Tales From Subspace


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I felt Adam stir and prayed that I had not been the one to wake him. I wished that I could get up, wash my teeth, but that was for him to decide. I tried to be still. It was very hard. My arms were sore from the bindings and my legs ached from the beating they had gotten. Other than these minor aches and pains, not really much more than a usual morning, I did feel pretty good. I stretched and felt Adam putting his hand on my hip to still me.

"Lay still." He commanded. I did try to obey, but I couldn't stop a certain amount of random actions to deal with the expanded state of my urinary tract. He pulled me hard against him and I almost lost control because he had his hand on my abdomen. I drew a sharp breath between my teeth as I fought my body for control. He woke up enough to realize that I was in a truly natural, delicate state. He sat up and I awaited his judgment. "That bad, huh?"

"Sorry, Adam." I grinned sheepishly. He undid the binding and sat me up. Pointing me in the direction of his private bathroom. I followed it, relieving myself quickly, gratefully. Resisting the urge to use his mouthwash, because my mouth felt like glue, just taking a quick sip of water from the faucet.

He went in after me, closing the door. I waited on my knees by the bed. One of the rules was: It is disrespectful to be in the Master/Mistress's bed, unless you are tied to it, or he/she is in it. Adam came out several moments later. Sitting naked on the edge of the bed before me.

"Put your hands on my thighs." Compliance. His organ getting stiff before my downcast eyes. "Lick my balls and suck on my penis until I cum in your mouth." I bent my head and did as he asked of me. Letting him hold my head as he shot his release deeply into my throat so I could swallow it all. Cleaning him up with my tongue afterwards. What a lovely way to start the day. I fought a low level arousal, but knew that I would not get to orgasm until after dark. Another rule was that the daylight hours were for training in tasks and skills. No form of sexual release was allowed during the daytime for me.

Adam sent me down the hallway three doors to Jon and Traci's room. I was afraid, but remembered to go in on my knees. Bully for me.


"Come in, Anne." That was Jon, answering my tentative knock. Waiting in much the same pose that Adam had been in. I approached him quickly and kissed his bare feet in obeisance. I felt his hands in my hair, smoothing it quietly. "Stand up and show me the insides of your thighs." I immediately spread my legs before him as far as I could. It was not enough for him and he ordered me to assume a more revealing pose. "Put one of your legs on the edge of the bed beside me." I did so immediately. Suitably desperate to please him. I couldn't take another beating like last nights. He looked at the dark purple welts and appeared satisfied that I had been duly chastened. "Did you learn anything?" A question.

"Yes, Master." I started slowly. "I learned that I could take more than I thought I could." He nodded in understanding. That must have been what I was supposed to learn, because he did not press me for more.

"Come then, let's start the day." He had me kneel before him and provide the same service to him that I had for Adam. His fingers harder than Adam's as he gripped my hair. Holding me up against him until my body screamed for air and tears fell from my eyes in slow crystalline trails. "Good girl, catch your breath and go do Traci." Traci too? I didn't hesitate, even though my pulse went up quite a bit more than it had been. I was just having a hard time figuring out why I was so reluctant to be with her. `Only when you have to think about it. You do it willingly enough when you have too.' There was that voice again. I knelt next to her on the other side of the bed. My face looking down at her smooth thighs and gently dimpled knees. I took a deep breath and waited. Traci surprised me with her actions.

She touched my face first, as she readied herself for service. Wiping the remnants of moisture she found there with a tenderness I did not expect. She spread her legs around me on the edge of the bed. I swallowed convulsively and struggled to control my emotions. It wasn't that I did not like Traci, just not that way. I closed my eyes and did it. Rendered unwilling ministrations to her heated little mouth until she quivered with subdued release against my face. Hands in my mussed-hair and tangling within it. I gave her a couple of other little attentions that I knew I liked during oral sex. A finger inside her wet cleft and deeply burying my tongue well into her as I was doing her.

In my heterosexual uncertainty, I did what I knew was more than she wanted so as not to stint her. I liked her enough to want her to fully enjoy my presence. She had a slave, and I, a Master. My ambivalence was not really any of her concern. It was Jon's. He would notice, even as I hoped he would not.

I kept my head down near her feet when I was finished. Hoping to hide my true feelings from her. She touched my bent head and spoke sadly.

"It's too bad you don't really like to do that, Anne. You have a natural talent for it." I gasped, sharply at her perception. Speaking out of turn. Looking up at her face. "I beg forgiveness for any perceived reluctance on my part, Mistress. It is the sad truth that our society has conditioned most of us to feel that same sex union is perverted or deviant. I want to please you, Mistress. I will work very hard on my attitude. Your perception of my prejudice is accurate. I beg your forgiveness if I have not satisfied you or offended you in any way." I hung my head in shame and clutched at her feet. `Was I really so easily read, as that? Was I to have no secrets here?'

"When one is raised like that, Anne. The problem will disappear with time and determined effort." She bent down and took my arms. "It is however something that we will have to diligently apply ourselves too." I whimpered at the coldness in her tone. I held my breath and waited. Dreading what she was going to say, knowing what it was. "Why will you be punished?"

"For speaking out of turn, without being spoken too. Looking the Mistress in the face, and most harshly, for my uncontrollable bigotry against making love to a woman." She appeared satisfied at my answer. Jon spoke to me.

"Over her knee and after the punishment, you can try again to satisfy her." One of the hardest things I had ever done was lay myself over her lap and put my hands on the ivory satin coverlet on the bed before me. Closing my eyes. She was doing something to her hands that I could only feel over my back. Was she getting a paddle? Where was Jon? `Oh, please. I'm so sore already.' I knew that I would not get any mercy even if I asked for it. I had made too large a mistake.

When her left hand touched my neck, I knew what she had been doing. She had been putting on leather gloves to protect her soft hands. Jon spoke coldly, over my back.

"Give her ten for each offense. Five more each, if she tries to get away, or covers herself. If you get tired, let me know and I'll get you a paddle." Traci responded to his words positively. Speaking to me quietly, in rigid control of her tone.

"If you come against the bed, or on my lap. I will know and the punishment will be doubled." I didn't think I could take sixty, but my mouth was so dry I knew I couldn't speak. I knew that I had to and my voice cracked when I did.

"Yes, Mistress." I said, swallowing convulsively around a new-formed lump in my throat. She started suddenly. The first hard blows almost brought me right off the bed with the heaving pain of it. I curled my fingers into the bedspread to keep from throwing my hands over my backside to protect it from the torturous beating. I bit my lip and started to cry softly into the bedspread. Silently sorry, not to have disappointed, but that I was being beaten for it. `I did not deserve this. I couldn't help it!'

It was maybe halfway through it when something happened inside my head. Beyond the fire blooming between my legs and the wetness seeping unto the naked lap of Traci as she punished me. My body responding as it always did to pain with passion. `I had been wrong not to be with her completely.' The thought stunned me, profoundly. `You're also wrong to feel you do not deserve to be punished for your lapse.' I had displeased and the voice I heard in my heart was the voice of the slave I was willingly becoming.

I had let my passions be ruled by an out-dated, restricting platitude that had no place in the life I was leading now. What a fool I had been! I had determined that it was okay to be with a man, but not okay to be with a woman. `Why the hell not?' I wasn't married to anyone, so if I was going to run my life by normal morality. I was technically some kind of sinner against the will of God, Right? Destined for the fiery burning torments of Hell. If that was the case, I may as well go for some good reason.

Not because I sat on a fence for months, afraid to enjoy anything new to me. If this was how I was going to act. I had no place here with these sexual adventurers. I was filled with remorse. I deserved the punishment cross. I was getting off so easily I cried with real pain. Spirit pain this time. She finished the punishment and I felt myself becoming the man/woman that had been in her bed yesterday. Wondering if I should give a name to this new facet of my personality. Maybe Alex. That was nicely androgynous. I went to my knees, eyes ablaze with desire for the taste of her. The feel of her. Trying to control the tears that flowed from me so readily. I took a hold of her knees and opened them with animal abandon. Putting my tear-stained face at the apex of her thighs. I proceeded to drive her out of her mind with my tongue. Hungrily, greedily. I was eating her sex with an abandon that surprised me with its intensity. She bucked frantically and ground her hips against me. Vainly trying to push my face from her clit, away from her drenched quivering opening. Not a chance. I was on her for the long haul.

Using every trick that had ever been used on me in my life. Circles, flicks, sucking, biting nibbles. I made her crazy with sex. I heard Jon coming quietly to kneel behind her supporting her shoulders. His hands catching hers to still them. Murmuring into her ear, telling her to enjoy herself. She, groaning in reaction, fighting my tongue for command of her soul, getting tenser and tenser under me. I put my arms around her thighs and held on for the ride. Working her harder than I had worked any man with my mouth in my life. I put all that I had into this simple act of oral intimacy. Vowing that I would make her climax as no one in her life had ever made her climax. It would be soon too. I could sense it. When Traci came. It was thunderous, shattering. Her orgasm rocked her almost pushing me over the edge of passion. The tiny mouth convulsing under mine in earth-shaking completion. Jon's hands holding her closely when she collapsed back unto the bed. A wet, trembling mess really. Her temblor visible all over her still quaking body. I pulled back, suddenly concerned. Had I injured her? I looked up at Jon. My eyes wide. I mouthed without sound.

`Did I hurt her?' He smiled, shaking his head. I grinned and dropped my eyes. Hoping he would forgive that small slip of my slave-like demeanor. I kept my face down, until he asked me formally.

"What have you learned?" I had to work for a moment to be able to phrase it the right way. The thoughts barely coherent. I managed it with difficulty.

"I've learned that I cannot afford to run my life by out-dated platitudes and bias rules of society. I am a pleasure slave, Master." I stiffened with pride at that. "What pleases you pleases me, as well." I paused, addressing Traci respectfully. "Thank you for taking the time to correct me, Mistress. I hope my service pleased you." I felt hands on my head and looked up slightly. Not enough to get into trouble, however, just about breast level.

"You were adequately skilled." She sounded slightly amused, but her voice still quavered. I took some small pride in that. "Go on back to Adam for your breakfast." I nodded and scurried away on my knees. Finding the door and heading back to Adam's room.

I had managed to conquer one prejudice, but what about all the others? My list had several other things on it. What about those? I didn't want to think about those. I knocked on Adam's door and waited for him to invite me in. His voice called for me softly and I went in on all fours gingerly. My knees almost raw from the carpet. "You've been punished?" His voice was filled with a disappointment that wrenched at my soul. Hurting me terribly. Worse than any physical blows could. "Yes, Handler, for bigotry." He stood before me and I put my head on the floor by his feet. He was waiting. I knew that I had to keep explaining. "I was not unwilling, Handler, but my reluctance to be with a woman was obvious to my Mistress. She corrected me and I was granted the opportunity to make up for my transgression." He chuckled.

"I heard that part of it." I kept my face down to hide the smile. She had been pretty loud. "Well, enough, as long as it does not happen again. Terry is nowhere near as forgiving as Traci and he'll be here this weekend. You balk on him and he'll be on you until he draws blood." I shivered, and kept my head down. Cowering at his feet the perfect picture of abject humility. "Come on then. Time for breakfast." I followed him out and wondered what he meant. `Who the hell was Terry?' I shivered with fear and put it out of mind. I was too caught up in right now to think about later. BREAKFAST

The kitchen was a safe room and I could walk in there unless specifically ordered not too. It was a relief to be upright again and I stretched some of my kinked muscles. It was also one of the places where I could ask questions about things. I intended to make full use of it. I looked around at the modern efficiency in the white tile and older accents. Nicely blended from the old-fashioned to the new. A big butcher-block table in the center of the room. White ceramic tile floor. Stainless steel sink.

"Do you cook?" Adam asked me and I laughed at how typically male that sounded. He grinned. "Is that a yes, or a no?" I said `Yes,' and he pointed to the refrigerator, seating himself at the table. "Make enough for four, slave."

"Yes, Handler." I opened the door and found a plethora of food. They had fresh vegetables, eggs and quick-to-make croissants. I applied myself to the preparing of food and watched Adam with the corner of my eye. He was magnificent.

"You can ask questions, if you want." He said and I kept going with breakfast. Finding spices over the stove. Including Saffron, amazing. "If you do not ask anything of me. You will be the first in history." I smiled, turning quickly red.

"Any question that I've had so far has been answered in time. Why ask for answers that will be provided, or become clear in that same span?" He leaned over the block and rested his face on his right hand.

"Surely there is something you do not understand?" His eyes bored right into mine and they saw more than I wanted them to. I was sure. I had questions, but they were not about what I had been through. I could understand those things. All became clear by some method, or the other, either during or after the ordeal itself. I wanted to know the practical details, so I started in.

"How did the scope of this become so big? He grinned and started talking about the networking involved. It was fascinating. Almost a corporate structure. They had every type of personnel that they would ever need hooked into their business. Lawyers, Doctors (Like the one I was going to go too.) Plumbers, workers of all kinds. Craftsmen. They did as they wanted to the slaves, once a month, providing service when it was necessary. "Even the Doctor?" He laughed at the shock that was easily heard in my voice.

"Doctors have desires too and I for one would rather have him come here for something outlandish than to prey upon someone unwilling. His wife is grateful that he comes here. She knows we're safe. I pleasured her the last time she was here." I asked if he was a slave and he responded openly. "I want to be a Master, but no-one ever starts out on top. You have to know how far to go. Slave, then Handler, then Master. You, my dear, are at the bottom of the food chain." That wasn't how I felt about it so I said something that startled him.

"Not really. My cooperation is vital and I can stop the action with a word." He looked surprised. "You knew that I had my eyes open. Did you think that even in pain-filled extremis, I would forget that I could stop my torment?" He shrugged slightly. "I like pain." A slow smile spread across his handsome face. I found four plates and silverware. Laying them out.

"How did you feel when you realized that pain made you orgasm?" How profoundly embarrassing. That was the most personal of questions. I flushed crimson. "I felt ashamed that my body had betrayed me in such a way. Rob was whipping me in the most intimate way and I climaxed. Hell, I damn near set the bed on fire." I set his plate before him, a sprig of parsley on the side, neatly. Presentation is everything. "It was easily the first overwhelming experience in my life. I was stunned, shocked horrified. I became convinced that I was mentally ill, sought counseling. The works." He looked surprised. "Rob was very practical about it and that, at least, helped. We were to be married and I was everything that he desired. Why would I want to be cured when it would mean I would lose his Love?" The sneer in my words clearly audible. He asked me what had happened, after he swallowed a mouthful of food. I answered with the truth. "I topped him one night and he couldn't take it. He balked and I lost respect for him. I was better than he was, more graceful, more committed." I laughed and ate some of the eggs. "I could take more pain, enjoy it more. I positively courted punishment, because nothing he did could affect me any more. I had tested his mettle and found it lacking. We broke up not to long after." We were interrupted by the appearance of Jon and Traci in the kitchen. I smiled and set their plates before them courteously.

They tasted the fare and complimented me on it. I knew then that I would be cooking on the weekends now, at least for breakfast. They all appeared to be satisfied. Sipping coffee that I had made at the end of the meal. The conversation light and brisk. Quick retorts, airy laughter. Nice to be somewhere my sense of humor was appreciated for a change. Jon watching me closely, as he had been all weekend.

"We have a full day planned and need to get a move on. Clean up and meet us in the study." He said, Traci standing up from the table. I had put the dishes in the dishwasher, as we were finished with them. One of my personal habits, so there was no mess in the Kitchen. I watched them walk out the door and waited for Adam to tell me what to do. I did not have to wait for very long.


Adam cleaned me up after breakfast as thoroughly as he had done before. Brushing and braiding my hair carefully. Letting me care for my teeth and skin. At the

end of the neatening process. Adam had me stand while he put leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles. A soft leather collar around my neck. Just for the look as it didn't have any hooks or eyes.

When he was finished he led me to Jon's Study and left me on my knees just inside the door. The study was a very modern place. I could see the computer screen and the keyboard. Pale blue carpet and masculine looking pinstripe wallpaper. Two large file cabinets and several long locking cabinets of pale-whitewashed oak. I waited patiently, noting the enormous beveled mirror behind the desk. The comfortable leather chairs of white to the sides of the desk. It looked like an interview room, that's what it was. I knew when I looked up at Jon that I wasn't dealing with `Jon' anymore. I was dealing with the Master. I greeted him as such by laying my face on his feet and kissing the toe of his finely polished boots. Another day of lessons. Quick frisson of fear.
