Susie Ch. 04


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"My Dad would never go for it. He'll greet you and congratulate Corey for having sex with you but he'd get out a shotgun if he found a guy with me. A real double standard."

When we decided to get out, Mr Daniels and Marianne were still in the other hot tub. Now they were sitting and relaxing, their sexual play apparently concluded.

"Goodnight, Mr Daniels, goodnight, Marianne," I yelled over.

Kaitlyn waved embarrassedly.

"Goodnight girls, sleep well," the two of them yelled back in unison.

Inside Kaitlyn said, "that was embarrassing, being naked in front of my father."

"I don't think he thought much of it. You had a glimpse of him naked too."

"I didn't look," she said.

We were too tired for the videos and got into the sleeping bags. I stayed naked.

The next thing I knew, it was morning. Kaitlyn was still sleeping. I got up and looked out thinking about what it would be like waking up here with Corey. Waking up in bed, not in a sleeping bag, with Corey next to me and all day to do whatever we wanted. I sat in one of the chairs and imagined it while stroking my tits and twat.

I didn't realize Kaitlyn had woken until she said, "Haven't you brought yourself to a climax yet?"

"Oh, Kaitlyn, I was just imagining being here with Corey."

"That explains the starry eyed look. How about you wear some clothes for a change today?"

"OK, but I may still go in the pool naked."

"If you must. But haven't you flirted with my father enough?"

"Yes, I am sure he isn't interested in me sexually. But if I start wearing a swimsuit I might need to explain why I have decided to wear something."

"You could honestly say it makes me nervous."

We each took a bathroom and showered. I carefully wiped down the shower and made sure Kaitlyn did the same. I also made sure the floor in each bathroom was dry and the mirrors were clean. "I'll ask your father where to empty the waste cans."

Stars on Stage

We both dressed and went over to the main house for breakfast. We ate in the kitchen, making toast and cereal for ourselves. Then we went into the theater and Kaitlyn put in one of the videos we hadn't watched the previous night.

In the middle of the video, Mr Daniels came in and asked Kaitlyn to turn it off. He said, "Kaitlyn, I have two tickets for the 'Stars on Stage' benefit at the amphitheater tonight. Since my business is one of the sponsors I also have two backstage passes."

Kaitlyn jumped up and hugged him, "Susie do you hear that, we can go see 'Stars on Stage', with back seat passes. Oh Dad that's great."

"Kaitlyn!" I said, "Kaitlyn!"

"What Susie?"

I asked Mr. Daniels if he could leave us alone for a bit. "Kaitlyn, I don't think your father got those passes for you and me. They are for you and him."

"But, Susie, I want you to come."

"I would like to come, but those tickets and passes are for him and you, not for me. When your mom called to invite me to come here with you the only thing which made my mom hesitate was that this weekend is for you to be with your father. It is not time for you to be with me. We are together all the time."

"But, Susie, what will you do?"

"I will be fine. I can swim, watch TV or videos or maybe try to find a good book among the many in the next room."

"Well, OK, but I wish you were coming."

"I do too, but this isn't for me, it's for you. Why don't you go and be sure your father knows that I know I won't be coming. It will probably make him feel better if you tell him you told me I can't go."

Kaitlyn left and a moment later came back in with her father who said, "Susan, thank you for understanding that this is for Kaitlyn and me. I hope you are not too disappointed, I could not get another ticket with the short notice I had that you were coming."

"Mr. Daniels, even if you had another ticket I think I would refuse it. When my mom and dad told me I could come they made it clear that I was not to get in the way of you and Kaitlyn spending time together. They told me that these monthly visits were for you to get to know her and I was not to interfere with that."

"Your parents are very wise, Susan. Kaitlyn, you need to pick out a dress to wear. This is a semi-formal occasion and I will be wearing one of my best suits. You need to find a nice, attractive dress."

"Kaitlyn, let's see what you have!" I exclaimed. Looking through her closet promised to be a visit highlight.

I was amazed at the variety of dresses she had here. "Kaitlyn, look at all these. You have nothing like this at home."

"Well I have no chance to wear things like this at home. When I am here, my dad sometimes takes me, usually with Marianne, to fancy restaurant, operas and things like that. Remember once I told you about the movie premier we went to? Sometimes he takes me out shopping at the high end boutiques. That's where I got most of these."

We spent an over an hour looking through the closet. Kaitlyn would try on a dress we liked to be sure it fit. "Some of these are a couple of years old and won't fit," she told me.

We ended up with three we liked and were trying to decide on one. I told Kaitlyn, "why don't we take them down and ask your father to pick one? He knows what ladies will be wearing and I know he will appreciate that you asked."

Mr Daniels seemed really pleased that Kaitlyn was asking him to select her dress and he picked a dark blue, fairly plain dress that showed off her figure really well.

"I would have preferred this brighter green one she said."

"I think he didn't want you to stand out from the crowd too much," I said. "That one might make you look like one of the performers. The one he picked makes you look spectacular, like a model, it really shows off your good points."

"Won't that attract attention too?"

"Yes, but a different type. Kind of like Cinderella at the ball. Everyone will be saying, 'who is that gorgeous brunette with Mr Leo Daniels?' " We laughed.

"Do you think anyone will think I am his latest conquest? They will think he's a 'cradle robber'. "

"Maybe, Isn't that part of the fun of being mysterious? People will be thinking all kinds of things and you can bask in the attention. And you don't look that young in this dress."

We spent the rest of the day watching the rest of the video, playing badminton on the lawn and swimming. Kaitlyn beat me badly at badminton and I wore my swimsuit.

Kaitlyn started getting ready at about 3. Marianne helped her with her hair, "If I were going I would be spending much of the day having my hair and face done professionally," she said.

Kaitlyn looked fabulous and I asked Mr Daniels if I could use his camera to take a picture of them.

He had hired a limo to take them over. I looked inside and felt quite envious as they drove off.

An Evening with Marianne

After they left, I decided to swim a bit before the sun went down. I didn't bother with getting my suit, I just took off my clothes and jumped in.

As I was swimming, Marianne came out. She moved a chair over to the pool and started talking to me.

"I see you're really getting into the 'skinny dipping'," she started.

"Well, this time I just didn't want to bother getting my swim suit. Like you said, 'It's just us girls' and Leo isn't around either."

"You sure put on a show for him."


"Don't think I didn't notice how you acted yesterday. It's pretty clear you started going naked to see if you could get a rise out of him and I know why."

"Busted!" I thought. "And why do you think I was doing it?"

"Because you want to be sure Leo is not interested in you. Since you are thinking about being with Corey in the guest house you want to be sure Leo isn't going to be trying to seduce you.

"She knows alright," I thought and said, "I guess you have no trouble reading me. Am I that transparent?"

"Not really, I just know what I would think and do in your circumstance."

I got out of the pool and pulled up a chair. "I was worried you would think I was trying to seduce Leo."

"He likes more mature women and big boobs. He wouldn't be real interested in anyone as young and undeveloped as you. Of course any man, Leo included, will get a lot of pleasure from watching a tight, well proportioned, smooth young body like yours. He was definitely watching."

"So, you know Leo pretty well."

"Yes, we've been together almost 5 years."

"But a wedding isn't likely?"

"No, I'm not even sure we will be together much longer."

"Really, why is that?"

"Leo may not like immature girls like you but he does prefer the younger women who have completed puberty. I'm getting past the age he likes. I know he is already taking out young women from his business or who he meets when he is away from home. Sooner or later he will find a suitable replacement for me."

"What will you do then?"

"I have managed to put aside a bit of money from the allowance and spending money Leo has given me over the years. I also have been talking to a lawyer about the possibility of getting money from Leo based on the years I have devoted myself to him."

"Oh, that sounds like it could get ugly."

"I hope not. Leo isn't a bad man and will likely provide for me out of a sense of duty."

"I hope so. What's your relationship with him like? Do you talk a lot?"

"Not a lot. I am honest with myself, I am here for sex and to make other men jealous when we go out. It's that part that makes him want a younger women. I suppose that's part of why he wouldn't be interested in you. Instead of jealousy, the other men might think of him as a pedophile if he showed up with someone like you."

"So, how's the sex?"

"Leo enjoys himself, I make sure of that."

"What about you, do you have orgasms?"

"Well, sex is okay for me. I never have orgasms. I know some women are incapable and I guess I am one."

"Well, I don't think any woman is incapable."

"Not all of us are as young and excitable as you, my dear."

"I guess that's so."

"What about you and Corey? Do you see yourself with him for a long time?"

"I hope so. I really like him and I think he likes me."

"Don't set yourself up for too much disappointment. Like father, like son. Corey may be keeping you for the same reasons Leo keeps me. I have seen a lot of men and they are all alike."

I thought, "That's because you find men who use you and you use them." But I said, "I haven't known that many, so you may be right. Corey seems different to me."

"Just be careful, my dear."

I went back into the pool but really didn't feel like swimming. That conversation bothered me. Was Corey like his father? Did he just like me for sex and appearances? It sure didn't seem like it.

Then I realized something else. Marianne had been hinting that I was like her. Maybe I was more interested in the sex than she was but was I just with Corey for what I could get out of it? Like she is with Mr. Daniels for what she was getting out of it?

I got out of the pool and went in, telling Marianne, "I'm going to watch some TV and go to bed."

"Why don't you use the bed in Corey's room," she said as I left. "No reason to sleep on the floor in Kaitlyn's room when there's a bed available. You also don't want her tripping over you when she comes in tonight."

A good idea. I slept in Corey's bed and fell asleep pretending he was there with me.

Sometime during the night I was awakened by Kaitlyn, "Susie, I'm back."

"Uungh. Whaaa." I responded.

"Susie, we had a great time. I went backstage. I couldn't talk to any of the big stars, they all had private dressing rooms and were escorted on and off stage. After each performance the performers went to a press conference area so I could watch them answer questions. And the performances were fabulous."

"I'm so happy for you Kaitlyn," I mumbled, falling back asleep.

Skinny Dipping with Corey

I got up Sunday morning and checked in on Kaitlyn. She was dead to the world. I almost woke her out of revenge for the previous night but decided to let her wake on her own. No one else was up. I had some toast in the kitchen and went out to the pool, naked, to wait for everyone.

Kaitlyn finally emerged, bubbly and full of details about her evening. Awake, I was much more interested in her stories of what was a great evening for her. I pointed out that a lot of what she had been able to do was because her father was with her and knew what to do and where to go, especially backstage. "If it had been just us we would have stumbled around and probably had our backstage passes confiscated for doing something we weren't allowed to do."

"Yes, you're right. It was nice being with my father, even if he did spend the entire drive there asking about Corey and you."

"Really, what did he want to know?"

"He seemed really interested in knowing whether you might be a 'gold-digger' even though he didn't come right out and say so."

"But Corey isn't rich!"

"Susie, he has a modest trust fund which will be his after he graduates from college. That's not a lot but he and I are heirs to everything my father owns. Susie, I'm afraid he is 'rich' by most definitions."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Our mom doesn't make much of it and tries to keep us from thinking of it. I don't think Corey or I really ever think about it unless it's brought to our attention."

In mid afternoon Corey came to pick us up. I was in the pool with Kaitlyn when he came out to the patio.

"Corey!" I exclaimed and jumped out of the pool, naked of course, ran over to him and gave him a wet kiss and a hug.

"That's a nice outfit," he said.

I turned around slowly for him with my arms raised, "like it?"

"Yes I do," he said.

"She's been wearing it most of the weekend," Kaitlyn said with a less than happy tone.

Corey's father came up behind me. "Corey this is quite a tight little piece of ass you have here." He gave my butt a pat and a little squeeze. I jumped away. "And a bit of a coquette," he added. "A definite keeper." Another pat on the butt.

"Corey," I said, "come, swim a little before we go."

"I have no trunks."

"You don't need them." I displayed myself to show him, "Come on!" I took off his shirt and bent down to take off his shoes.

He had begun to unzip his pants. I finished the job and stripped both pants and boxers with one motion. My head was about crotch high and I gave his growing cock a brief kiss. I grabbed his cock and led him to the pool with it. I gave Marianne a quick glance, smile and wink as I jumped in. "Come on, Corey, I'll race you to the other end."

I am a faster swimmer than he is and with the head start I was waiting comfortably when he got to me. "You are really the lively one. I gather you had a good time. You sure handled my father calling you a 'piece of ass' well, and what's this about being a 'coquette'?"

"Oh, your father is just trying to compliment you and my appearance with that remark. You were right, he says that sort of thing for you. He has been a perfect gentleman the whole time I have been here. It's only with you around that he does that sort of thing."

"And she's been running around naked practically the whole time, flirting shamelessly with him." Kaitlyn had come over.

"Ahhh, the coquette," Corey said.

"I just wanted to be sure he wasn't looking at me for himself. His lack of reaction convinced me he wasn't."

I jumped on Corey and unsuccessfully tried to get his cock to enter me underwater.

"Susie! There are others present," Kaitlyn complained.

"Oh, sorry, seeing Corey has excited me so much!"

"Try to control yourself a bit and maybe put a cork in it. I don't mean your mouth."

"Kaitlyn, I am sorry. I gave her a hug. It's been lovely being here with you."

"I haven't been sure of that with the time you've spent with Marianne and running around naked flirting with my father."

"Oh Kaitlyn," I brushed away a tear forming in her eye. "I guess I did get a bit carried away with playing the flirtatious nymphomaniac but it was such a fun role to play. And I did find out what I wanted to know about your father and also some things about Marianne.

I told them, "Both your father and Marianne seem to think that Corey is like his father, that I am like Marianne and that you, Kaitlyn, are like your mother."

"That's probably true. That they think that, I mean," Kaitlyn said

"Well Corey is not like his father! You may be like your mother and that's a good thing."

Kaitlyn responded to my statement, "I don't think I am like my mom in the way they think. For starters I don't think I will marry a man like my father. My mom is inoculating me against that. For another they don't think she is very smart or clever because she didn't take him for all he was worth. She only got enough to live comfortably in a suburban house along with the trust funds for Corey and I and even those aren't huge, just enough for college and to give us a good start. What they don't realize is that's all she wanted. She didn't like living in this huge mansion. She didn't like that we might become spoiled brat, rich kids. All she wanted was to live and raise us like most Americans. That's what she got."

"But, ... Kaitlyn and Corey, I am worried that I am like Marianne."

Kaitlyn said, "You aren't at all like her. You are not a schemer, out for comfort and money, and you don't use your body to get what you want."

"Sometimes I am not sure. Kaitlyn, please promise to tell me if you see the slightest hint that I am like her or am taking advantage of Corey."

"Well, you may be taking advantage of Corey. You have him wrapped around your little finger even if you don't know it," said Kaitlyn with a laugh. Corey looked a bit embarrassed.

"Kaitlyn, see, I am like her."

"No you aren't. You aren't 'taking advantage' in the way she does. I will let you know if I think you are acting in a way which will hurt Corey, or yourself. That's the kind of 'taking advantage' she uses."

"Thank you, Kaitlyn, you are a real good friend.

"So, should Corey and I 'take advantage' of the guest house or not?" I asked.

"Why not."

"My concern is that it will make it seem more like I am Corey's 'kept woman'. It will confirm your Father's and Marianne's opinion of me."

"Well, I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about them. I never let what either of them thinks influence me."

"Me either," Corey added.

"What about other people, will they think that?"

Kaitlyn said, "Susie, you need to do what is right for you."

"What about my mom and dad?"

"Again, what is right for you. I am sure they would prefer you have sex in a nice, safe, private place where you can relax and enjoy yourself than in the back seat of a car or, worse yet, Corey's room." We all three laughed.

Later, when we got out of the pool to go home, Marianne motioned me over. "You are right about Corey's cock! I thought Leo had a big one. Do you have any trouble getting it in?"

"Not really ... Well maybe a little sometimes, we use a lubricant to be sure."

"Good idea. How far does it go in?"

"All the way!" I exclaimed. "It's a tight fit and really fills me up, I can feel his every movement, even the blood pulsing inside his cock."

"I sounds like you enjoy it."

"Yes, I do."

"I'm glad for you. I love seeing you. Feel free to come talk anytime you are visiting in the guest house."

"OK, I will, 'bye Marianne."

"Goodbye, Susan."

On the way home, Kaitlyn told us more about her night at the "Stars on Stage" concert. She had a great time.

Corey dropped me off at home. As I got out of the car I told them I would like to speak to their mom tomorrow.

I went in and no-one needed to ask me about whether I had a good time as I started telling them all about it before they could ask. All, that is, except the part about my running around nude.

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