep of the dead would take them at night instead of during the day when it normally took them. All the windows were willed to allow light in but not the dangerous UV rays which was toxic to vampires. The vampire Masters would be a little bemused to see day light but they trusted the Ancients meant them no harm. Amy on the other hand had promised to kill them all if they so much as looked at one of the humans here with hunger. Their diets were being catered for with another machine Rhun had acquired from the future which cloned and created synthetic blood.

She slowly left her room and quietly made her way out of the temple, Vivian who was checking on the horses watched as Amy made her way towards the kings men. Vivian decided to follow.

Amy stood outside of the ring of stones a hand touching one of the upright stones. The energy of this place pulsed, calling to her like it and other ley lines always had. She walked into the centre of the ring and sat as Vivian approached.

Vivian watched as Amy closed her eyes and started to meditate, the moment Amy's eyes were closed silver mist rose up from the ground. Vivian was suddenly alert but the mist had no desire to leave the ring of stones, the other Ancients appeared beside her having sensed the power of the ley line surge.

"What the..." Boadicea said softly not wanting to disturb the silence. They watched carefully for long minutes, they had all meditated within the circle of stones but nothing like this had ever happened. They wondered again what Amy was to draw such a reaction, thoughts which only strengthened as little balls of white light started to appear in the mist and dance around Amy inside the ring.

The Ancients all knew what they were seeing, the twelfth teg, which were an almost unexplainable occurrence. People thought they might be pure energy, however there was order to their movements which indicated intelligence. Vivian had always thought that the little balls of light were in fact souls awaiting rebirth but who still wanted to help, which is why when called correctly they could bring about great healing. However Amy hadn't called them, they had just come for whatever reason.

Half an hour later the mist and the little balls of light vanished, moments later Amy opened her eyes to see that one ball of light had stuck around and hovered before her nose before it too vanished. Amy glanced to the side and saw the Ancients who cautiously walked into the ring.

Vivian knelt before Amy, and noticed that Amy was covered with fluorescent green paint. "Is that what happened before?" She asked.

"Before?" Amy questioned as she got to her feet.

Vivian nodded ad stood. "Yes before when you first learnt you were Ancient?"

Amy glanced down at her arms then glared at the circle of stones, "This had better wash off." She warned before turning her attention back to Vivian. "Yes this is what happened before. But this paint had better wash off." She stormed off to return to the temple. In minutes she was back in her room and running a bath. Luckily as an Ancient she didn't really require sleep but did it out of habit, or because Wolfgang was there, so she wouldn't be tired if she didn't sleep tonight.

She stripped and looked in the mirror, her pale skin seemed to make the paint stick out, her original markings glowed brightly. The paint although beautiful had to go, she thought to herself as she climbed into the large tub, she grinned for a moment as she remembered that Wolfgang loved this bath as much as their own one back at the manor. She carefully arranged her plait to keep it out of the water for now and leant back to let the hot water relax her muscles.

Amy heard her door open but didn't bother to open her eyes. Susan walked into the bathroom, pulled a stool up near the tub and sat. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"This couldn't wait." Susan told her.

"Okay, you scrub my back while you tell me what couldn't wait." Amy said leaning forward to expose her back, she passed an exfoliating sponge to Susan and her body wash.

Susan took the sponge, poured some body gel onto it then dipped it into the water before taking it to Amy's back, moving in slow smooth circles. Amy waited for Susan to start talking, not pushing. "I want you to turn me." She told Amy a few minutes later. "And before you say anything, I've read everything you've given me and I've thought long and hard about it."