Stones of Incienda Ch. 01 Pt. 07


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Mariko's eyes opened wide and she nodded.

"Yes. When we were searching for the library, I started hearing voices in my head before focusing on the loudest. It was a couple of camels and I could understand them. It was driving me nuts because I couldn't get them to stop."

"Aw, I see. The creator of the Aquamarine, Anya, was said to have the ability to speak to animals and understand them."

Those words reminded Mariko of that vision of that one woman talking with a dragon. Was that the creator? It actually would make sense, if the fragments held powers that the creators had. She began to wonder if the other girls experienced something similar as she and Noirin had. Soon, Noirin opened her eyes and saw the two of them.

"Why am I on the floor?" she asked weakly.

"You fainted after reading the scroll," Ankor explained.

"But that's impossible. I don't know the old language, even though I've been meaning to learn it." Noirin mentioned as she tried to sit up.

Mariko and Andun help her get into a sitting position, but the Sasuren still felt too out of it to stand up.

"Andun believes it was the Amethyst fragment that gave you that ability." Mariko explained.

"Really? What did I say?"

"Here, let me read it this time since I can read Old Language." Andun said before retrieving the scroll.

However when he looked at the text, he was rendered speechless for a few minutes.

"What's wrong Lord Andun?" asked Mariko.

Instead of telling them, the elderly man took the scroll by hand and showed it to them. The scroll looked brand new and the words were now written in their modern language.

"How?" asked Noirin.

"My best guess, you performed a spell as you spoken those words, Noirin. Do you recall anything?"

"No, and I can't remember,"

She tried to, but it was giving her a headache. Andun could see what she was doing and placed his hand on hers.

"Forcing yourself to remember will not work, Noirin. I am sure you'll find the answers soon enough. For now you two go back to the palace. It's lunchtime anyway. I am sure King Kamir has prepared lunch for you girls."

Noirin nodded before asking, "What about you? You need lunch too."

"I plan on eating soon, but I still need to help out here first. You two go along. Do you think you can stand now, Noirin?"

Noirin nodded and with their help, slowly got up. Taking the scroll with them, the trio exited the Forbidden section. Thanking Andun for his help, the girls left the building and head back for the palace.


Most of the girls ended up eating at the palace for lunch. Only Koralia and Vera ended up eating at different places with Vera and her brothers eating with the Ajna royal family and Koralia and her family eating with the Anahaly royal family. By this time all of the girls had recovered from what ailed them. Even though King Kamir had indeed prepared lunch for the girls, he was still absent, still checking out the city. However the rest of the Mulada royal family was there, including Queen Qadira. The whole morning, the Queen was in the medical ward of the palace visiting the wounded. The ward has actually been expanded due to the large amount of people who were hurt. Also unfortunately another part of the palace was converted into a morgue for those who were killed in the earthquake, which was a substantial number too. Aamir's youngest sisters spent their time entertaining the children of the victims while his other sisters assisted his mother. Looking at the five of them now though, one could tell they were doing their best not to let the circumstances get to them. Lady Ingrid, Eneas, Inari, Gavin, Jiang, and Mao, were also there. The Vinsumi royal siblings were relieved to see Skylar was okay, having been told what happened to her. Belinha's siblings were having lunch with their parents. Lunch was eaten quietly with little to no conversation. Noirin felt this sudden urge to cheer everyone up.

"Everyone, Mariko and I have some good news. We were able to find the next clue."

"Um, what now?" asked Aamir.

"Oh, that's right you weren't here this morning, Aamir. Lady Noirin had a dream last night of someone giving her a clue to help us on the quest. Apparently she and Lady Mariko were able to solve the clue and find another one right?" inquired Eneas.

"Yes, Lord Andun helped us find it though. However, something strange happened when we found the clue." Mariko added.

"What happened?" asked Queen Qadira.

Both girls talked about the instances that caused them to feel weak. Hearing this, Belinha, Eneas, Skylar, Gavin, and Inaya stat up straight, their eyes widening.

"Wait, something similar happened to me also," stated Inaya.

"Me too," both Belinha and Skylar said at the same time.

The three of them explained what they remembered happening to them. Aamir, Eneas, and Gavin picked up where they left off after the girls couldn't remember any more.

"Looks like Andun was right. He said the fragments could be giving us abilities connected to the stones. Now I want to know if something's happened to Koralia and Vera." Noirin stated.

"Well, we'll ask them when we see them. Can you tell us what the new clue says?" requested Eneas.

Noirin nodded and took the scroll out before reading it out loud. When she was finished, she looked at the faces of those present to see if anyone would speak up. Queen Qadira ended up speaking first.

"It looks like you will be traveling into the desert first. There are hidden records that state the Jasper stone was hidden there. As for the Star of Ramure, it just happens to be the largest star in the Muladi sky. I don't know exactly where it is in the sky, but we could have our astronomers help you out there since it can't be spotted here in the capital. As for the rest, I am not quite sure."

"Hmm, that second line, 'where there are those who always roam to and fro', I think I know what it means. Queen Qadira, are there Muladi folk who don't stay in one place for too long?" asked Gavin.

"Why yes, the Nomads. They have been spotted visiting towns on the outskirts of the Esret Desert before going back into it for unknown reasons. Oh, you think it's these people that need to be found for the next clue?"

"I am pretty certain. Now I wish I could go with you guys. If the world were not in danger, I'd definitely go."

"Well, why don't you? Skylar still needs a guardian right?" asked Aamir.

"Me? But I am not strong, not like you and the other princes who are going, Aamir."

"You have a strong mind though Gavin. And that's just as important. Incienda knows that Aamir here isn't the brightest in the bunch." Eneas joked.

"Hey!" Aamir shouted.

"Prince Eneas now's not the time to be teasing my son." Qadira replied sternly, her words causing Eneas to blush.

"Forgive me your majesty. And sorry Aamir, old habits die hard."

"It's okay. Gavin, Eneas is right though, you do have a strong mind. You may not think yourself as physically strong, but you're a great in so many areas. Stop comparing yourself to your older brother. Plus, you did save Skylar already. From the sounds of it, you had to react quickly to save her and showed great courage doing so before it could have easily ended bad for the both of you." Aamir told the Puran prince.

"I was actually going to ask you to be my protector too Gavin," Skylar added.

"Really?" Gavin asked her.

"Mmhmm. I enjoy being in your company and as Aamir said, you did save me."

"Well then, I'd be honored. I just need to tell my parents."

"It's settled then. I'll send servants too the other royal families to let them know of recent events, including my husband and Andun. I know the other two chosen ladies are with their respective rulers too. And Noirin, I'll summon our Head Astronomer here with information regarding the Star of Ramure. Your father is the Head Astronomer of Sasuren right? So I assume you have some knowledge in the area?" Qadira asked Noirin.

"Yes your majesty. Thank you for everything."

"It's my pleasure my dear. Now everyone finish up so we can prepare for your departure."

The rest nodded and continue to eat their lunch. Lady Ingrid looked around the table and once again wondered what the future would hold for these young ones. Already she could sense the changes within her daughter and those connected to her. So far they had been very fortunate, but the woman knew something bad was going to happen and soon. What it was, she did not have a clue.


A/N: There we go! We're going to be heading into the desert next. I am really looking forward to finally getting this quest underway. Remember that if you comment on this part, I'll be sure to mention you in the next one and don't forget to check out my Main profile for updates.

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taco1085taco1085about 6 years ago

wow, great chapter. not very long but still a great read..

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