Stanley Steamer Ch. 15: Tanya & Imani


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The Rotarutan men and woman were tall, dark, and handsome, like their neighbors of Tonga and Samoa. These three were obviously well-muscled and fit, as were my athletic grandma and her sister, both quite pregnant now.

"I am Tahne'e, and here are my wife-sister Hiriwa'a and our lawyer-kahuna Kauri," the taller man said. "I am most happy to meet the sons of the mothers."

"Welcome to our humble abode, oh Prince and Princess, and you, counselor," Stan said. "Welcome back, Mom and Auntie. Going to greet me, Mom?"

Ursula slapped him. "You son of a bitch!" She knelt, pulled her son's cock from his shorts, and sucked him in deep.

My grandma Teresa slapped my father. "You're pretty bad too." She dropped to her knees and fellated her son.

"That looks like fun, piggy," Hiriwa'a said. She slapped her brother, grunted "oink!" and knelt to blow him.

I looked at Kauri. "Sorry, I don't know you, and we're not related," I said.

He shrugged. "That's okay. I must remain pure until the rites."

We watched mothers and sons, sister and brother, having oral sex. I had a sense of how the weekend would go.

Teresa and Hiriwa'a licked and sucked their targets. Ursula finally pulled her son's cock out from deep within her throat. She had great breath control.

"Larry tastes good, too," she said. "Come here, nephew. All of you, move."

My dad Larry shuffled over to his aunt and stuck his cock in her mouth. Stan moved to smiling Hiriwa'a, and Teresa slurped the long, dark dick of Tahne'e. Grandma did a good job on the crown prince -- not their first, it looked like.

Ursula pulled my dad's dick from her mouth. "And now I want my fiancé to cum down my throat. Bring that big beautiful cock over here, boy." He moved to her and vigorously head-fucked his bride-to be. His sister pumped my dad Larry's cock like a pro and my grandma Teresa did a good number on Stan. The men grunted and ejaculated in succession like a string of geysers.

All were standing and cleaned-up when the uniformed man returned the emptied handcart to the quiet chopper.

"The copter crew will be idle during the rites," Kauri said, "and then I MUST return to the consulate. I'll miss so much here! Alas, important work must be accomplished." He waved at the helicopter. "And this bird costs us whether it flies or sits. Our nation did not become wealthy by wasting money."

"Always pinching pennies, eh Kauri?" the prince said. "I like that in a minion."

Kauri gestured toward the house. "Let us proceed with the rites, highness."

"Yes indeed, piggy," the dark princess said. "Time is wasting."

I followed the hand-holding couples and the lawyer-kahuna (what a job title!) on the track back to the house. The greatroom and kitchen area were filled with clothed people. Kauri opened his briefcase on the long table.

"Before all else, we have legal matters," he said. "Many will marry today. All weddings will be legal in Rotaruta, and many also here and in other jurisdictions. But I need signatures, please. Let us start with..."

Couples and a trio stepped up to sign. Seven of us, me included, stepped up to sign. My mom Sharli hugged me and cried.

"Oh, this is so special," my mom said, pressing her boobs into mine.

Dad hugged me too. "Our little girl..." he said. He squeezed my butt.

Yes, I knew how the weekend would proceed.

Kauri closed his briefcase and stood.

"Enough of legal formalities," he said, doffing his suit jacket. "Let us proceed to the ritual site. We are all born naked to this universe and its past; we will face the universe and its future naked to its gaze. Please remove all clothing. Oh my princess, please help prepare our attendees." He passed her tubes of... colored greasepaint?

Some went to rooms down the hallway and emerged naked. Many stripped in the greatroom. I think I was past the stage of shyness -- I shucked off my clothes in front of everyone.

"This way," very pregnant Pam said. She led us down the hall, into the new foyer, and out a side door to a ten-meter-dome enclosed oval swimming pool. Half the dome panels were retracted; the pool was open to the sky.

Soft chairs, stools, and lounges were scattered on the pool's margin. Princess Hiriwa'a, naked but for a shell necklace, passed out similar necklaces and wristlets and marked all naked bodies and faces with colored lines and signs.

Yvonne, the professors' nanny, supervised babies in a large crib near the foyer door. This was a family event.


A gong sounded.

Kahuna Kauri's naked, muscular body was covered with geometric tattoos. He spoke from the end of the diving board.

"People of the universe, we gather to join in love and energy. We..." and yada yada. A not-too-long invocation in English. A not-too-short invocation in their Polynesian language. And then, " we must refresh ourselves in the water of life. Come, all!"

He dove cleanly, with hardly a splash. All of us immersed, some more noisily and clumsily than others. We emerged, dripping.

Kauri stood on the diving board again.

"By our laws, Crown Prince Tahne'e is the second within Rotaruta and the first outside. Highness, please bring your woman."

Princess Hiriwa'a stage-whispered, "We shall see just whose woman she is," and licked her lips. Enough of the crowd understood, and chuckled.

Tall, dark, and handsome Tahne'e and fit but rather pregnant Ursula stepped onto the diving board. Kauri chanted something in Polynesian, spoke English words like, "...weave the webs of your lives tightly...", and bowed before them. He licked the prince's cock and Ursula's cunt and shoved them into the pool.

Tahne'e was very strong. He carried his new senior wife up the pool steps in his bare arms.

And that was the first we4ding of the day.

Kauri announced, "By our laws, this site is now a sovereign territory within Rotaruta. All our new princess's descendents are Rotarutan citizens. All the rest here are official residents. Welcome to Rotaruta! Let us continue the rites. The next royal wedding, please."

Cahuilla princess Martina 'Tina' Cerna and her lover Frieda Lagarda, both scions of power on the reservation, and both somewhat pregnant, emerged from a small group of naked Indians. They stood on the diving board. Kauri chanted his words, licked their pussies, and shoved them in. Tina was the stronger -- she carried Frieda up the pool steps.

Tina had told me the Cahuilla word for sub-princess but I forgot it. Frieda was almost royalty now.

The Korean botany professors, Newton Moon and slightly pregnant Barbara Kim, were officiated, tongued, and shoved. Newt was the stronger but Babs was still a load.

The Rancho's resident welder Anathea and her fuck-cousin Lazlo Feher were next. Welding is tough work; Anny was the stronger. She carried Lazy over her shoulder.

Stan Ovshinsky and Carole LeMay, the parents of my best friends, stepped onto the diving board. Kauri chanted and waved, licked them, shoved them, and chanted again. Hey! My best friends were no longer little bastards!

Strong Stan easily carried his first love up the pool steps. Then he joined Pam and Jeri to solemnize their unity. Kauri chanted, licked, and shoved. Pam and Jeri hauled Stan from the pool. Dripping, he stepped to me and the musicians.

Seven weddings today! Three weddings in a row for Stanley Kamehameha Ovshinsky! He would be kept busy busy busy.

We of K-Y Jam were too many for the diving board. We stood poolside in an arc. Nikki, Tanya, Megan, Stan, me, Talia, and Kaylee. Kauri gazed at us all.

"This is very special," he said. "Your hearts and souls are already as one. Your lives are woven in a bright tapestry. You..." and yada yada, but it was nice.

Kaylee and Nikki stepped forward to face we five. Their voices chorused, "We have found magic with you. We love you. We ARE you. We are one."

Nikki added, "Stan?"

Stan sang a baritone line -- one of my verses! Nikki and Kaylee's voices took my words to the heart of the sun, to the center of infinity, and over the edge of reality. Desert birds circled overhead. All around the pool hugged and cried.

The song ended. The only sounds were wind, birds, and weeping. Tearful Kauri knelt before Nikki. "Oh, Goddess," he moaned. He held her butt and reverently licked her pussy. "Please, oh Goddess, honor the water." She stepped off the edge.

Kauri knelt before Tanya, worshiped her, and bade her to swim. Then Megan, and Stan, who was deep throated again and then judo-tossed into the pool. That drew a good laugh.

He was on his knees before me. "Oh Goddess, your words are magic and power and more." He held my butt tight. He licked my pussy deep. When I entered the water, I felt my life begin anew. This was being "born again."

I surfaced to see Kauri worship Talia, and Kaylee with great reverence, and then we seven were all in the pool of life, sharing water and breaths, hugging together, all one. So Kaylee, Nikki, and I were goddesses? Holy fuck!

Kauri stood on the diving board again. "In our tradition, now is the time when all may kiss the brides and grooms."

Tahne'e said, "Our custom is structured. All may kiss the bride if she allows, starting with the Kahuna, the husband, and the next senior. Ursula, my princess, please ready yourself to be kissed."

Ursula, future queen of Rotaruta, lay back on a high, soft lounge and spread her legs. Kauri knelt before his princess and slowly kissed her pussy. Tahne'e followed, long and lovingly. And then Stan licked his mother's cunt. Teresa licked her sister. Hiriwa'a licked her new sister-wife. Pam licked her mother; Megan, her grandmother. My dad Larry licked his aunt; my mom licked her; I licked her. Newt was a bit reluctant but Babs pushed his face into the royal pussy and then followed him.

Everyone licked Ursula. Some took their time. She groaned a lot, even when a tongue or cock did not block her vocal cords. Tahne'e lounged near her. Many sucked his cock or kissed his mouth.

Kauri had moved off after his ceremonial lick. He made mystic chants and gestures, and then left. We heard engine noise a few minutes later. The helicopter lifted the frugal lawyer-kahuna back to the consulate.

Tina and Frieda lay on lounges. All kissed their pussies, mouths, and breasts. They sucked a very few select cocks.

First Princess Hiriwa'a told newlywed professors Newt and Babs Moon, "This is our tradition." She pushed them onto lounges, blew Newt, slurped Babs, and moved on to... us. We seven had already tasted each other. Now all our family and friends came to worship us. I was thoroughly licked. I sucked every tongue or cock that was offered. Hey, I am a fucking GODDESS! I deserve this.

Dad licked me. Mom kissed and licked me. I sucked Dad's cock. It felt right.

Ellise came to kiss our mouths but that was all. "No, I don't fuck the talent -- well, mostly." She fingered Stan's cock. "But my hottest act, the WORLD's hottest, are now married, legally married in Rotaruta. Maybe I should move."

The rest of the afternoon was a general orgy. Anny the housemother kept snacks and drinks on tables at the foyer doorway and accepted tit-suckers and kneeling cunt-worshipers. She bent for cocks a few times, too.

Talia produced an 'ukulele and strummed. Stan sang a bass pattern. Nikki and Kaylee, my sister-wives, angelically swirled my words with their voices.

Everyone with ears not underwater nor blocked by straining thighs stopped eating, drinking, talking, fucking. Song, wind, birds, distant motors, close gasps, were the sounds. Cosmic energy flowed and filled us all.

Or maybe it was orgone energy. The song ended. Fucking and sucking resumed more energetically. Our music really moves people! Holy fuck!

Stan led a few of us away from the orgy and into the smaller dunking tank outside the dome. Me and my parents, Larry and Sharli, and my aunt Jeri. The twins, Talia and Tanya, and their parents, Stan and Carole. The singers, Kaylee and Nikki. Pam and her Megan, my other sister-wife. A dirty dozen, but dirty no more -- the closest of family.

"Ursula and Teresa should be here, too," Stan said, "but they're busy."

Yes, they were busy. Both pregnant; both on their backs, taking cocks in their mouths and pussies. The sisters loved being double-dicked over and over. Hiriwa'a crouched beside them for her own spit-roastings. Stan and Larry had taken their turns. Lazlo, Newt and two faculty pals, Tahne'e, and two Cahuilla men, seemed inexhaustible.

"We have an evolving tradition," very pregnant Pam said. She faced Megan. "Hello, my daughter," she said, and kissed Megan's breasts. "Hello, my mother," Megan said, and sucked her bulging maternal mammaries. Pam held Megan's mouth to hers and kissed as lovers, strong and real.

I got the hint." "Hello, my mother," I said to Sharli, and slurped her boobs as I had as an infant. "Hello, my daughter," she said, and firmly kissed my breasts and mouth. "Hello, my father," I said to Larry. I cheated. I held his cock while I sucked his nipples. He fingered my labia while kissing my tits and tongue.

We greeted our family -- overlapping families, really. Families for all the children soon to arrive or even visit. Would the extension and dorm be room enough? Anny said a second floor was planned. What kind of paradise is this?


Nobody left after the weddings. Dinner was a vast buffet. After dinner were drinks, pot, and singing.

Tanya put my notebook on a table and held a guitar. Kaylee and Nikki stood by her, reading over her shoulder. Tanya turned a page and played some notes, a melody sketch I heard her play last year. The singers sang. Time stopped.

The song ended. Stan took a mandola from the wall.

"This is how we started," he said. He played the continuo part of something baroque. The singers sang. Time collapsed.

Megan piped the bare bones of a frantic waltz melody on her melodica. The singers sang. Time imploded.

I have asked others what words could describe physical reactions the music drives. Over and over I heard: explosions -- implosions -- flashes -- lightning -- rainbows - limpness -- hypersensitivity -- visions -- empathy -- love -- and always, extreme lust.

Our agent Ellise curled in a foetal ball at our feet and cried. The Cahuilla servents prayed around their clutching princesses. Weeping friends and strangers held and kissed each other. Then Talia played some guitar notes, the singers sang, and insane love swept over everyone.

People slipped off to rooms or corners or pool lounges to suck and fuck.

Mariana had warned me that any cum in my pussy must be only from Stan or never from Stan unless I wanted pregnancy. Something vague about super-sperm. I did not want any cock but Stan's there anyway. I did not mind sucking and fisting others, but my womb was Stan's. I swore that. I meant it.

===== [Palm Sunday]

The previous overnight arrangements startled me. Last night was pleasantly chaotic. Arrangements? What arrangements? The pool dome panels were shut so any could sleep naked on pads or lounges there, or on greatroom furniture, or anywhere. Air temperature was comfortable. Blankets were available.

People wandered between rooms and beddings, inside and out.

I spent part of the night in bed with Mom and Dad in all doable three-way geometries with a very pregnant woman (Mom) except his cock in my cunt. This is what I had been afraid of when I left Palm Springs for Kansas -- that my parents would be too sexy and I would not control myself. Was I right? Even with her about to present me with a baby brother?

And grandma Teresa would soon give me a baby aunt. I was still in head-spinning mode. So much incest -- why did it not feel wrong?

I spent part of the night with the twins and the singers, my sister-wives. I spent part of the night with Jeri and Pam and Megan. Ursula slid in and the bed was crowded so I left and snuck in with Tina and Frieda. I spent part of the night with Stan and Carole and... Babs? Stan came in all of us.

I was in bed awhile with Tahne'e, Hiriwa'a, Anny, and pregnant grandma Teresa. They were kind to me. And I spent awhile 69'ing with Lazlo on the greatroom's loveseat. He was a bit drained by then so that took time. My clit did not mind his extended attention. He was good. And his cock was not bad.

I doubt anyone actually slept much overnight. But we all seemed pretty refreshed in the morning. Was that part of the music's magic?


Waking up late felt refreshing. So did the spiked hot and cold drinks clever housemother Anathea served with the huge Palm Sunday brunch.

"Pam and Carole may be the senior wives," Anny said, "but I cook better so it's my show. We don't do Lent here but you are not forced to eat anything you don't want, even burritos, ha ha!" (Her laugh was ominous.) "Enjoy, suckers."

Lazlo pressed buttons to open the domed roof sections, exposing the pool to sun and wind. The pool and its margin filled with naked people after brunch.

I counted around thirty adults. (Babies were extra.) They -- we -- broke into small, ever-shifting communities: affinity groups, discussion circles, kissing clusters, business confabs, gossip fests, et cetera. And sex.

The singers, my sister-wives, stayed quiet, so few orgies ensued. Onlt a few? Well, maybe guys stretched back on lounges or whatever, and maybe gals ambled by and fellated them and/or wetly sat on their faces. And maybe I tried spit-roasting -- me on hands and knees, Stan's cock firmly planted in my pussy, and every male on the premises giving me a dick to suck. And maybe five or seven or nine women got into pussy-licking circles once or twice.

This afternoon was pretty calm compared to yesterday and last night.

The sun threatened to dip behind the rugged peaks west of the Rancho when the party started to dissolve. The Crown Prince, his two on-hand princesses, and my grandma Teresa, were dressed and ready by the house when the helicopter landed behind the barns.

"Official deeds in the morning, alas," Tahne'e said.

"You mean, extorting bribes before you'll grant KalAmCon a mining license on Ponai'i Atoll, piggy" Hiriwa'a said. He ignored her.

"Stanley, my dear royal cousin and son-in-law, I shall have Father make you a duke, or even an archduke if your mother loosens up. Yes, Archduke Stanley Kamehameha Ovshinsky, tenth in line of succession to the throne of Rotaruta. That has a nice ring to it. Or is he eleventh?"

"Twelfth," Hiriwa'a said. The Crown Prince slapped his forehead.

"Of course! How could I have forgotten, er, what's his name?"

"You never remember names, piggy. That's why you bring me along."

"No, I bring you because you are my beloved little sister, my esteemed first wife, the leading lady of the kingdom, and for that special trick you do with your vaginal muscles."

"You've got to be fair," Stan said. "If I'm a duke, Pam is a duchess. She IS your royal cousin and daughter-in-law, after all."

"He's right, piggy," Hiriwa'a said. "And don't try for bribes from family. Especially not from Stanley. His clients are bigger than your clients."

"Okay, okay, duke and duchess. I'll have Kauri start the papers tomorrow."

"Archduke, piggy. And archduchess. Ursula will be loose as a goose for you. Trust me." Her smile was not kind.

Stan asked, "Are you still atoning, Mom?"

She glared at him, bent, unzipped him, sucked him, shoved his cock back inside, and slapped his face. "We'll see about that, you son of a bitch." Then she kissed his mouth.

The uniformed helicopter crewman loaded the handcart with the royal party's bags. Everyone nearby and willing gave hugs and kisses, shirts on, to Tahne'e, Ursula, Hiriwa'a, and Teresa. Especially Hiriwa'a -- she is a babe.

They walked to the helipad. The Cahuilla royal party left next.

"We're planning another expedition soon. Will Waltzing Matilda..." (Stan's spindly steam-powered pickup on vastly oversized bicycle wheels) " available for a couple weeks? Will YOU be available?"