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A scientist is violated by a monster.
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Alexis sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose in a vain attempt to rub some of the tiredness out of her system. After a 16 hour shift she was ready to go home and crawl into bed for the next 10 years, but sadly that wasn't really an option since she had to be up and at work at 7'o clock the next morning

"No rest for the weary." she said quietly

After nearly 4 years with the FBI's bio containment lab without a promotion she was starting to wonder where this career was going. It wasn't that she didn't like the work each case was unique and interesting it was just that she really needed more money to pay off her student loans; med school and a Dr. in biology hadn't come cheap.

"So tell me what you think Dr. Longman." said a voice from behind her

"Ah Director Prescott I didn't hear you come in." said Alexis nervously "This is a really weird specimen." she said looking through the glass containment case

"How so?" said Director Prescott

"Well on the surface it seems to be a regular tentacle like that you would find on many invertebrates like an octopus..." Alexis started

"Except?" asked Director Prescott

"Well except for a lot of things, for one thing the muscles are extremely densely layered and one tentacle may well be able to lift over 200 lbs alone, and for another this part at the end appears to have some sort of combination between a tongue and a urethra it way well be this organism's penis." Alexis continued

"A penis that can lift over 200 lbs?" said the Director incredulously

"And another thing, this appendage was severed at the end we have no idea how long it is in reality it could have gone on for a few more inches or a few more feet for all we know. What's more is that unlike the tentacles of an octopus or a squid this tentacle doesn't have any suckers and it isn't slimy like you would expect, it actually looks like it has regular skin on it. Where did you say this was found?" Asked Alexis

"Not to far from here actually." said the Director "In a park about a mile from this building."

"Bridge view?" asked Alexis "I walk through there every night on my way home."

"Well I'm sure it was probably just some weird variety of squid crossbreed or something, nothing to worry about" said the director dismissively "I sure hope so." said Alexis to herself

"Now be sure to put this specimen back into cryo storage when your done with it, and don't forget to lock up when you go." said the director

"Yes sir." said Alexis

Alexis replaced the specimen into the cryo locker, scrubbed down the lab table she had been working on and switched off the light on her way out. Deciding that she felt sweaty after working so long in the lab Alexis headed towards the faculty showers.

"Man it's a good thing that I brought a change of clothes." she said to herself

Stepping into the women's shower room Alexis glanced around, the long rows of metal lockers and plain wood benches gleamed back at her with the high polish of a surface that had just been clean and the hint of chemicals in the air gave to room a clean and sterile feeling. During the working day the showers were usually packed as many of the staff took advantage of the faculties free water and a great deal of the work done in the labs was labor intensive and a good shower was often required if you wanted to keep up a business like appearance.

"I guess there are some pluses to working late." Alexis said to herself enjoying the solitude of the empty room "I have the showers all to myself."

Removing her lab clothing Alexis paused to examine herself in the full length mirror attached to the end of one of the banks of lockers. Long bright red hair coming down to the middle of her back helped to frame her heart shaped face and deep green eyes peeked out from between the lenses of a slim pair of rimless glasses, Alexis was lucky to have never had the curse of freckles that seemed to plague so many red heads and her skin was a soft white which was smooth and free of blemishes, years of constant exercise had hardened and toned her muscles giving her a lean appearance without robbing her of her curves, full round breasts sat high on her chest sagging only slightly under their own weight with her nipples pointing straight out, her wide hips led the eyes down invitingly to the full pouty lips of her pussy. Alexis had always kept her pussy cleanly shaven preferring the look and feel to the alternative. Turning sideways her eyes traveled over the full rounded curves of her ass and down the well toned thighs to her slim calf's.

"I look pretty good considering I haven't been to the gym in a month." she thought to herself

Alexis adjusted the water to her liking and stepped into the stall and closed the heavy frosted glass door quietly behind her. She raised her head letting the hot water run down her body in rivulets between her breasts and down her back, pulling her hair out of its pony tail she squirted some of her shampoo into her hands before kneading it gently into her scalp. Feeling the tension drain away from between her shoulders she sighed in contentment. She reached for her other bottle and squirted out some of the body wash she favored rubbing it between her hands before starting to apply it to her body. Starting at the top and working her way down she started to scrub of the sweat and grime that a days worth of hard labor caused, before too long she began to pay special attention to her breasts and clit enjoying the feeling of her hands gliding over the slick flesh of her breasts she moaned to herself pinching her left nipple gently between her thumb and fore finger before sliding her index and middle finger inside her pussy.

Alexis moaned at the sensation it had been so long since she had sex with anyone because of the long hours and erratic schedule that her job forced upon her and her forced celibacy had caused her pussy to become extremely tight so that even her slight fingers felt like a thick cock. Under her skilled hands Alexis was able to quickly bring herself to a climax. Sighing morosely and leaning against the wall of the shower stall she felt the slight twitches which always accompanied an orgasm start to dissipate under the hot water of the shower.

"Man I really need to get laid." she thought to herself

Quickly rinsing the soap off Alexis stepped out of the water into the cold air of the locker room she giggled to herself as she used the palm of her hand to brush her nipples made erect by her recent sexual release and the cold air. Walking over to her locker she pulled out the matching black bra and thong pulling them on before toweling off her long red hair and pulling it back into a pony tail donning the short black skirt and tight fitting black blouse which showed off her full C cup breasts to full advantage. Whistling a nameless tune to herself Alexis walked out of the room switching the light off behind her.

The park seemed especially menacing to Alexis that night in the light of what she had recently learned from the Director.

"I wonder if the creature which has spawned that tentacle is out there in the forest somewhere." she thought to herself

Hearing foot steps behind her she glanced back and saw a giant of a man walk out from the darkness of the forest. Easily 8 feet tall the man was built like a line backer but Alexis couldn't tell much about how he looked because he was dressed in a long black trench coat which reached almost to the ground while his face was obscured by a wide brimmed hat which was pulled down.

"A beautiful night out isn't it?" Alexis asked

The man stood silently for a second before stepping into the light and meeting Alexis's eyes. She took a step backwards in horror; the man's eyes lacked any kind of pupil and instead glowed with a malevolent red light. It grinned manically exposing long sharp teeth and a long tongue snaked out of its mouth.

"What are you?!" asked Alexis

For answer the creature opened its trench coat, while shaped roughly like a man with powerful well defined muscles nearly a dozen tentacles identical to the one still in the cryo locker in the lab seemed to be attached to its chest, her eyes widened as she saw that its penis was enormous easily two feet long and as thick as her fist was wide and it was already standing at full attention as the creature lustily examined her. Alexis's first thought was to run but before she had made it more then a few steps before two of the tentacles shot out, wrapping around her thighs, she reached down to try and pull them off before two more shot out and wrapped around her wrists while another wrapped around her throat sending an unequivocal message about what would happen if she screamed.

Lifting her helplessly into the air the creature carried her into the darkness of the forest. Alexis felt one of the tentacles slither up the bottom of her skirt before it ripped it off of her body shredding the garment in the process, two more slid up the bottom of her blouse before jerking out words ripping the buttons from the shirt and strewing the pieces around the clearing they had stopped in. Now clad in nothing but her matching bra and thong Alexis shivered in the powerful grip of the monsters tentacles. Lowering her to the ground one of the tentacles snaked inside the bottoms of her panties ripping them from her body before climbing up and doing the same to her bra leaving her completely nude and totally helpless before the monsters will.

Alexis struggled against the tentacles trying vainly to free any of her limbs from its powerful grip. She looked down and saw the top part of one of the tentacles open and a long tongue emerged from its tip, the tentacle moved closer to her pussy and begin sliding the tongue up and down the length of her slit before thrusting deep inside her. Alexis cried out at the unexpected intrusion as the tentacle slithered deep inside her pussy. The others pulled her arms and legs apart leaving her completely spread eagle while it slid in and out of her tight hole. Two more of the tentacles circled her breasts squeezing them in its powerful grip before emitting tongues of their own which begin to flick the ends of her nipples before completely engulfing them in their miniature mouths. She continued to struggle trying to get away from the unwanted intrusion of the tentacle inside of her and opened her mouth in an attempt to scream for help, but before she could complete her scream one of the tentacles stuck out and forced its way into her mouth forcing her to silence.

Another of the tentacles sliding up her leg, passing its fellow still thrusting in and out of her pussy like a pistoning cock the other tentacle circled up closer to her ass, emitting a tongue it's started to caress her asshole genteelly lubricating her tender hole with its vicious saliva before forcing itself deep inside her virgin ass. Alexis cried out in pain as it barrowed its way inside her but the tentacle in her mouth allowed no sound to emerge except a quiet groan. Lifted up in the air by the powerful force of the tentacles which surrounded her body Alexis's every hole was filled with the tentacles the one in her pussy thrusting in and out of her repeatedly, though she fought against it at first her hips begin responding in the primal animal way her body was programmed by a million years of evolution to respond when she was being fucked, she spread her legs further apart and started thrusting down each time the tentacle thrusted up meeting it in the middle and increasing the force of its pounding on her tight pussy, the tentacle in her ass started acting in a similar fashion slowly sliding in and out increasing its speed each time just a little.

What started out painful started to feel good as her ass started to loosen up under the rough care of the tentacles. Alexis started to suck on the tentacle which filled her mouth and it to begin to move in and out filling her mouth each time and causing her to gag just a little as it fucked her throat. She could feel her orgasm building as she was fucked from all angles loosing herself in the stimulation of having her mouth, ass, and pussy being fucked while also having her nipples and clit sucked on, under normal circumstances she would need at least 6 men in order to get the same amount of stimulation. Alexis cried out as a powerful orgasm ripped though her body causing her muscles to contract as she shook from the force of the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. The tentacles in her mouth, ass and pussy extracted themselves, the top part opening, each of the tentacles started to ejaculate on to her covering her head to toe in the thick white spurts of its cum. Alexis moaned as she felt the monster cum on her still dazed and a little confused from the force of her orgasm, she felt herself being lifted closer to the monsters body as it lifted her into a sitting position suspended in the air, pulling her legs apart the monster positioned her above the head of its monstrous rock hard cock.

The tentacles started pulling her down and she thought she was going to be split in half as the enormous cock started to penetrate her, deep inside she felt the massive cock finely bottom out in her pussy before being dragged upwards again. Up and down the monster slid her on its massive cock increasing its speed before she was being fucked faster and harder then she had ever been before, its huge hands reached around and grasped one of her tits in its powerful grip using the other hand to pull her hair back forcing her head up it pressed its lips against her mouth its long tongue flicking around on the inside. Alexis felt the enormous cock start to twitch inside her as the monster continued to pound her.

Despite the pain of having something so large violate her tight pussy Alexis could feel another orgasm starting to build, she could feel it moving faster and could tell from the way that its gigantic cock was starting to twitch inside of her that it was probably going to cum soon. Alexis started moaning loudly as the tentacles lifted her helplessly up and down on the monsters cock, using her like a sex toy to satisfy its dark sexual urges. The monster roared out in pleasure and Alexis felt the cock start twitching a moment before a massive amount of cum flooded her inside sending her over the edge into her own orgasm mixing its cum with her own. Half way through its orgasm the monsters tentacles lifted her off and positioned her right in front of its cock coating her again in another layer of its cum. When it finely finished Alexis could feel the tentacles grip start to slacken as it dropped her to the ground where she lay helplessly before it. The monster gave her a sadistic grin before picking up its clothing and leaving.

Alexis watched it's back retreating into the darkness as she lay on the forest floor completely nude and covered in the monsters cum. The last thought that passed through her mind before the darkness of unconsciousness took her was to wonder if she could get pregnant from the massive amount of cum that was still seeping out from between her legs...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I liked it and thought it was a hot story. It’s favorited a lot, but the score isn’t that high - I’m just curious if it’s favorited more by women than men and why the score isn’t higher? Hopefully not just because of punctuation.

smilingjimsmilingjimalmost 3 years ago

Another great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

More Chapters on this story because I want to find out if she did get pregnant and how many tentacle alien babies she is going to have. So please more chapters okay.

Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Promising Story....

... Ruined by bad writing. Find an editor to work with here at the site.

You're in desperate need of one because apparently you have trouble knowing when to use a comma and a period for which there is truly no excuse if you want to be read and appreciated by your peers anytime soon because truthfully your run on sentences were a great distraction to the otherwise interesting story you were trying to tell unless of course you're satisfied with sub-par readers praising your sub-par work which you might be but you can do better!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Well, this is a really hot story in my opinion. I was confused though when they said she was "lucky to have never had the curse of freckles that seemed to plague so many red heads." I've always found freckles really attractive on most people and I don't understand why so many people seem to think of them as a "curse." Other than that I found this to be pretty good though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Loved it!!

This was a hot story, but it was a bit slow at first. Other than that, AMAZING!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
slow it down

It was good but slow the initial action a little.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

oh my goooooood i love it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
sequel please

You should totally write a sequel, or at least other tentacle stories, it was a really good one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

anonymous is a twat if he can't see beyond punctuation, and recognize a good story well told

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Punctuation. There for a reason.

Couldn't make it past the first few paragraphs, for the lack of a full stop or two. Or three.

NobleKorhedronNobleKorhedronover 11 years ago
Hot and interesting...

Any prospect of a sequel....?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Need to work on punctuation and spelling. Have someone edit for you. I did like the story, short and to the "point".1B63

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

omg that was soo good. you should write more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Just amazing, write more tentacles!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I really liked this story and would enjoy a sequel. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Really enjoyed this story. Almost felt like I was there being fucked myself. Would love to see you writing a sequel to this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
It Was Okay

I think the story and the idea behind it itself was good. However, some editing and fixing of run-on sentences wouldn't hurt. Otherwise, good story.

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