Succubus Inquisition Ch. 01


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The succubus appeared excited, yet worried. Without any words being spoken Bree knew what she wanted. Meridiana was ordering her to move Yshomatsu to a new unknown location. Events had been set in motion that would have people searching for him, people that knew their current location existed.

Bree could only purr in response as she grinded into him faster, her third tail teased at his balls. The couple looked into each other's eyes with such affection you would think they had been together for years. For the first time since they were stuck in this room together they screamed out at the exact same time, cumming together.

Hot liquid filled her womb to be quickly absorbed into her being. Power flashed before her eyes and her body shook uncontrollably. The monk wrapped her up in his arms, worry and concern written all over his face. Yshomatsu might have fallen back into that never ending need to copulate, yet this time had been different. Consumed as usual by the image of the succubus but for the first time he didn't forget who he was physically with.

But before he could bring voice to his concerns her body stopped shaking.

A fourth tail emerged suddenly to join her previous three.

The four tails weaved through the air with minds of their own. Bree squealed with delight as she regained control of herself. All of a sudden she had complete control of herself, not like the past few times where she could think for a bit before Meridiana once again took over.

This time she could remember everything she had learned from that old book. A quick mumbled spell and she would never again be under the influence of that demon spawn. Long overdue, she would have the man of her dreams all to herself.

"Time to hind you from the mistress and keep you all to myself lover boy."

He looked confused but deep down it felt right, he felt like he belonged with her. He remembered who she was and how he got here but he couldn't comprehend what it all meant. He left out a comforting sigh and leaned back into the cushions to relax and let sleep overtake him.

His mind was still cloudy and it would take a while to sever the hold the succubus had on him. Bree knew she had a lot of work to do, but with her mind clear it could be done. The book was spot on about the Kitsune and their tails. Now with four tails she could feel the power she could command at her fingertips.

It wasn't enough power to take on the succubus but it was noticeable enough that she knew with each tail her power would grow. She had just enough to break free and hide, possible enough to start freeing Yshomatsu's mind. But she wasn't sure. She got up with a pleasant moan as his member slide from her.

"Sleep now my love while I figure things out," she bent down and caressed his face. Unbeknownst to her the months Meridiana had been unleashed upon the world much had changed. A growing darkness was taking ever the world and no one out there knew what was behind it.


Sir Blake dismounted his horse as those around him set up the blockade. Rows upon rows of Tower Shields lined the front with arches behind them. The siege weapons were unloaded from the wagons, being built, aimed at the monastery.

Off to the side a group of six prepared their gear. They were the lucky few chosen to enter the building with Sir Blake. They looked like they've seen enough war to be of use. Blake wasn't impressed, but he'd seen worse, they would service. He took a moment to check his own gear before movement on the horizon caught his attention.

One of the groups that split from the main army had arrived on the other side of the valley. Sir Blake looked up to the hill beside the main blockade. General Titus nodded and a flag-man standing next to him waved his flag in the air.

"It's time," Blake said to the six, standing ready to follow him. In a moment they were walking towards the monastery. Sir Blake was eager to get this show on the road, so many unanswered questions... One of the six men hurried to the knight's side and interrupted his thoughts. Blake remembered him from the war, Plymouth if memory served.

"Once we get in there the six of us will form up around you, I know we aren't expecting a fight but just in case." The war veteran said, little did he know that the knight he was following was expecting a fight. He wanted answers but most of all wanted to know about the raw power the lone monk had possessed.

Before he realized it they were at the giant monastery doors. With so much on his mind the knight wasn't ready to enter, but before the six following him could tell he was hesitating he reached out and knocked.

The door opened at once as if someone was expecting them, either that or someone just happened to be standing right there when he knocked. There stood a man who looked like the stereotypical monk, brown robes, and his face was clean-shaven. The top of his head was bald, the rest remained, yet was kept trimmed. The man stood gazing at the seven men with confusion.

"May I help you my lord," He asked. The knight smiled coyly before pushing past the man and looking around the main corridor. When it was clear no one was waiting to attack he looked back at the monk in disappointment. For no one was within the room besides them.

"As the Horadric Knight left in charge of these lands I demand to speak to the person you look up to." It was clear the six men that came with Sir Blake were panicking; this wasn't how any of them had expected it to go. The monk bowed and expressed for the men to stay put while he got the Order's Elder.

Sir Blake took a moment to look around, even though they were only in the greeting space between doors. The building was indeed ancient but well maintained; the room was made of a type of wood the knight didn't recognize. He was surprised it wasn't decaying for how old it looked.

"One of you should stand outside, leave this door open, if anything happens give the signal to the army," Sir Blake addressed the men, before one of them volunteered and stepped outside. The remaining men wondered how the knight got so cruel over the years. They vaguely remembered him from the war that conquered these lands. He was a good leader back then, everyone looked up to him. Now however he just appeared to shout out orders like he believed he was above everyone else.

Little did they know how much he had been through these past few months, but they would see soon enough. They waited for what seemed like an eternity. Their gear got heavier with each passing moment they were left to their thoughts. Sir Blake paced back and forth, which only added to their anxiety.

"Apologies my lord but I have to ask, are you picking a fight?" Plymouth's unease showed clearly on his face. And he wasn't ready for the reaction he got. The knight's face flashed with anger and Plymouth flinched as he could have sworn it looked like the man was going to hit him.

Just before Sir Blake struck out in anger he stopped himself, "I suppose I wasn't thinking, clearly I let my emotions get the better of me. I have been so focused on making the man responsible for my men's deaths pay for his crimes."

Plymouth looked at him in new light, understanding that not only has the knight changed but he had to deal with the loss of so many. Even the strongest of men change when dealing with so much death.

"I realize now that I've gone about this task all wrong. I came here wanting to cut down everyone for the actions of one man. But I'm not a murderer, I'm here seeking justice. I'm sorry for how I've acted, it wasn't my intension." 'Way to have a break-down,' He spoke quietly to himself. But in truth it was Plymouth's reaction that made him realize what he was doing. Men under his command used to look up to him with the out most respect. Utter terror on Plymouth's face, a look Sir Blake never wanted to see from his own men, his enemies sure, but never his allies.

The inner door opened by an elderly man who had the look of great wisdom upon him. Long whitish grey hair came to rest on his shoulders, an equally long grey beard extended to his chest. It alone still had small signs of black among the grey. Unlike the earlier monk this man seemed to have been expecting them, and he wasted no time in announcing it.

"Gentlemen welcome, now normally I'd invite you in and offer food and drink. However seeing as I looked out my study window and noticed an army at out gates; I have to ask... What is your business here?"

"We seek to bring justice to a man we believe to be from your Order of Monks. A moment ago I would have pulled out my sword and demanded his head. However my men here have brought me back to my senses and I'm giving you a chance to prove innocent in his crimes," Sir Blake responded attempting to calm himself as he spoke.

"I'm glad we can be civil, what crimes are you speaking of, exactly what did this man do, and if you wouldn't mind describing him. I'm not aware of anyone in my Order causing any trouble." Sir Blake gave his speech and described the monk in question. "Ah, yes we have someone here fitting that description, however he hasn't left these walls in almost a year. I can send for him if you'd like."

"Yes I would like..." Blake stated as he gave the old man a cold stare, watching closely as the man walked out of the room. He then turned to his men, "Form up, he's extremely strong, be ready," They formed around him, three kneeled in front with their shields locked together. Sir Blake unsheathed his sword and stood in the middle of them. The last two came up beside him and raised their shields to rest horizontally on top of the shields in front.

The man standing outside started to enter but before he got far the knight turned to stop him, "Stay out there if he attacks wave to the army, then join us."

"Yes sir."

The Elder returned shortly after with a man fitting the description, aside from his facial features. This man looked too young, for a moment Sir Blake wondered if this was just more black magic trickery. Unless he's an excellent actor there could be no doubt, this wasn't the same man. Solely based on how confused he looked, it seemed as if he didn't recognize Sir Blake at all. The Elderly man and this new comer quickly came to a stop once they noticed the men in formation. Most likely expecting the men to attack, they were hesitant to remain in the room.

"You wished to see me," Asked Athan, his voice shaky as he struggled to find his confidence.

Sir Blake sighed and eased back from his stance, "No, apologies but the man I seek looks like you, however you aren't him."

"What you mean Yshomatsu, you saw him? Is he ok, what's happened," Athan demanded to know, his interest peaked. They discussed the past events while everything the armored knight said made himself seem like the victim. None of it fit, the way he described Athan's mentor was as if he was an evil worshiper of the dark arts. Elder Zoticus made a silent gesture for Athan to get going, he'd have to be quick and find Yshomatsu before these men. Athan bowed and turned to leave, even though Sir Blake hadn't finished speaking yet.

"Hey, hold up sir, where do you think you're going in such a hurry," Inquired Sir Blake.

"I have things to do and you clearly don't need me here, Elder Zoticus will take care of you," With that said the Elder bowed and waved him off. Athan hurried back to his room to finish gathering his things. He wasn't pleased with the rumors this knight spread. He needed to discover the truth for himself what happened to his mentor and good friend. Nevertheless if even part of what the armored knight had said was true Yshomatsu may be in some sort of trouble.


"Woo boy, steady there," The wind picked up all of a sudden and startled Titus' horse. It howled past his ears like a screeching banshee. Movement caught his attention at the monastery, one of the men walked outside. Titus turned to his flagman, "Get ready."

The man rose from his seated position upon the ground. Unbeknownst to Titus, Sir Blake was just playing it safe by posting a man outside. A few minutes past before Titus realized it and relaxed a little.

The cold breeze chilled the General to the bones. As much as he loved war he never sought it. If a fight could be prevented it was his duty as General to prevent it. This whole event troubled him, the things Sir Blake had said seemed more like a story or legend of the Gods. Had he witnessed such things, he believed in the Gods of course. However in all the battles he fought over the years, the Gods never joined the fight, so why now in the hands of a monk.

Could it be that one of the Gods had stepped in to tip the tides of war, or something worse perhaps?

"Sir what's that?" One of the men shouted out.

"The man moved, hardly a sign of trouble," Titus responded as the man posted outside the monastery began to move towards the building only to stop after a few feet.

"Not him general, off on the horizon behind our men." Titus squinted in order to see, at first nothing caught his attention. Before he spoke out he saw it, a small fog was forming behind the men.

No, fog wasn't the right word of it, whatever it was, it was pink. The substance grew in mass until the forest behind the men was hidden from view. It remained there for a moment, resembling a big pink cloud.

None of the men noticed it behind them and Titus was beginning to worry.

"We don't have a flag for this, one of you ride down and warm them the very Gods are upon their heels." All of the men cracked up in laughter at the Generals attempt to lighten the moment. A rider nodded and nudged his horse forward.

"Go with him and head to the others if they too have that thing behind them," Titus spoke to another rider who quickly nodded and was off.

A few minutes later the two riders separated and quickened their pace.

"Holy hell, wave the flag... Prepare for battle," Titus commanded. The monk's had to be behind this. The first flag was waved, all those sitting returned to battle formation, siege weapons were lowered and loaded.

Titus looked on feeling helpless as the horseman reached the men. The other rider disappeared from view behind the monastery. Before anyone could react something happened.

The pink mass imploded upon itself and vanished.

"What trickery is this...?" Titus screamed out only to gasp out in sheer terror as the mass once again exploded out at an alarming rate. However instead of the pink cloud this time the mass was a greenish black, blackest at its core. The mass expanded, enveloping the men who panicked running out in all directions.

As the men scattered in all directions the mass' core appeared to be changing form, until a shape or silhouette was clearly visible. The black silhouette continued to grow in density as more of the black mist collected together. Eventually the mass / mist's greenish black was simply a green tint as all the hints of black formed into the silhouette and moved.

The form appeared to stretch out her arms followed by... Wings, wings spread out behind the silhouette. A second later objects fling from the green mist towards each man running away. They looked like long purple tentacles. Either that or ropes, but ropes didn't have a mind of their own. The tentacles reached out and snatched each man and proceeded to pull them back into the mist.

The distant screams filled the valley and could be heard by the main army.

"Sound the attack now," Titus screamed, flags waved and horns sounded before siege weapons fired boulders at the monastery.

"Aim at the mist," Titus screamed out, "The mist, damn it, fire into the mist."

Siege weapons slowly turned and arrows fired volleys into the mist that continued to grow. The mist along with the silhouette woman headed right for the monastery. The front lines prepared to march forward, although no one was truly able to prepare. This unknown event had everyone scared shitless.

Boulders were launched into the mist, however the winged feminine creature continued forward unaffected.


Meanwhile back at the monastery...

"The general has sounded the attack get out of there," The lone man standing outside yelled out. Siege weapons fired, launching giant rock boulders at the building.

"I knew it, your Order must be corrupt," Sir Blake spat out.

"Sir, look out," The man outside screamed as a boulder crashed through the entrance's roof to land in the dirt on the other side, and slide to a halt. The man howled in pain as the debris landed on top of him, sealing off the building's main exit. The men inside were trapped and needed another way out.

Everyone within panicked as the calm setting turned to utter chaos. Elder Zoticus stumbled back and retreated into the building, all the while calling for men to come to his aid.

Another boulder plummeted through the air and crashed into the center of the monastery. Unbeknownst to anyone that boulder landed in Athan's room sending debris everywhere. Athan was buried underneath the ruble alive but unconscious.

By the time Sir Blake recovered he realized three of the men with him were crushed to death. He sighed in sorrow as he picked himself back up. Coughing nearby caught his attention, Sir Blake lifted blocks of wood and threw them to the side.

With a hole dug into the pile of debris Sir Blake noticed two Roman shields and doubled his effort. Soon the shields were lifted and two men climbed out. Plymouth and another shared looks as they coughed from air thick with dust. Sir Blake was pleased to see the two of them alive and gave them a moment to recover.

"We'll have to find another way out," He told them as he placed his hand upon Plymouth's shoulder and tilted his head at the sealed entrance.

Once they caught their breath the two men gathered their shields and unsheathed their swords. Lined up next to each other and proceeded into the monastery with the knight closely behind.

"Be on guard I faintly heard him call for help, they could be waiting for us," Plymouth nodded, there was so much dust it was hard to breath, let alone see anything of note. If they were lucky they'd find a hole in a wall and escape the crumbling building before it was too late.

Their hopes were soon crushed as they heard rumbling ahead.

"Finish them quickly," An older man yelled, clearly it had been the Elder Zoticus.

Monks flew through the air doing somersaults, others rolled on the ground before vanishing back into the dust. They came from all sides, striking blows left and right. Luckily they were unarmed. Flesh against metallic armor, the odds was in the Horadric's favor, if any of them could get a single hit in.

It was a standoff between Horadric shields, armor and sheer number of monks. A loud snapping sound overhead distracted everyone. Sir Blake looked up just in time to react, jumping for cover. Support beams within the ceiling collapsed as the cinder blocks tumbled down around them.

The man standing next to Plymouth was crushed along with a few monks. Sir Blake sprung back to his feet, slashing a distracted monk across his chest. He continued forward using his momentum to cut down two more before lunging ahead to skewer a monk in the gut.

Plymouth had been disoriented as a giant support beam slammed into his raised shield. His head spun and ached before a monk drop kicked him, sending him forcefully into a crumbling wall. The shield upon his arm proved to be his lucky charm, saving his life multiple times. However this was the second time Plymouth was buried alive. A fresh cloud of dust and dirt filled the air.

Once again Sir Blake appeared to be alone. Four monks charged into the room and attacked. The knight swung intending to cut one in half only to have another monk kick the sword from his hand. The monk, who moments before would have been in two pieces upon the floor, round house kicked him in the gut. Sir Blake stumbled back and fell to a knee, grasping at his belly as he attempted to breathe.
