Stone Cold Steele


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Pouting, Io shook his head. "No, no. It is called lovemaking. You will make love to me, not...F-U-C-K me," he demanded, his button nose turned up in disdain of the vulgar word.

Sneering, Steele pushed Io harder up against the tree. "What's wrong? Can't say the work fuck?" he asked, making Io wince. "Cause if what your saying is true, that's exactly what I'm going to do to you. I'm going to fuck you. Fuck you in your mouth, your ass-"

Io slammed his mouth over Steele's to quiet the flow of his torrid promises. His lips were soft and yielding against Steele's cold ones, his hands gently kneading Steele's tense shoulder muscles. But Steele was too worked up over Io's insistence of romanticizing this untenable situation. He grabbed the back of Io's neck in a savage gesture of dominance, digging his nails into the fragile skin. Wetness seeped around his biting nails but Steele didn't give a damn. Nothing was fun without at least a little blood involved.

Io mewled against Steele's mouth, his hands frantically trying to push Steele away. But Steele just held on tighter, wrapping himself up around Io like his reptilian nature. He sucked at Io's lip until the smaller bunny opened them on a gasp. With the quickness of a striking snake, Steele invaded Io's sweet mouth, his tongue searching out every last bit of that intoxicating taste that was uniquely Io. Their teeth grind against each other's, the friction cutting into the soft flesh of Steele mouth. But he relished the taste, sharing it with Io.

At first, Io's tongue shied away from the metallic taste, his face scrunching up in fear and diastase. But like the bastard Steele was, he forced his tongue around Io's and feed him his taste. Steele wanted Io to bite him, to bite down as hard as he could until Steele would be forced to pull away lest he lose his tongue. He needed Io to push him away and slap him and just run away. He was too weak to defend himself against this little bunny and unicorn hybrid.

Io lapped at Steele's tongue, taking away the blood and then he tentatively poked that slick appendage into Steele's mouth. Curious, Steele momentarily gentled the kiss to see what Io would do. He started when Io began to lick at his wounded mouth, the tiny laps over the swollen flesh soothing Steele like no magic had ever done. It took him off guard long enough for Io to disentangle Steele's hands from his nape and guide them down to his hips.

Io took control of the kiss, sucking rhythmically at Steele's lower lips as he brought his palms up flush against Steele's heaving chest. And Steele knew that he was trapped. If Io wouldn't pull away, then nothing on earth could ever pull Steele away from his bunny.

With gentle hands, Steele nudged Io's chin up a fraction so that his mouth fully covered Io's mouth. He kissed him as he should have the first time, gently, softly. He left his sharp incisors scrape teasingly against Io's lower lip, just teasing as he sipping from the bunny's mouth.

Io had to pull away to catch his breath, breathing heavily as he sucked in little spurts of air into his overworked lungs. Steel saw Io's black pupils had blended into the purple ring until his eyes were one large globe of hungry black. With one hand, Steele turned Io's face away from him and dropped his gaze to the drops of blood seeping from the wounds Steele had inflicted. Feeling remorse for the first time in his life he bent his head and slithered his tongue out. As soon as the warm, slightly sweet drops touched on his thin tongue, Stele hissed in greed. He wanted more, so much more. He swirled his tongue around the small pinpricks, careful to keep the venom dripping from his fangs from touching the open wounds.

"Bite me," Io breathed out, his slim hand pressing against the back of Steele's neck. "Complete our bond, Darcy."

No! Steele wanted to shout out. He would inject his venom into Io and possibly hurt him. It wasn't a concern among snake shifters and since they rarely deviated from among their own species, mating with other species had never been a problem. Only a few like Steele actually had venomous fangs and none he knew who had mated to anything other than a snake shifter. But Steele was helpless against Io's command, a slave to the bunny's whims.

His fangs sung into the juncture of Io's neck in mere seconds, the venom dripping into the open wound pooling in a wet mess around the spot. But Steele didn't give a damn, couldn't as he felt Io's hot blood gush into his mouth. It choked him a bit but he swallowed it down greedily. Io's body sagged against Steele, but his hands kept up the gentle pressure on Steele's neck.

Not even nearing to having his fill, Steele ripped his teeth out of Io's neck and looked down at him to gauge the damage. But Io just smiled up at him weakly and rested his tired held on Steele's shoulder. Steele brought up his own wrist and uncaringly tore open the flesh. Io gasped in protest but Steele quickly brought his wrist to Io's mouth. Without needing to be told, Io took small amounts of Steele's blood, his greater objective to lick the vicious wound close.

As Steele fed Io, he watched as the flesh on Io's neck quickly knit back together until it was pale and smooth again. Untouched. Unmarred. Steele didn't like it. He wanted Io to bear his mark, dammit.

Licking off the last remains of blood on Steele's wrist, Io placed a loving kiss on the healing wound. "Now were fully mated," he said, clearly satisfied.

"My venom didn't do anything to you." Steele guessed it probably had something to do with them being mates, only now coming to accept the mating.

Io tipped his head in assent. "Of course. As your mate, I'm immune to your venom but not your charm," he smiled cheekily.

Despite himself, Steele felt a small grin spread across his lips. He brought his forehead to rest against Io, his tongue slipping out between the corners of his lips to sense more of that gardenia scent.

"You smell like gardenias," Steele murmured. His mouth was only a few inches from Io's and he found he could not resist. Almost in apology for her previous rough behavior, Steele brushed his lips down the slope of Io's neck, licked across that quaint cupid's bow, and laved along Io's kiss swollen lips.

"And you smell...Mmmm...metallic," Io moaned, clutching at Steele's collar.

Steele let his hands free reign and gave them leave to roam at will. They touched at Io's delicate collarbones, his callused finger pads pressing along the butter soft skin there. He followed a thin, blue vein across Io's shoulder and down his flat breastbone. Io's pink nipples puckered into hard points of want. Steele flicked one of them absently, looking at Io's face to gauge his reaction. He whimpered, pleading eyes begging with Steele to give him more.

So he did. Pinching the bud between his thumb and forefinger, Steele pinched it gently then rolled and rubbed it in apology. But there was something that drew his attention even more that Io's tempting nipples. Io's compact and pretty cock bobbed up against his flat stomach, the head slightly purple.

"Please don't tease me," Io begged when he saw Steele's avid attention on his cock. "I ache."

Chuckling, Steele did exactly what Io had told him not to do. He brushed the back of his hand teasingly down Io's length, liking that the younger man had no hair there. The skin was so soft and it gave him such a beautiful view of Io's tight little balls underneath his cock.

"Why is it that I find you irresistible?" It was a rhetorical question but Io answered it nonetheless.

"It's is because I was made for you and you were made for me," Io affirmed. He would have buckled to the ground had Steele not been holding him up.

Steele was just about to end his torture and wrap his hand around Io's cock when he heard a rustle behind him. He quickly unzipped his black jacket and whirled it around Io's slight body. It was just in time too as Blair stepped out from the darkness. It was dangerous for a mercenary to loose awareness, and Steele had no excuse for it. He tried to look cool as he deftly pushed Io behind his back and stared his inferior down.

"Well, well, well" Blair drawled, "What do we have here?"

Steele hardened his voice as he felt Io press his face into Steele's back and clutch as his black shirt with both hands. "You missed one." He heard Io's gasp but didn't react. He had to make it seem like Io was just another bunny shifter, and not the hybrid that they were all looking for.

Blair shook off the criticism and raised a mocking brow. "But you didn't. I thought you said we couldn't have any of the bunnies, figured that rule would apply to you too."

Steele smiled wolfishly for Blair's benefit. "I couldn't resist. Like you said, they're just so tasty." Io made a disgruntled sound behind him but thankfully it was muffled by his shirt.

"Looks like the bunny wants to say something," Blair smirked. "Let him come out and play, boss."

Steele reached a hand behind him to hold Io there but the little bunny slipped out of his hold and stepped beside Steele glaring daggers at Blair. Though Io was shivering in fear, Steele had to admire the steel he saw in Io's stance.

"I don't like you," Io squeaked out before he disappeared behind Steele's back.

Barking out a laugh, Blair shook his head at Steele. "I'll bet that one tastes spicy, no?"

"You won't have the opportunity to find out," Steele warned. Wanting to get off the subject of Io, Steele tried to turn Blair's attention back to their objective. "Did you find any traces of the hybrid?" Steele relaxed his body in the anticipation of Blair saying he had, that he'd followed the scent here. He'd kill Blair as silently as he could before he took Io and ran.

All business now, Blair straightened up and folded his hands behind his back. "Not a trace. I followed what I thought to be a flower's scent here but it disappeared a few minutes ago. Do you want me to expand the perimeter search?"

Steele nodded, secretly relived. It wasn't the relief of not having to kill Blair; he didn't give a damn about that. All his men were expendable. He'd just rather not disillusion Io sooner than he had to. It seemed he liked seeing the stars in Io's eye, actually feeling like the hero Io mistakenly thought him to be.

Blair turned back to spread Steele's command but looked back over his shoulder nodding at Io. "What about this one? Are you going to put him in with the others?"

The plan was to take the captives back for questioning if they didn't find the unicorn. Io began tugging like mad at Steele's shirt and Steele just knew Io wanted to talk him into freeing the other bunnies. Great.

"No. He stays with me."

"And does he have a name?" Blair asked archly.

"He only responds to me. He doesn't need a name for that."

Blair grinned and nodded at the expected answer. It was unusual of Steele to take an interest in one of their captives but Steele hoped he's made it seem like he was only interested in a little bit of cotton-tail.

As soon as Blair was out of ear shot, Steele turned back to Io and winced when he saw Io's narrowed eyes and tapping foot.

"I hope you acted that way only for that horrible man's benefit. Or you won't be getting any of my cotton-tail," Io snapped.

"You heard that?" Steele had heard that true mates could communicate through their bond but rarely could they read each other's mind.

Io rolled his eyes as if that were obvious. "Of course. Well, it was more like tidbits since we haven't consummated it yet but I'm sure I'll be able to hear every thought you have after we do." Maybe it was just Steele, but Io might have said that last bit with entirely too much relish.

"That sounds terrifying," Steele deadpanned.

Slapping Steele's chest in annoyance, Io said "No, it sounds wonderful. It will only strengthen our bond. And that way you can see into the naked fantasies I've had about you."

"What?" Steel croaked. Then the words other than 'naked' and 'you' registered. "What do you mean you've had fantasies about me? I've only met you a few minutes ago."

Io stilled, looking up at Steel with a guilty expression. " see," he hemmed and hawed "you might have met me tonight but I've know about you for a long time."

Glaring down at him with a stern expression, Steele crossed his arms over his chest and waited to Io to elaborate.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, Io bit his lip again. "It's going to take a long few minutes and lots of after sex glow for me to explain."

Io looked stubborn and Steele really had to stash Io in a safe place so he didn't push it. But he vowed he would get his answered question by Io before they did anything. He knew why he was accepting this mating too quickly; his cock was ruling his weak brain. But Io was smarter than that. There was something off about this whole situation.

"Fine. But you will tell me everything I want to know. Now c'mon, I'll take you too my car and get out of here." Steele was already pulling Io towards where he'd parked his car. He wondered why Blair couldn't smell the scent that had let Steele know Io was the unicorn when he himself could still smell it. That was just one more unanswered question Io was responsible for. He led Io around his men, keeping his senses open so they wouldn't run into any of them.

"You're going to free the other bunnies' right?" Io was a bit breathless from their fast pacing.

Steele had guessed it. "Yes." His answer was clipped but it made Io smile none the less.

"Oh, goody! I know it's more trouble for you but just so you know I've been practicing with cucumbers and stuff in anticipation of you," Io stated proudly.

Tired of being taken by surprise every time Io opened his mouth, Steele just nodded. So instead of having to just hunt a hybrid down, he was now mated to said bunny, delegated the job of rescuer to a bunch of other bunnies, and had to survive Io's every suggestive comment with his cock intact. The last part looked to be the most difficult to get through.

For now, he'd take it step by step. He'd put Io in his car, lock it of course. Io wasn't a baby and who knew what trouble the bunny could get up to. Then he'd go get his men, pretend to search for a bunny hybrid he knew well enough was back in his car, then gather up his men and the bunnies and direct them back to the facility while he took Io to a secure house. Then he'd figure out how to save the bunnies and escape with Io.

"I also don't have a gag reflex," Io piped up just as they reached Steele's sleek black car.

God help him.

To be continued...? (up to you!)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is hilarious and sexy at the same time! Would definitely love to see more of this story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Part two

Pls continue. This story is my number one, Pls continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love it!

Oh my God, that last bit....still laughing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Please continue this story. Thought it was wonderful

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Hiya there. Asking for the update of this very awesome story. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Please continue.

ObsessedReaderObsessedReaderabout 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
oh wow!

an amazing, little, humorous and sexy story...a little gem

please continue.

"one hell of a story", I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Pls update!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Please update!!!

Please update

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