The Accident


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"Aren't you sweet," said Marion when Henry placed lunch on the TV tray in front of his mother.

A moment later, "This is delicious, son."

"Well, grilled cheese is hard to mess up. So long as you don't burn the bread and the soup is straight out of the can."

"Even so, I'm impressed. You'll make a fine husband and father one day."

"But then, I won't be coming home to you."


"What do you want to do after lunch, mom?"

"Sky diving! I can't break any more bones!"

"Ha! Seriously."

"I don't want to vegetate in front of the tube all day. I'd really like to read the novel I'm working on, but I can't turn the pages."

"Just a minute, mom I'll be right back."

A short time later, Henry was placing earphones on his mother's head. His iPad via the local library downloaded the novel. "What chapter were you on, mom?"

"Only the third, but I don't mind starting over."


While his mother read vicariously, Henry was able to really start on his work assignment. The quiet of the house seemed to focus his mind. He was positive that his boss would be very happy with the results when he saw them in the morning. Henry felt very good indeed. He felt justified in being proud of himself. There were several more trips to the bathroom for Marion, each easier than the previous one. Henry thought about his hands coming in contact with the soft womanly fur of his mother's sex. His mom, he was sure, had a mighty cute pussy! He knew that should appall him, but it did not. Nor could he convince himself otherwise.

Dinner went off without a hitch. Marion praised Henry's cooking and had a larger portion than usual.

"How did you get to be such a good cook, young man?"

"At the apartment in college, none of the other guys wanted to cook so I took it upon myself to learn so that we all didn't starve to death!"

"That's funny."

After loading the dishwasher and turning it on, Henry approached his mother armed with a roll of plastic wrap.

"What's that for?"

"I'm going to wrap your casts, mom. It's bath time."

"Ba-ba-bath time?"

"Well, who else is going to do it, mom?"


"The accident was five days ago you've been in the hospital for four nights. Those hospital sponge baths just aren't going to cut it!"


"I'm positive neither of us will be struck blind, mom."

"Oh, my heavens!"

"How long do you think you can put this off, mom? Better we get it over with now."

Marion's eyes went wide. She blinked a few times before her head sagged. After a long interval, she replied,

"You are right, of course, still."

"I've seen naked women before, mom."

"Those naked women weren't your mother!"

"For which I am grateful. I'll do a good job, mom, you'll see."

"Now I wish for a magician's wand to make myself invisible."

"That would make finding the dirt easier."

"Oh, Henry!"

The ice broke, and mother and son shared a chuckle.

Marion sat on the toilet while her son carefully wrapped and taped plastic around her casts. He could not put very much water in the tub to ensure they stayed dry, but how much water would she really need?

"That should do it, mom. Let me take your shoes off. Henry tugged off the sneakers and the cute little socks revealing Marion's adorable feet with the pink painted nails. Henry made a mental note to try and arrange a visit to the nail salon for a pedicure as he recalled that as one of her mother's favorite pleasures and one of the few complete indulgences, she allowed herself. He rose and reached for the buttons on Marion's blouse. There was a slight flutter in his hands as he revealed the opalescent brassiere behind the fabric. Slowly, he parted all the buttons and worked the garment over and off the twin casts. Henry contemplated his mom in just her bra for a long moment before he reached behind her back with both hands, unhooked, and tugged it away. Henry hadn't seen his mom's boobs since he was a small child. Back then, they made no impact. Now? Her abundant breasts were wonderful, large, and firm with light brown areolas and pink pencil-end nipples. Henry forced himself not to stare as his mother's eyes remained downcast. Marion quickly hid herself.

He turned away and shut off the spigot in the tub.

"You have to stand up now, mom."

Marion sighed heavily but allowed Henry to help her to her feet. She stepped out of her jeans and panties a moment later. Henry marveled at how long and shapely his mother's legs were. Her tummy was flat with just a hint of sag from age, it did nothing to detract from her delectable navel. Her hips flared nicely and her now completely hidden-from-view pussy was an utter delight. Marion was incapable of hiding all her anatomy.

"Into the tub, mom."

Henry had placed some bubble bath in the tub to protect, at least somewhat, his mother's modesty. He placed a bath pillow behind her head and said, "Relax." He took up the washcloth. Marion nervously bit her lower lip but was at last able to relax, her arms fell to her sides. Henry took a deep breath, he was glad that from her angle, his mom could not spy his sudden incessant stiffy. the washcloth glided over Marion's left shoulder, the water running down over her breast. Henry took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Gingerly, his hands roved over his mother's shapely body. He noted stubble upon her thigh and ran his hand the length of her left leg.

He took up his razor and announced, "You need a shave, mom."

"Henry! Who cares if I sprout a jungle while convalescing? I'll take care of that when I get my arms back."

"Growing slovenly is a sure sign of not caring. You always cared about your looks, mom. There is no need for you to not look your best at all times."

"But who's going to know, honey?"

"Well, you will know, and that is most important. Besides, what if I decide to dress you in shorts and take you to the park? The guys scoping you out shouldn't be turned off by unsightly hair."

"Oh, Henry!"

She laughed and asked, "Don't I even get to decide my wardrobe?"

"Sure. That was just for instance. Now, it's razor time."

Marion had to admire how close a shave Henry gave her. She felt satiny and smooth, and he did not nick her in even the slighted way. He raised each arm to do her armpits with the same precision.

"Henry, I'm starting to prune. Pull the plug."

Henry did as his mother requested, then helped her to her feet. He helped her step out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel. Carefully and expertly, he dried her off. He took his mom's robe off its hook and placed it on her. With her seated on the commode, Henry brushed her teeth.

"My God, I'm so helpless even the most mundane tasks are beyond me! I mean I knew that before but this past hour or so really brought it home. I'm sorry I'm putting you through this, son."

"You didn't break your wrists on purpose, mom!"

They strode to Marion's bedroom.

"What do you want to wear to bed, mom?"

"Usually, just a long men's T-shirt. I have several in the middle drawer."

Henry selected the pink one. A moment later his mom was in it. Henry noted that his mother's nipples puckered nicely behind the thin fabric. He helped her to bed, pulled up the covers, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Wait! What if I have to go in the middle of the night? You won't be able to hear me from your end of the house."

Henry thought about it for a minute.

"I'll sleep here on the floor, tonight. Tomorrow I'll order a baby monitor and have it delivered."

"Baby monitor! Floor! Nonsense! You can lie down next to me, Henry. I may be as helpless as an infant, but I'll be damned if I have to rely on a literal baby monitor like one! There's plenty of room for you next to me. I'm going to have a hard time sleeping flat on my back in any case, so, we can talk. It will be like old times when you crawled into my bed in the morning, and we'd chat for hours."

"Are you sure, mom?"

"Yes. I don't use over half this bed as it is. You will be fine, and I'll feel better having you close."

Henry did some last acts before turning in including taking the trash to the curb before he prepared for bed himself. In his room, he put on a pair of pajama bottoms that his mom had bought for him when he went away to college. He also put on a T-shirt. After brushing his teeth, he returned to his mother's room. She was lying flat on her back, the sheet and duvet folded just under her breasts. Henry thought his mother looked especially sexy and vulnerable like this. As he settled into the bed next to her, she said, "Goodnight, honey."

Henry bent his face to kiss Marion's cheek while she had turned her face to him. Their lips met in a kiss of mutual surprise.

Henry pulled away. Marion flushed scarlet.

"Oh, my! Don't take that the wrong way, son!"

"I'm sorry mom. It was an accident."

"I know. I used to like it when you kissed me like that, but we were both a lot younger then."

There was a long silence.

"Am I a good kisser, mom?"

"Henry! Such a question!"

"Well, both Louise and Marta told me that I'm a bad kisser."

"Really? A nice girl would instruct you, not berate you."

"Girls tend to be direct with me and not complimentary."

"How so?"

"They say I'm a bad lover and that the other guys they've been with knew what they were doing."

"I'm sure that stings, Henry. But you will find the right girl one day. A patient girl who respects you enough not to humiliate you. A girl who gives you direction in a loving manner."

"The only woman whom I've ever met who does that is you, mom."

"Oh, Henry. This is not the time or place. Turn the light out."

In the darkness, Henry turned away from his mother's recumbent form. The inadvertent kiss stayed with him however until it was subsumed by his dreams.


Henry was first to awake. His head was resting on his mom's right breast her casted arm resting on his ear. Henry was aware of his pajama-clad morning stiffy pressing against his mother's naked thigh. He pondered this situation for a moment. Slowly, he took a deep breath. Man did his mom ever smell good! His mom's boob felt better than any other woman whom Henry had encountered. His erection became more insistent. Slowly, patiently, gently, he extracted himself without waking his mother. His first order of business was to slide out of bed, and pad down the hallway to his own bedroom where he threw himself on his bed and proceeded to jerk off. It was an excellent masturbatory interlude. Only when he was finished did a sense of shame descend. How could he think of his mother THAT way? The shame lifted almost immediately as Henry explained to himself that he was jerking off to a supreme cougar, or MILF. One that just happened to be his mother. He composed himself, took a shower, dressed, and started cooking breakfast.

"Henry! I have to go!" came the cry.

The lad hastened to his mother's aid. A moment later she was seated on the toilet.

"What's for breakfast?" she asked as he washed his hands.

"Eggs, bacon, and juice. We are going to have to go to the grocery store soon."

"Just have it delivered, honey. You can use my credit card."

"OK, but you'll have to sit with me as I order so I get the right stuff. I know you are particular."

"Fine. I'm starving."

Wrapped in a robe, Marion sat at the kitchen table and watched Henry work.

"It's so frustrating being only able to watch and give advice."

"I'm perfectly capable of making breakfast mom, but I could use your advice in other areas."

"Such as."

"What we started on last night. Why do girls think I'm such a non-entity."

"They certainly aren't seeing what I see."

"What do you see, mom?"

"A tall, muscular boy who is sweet and sensitive, a good cook, and the perfect son."

"Women don't want a perfect son, mom. They want a movie star who gets down and dirty between the sheets."

"Only shallow girls want that, honey. A real woman wants what you have to offer."

"Then you are the only real woman in the world, mom."

"Oh, Henry."

There was a pause.

"We'll talk more after breakfast."

For the next interval of time, Henry fed both his mother and himself. Both of their minds were caught up elsewhere. Henry was considering his mom in ways he never had before, while Marion was wondering how much of herself was now visible to her only child and how much more would be exposed in the immediate future.

Marion gave her son the code to her cellphone so she could read the contents.

"Oh, Henry, I have a hair appointment today. I completely forgot. It took months to get this one and I'd hate to miss it. I certainly need, at the minimum, a shampoo, and a trim."

"I'll get you there, mom. It promises to be a beautiful day. The instructions from the hospital said that you should exercise. We can take a hike in the park afterward."

"I suppose that is better than sitting at home all day."

"That's the spirit, mom."

After getting his mother into a bra and panties, he dressed her in a pink blouse and over her objections, khaki shorts, ankle socks, and hiking shoes.

"You'll be more comfortable at the park today, mom in shorts. I don't want you overheating."

"My son, the doctor," she replied mockingly.

"I thought we decided that I am your nurse."

Henry drove his mother to her hairdresser. The shop was across the street from the mall. Once she was seated in the chair and in the hairdresser's hands, Henry escaped to the mall as he was told that Marion would be in the chair for several hours.

In the bookstore, he stumbled across a special edition of a men's magazine, "The Wonders of the MILF, the Cougar, and Your Best Friend's Mom!" He felt only a twinge of embarrassment at purchasing it when the clerk turned out to be a middle-aged woman who eyed him warily. In the men's room, he tore the cellophane cover off. The women inside were very pretty, beautiful even, but to Henry's eyes at least, none of them could compare to his own mother. Quietly, slowly, he savored jacking off in the stall. Mom was everything he had ever dreamed of he knew that now.

Henry hid the magazine in the trunk of his car before he retrieved Marion. She looked marvelous in her new cut. Henry used his own money to pay and tip the hairdresser. He complimented her on his mom's fresh look. Once they were back in the car, Henry said,

"You look terrific, mom. When I go to the barber, we talk about sports. What do women talk about when they get their hair done?"

"Lots of things, my accident, men, and a lot about you."


"Sure, she wanted to know who the hunk was I came in with."

"Hunk? But I called you mom when I was in the shop."

"She thought that might have been a dodge, to disguise the fact that you are my boy toy. A boy toy too embarrassed to accompany his lover too as unmanly an institution as the beauty parlor."

"That's hilarious, mom."

"You would make an excellent boy toy -- if you weren't my son."

"Gee, mom."

"Maybe an older woman is the solution to your problem son. Older women tend to be less critical and more understanding. Not for a lifetime commitment or anything but long enough to get you out of your rut."

"Have anyone picked out, mom?"

"No, but..."

"The only older woman I'm interested in is you, mom," returned Henry with more honesty than he was aware of. Marion missed the subtext and replied.

"I certainly hope not like THAT, son."

"No," Henry lied, "but you are very beautiful, mom, and very sweet."

"Thank you, Henry. All sons should feel that way about their mothers."

The drive to the park was not long. Marion had to admit that the sun felt divine on her bare legs. She and Henry hiked the trail that circled the periphery of the park. After three laps, Marion was winded, so Henry broke out the picnic lunch he had prepared. He and Marion sat on the grass while he fed her. They attracted some stares from passersby. One or two asked Marion what had happened to her, but for the most part, people were polite. Navigating the port-o-john as a duo was a bit awkward, but it turned out to be the only hiccup in their day. Both were feeling very fine and mellow during the drive home.

Henry took a roundabout route back to the house. The beauty matched his mood and he wanted to savor it. Out of the corner of his vision, he gazed at his mother's legs. He recalled shaving them earlier, the feel of their skin, its resiliency, the muscle tone, all were first-class. Again, his mind compared them to those of the women in the magazine. Hers were as nice as any of the others. He could not wait to touch them again.

He parked his mother in front of the TV and got a few hours of work in before he started on dinner. In a way, he liked the new responsibility that came his way via his mother's injuries. He was the unquestioned master of the home now, no longer playing second fiddle to his mother. Sure, it meant that he would be responsible for all the cleaning and cooking in addition to his own work but now he was in charge. Until his mother recovered, he would be the sole breadwinner and decision-maker. It felt really, really, good. Following the instructions the internet provided to his tablet, he rose to the challenge of making a pot roast with all the trimmings.

Between bites, Marion raved about the dinner. Despite Henry's care, he still got spots on Marion's blouse.

"You better treat these spots before they stain, Henry."

Immediately the lad unbuttoned and removed his mother's blouse and headed for the laundry room. Since his mother had not done the laundry since before her accident, quite a pile had built up. Henry gathered up his own hamper and his mother's and started a load. He grabbed a T-shirt for his mom, but she was content to continue to lounge in her brassiere.

"Are you sure you have a handle on the laundry, son?"

"Do you think I was a nudist at college or something?"

"Well, no."

"I'm far more capable than you think, mom."

"I'm sorry, son. I often forget how mature and grown up you are."

"And I never forget how beautiful and wonderful you are, mom."


After loading the washer, Henry moved his mother to the living room. She sat with her feet propped up and tilted back in a recliner. Henry dialed up a movie on HBO and set to the task of clearing the dinner and storing the leftovers. Those tasks completed, he checked his computer and sent off an update of the coding project to his boss and an editor to look for bugs. He was quite happy t realize that he was getting a tremendous amount done in short snatches of time. His mind seemed especially focused. He spent precious little time now surfing the web while he worked. It gave him a very good feeling.

"Well, that movie sucked!" he heard his mother opine.

"Bathroom, Henry, then I think I want to lie in my bed and continue with that audiobook I started. I need something good for my brain cells to focus on."

"Right away, mom."

After getting his mother situated, he transferred the laundry to the dryer. He stepped out for a moment to get the MILF magazine out of his trunk before entering his own bedroom. He jerked off before he forced himself to perform some sit-ups and pushups. He was fit, yet constantly aware that a sedentary life of coding could easily inflate his waistline. Some of the older coders at work ... well. Let's just say that Henry had no desire to resemble them!

The dryer finished its cycle and Henry neatly folded the clothes. His mother certainly favored lacy underthings! They felt silky and alluring. Henry supposed, that if he were female, he too would favor something that felt so wonderful under his jeans. Carefully, he transported the neatly folded bundles to his mother's room. She was lying with her eyes closed, clearly not sleeping, caught up in the narration of the novel.

As unobtrusively as possible, Henry opened the drawers to his mother's dresser. He set the panties in their designated drawer when his hand brushed something solid. A moment later, his hand extracted an impressive black vibrating dildo. It came to life in his grasp filling the room with buzzing.