Spreading Seeds Saga 02


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She took off her glove and shook my hand saying "Amelia De Soto." It was a firm handshake; I could tell she wasn't squeezing as hard as she could. Then she stood on her toes and kissed my cheek, putting one hand around my back then hugging me and sniffed my chest as she patted my back.

"That was from Aunt Rachel, she said to give you a hug for her." She said.

"Rachael?" I asked.

"Rachael De Soto, I haven't talked to Astral but Rachael is sure that Astral is carrying twins. She is already stared weaving twin blankets for the Nursery. She thinks Astral will surely win the "Black prize."

"Black Prize?" I said as Amelia turned to mount her horse.

She swung up on her horse and, Able mounted so I mounted up and rode beside Amelia, Able on her left side. She pointed out the highlights of Burney, which amounted to a paper mill, vegetable plots, the chicken coops and about a hundred goat pens. When we got to the edge of town, I finally was able to ask her, "What is the Black Prize?"

She looked at me quizzically for a second then shook her head and said, "Silly me, Of course you don't know." She smiled, "Well long ago a Black, I think it was Arnold Black, put up a prize for any woman that could bear twins or triplets. It has never been won and the $10,000 dollars has been in the bank compounding its interest. Last I heard they stopped counting when it got to three million and it has been waiting for twins to be born for, oh, a hundred years. If you did put twins into Astral she will win the prize."

Three million sounded like a lot of money to me even though I didn't know what a Burney dollar was worth. "How much would say that Abel's gelding would be worth?" Trying to get a gauge I could really appreciate.

She looked at me and then at the flashy black gelding Able was riding.

Able led him out and spun him in a circle and got him prancing a little and Amelia laughed. "Oh I'd bet you could get a thousand or twelve hundred for him. He is too light for heavy work and seems a bit flighty for a saddle horse."

Able now had his hands full, the black was eager to run having been cooped up in the corral. He pulled the gelding around beside Amelia and said, "How far are we going?"

"About 10 kilometers or so well passed the pasture where all the mules are." Amelia said.

"Well let's put on some speed then, blackie here is eager." Able said.

Amelia kicked her mount up to an easy canter and Able waved me back and caught up to her. I was low man on the pole, so I rode in their dust, a little up wind and enjoyed the ride.

Able had given me the grey, because Able wanted to get Amelia alone the grey was a little too old and a lot too stupid to be a trail horse, the high mountain air was dry and smelled sweetly of spring. The road was very wide and we passed a couple of wagons drawn by two horse teams carrying poles cut for the new mule corrals. Everybody waved and some of the girls had enough energy, after cutting poles, to call out to Amelia.

Burney lies at the west end of a broad East-West valley. The sun was high off the horizon and had yet to meet the meridian when we pulled up at the pasture where they had my mules. We led our horses up to where the Sunshine Girls had a camp under the trees along side the pasture. They had a small fire and were heating lunch when we came in. There were three or four of them and when they saw Amelia they all started running around and one jumped on a horse bare backed and rode off shouting.

Gloria came up and welcomed Amelia; Able left me to tie the horses so I had to catch up to what Gloria and Amelia were talking about.

"...cause we are just about to change shifts and get cleaned up."

Amelia pushed back Gloria's disheveled hair over her ear and said, "You really need to get cleaned up, dear." Then she stepped back and said, "Get the girls in here and in formation and we'll call the roll." Gloria saluted ran off to the edge of the pasture where the girls had already started to line up some.

Amelia explained as we waited for the girls to get all lined up according to some complex rules that amounted to tallest first. Amelia said, "Ginny agreed to pay the Sunshine Corps a dollar a day. All these girls had been goat herders and earned nothing before so it is a big deal to them. Excuse me, I'll be just a few minutes."

I had sympathy for the last one in line; I had been there many times.

Amelia placed herself in the middle of the line about five paces from the line of girls and addressed the ten of them. "You members of the Sunshine Corps have done you duty and are entitled to not only your pay but the thanks of our whole community. You may, or may not choose, as I have to become Bahia, but the understanding of duty and teamwork that you will gain in your service, as an upright and vigilant Sunshine girl will give you an understanding of what we stand for in Bahia." She looked at Gloria, "Gloria call the roll."

Gloria called each girls name and Amelia wrote it down in a small notebook. And when the girl reached Amelia, Amelia handed her a chit upon which she had filled in an amount with a slim pen she also produced from her pocket. These were simple pink chits of the trading post. Ginny no doubt had provided them. We used them for small transactions and punched the ones redeemed at the Post or took them in as change.

Now a pen is a useful item if you have paper. I never carry the stuff except in the few notebooks I carry in my saddle bags. But a pen takes ink and the bottles are too big to carry and they spill, making a mess, so I only keep my pens in my bags. I was interested in the pen Amelia took out of her pocket.

Able and I stood at parade rest as the girls came up and Amelia took a look at each them, brushed some hair back to check their temperature and spoke to each of them briefly.

Amelia got to the last scrawny girl and put her notebook and pen away as the girl marched back and took her place in line.

Gloria called them to attention and Amelia said, "Girls, Ginny has said that shirts have been tailored to your sizes and will be available to you after lunch. Those of you who have altered your uniform are advised to let out those seams as it is much more comfortable if it is a little loose. I will provide a chit to Gloria for new shirts to be issued to these four," she said indicating the four smallest girls. You others are advised to see Ms. Trudy at the sewing center this afternoon and have your shirts fitted. Dismissed!"

The girls all turned about and ran to get their horses.

While the Sunshine Girls cut out ten of the mules and brought them up for my inspection Able and Amelia walked down to the river to water the horses. I checked out the mules as Gloria sat on her horse and watched me.

"These mules are different than horses aren't they." she said.

"Oh yes,' I said as I waited for the mules to recognize me. "They have a whole different outlook on things. But most of them know me and they are all pretty gentle if you don't confront them." I was just checking them for general health and to make a head count so as they meandered around me I watched how they moved and saw that they all had filled their bellies with good grass and were a little sluggish. I waved to the girls and they moved in the next ten.

The girls had tried to get the mules to canter around in a circle so I could check for lameness, but the mules were not having any of it and merely singled footed away or came closer to me, who had fed them every day since they had joined the caravan in Bakersfield.

The mules watched me carefully and a few came up to see if I had oats or corn but most of them just allowed themselves to be moved around and appeared more interested in the grass.

We went through all eighty of the mules then the girls brought up our remaining horses. They all looked pretty scrawny but I didn't see any problems. I moved among them slowly as they settled down and watched me.

Barb, my horse from Davis came over and nuzzled me. I gave her half of the biscuit Ms. Desoto had given me and she followed me around trying to mooch the rest of it. I ignored her and checked a few hooves and patted necks looking into their eyes. They were all tired after the long weeks on the trail but were all alert and rested.

I waved away the rest of the horses holding Barb by the forelock and the girls just let them wander off. Gloria called out to a couple of Yellow shirts, "Take Willy and Jane and run the mules off the beach. We'll have mule shit all over if they get down to the beach again. Then you take a swim and come back and I'll send the rest down."

"Gloria Have you got a rope?" I asked.

She dismounted and walked slowly with her lariat in her hand and handed it to me. She moved smoothly so as not to spook Barb who was tugging at my hand and nickered.

"She is really pretty, I saw her this morning about dawn. I had ridden down to check the river side when I saw her laying down but her head was up and there was just enough light to see her face well. She watched me ride past She watched me so alert but relaxed. She's Arab isn't she?"

I put the rope around her neck and folded a loop over into a hackamore and said "Yes, My mom gave her to me when I graduated the Academy. She said I'd need a good horse. She wasn't wrong. Barb is a little skinny now but she is tough as boot leather and can run with the wind, Can't you girl?"

I swung up on her back, "I'll go down and find Able and Amelia and let the grey I was riding rest down here ok? I'd rather ride my own horse."

"I don't blame you," Gloria said. "I'm going to go check out the canyon before the shift change. It was good to see you again."

I rode Barb slowly down to the river and found Amelia and Able seated on a log in the shade, the Yellow shirts were flying off as the girls shed their clothes for a cool dip in the shallows of the river.

Amelia saw me ride up and came to look at Barb. "Now there is a horse I might give you money for."

I swung off her and held her head for Amelia to admire.

I said, "I'm going to saddle Barb and let ol' Dobbin get some rest. He doesn't have 20 clicks in him," looking at Able.

"Don't blame me he was the last horse left. Mercer and Ginny rode out just before us on the two best ones." Able said.

"Well Barb is rested up and she won't mind a good ride today." I said and started to unsaddle Dobbin. Able and Amelia went back to the log and ignored me completely.

I got the saddle off him, pulled off the halter and waved him away, but he just stood there in the shade, put his head down and dozed off.

I shook my head at him and took the bridal over to Amelia. "Can you take this down and wash off the bit. Barb likes a clean bit. And I don't want to spook your fillies while they're naked."

"Sure, Amelia said and walked down to the stream with the halter. Able slapped me on the back and asked, "Well what you think of her?"

I watched Amelia walk down to the river, thinking that Able was in love. "She is real nice. I like the way she handled the girls."

Able looked over his shoulder at her and turned to me. "Josh let us have some room later, OK?"

I patted him on the shoulder and said. "I'll keep out of your way after we see the pastures. I have to get the oats in the ground or we'll have a lot of hungry mules."

Able smiled and looked back at Amelia who was talking to one of the older girls who had come over to talk to her at the river. The girl was naked and I guess didn't realize that she had gone out beyond where the bushes shielded her from our gaze. Amelia stood up shaking her head and the girl turned, looked at us and saw we were looking. The she turned smiling and gave us a look at her just budding breasts and hairless pussy, and then she waved at us, laughed and ran back behind the bushes.

Amelia came back up and handed me the bridle, "You fellows are a distraction even to our girls. They wanted me to talk you two into a swim with them, but I said no. We need to get on the trail if we are going to see the farthest fields."

I took the bridle and put it on Barb who perked up and so I swung up on her and waited until Amelia and Able mounted up. Amelia led the way and we followed her along the river until we got out of the trees and then we could ride side by side.

Barb had no trouble keeping up with them but I pulled her up some and rode drag to look at the country. We passed several smaller pastures where one or two shepardesses were watching flocks of goats. The goats were in the brush and dogs came out barking as we rode past.

After a half hour or so Amelia led us up over a ridge and we saw the pasture she had been talking about. It was about 40-50 hectares and was watered by a small stream that ran down one side of the field where four or five women were working loading rocks onto stone boat pulled by two heavy horses. We rode down to them and they stopped work when we rode up.

Amelia got down and started introductions. Able and I dismounted and shook hands all around. These women were all mid twenties or so and wore straw hats with large brims, unlike Amelia's cloth cap. They were all dressed in twill cargo pants and grey twill shirts. Some of the women had been working with their shirts unbuttoned and I noticed that they wore brassieres as they buttoned up their shirts and wiped the sweat off their faces with kerchiefs.

Amelia told us that they had started work on this pasture a couple of years ago but it was just now that they had decided to build a cabin for the girls who would be stationed out here to keep the deer and elk out of the oats when they started to grow.

They were just going to load one more stone on the boat and have lunch, so Able took off his field coat and shirt and helped them maneuver a large stone on to the boat and one of the women drove the team who were straining with the heavy load slowly down to the mouth of the stream and they dumped the stone at the mouth of the creek.

We saw how they had diverted the creek causing it to flood out into the field to deposit its silt in the field rather than dumping it in the river. The creek ran under the rocks now but Amelia assured me that when the rains came in winter and early spring the creek would flood and deposit its silt on the field.

We rode up to the head of the field and found three more women working on a sandstone cabin. They had gotten the walls up to about a meter and a half and were sliding stone up a wooden ramp to place on the wall as a woman mixed concrete for mortar in a shallow tub.

We got down and made our introductions. These women were older than the field crew but not much. They said that they would have the cabin ready for a roof in the next couple of days then they would bring in timber for the roof structure and it should be completed before the oats were coming up.

They invited us to lunch with them, "Doris knocked over three rabbits this morning and we made a stew, we've got enough for everyone." The field crew came up and started dishing up the stew. But the cabin crew just kept working as we ate the stew and biscuits they had baked in a Dutch oven.

Amelia and Able took our bowls down to the stream to rinse them out so that the cabin builders could eat and I sat and talked to the women getting field measurements and making calculations in my head.

Able and Amelia came back and handed out the plates and I walked out and paced off the field. A woman, one of the field crew went with me and we talked about crops and grass, but she was eyeing me and smiling all the time. June was her name and she had been Bahia two years ago, she said. "I just missed being picked this year," she said shaking her head.

"Well you are still Bahia aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's different now that you all are here." She said. "I was inseminated, but it didn't take, and I guess I'm still sorry."

"Are you on Ginny schedule?" I asked.

"Oh yes everybody is, even some of the old grannies." She said laughing.

"Well when your time is right come see me and I'll try to put twins in you." I said.

"Twins?" she asked.

"Yes, I've had three sets of twins, all girls." I said and she brightened up quit a bit.

"Oh Josh do you think..." she trailed off looking at me.

"Well we can try but the odds are good. Or perhaps you'll have a boy."

That got her going and she was quiet as we made our way back to the campfire where Amelia and Able were just saying good bye. I said good bye to the women and joined Able and Amelia who were saddling up. I mounted Barb and waved at June, "Come see me when you're ready." June just smiled and waved.

Amelia took us down river a ways and pointed out another potential field then she said, "It's hot maybe we should have a swim to cool down before we go back to town?"

Able looked at me and I said, "Why don't you two take a dip, I want to look around some more." Able smiled at me and said, "Ok but don't get yourself lost." I knew he really didn't mean it.

I kicked Barb into a canter and rode down river a way. They rode to the river got lost in the trees along its banks.

I crossed the river letting the barb pick her way among the rocks. I saw a few areas where I thought we should plant some alfalfa to draw the deer away from the oats and circled back up river until I saw Amelia and Able. They were just getting undressed when I got in a position where Barb would be hidden from them, I dismounted and tied her to a bush and found a spot where I could watch in the shade of the bushes. Then I took out the Leica's and found out how good they were.

I could see Amelia as she took off her shirt, she still had her hair up and she laughed at Able, or with him I couldn't tell. Well Amelia left her bra and panties on and waded out into the shallows while Able finished undressing. He kept on his shorts and went to the stream and joined her.

Now the glasses were a little dirty but I wasn't going to wipe them, not even with the Angora wrapping they came in. No I needed a brush, or a feather.

Able tried to kiss Amelia but she ducked out from under his arms and ran through the shallows and turned laughing. He chased after her and Amelia dodged him every time he got close. Finally he grabbed her wrist and she just stopped and looked at him. He tried to pull her closer and she just flipped him over into the shallow water and ran laughing away. Able got up and shook himself off, said something, ran after her again and ended up sprawled on the sand bar again. He came up all covered in sand. He chased her again every time he had a hand on her she would flip him into the river. Finally he gave up and waded deeper in to the stream and took his shorts off to rinse out the sand and wash off his balls.

She watched and they talked a while as Able waded out of the river. He didn't get too close to her but hung his wet shorts on a branch. Amelia looked all around very carefully and then reached up and opened her bra. She had a lovely rack. Able sat on a tree log and watched her as she hung the bra and then her panties on the bushes and joined Able on the log. She stroked his hair and kissed him sweetly then sat back and let the sun dry her.

I watched long enough to understand what Able meant about her being down right attractive. Her face was nice but not beautiful, but her body was beautiful. She was strong I could see the muscles working under her skin as she had run Able around but with her being naked now I was able to see what Able had said, she wasn't too hairy, her legs had some hair on the lower part and her muff was sparse and trimmed.

Able leaned over and kissed her and she let him, but she only let him caress her breast for a little while before she reached down and took his penis in her hand.
