Summer 1971

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A summer job with very unexpected benefits.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/19/2004
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A sequel to Summer 1970 and Fall 1970, as life continues for David. As always your comments are welcomed, and I thank everyone for the positive feedback for the previous stories that inspired me to continue.

1. How it all began

Having just completed my freshman year of college with a record of stunning mediocrity, I was faced with the prospect of working all summer to help come up with money for books I would require for my sophomore year.

There was an ad in the help wanted section of the local rag for an assistant manager position at a pizzeria in Lake George, a resort town located in upstate New York. I made an appointment for an interview even though I didn't think I would really be interested. It would be more than an hour commute each way in a car that was notorious for always letting me down at the worst possible times.

I figured that there was no harm in trying however, and there were plenty of worse ways to spend a gorgeous May day, so with nothing to lose I headed up the Northway for the interview.

A Slice of Italy was a pizzeria located on the main drag of Lake George. The main street of Lake George was a fairly sleepy place for much of the year. There was the occassional event that would liven things up, but for most of the year it was pretty quiet.

Starting around Memorial Day, and continuing through to Labor Day, things changed. For those two months it was like Mardi Gras non-stop. Lake George was THE summer destination for upstate New York and beyond. Hippies, bikers, teenagers, families... you name it. They converged on Lake George in droves.

Girls too. That was the main attraction for thousands of other guys just like me who were young, dumb and full of cum, endlessly trolling the streets in search of love and/or affection. So with that in mind I kept my date with destiny.

A Slice of Italy was owned by an Italian couple that looked and sounded like they were sent from central casting. Dominic had to have been the model for that Super Mario video game character. Dominic was about five foot six and skinny, with a moustache and a very outgoing personality.

His wife Angela was about his height but really solidly built with jet black hair pulled back and sultry green eyes. She was wearing a waitress uniform that seemed designed to minimize what appeared to be sizable assets, but Angela looked like she would be one of those types that would really look great once she got out of the office. They both had rather thick Italian accents, which I was very familiar with having grown up in an Italian neighborhood.

The interview went really well, and I was pleasantly surprised when they showed me the fringe benefit. There was a small furnished apartment upstairs that they let the assistant manager live in. Since the commute was my main concern, I immediately got very, very interested in the job.

I asked a lot of questions and tried to convey not only my need for the job but my lifelong respect and devotion to pizza. When they asked me if I would be able to stay until Labor Day, I assured them that my going to school in the area would allow that, as well as being able to work weekends if they needed in the fall.

I guess this must had been a problem in the past with seasonal help, because after I offered that tidbit Dominic and Angela exchanged glances that I took to be approving. They told me they would let me know by the end of the week.

I left the establishment and walked the streets of Lake George. The pinball arcades, wax museums and other seasonal businesses were just starting to come out of hibernation. The more I looked, the more excited I got about the prospect of spending the summer up there. If a guy couldn't get laid up here, I figured there was no hope.

2. Success

The next day I got a call from Dominic. They had called my references which were excellent, and they had both thought I was a great fit for the job. Hired! I was thrilled, and when I told my folks about it they were elated as well. Looking back, they were probably happier than I was, for this was a chance to finally get me out of the way after nineteen years and allow them to spend the summer humping and partying themselves.

I was to start the week before Memorial Day. I packed my stuff, told the folks I would call when I could and come down and visit if time permitted. They assured me they would survive without me, so off I went.

I settled into the little apartment, which was no great shakes but was clean, had a comfortable bed and a TV. What more could I ask for? A job, and a place to take all the girls I would be busy seducing.

A Slice of Italy was primarily a place that sold slices of pizza and cans of soda. You ordered stuff at the counter, paid the cashier and ate at the tables in back or took it out the door with you. We sold other things like calzones and subs, but for the most part it was slices, slices and more slices.

Dominic taught me how to make pizzas in A Slice of Italy style, and I impressed him on how quick I learned. I had made pizzas at home all my life, so this was just on a grander scale. I realized from day one that making them was a lot easier that not eating them. I had worked hard to shed my baby fat and had no intention to get it back.

Dominic and I made the pizzas and waited on the customers while Angela was at the register. There were a few kids that filled in by working nights and weekends, and provided my chance to play the boss. That was it. Open from 11 in the morning until whenever the last drunk was off the sidewalk. Closed Tuesday thank God!

I soon realized what the title assistant manager meant. For those who have never been there and done that, it means you work very long hours and don't get many days off. It was not unusual to come in at ten in the morning and get off at midnight, althought Dominic assured me that we would stay even later on weekends when summer came. I guess that was the reason for the apartment upstairs, because it was all I could do in the beginning just to trudge up the stairs and fall into bed at night.

The pay had sounded great in the beginning, but when you figured out how many hours you put in, it was no great shakes. Still and all, Dominic and Angela were fun to work both for and with, and they did slip me extra money from time to time. It wasn't uncommon for Angela to slip me a twenty in the morning and Dominic to do the same at night. I didn't know if one knew what the other was doing, but frankly I didn't care, because I needed the money and was busting my balls for it too.

3. Speaking of my balls

One of my main reasons for wanting the job was the chance to check out the females that paraded around town. If you're going to San Fransisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. If you're going to Lake George, wear as little as possible.

There was a never ending display of scantily clad ladies barely dressed in the fashions of the time. Bell bottom jeans, tube tops, tank tops and nary a bra to be found. Breasts swaying and girls laughing without a care in the world as they waltzed by all day non stop.

Then there was me, stuck back on the wrong side of the window flipping pizzas all day with an erection that rose with the sun and never seemed to set. I would lose layers of skin every time I would go to the bathroom and try to pry my underwear away from my ever oozing member.

I discovered right away that for some reason, girls were not all that willing to jump over the counter and let me slip them the high hard one. They liked to tease, and enjoyed flirting and all, but apparently were not keen on the idea of waiting until after midnight to party with the guy with burns on his forearms who also reeked of pepperoni. Besides, I was alone and they were always in groups it seemed, which compounded the problem.

There were moments... I got a blow job one night from a chubby red head who was only slightly more drunk then I was. She waited around for me to get out of work and we went down to the lakefront park where we drank a six pack and I used all my charms to manage to get the fourth pair of lips in history wrapped around my cock. Moments, but not enough of them to suit me.

Dominic, I had discovered during quiet moments, was a horny and hilarious guy who would regale me with tales of his many conquests before he had gotten married. With his sing-songy voice and his raunchy sense of humor, he kept me in stitches all day.

Out of earshot of Angela, of course. Angela was a very quiet woman who would occasionally shoot us dirty looks when we got going a little out of control. I would catch her laughing afterwards from time to time before she would turn away, and her dazzlingly white teeth and sexy smile were really something. I always wished she would wear something besides those boring uniforms, because I thought she probably had one hell of a body on her, but no such luck.

Angela had smooth olive skin and wavy black hair that I so badly wanted to pull out of that band and let cascade over her shoulders. After a few weeks I knew I had a crush on her. Even though she was twice my age, I found her incredibly erotic looking.A couple of times I know she caught me looking at her but she said nothing. I know she looked at me sometimes too, but mostly looked at me looking at girls.

One quiet Monday afternoon I spent as much time as possible selling a blonde woman a slice of mushroom pizza. I leaned forward as I talked to her, my hard-on mashed against the counter as I visually devoured her long banana tits swinging free under the white tank top. Her nipples were trying to explode through the cotton as I tried to talk her into marrying me or at least having a drink after work.

She giggled and said she would think about it. As she reached up and grabbed the slice off the counter I saw a sparse spray of very blonde hair in the hollow under her bronzed arm. I backed away from the counter before I blew a load into my jeans.

Dominic had been observing my efforts and probably also saw the boner that had turned my apron into a tent, as the latest love of my life went over to pay Angela and then waltz out the door and out of my life.

"Boy, these hippie girls are really something, huh David?" Dominic said as she left. "You ought get some of these girls for yourself."

"She was out of sight, wasn't she Dom?" I asked, resisting the urge to tell him that it was tough to get laid when you worked fourteen hours a day.

"She nice alright, just a little skinny for me. I like the girls with the big and the full" Dominic offered as he gestured with his hands on his chest. "Hey, what's with all these hippie girls with the all hair under their arms? That part of the free love thing all you kids do David?"

"I dunno Dom, I don't have any free love thing going on" I answered. "All I know is that I think it's sexy as hell."

With that I told him the story of the girl who stole my innocence this previous fall, Doreen. In between customers I told him my torrid tale, and he was getting all hopped up as I told him of Doreen and her roommate Joni, pausing to adjust himself under his apron. I supposed he was happy to finally hear a story from me, as I had very few tales to show for my nineteen years. After I finished he came up close to me.

"I betcha you gotta big pecker on you, that right David?" he said.

I was shocked to hear something like that from Dom, and quickly looked over at Angela who was busy counting money and not paying us any mind.

"Uh, no not really Dom" I finally managed to get out. "Just a normal one I guess."

This was the truth, unfortunately. Packed onto my six foot two and two hundred pound frame was a standard barely six inch model. Thick, I'd been told, but not nearly long enough to suit me.

Dom checked the door to make sure no one was coming in and whispered "How'd you like to stick your dick in my Angelina, huh?"

I think the next sound was my jaw crashing onto the floor. I stood and stared at Dominic who, if he was kidding, was showing absolutely no signs of it. Talk about your awkward silences and pregnant pauses! Finally, Dominic chirped in again.

"You don't like my Angelina Davy?" Dom said while sounding a little offended.

"Geez Dom, no, it...'s not that" I said stammering while likely turning a bright beet red. "She's really pretty and all, you know that, but after all she's your..."

"Cuz she tell me that sometimes she sees you looking at her" Dominic said. "Sometimes she thinks that you like what you see when you look. Maybe she wrong?"

Well of course she wasn't wrong. Busted. In my defense, when I was nineteen I did look at just about every woman on the planet, with the same thought in mind.

"Well, we do work together a lot and all" I said weakly. "I just didn't think it was really that obvious. I'm sorry if I offended her... or you."

"I'm not mad" Dominic said as a group of people came in, at last forcing us to break up this conversation. "Angelina, she not mad either. She like you a lot Davy" Dom said while turning away.

Before waiting on the approaching customers Dom swiveled back toward me and whispered "and she'd like to fuck you too Davy. Hey, back to work for us. We talk later."

4. More talk

I staggered around waiting on people, trying to figure out what was going on. Was Dominic trying to see what I would say? Was it a test of sorts for me... or Angela?

I settled on it being Dominic playing a joke on me, and I was tempted to tell him I was going to ask Angela if she had really said that. That would show him, I thought.

That was what I figured, at least until around dinner time when Angela came down around the oven to get some pizza boxes. I slid over to accomodate her, it being a little cramped back there, and we were always bumping into each other.

As Angela reached up for a couple of boxes, her other hand came down and out of sight of the customers, reached right around my apron and gave my unit a most affectionate squeeze. Not a bump or a brush against, but a serious handful.

"How you doin' Davy? Pretty hot back here, huh?" Angela said as she headed back to the register.

Angela was usually quite reserved, and this was so out of character that I was speechless. From over by the storeroom Dom was standing and smiling from ear to ear. Me? I was the only one that was clueless, although it was obvious that I would be learning a lot, and real soon too.

5. It's my prostitute

That was what Dom told me as we stood in the storeroom sucking down brews a couple hours later while the part timers were working out in the restaurant. I think he meant prostate, but that was the way it came out.

"My doctor, he tells me that I gotta trouble with the prostitute, so I can't do the uh-uh so much any more" Dom said. He thrust his hips as he said uh-uh, so I had no trouble understanding him. "It's no fun being fifty in the body and twenty in the brain, you wait and see David."

"I still want to you know, all the time. It's just that well... sometimes it will and sometimes it won't" Dom said motioning downward as I nodded in ignorant sympathy.

"My Angelina though, she like to do it all the time. Boom boom! In the morning or in the night, it don't matter to her what time or where" Dom said in frustration. "Me, I always like it too all the time. The more the better, but now... " Dom's voice trailed off as he looked behind the curtain to see if everything was okay out there.

"So now sometimes if there's a nice boy like you around and Angeline likes them, I share" Dom said with a nervous smile. "I gotta do anything I can to keep her happy, even that. Besides, I gotta admit I like watching too" he said sheepishly.

"I don't know what to say Dom" I told him in complete honesty as he handed me another beer. We didn't sell it there, but Dom always keep some in the back for us.

"Say yes David" Dom told me while touching my shoulder. "Tell me Dominic, I think your wife, she beautiful, and I would love to have her. After all, isn't what you kids say these days, make love not war?"

Just then the curtain opened and Angela peeked in at us.

"I'm gonna leave now Dominic" Angie said while looking over at me cautiously. "You be home the regular time?"

Dominic looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. I looked at him, then at her, before nodding slowly.

Dominic smiled as big a smile as I ever saw on him, and turned back to his wife.

"You betcha!" Dom said gleefully. "We be there Angelina."

Angela gave Dominic a big hug and kiss and turned to go before stopping suddenly and coming over to me. The kiss I got was not quite as passionate as the one she gave her husband, but I'm not sure if Angela ground herself into his crotch the way she did to mine.

Whatever doubts I had about all this disappeared in the time it took me to return her motion with some of my own, and her eyebrows rose when she felt me become rock hard against her almost immediately.

"Don't be late" Angela said as she skipped out the door.

6. Off to meet Angela

I was pretty much in a daze for the rest of the night, screwing up people's orders and being inattentive, and let the others do the bulk of the work. Since it was usually the other way around I didn't feel too guilty about it.

For once Dominic was eager to close up when it got quiet later in the evening. We cleaned the place up and Dom told me to grab a few things to take with me for the trip to his house, which it seemed was going to be an overnighter.

We hopped in Dominic's car, a bright red Mustang convertible, and headed out of town with the top down and the stereo blasting. My fantasy come to life, except for Dominic being there of course.

Dominic and Angela's house was a few miles out of town on the lake, and when I laid eyes on it, I gained a whole new respect for the potential financial implications of peddling pizzas. A beautiful and spacious cottage overlooking the water with an inground pool, the place was incredible even in the dark.

Dom took me around the back to the pool which was dimly lit around the fence that surrounded the deck area, and told me to feel free to take a dip. I had only brought a change of clothes and was not expecting to be swimming in the moonlight, even though the night was warm and the pool inviting. I told Dominic that I didn't have a suit and he laughed.

"Neither do I" he laughed. "What the fuck? Who the hell can see back here anyway?"

Dom had a point, as the property was surrounded by trees and there was a lot of space between neighbors. Dominic had already begun stripping down so I cautiously joined him while looking for Angela, who was nowhere in sight.

Dominic was already naked and had jumped into the pool as I got my pants off and gingerly fell into the warm water. I had to admit that this was really great even though I was still nervous as hell. Dom waded over to me treading water and asked how I liked it.

"Fantastic!" I admitted, thankful that the dim light hid my nakedness as well as the fact that I was swimming naked with a guy over twice my age.

"I do this every night when I come home!" Dom exclaimed. "It really refreshes you after a tough day around the oven."

I was hoping that Angela would come out and join us as this felt real weird, but apparently she wasn't going to, so when Dominic climbed out of the pool I followed right behind. There were towels stacked on the picnic table as well as a couple of robes, one which I eagerly grabbed, to Dominic's amusement.

"You a shy boy huh David?" he grinned as he saw me cover myself quickly. "I saw your stuff already and believe me you got nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, I gonna see it all anyway soon enough, right?"

I laughed the laugh of a nervous nineteen year old kid who was supposedly going to screw the wife of his boss that night. A kid whose sole intercourse experience to date consisted of about ten hours of virtually non-stop screwing nine months ago with two women he hadn't seen before or since. As Dom led me from the patio into his kitchen, I felt like I was the proverbial dead man walking.