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She was sure the circumstances of this would not sound so much like rape, but she knew it was. What did they call it now, 'date rape'? His tongue slipped deep into her vagina and she closed her eyes. The awful thing was that it felt good. Two fingers went inside and curled to find her G-spot. He tickled it there in the creamy moisture of her vagina. She wondered why her husband had never succeeded in finding that wonder spot, but here in this situation, a stranger finds it first try out of the barrel. She hated it that her sense of irony was active with her lying there spread wide on this huge four-poster having her pussy eaten by this stranger.

He continued plundering her pussy with lips and tongue and fingers. He explored her rectum with fingers juicy from her vagina.

While he lay between her legs licking her, his hands slid along her sides until he could reach her breasts. His touch was still gentle most of the time and he caressed and fondled them, then alternated rolling her nipples between thumb and palm, then pulling the nipples away from the tit and rolling them again and again, then caressing the whole breast in his big hands. He massaged the fleshy sides of her breast and slipped his hands under her waist and down under her bottom. He squeezed the tender flesh with relish and lifted her so he could eat her pussy in more depth. He pressed his nose into the tangled hair of her muff, then slipped into her with his chin as well, all of these were new to her.

She felt his hands cup her bottom and then his thumbs part her labia. She thought of how pink she would look; pink and wet, and opalescent as his tongue again licked from bottom to top, then flicked her clitoris back and forth.

"Ohhhhh...." She moaned again.

"What must I look like with my stockings, panties and brassiere all cut from my body.?? She thought. My god, it must be the cover of some BDSM magazine. And black stockings, why did she wear black stockings?

These were strange thoughts flying through her drunken mind.

He lay on top of her and she felt the weight of his body as he kissed her and slipped his tongue into her mouth. She tasted her own juices. His face was wet all over, so deeply had he eaten her pussy. She had never tasted so much of her own juices because she had never been so completely eaten.

Her body shook with a surprising orgasm and she heard the strange accompaniment of chains as she thrashed arms and legs involuntarily in a fit of sexual release.

"Ohmigod... Ohmigod... Ohh... Ohh. God..." she moaned in spite of herself and she disliked her body for calling out this way. She didn't remember such a thoroughgoing spasm of her sexual organs before. She slumped and closed her eyes.

"Good, eh?" he mumbled into her ear.

She refused to agree, but he knew, of course.

She looked up to see him gripping his large organ and feared that she had made him angry. She said, "Yes, it felt good. But you shouldn't have done it this way."

The bed complained under his knees as he stood between her legs and looked at her, his cock menacingly waving back and forth. He guided it to her steaming opening and paused with the head in her wet slit.

"You're very wet now." He said quietly. Staring wide-eyed, he pushed forward, is hand still around his cock as if carefully aiming it.

She flinched as it touched her moist hole.

"Ohmigod..." she said, shivering a little as she waited for it. "Ohhhhh..." The hot head was inside. Jill looked down at the thick, flat oval shaped cock slowly lanced into her body pulling the lips inside as it went. She knew it was only half way in when he stopped.

She felt very full and was aware of the blunt warm shape parting the velvet like wet drapes of her vagina. Her mind reeled with thoughts. What is it like when your inner space hasn't been opened by a pleasure seeker for two months or more; it had been that long since her husband had looked there for pleasure. Can this stranger tell that her pussy has been unused for so long? To her the space now pushed open so unfamiliarly, felt strange. She tried to think what it felt like. As if sprinkled with sparkly little confetti? Only the first four inches. It now clung to the large head and three inches of wide shaft. What was the word? "Effervescent?" Yes, this little-used space felt almost effervescent in the portion he was now invading.

"Oh, god... oh...mmnf!.." She mumbled.

It looked like a sword buried partly with the wide blade still threatening; sticking out from the soft lips of her pussy. She felt the need to shift her position but did not want to admit having pleasure. Involuntarily, her pelvis moved just a little and she could feel the velvet glove that gripped his cock move just a slick, sliding little bit around the big shaft. It was like caramel oozing around one of those displays in a candy store, she thought.

The aroma of their sex enveloped her.

She realized that her arms were tense against the chains. They were just sex toy chains, but strong enough to keep her there in position. "Why has he stopped" she wondered looking up at him. He too was staring at the sight of his cock half buried between the long soft lips of her pussy all covered with her juices.

"Beautiful." He said at last. "It is beautiful; you are beautiful."

She felt her pelvis move slightly again, only a tiny movement around the hard shaft.

He pushed again, staring at her eyes. His hands were on the bed under her arms and he pulled them tight against her sides to feel her breasts, as slowly he continued sliding into her pussy.

"Ohhhh...." He gasped, feeling the intense heat of the enclosed space of her vagina as the panes of wet, warm velvet opened before the plunging head of his prick. It felt like something he tasted with a virgin tongue for the very first time, wrapped in sugary syrup. He wanted more of the sensation. Hot, syrupy, slowly parting, but at the same time engulfing his hardness with friendly tongues almost licking his prick. It was something no longer part of his body but exploring, finding, touching, licking, fondling, feeling, reaching out, all those feelings from the sensors all over the end of the probing prick. "Ohhhh... my god... " he said quietly.

Their hair was tangled together there at the base of his cock. Hers was wet and his would soon be soaked too by the secretion of her sex; the perfect pure secretions of her woman's sex. Bill pressed as close as he could, burying it in her softness. He urged his cock deeper and lingered there the base of his cock now clutched tight by unseen muscles as he tried hard to get the flat of his groin against the flat space surrounding her vaginal lips. Harder he pressed, longing to increase the circle of tender flesh compressed between their bodies. He strained to keep that contact. He felt her pelvis twisting and turning sensually trying to do the same thing. It felt like he had his prick through a very firm knothole in some fence plank, except that everything around it was the epitome of softness.

He almost wept with the sensation. "Mmmf." Was all that came from his mouth, just the short plaint of intense pleasure.

Jill lay wide-eyed, feeling the sensation of fullness. Her inner space now filled with the startling bulk of his prick. "Ohmigod..." she strained the words from between clenched teeth, unable to stop it. He had slowly pushed his entire length into her and the sense of sprinkled confetti extended deeper than she had ever felt before. She had wondered what it would be like to be touched so deeply, to feel a man touching further back... further... deeper than... ohmigod, he is deeper than her husband had ever reached though they had both sought positions for her to feel something deeper, even trying one of those rubber cock extensions sold in porn shops. But this was a firm but soft feeling, tender exploration of the depths of her space, unlike anything synthetic dick could produce. It was at once hard and yet soft, searching inside her dark, moist, longing space.

"Easy..." she said simply. Her eyes closed and she wanted him to leave it there a moment. In spite of herself she wanted to think about that bulbous mushroom now in a part of her that had not been explored. No lover before had a long enough cock to touch her as she was being touched. She took a deep breath and she felt her hands clenching and unclenching, Her toes were pointed, everything seeming to be struggling to feel the sensation and grasp it, understand it, internalize if.

"Ohhhhh...." She moaned, caught on this spindle of life. In spite of herself she found her body straining slightly to get further onto the shaft even though it was impossible, so tight was her mound clamped against his. The tight muscle at the entrance seemed to be trying to suck him into her body as well. She could feel how tight her little muscle was around the thick base of his shaft. For a moment she thought she might actually faint, but the feeling passed as the middle of her body was suffused with warmth.

"My nip... nip... my breasts..." she moaned. He lay on her and grasped both breasts then fastened his lips on her left nipple and began to suck just as he began to make little strokes.

"Ohhh god!" she cried. Tears welled up in her eyes and she tried to stop them.

He held onto her breasts and began thrusting, his excitement overwhelming him. He had to let them go so he could stroke into her and get move pleasure. His hands were on the bed and his powerful torso coiled to deliver thrust after shaft to the cock he drove in and out of her body. He lay flat on her body, curving his hands under her and upwards to grip her shoulders and press her down onto his urgent thrust.

"Unnh, Unnh, Unnh, Unnh, Unnh, Unnh, Unnh, Unnh, Unnh, Unnh...." She heard him panting and straining as he drove it in and out of her slick, clinging pussy.

"Nnha, Nnha,Nnha, Nnha,Nnha, Nnha,Nnha, Nnha,Nnha, Nnha,Nnha, Nnha," her breath was expelled by the thrusts into her center.

It seemed endless and then it seemed to end too soon, with a flood of his semen, spilled deep inside. The warmth of it spread through the deep folds of her vagina, once, twice, thrice, another, then another spill filled around his thick invading cock. And then he lay there on top of her, his fading prick lolling in the wet, warm bath of his sperm and Jill's magic lubricants.

'Ohhhhh goddddd..." he lamented as he rolled off her and his spent cock slipped from the magic glove between her legs.

She wanted to throw her arms across her eyes, but the restraints held her firm.

"Take these off!" she snapped, coming back to her sensible self, just as the sperm trickled to the entry of her pussy and began to drip ignominiously between her legs.

He woke from his reverie and immediately obeyed.

She sat rubbing her wrists for a moment.

"Sorry..." he said, every part of him seemed to have shrunk along with the sad prick between his legs.

"You have to find some way to take me home. My husband may be frantic it is so late."

"Help me up!"

He took her hand and she stood up and walked to the bathroom. She sat down and her pee came immediately and so did some of the s perm he left to drain from her snug sex space. Jill pulled the cups of her brassiere up, then let go of the useless cut straps. The cups clung familiarly and precariously to her mounds.

The shreds of her hosiery and her panties dribbled moistly between her legs as she began buttoning the front of her dress. A cold damp spot touched the back of her legs. She could feel the crusted cum on her stockings, what was left of them.

"I do have a motorcycle...?" He said a question in his words.

He shouldn't have done it, Jill thought, but of course, we had been working toward it all evening, the dancing, the kissing, the fondling, the undressing for the hot tub, the sucking on things... "It would be one of those lawyerly things about date rape." She knew she was just going to go back to living life, not expose the whole thing in some dusty courtroom where she would be the only thing on display. And in her heart she knew she would have let him fuck her if he had made one more attempt to take off her panties.

The motorcycle roared into life and she donned the helmet and straddled the seat behind him. The darkness wrapped around them down the long dirt driveway. The wind was chilly on her inner thighs as it channeled up across her bare pussy. She held on tight to the seat, trying to avoid contact with Billy, as the Harley rumbled between her legs, carrying her through the early morning.

"My god, what time is it?" she wondered out loud. Not yet light, at least, but the eastern sky was threatening to begin lighting the landscape. 'Three?" "Four?" she couldn't be sure. She directed him with finger pointing and felt her nipples crisp from the cool night air. She pointed again and her familiar street came under them. She flattened her hand asking him to slow, as they got nearer.

"God, how many neighbors will catch sight of the soccer mom climbing off a motorcycle from behind a leather jacketed, black helmeted unknowable stranger in the middle of the night... no, not the middle of the night..." she thought as he coasted down the street somewhat quieter.

She pointed to the house and signaled to let her off in the street rather than up the driveway. She was thinking clearer now, the alcohol having faded a bit. She had a headache, though and the beginning of a hangover for tomorrow.

There was nothing to say as she swung off the seat and reached to button the bottom buttons on the dress, then hurried up the drive with the subtle rumble of the Harley driving away in her ears. He had the decency to drift away at idle speed rather than a full-throated roar the aficionados so loved. Jill counted it among her blessings. She began wondering what reception she had in store upstairs with her husband.

She unlocked the side door as quietly as possible, and stepped into the dark garage, lighted only by meager streetlight glow through the row of windows on the door. She stepped out of her shoes, lifted her dress and slipped the shredded panties and stockings down her legs and into the garbage container.

"Damn!" she scuffed her shin on the lawnmower and smelled the fresh grass mashed against its inner surface. Carrying the shoes she let herself in the house and listened. No sounds.

Through the kitchen and silently up the stairs.

Stop and listen again. Nothing.

Unbutton the dress all the way down. "Oh god, forgot to throw the brassiere in the trash." She unsnapped it and tucked one cup in the other as if it was a normal bra being put away.

Through the open door. 'Just coming back to bed from checking on the children,' she thought.

Stop and listen.


Open drawer, stash brassiere, grope for black cotton panties usually kept in reserve for her monthly period days of maximum flow. She pulled her "Black Mariahs" up her thighs and felt their familiar cotton utility settle around hips and snuggle over her pussy securely.

She folded the dress onto a chair and found her nightie under her pillow. She dropped it safely over her head and then tiptoed to their bathroom. She peed in the dark and didn't flush because of the noise.

Jill Barton slipped quietly under the covers next to her husband Ben at 4:12 AM.

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not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestover 2 years ago

Seems like rape to me. But it wouldn't really matter, she should be kicked out either way. Marriage was doomed and both of them were just horrible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Rape is rape. They flirt and neck a little; he plies her with more mixed drinks. She says no, after being drunkenly over amorous. He responds by chaining her up and cutting off her clothing, then raping her. From the moment he manacled her wrists against her will, there was nothing sexy about this story.

This was not a story about “Erotic Couplings”— it’s the story of a man getting a woman drunk and raping her. Classify it as Nonconsensual, or don’t post it at all.

RePhilRePhilover 8 years ago
Like a 1970's porno movie

No story, no plot, no character appeal, no reason to be published. Sorry it was just that bad, actually boring would be a more accurate description. It is only bad if you were going for good, but if you were going for bad that the story is good.

pixie2002pixie2002about 10 years ago

Such a steamy story, which demonstrates just what can happen when a soccer mom strays a little too far off the straight and narrow. As with all your stories, the detail was exquisite, the situations realistic, and the characters deliciously flawed. It was such a nice surprise to see a new story from a gifted writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
And Ben was awake.

What man, with a kid at home, doesn't sleep lightly. It's inbred. He was awake the minute she came into the bedroom. He turned on the light,, took one look at her, and knew she had cheated. She both looked and smelled of sex. The only real question was who was going to be moving out of the house? Because thanks to men's double standards, no man is going to stay married to a cheating slut. Especially after she practically announced to him that she was going to cheat when she left the house. She's lucky he hadn't changed the locks while she was gone. This marriage is toast. And not in a clever of interestingly told way either.

SigintSigintabout 10 years ago

I don't read Non-consent/Reluctance as a rule, but when I start a story I generally finish it. Had this been labelled 'correctly,' I never would have bothered.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
DWormcock is so stupid...

she bought non-stick glue

DWornockDWornockabout 10 years ago
5 stars.

However, I'm certain that by getting naked in the hot tub she was willing to be fucked.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

and still find your way back. TK U MLJ LV NV

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 10 years ago
She Got Away With It

Sorry guys, a large majority of cheating, men and women, go by without the mate finding out. The ending might feel flat, but wifey is having all sorts of mental turmoil.

starmanfivestarmanfiveabout 10 years ago
Of course

you are going to finish it right? Why leave so many things unanswered? At least give us a reflection.

MitchFraellMitchFraellabout 10 years ago
Good so far

Nicely written story. What goes on in the morning? Does hubby inquire and where is Lisa? Does Billy come back? All adds up to a follow up. Thanks for this one.

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