The Acedemy Ch. 01


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I scooped Amanda up and took her to her room. There was a cute girl sitting on a bed listening to an iPod and reading a magazine. She looked up and her heart rate sped up as she saw me holding her roommate. I suppose she thought she was dead or something. Both of us were covered in dirt and I had a huge burn down my shirt to where it limply hung from one sleeve and fell off as I set Amanda down on the bed.

"Is she alright? Who are you?" Hannah asked, not really caring about Amanda. Just the fact that there was a 6'5" man with naturally sculpted abs and no shirt on standing a few inches from her.

"It's a lot harder to do than you think, I can hear it, I can't just tune it out. Can you tune out how you hear everything?" He said.

"Yes, only because I've been alive for a hundred years," I said back.

"Woah, I'm only eighteen," He said.

"I am too, kinda. I've not aged since 1930. I've been in every war since. You don't know how many people I've killed, how many officers, Enlisted men, civilians... I can hardly sleep through all of the nightmares," I explained to him.

"So, you can't die, age, or be hurt, super hearing? Anything else?" He asked.

I picked up one of his thirty-five pound dumbbells and bent it into the shape of a heart; then bent it back.

"Oh, well you're basically the perfect soldier. If any side had you, they'd win eventually," He concluded.

Drew leaned back against the wall while sitting on his bed; he held the apple core flat out in his hand and concentrated for a second. The core hesitantly floated a few inches above his hand and settled back down; Drew let out a breath as if he had just run a mile.

At that moment, Amanda stepped in the room. "Zach, um, hey. I just wanted to let you know, our first classes start tomorrow. We've got first and second class together," She said, smiling. Her heart rate picked up a little. She started twiddling her thumbs.

"Oh, thanks, Amanda," I said, trying to be inconspicuous to the fact that I heard that she was probably going to flirt with me and try a lot more. But the other, more dominant and horny part of me decided to keep going, "Umm, will you show me around the school?" Drew smirked; the bastard. Stop listening to me, listen to her. Tell me what she said later. I'll see you tonight. "Bye, Drew!" I said, in a fake, corny, overly friendly way.

"This is the courtyard, where people try and perfect certain aspects of their abilities," She said, grabbing a hold of my left arm and pointing to my right to the group of people sparring. A kid's hands lit on fire and he threw a punch at one of the smallest girls I've ever seen. She countered by grabbing his elbow and shoulder and slamming him onto the ground; super strength definitely. She followed that by blowing freezing air onto his hands, thus putting them out and keeping him frozen to the ground. Didn't expect that...

"Watch out!" She did her best to throw me to the ground; I heard something large rapidly approaching from our backs. I read her movements and her words and grabbed the both of us and out her under me and shielded her from whatever was coming so quickly.

An explosion thudded on the ceiling directly above where they were laying. Fire, debris and ash covered my back and singed my clothes and skin. I poked my head up and looked around to see if where it had come from. I remembered Amanda and moved to her side. She fainted.

"Dude! I am so sorry, I didn't know how big that was going to get," A long haired young boy said. He was maybe around fifteen. "Woah... Your back, man it's burned bad. We've got to get you to the hospital wing," He touched the gnarly burn wound on my back. Even as he moved toward me, it started to heal before his eyes.

"It's fine, be more careful. Practice that out in the open field near the entrance. You're less likely to kill someone there," I said jokingly. He smiled feebly, gave more apologies and left.

I scooped Amanda up and took her to her room. There was a cute girl sitting on a bed listening to an iPod and reading a magazine. She looked up and her heart rate sped up as she saw me holding her roommate. I suppose she thought she was dead or something. Both of us were covered in dirt and I had a huge burn down my shirt to where it limply hung from one sleeve and fell off as I set Amanda down on the bed.

"Is she alright? Who are you?" Hannah asked, not really caring about Amanda; just the fact that there was a 6'5" man with naturally sculpted abs and no shirt on standing a few inches from her.

"My name is Zach. Zach Elliot. Amanda and I were walking down the corridor around the court yard and some guy training sent a giant fire ball or something straight at us. She was lucky enough to warn me, I also heard it. I took the majority of the blast. I think she's just fainted," I replied back to her.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She asked, suddenly tentative to me. She got up and looked me over even more, feeling my back and checking, quite thoroughly, for wounds.

"Yes," I said, shrugging her off slightly, "One of my powers is super healing."

"Oh. Well, alright," She said, saddened a bit.

Amanda woke suddenly, "Zach, watch out!" She leaned up and forcefully grabbed a hold of me while I was looking down at her and I was sitting on the bed.

"Amanda, Amanda! It's alright, we're safe. You're fine, right? Nothing hurts right now?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine. Are you okay? Why is your shirt off?" She asked suddenly. She definitely noticed my shirt was off and her heart skipped a beat.

"Well, I kinda put you down on the ground and jumped on top of you," Her heart skipped another beat, "And the thing blew up on the ceiling and kinda of set me on fire. Don't worry; it healed before I even really noticed."

"Thank you for saving me, Zach. I don't know how I can thank you," I had just realized that she had never let go of me. She had only let her hands drop down to my waist. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

I immediately pulled away. "Amanda, you don't want to be with me, it'll only end badly."

"How?" She asked.

"Amanda, I never age. I'll never leave you, but you'll leave me. It's happened so many times."

"Didn't the professor tell you? Zach, that's the reason I know the professor. I haven't aged since the mid forties. I doubt I ever will again," She replied.

We sat there for a moment. She leaned in and kissed me again. I kissed back. She moved her hands up my back and began fondling my shoulder blades. My tongue snaked through her lips. After nearly a hundred years of experience, she was in for a good surprise. She was no novice herself, our tongues washed over each other like they had never tasted anything so beautiful. They hadn't. I moved down and kissed her neck.

"Ahem!" Hannah said from aside.

We split apart and realized we had forgotten about the girl in the room watching us for the past two and a half minutes. "Oh... Umm, sorry," Amanda said. Her beautiful face blushing as she brushed her tousled brunette hair out of her face and behind her ear, only for it to cutely fall back down to her face.

"I supposed I better be going," I said, "Good bye Hannah." I looked toward Amanda, "Umm, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, you will," She said as she smiled cutely at me. Her cheeks still flushed.

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips again. "Bye."

"Bye," She said as she waved goodbye.

I nearly ran into one of the women who looked over the women's dorm. "Excuse me, sir. Why are you in the girl's dorm?" She looked me up and down, "With your shirt off?"

"Umm... Long story. Really, it's not what you think... I'll be going now, ma'am,"

"That's probably for the best," She said.

I made my way in to the dorm room. Drew wasn't there; he'd probably just pop in, though. He's pretty good at that apparently. A heartbeat suddenly appeared on the bed behind me.

"Hey, Drew. What's up?" I asked.

"Noth- Woah! You've been here for like three hours and you've already made out with Amanda?" He said surprised.

"Yeah. I'm really getting tired of that whole mind reading thing..." I said blatantly.

"I know, remember? I can tell if you're lying, though. A trait you also share," He said teleporting to his bed, an orange in his hand this time. "I'll focus it on someone else."

"Thanks, this girl named Hannah was feeling me up too. I felt so awkward," I said, folding a blue t-shirt.

"Wait, Hannah touched you? Where!?" He said, suddenly a little tense. His heart rate picked up.

"My back. She was checking to see if I was burned," I said. I thought about it, made sure he saw and felt the thought like I did.

"Oh... I've had a crush on her ever since the professor took me here. She thinks I'm a freak, though," As he said this, the orange started levitating and hovered for a moment. He opened his eyes from a moment of sadness and the orange fell back into his hand.

"Shit! No wonder, I can't even use my own power!" He said.

"Wait, think about Hannah again. Concentrate."

Slowly, but surely, the orange began to levitate. It hovered for a solid minute and then it bobbed slightly. After a contorted look on Drew's face, the orange began rotating and then began orbiting around Drew's head. I smiled at him. The orange went in front of my face and flew around my head then slammed into the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"Oops..." Drew said, looking at the orange mess all over the room.

"How did you know where it went?" I asked.

"I can see it through your eyes when I was in your mind."

"Woah... I've got a question," I started, "Can you like, hit someone with your power?"

"I dunno... You being the invincible juggernaut that you are, wanna try it out?"

"Sure, but not in here, let's go to the courtyard."

Drew and I positioned ourselves roughly three meters apart. He adjusted his stance and I did mine. "Alright, Drew, concentrate. Think about," Realizing we were around other people, "Umm... Her."

"Got it," He said, smiling.

Drew held up his hands as if to aim in some way. He had a sort of concentration that I'd never seen. WHAM, my left shoulder had been hit by a train, I flew twenty some feet and hit one of the stone pillars. It hurt. Another shirt ruined... Damn.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Dude, are you okay?" Drew said as he sprinted over to me.

I flexed my shoulder and examined the tattered back of my shirt. "Yeah, peachy. That was amazing! You need to sign up for combat training class for the school!"

"I don't know, there are some pretty tough guys there."

"The two of us can take them," I said, slapping him on the back. Knocking him to the ground with a thud.

"Oh, oops."


I was walking to class, I felt like an actual student; learning something new for the first time in over fifty years. A heartbeat slowly approached, I turned around to see who it was. Nobody was there. Then I felt the warm lips press against mine. A beautiful girl slowly materialized in front of me.

"Well, heya," I said when she pulled away and smiled.

"Heya, yourself," She replied. "Follow me; I'll show you our first class."

I followed her into History. Okay, maybe something I have learned for forever. As the class went, I realized it was history told from the mutan- Gifted's point of view. According them, a lot of historical figures were, "Gifted."

I followed Amanda around the massive school for the first few periods. During our last one together, she passed me a note: "When we have lunch, meet me at the snack machines. -Amanda," After which, she drew a heart. I looked at her and nodded.

"Mr.... Elliot, could you tell me how Frank Sinatra's, "Gift," Helped him with his musical career?

"No, sir. I knew the man personally and the bastard never told me that he ever had a gift." The class laughed.

"Well, I'll be sure to tell him you said that when I meet him in the after life."

"Thanks." Amanda looked over and giggled at me.

I smiled back at her.

I looked at the map on the paper the Professor gave me, the snack machines were pretty close to the dorms. I got there and I heard her heart beat but I couldn't see her yet.

"Amanda, come on, let me see you," I said.

"I keep forgetting that my heartbeat gives me away."

"Yeah, it's my only protection against those evil people who try to kill me," I said, smirking toward the sound of her heart beat.

"Ah, is that so? You consider me evil? I may just have to change that." Her heart beat got faster, she moved closer until I could feel her warm breath on my neck.

"Oh really, how is that?" I said suggestively. Moving forward the invisible woman, finding her lips, moving my arms around her back and pulling her closer.

"I'll find some way," She said in between breaths.

She materialized out of nowhere and pulled me behind the snack machines. Our touching getting more adulterated and our tongues exploring each others face and neck even more. I brought my tongue out of her mouth and kissed her cheek and began a long series of kisses that moved down her neck and to her shoulder and back up to her neck and around the front of it. I nibbled on her ear and listened to her heart skip a beat and as she took a deep intake of breath.

"You know, I still haven't repaid you for saving me," She said.

Her hand moved toward my jeans. They slowly fumbled for the belt, button, and finally the zipper. My hand moved up her shirt as she did this and scooped the bra aside. I felt her large C-Cup breasts in my hand for the first time. Her hand made their way into my pants and teased at the outside of my underwear. Her heart rate threatened to kill her when she grazed my manhood.

"Zach... You're huge," She said, gasping for air as she parted our lips.

"Thank you," I said. I hurriedly pulled our faces back together.

Her hand found it's way into my underwear and moved it's length along my member.

"Jesus, Zach. You're really huge," She whispered again.

"Well, you're very horny," I said, kissing her neck and biting her ear lobe some more.

She pulled out my throbbing dick and gasped. I had to admit; though, her hand could barely fit around my ten inch member.

"Jesus," She gasped as she tried to make a fist around it and barely succeeded in touching the tip of her middle finger to the bottom of her palm, "You must be ten inches long..." And she moved her hand up and down the length of my cock, "And almost three inches wide."

"Exactly. You're good at guessing," I teased.

"I'm even better at something else," She winked as she got down on her hands and knees in front of me. Making my manhood jump at the response. While at it's full size, it could, however, grow harder. It did.

She moved her fist skillfully up and down my cock slowly and began to pick up the pace. "There's just so much of it."

She moved her head closer to my crotch and sent a lick along the ten inches from base to tip. Her tongue lingered around the tip and did circles around the head of my cock. She then shoved the massive purple head into her mouth. Warm wetness enveloped the first inch and a half of my cock. She then pulled my dick out of her mouth with a pop and used her saliva as lubricant and continued jerking me off with expert skill. She undid her long brunette hair from her pony tail and it fell down her long angular face to show off her beautiful green eyes.

She flipped her hair behind her head and moved her mouth closer to my dick. She teased the tip with her tongue some more and then continued to suck more and more of me into her at once. Footsteps echoed through my ears. "Amanda, someone's coming, get up! Quick!"

Amanda ignored me and continued sucking me harder and harder. The person was maybe ten feet away from rounding the corner that led directly to us. Amanda suddenly deep throated me as much as she could, gripped the rest of my cock, and filled me with total ecstasy as I was in her throat. She then disappeared with my cock along with her. It appeared as if I was just leaning on the wall with my legs parted slightly and a bead of perspiration sliding down my right temple.

I brought my legs a little closer together and crossed my arms. The person rounded the corner and saw me leaning up against the wall.

"You okay, son?" An attractive teacher said, a hand full of papers in one hand and a bag of food in the other. "You look kind of sick. You have a fever?"

"No, ma'am. I just went for a run," I smiled as innocently as I could with nearly half of my cock buried deep in Amanda's mouth as she teased my shaft with her tongue, breathed through her nose, and gripped the base of my throbbing cock.

"Oh, well stay out of trouble, young man. Have a nice day," She said.

"You too," I said, almost a moan as Amanda pushed me deeper insider her throat.

Amanda reappeared and smiled up at me before going back to work on my cock as the footsteps faded.

"You're amazing," I said to her.

Her response was a gurgle of cock and her own saliva. After nearly fifteen minutes and her constantly working as hard as she could to make me relieve myself. I was near my climax.

"Unnhhhh.... Amanda, I'm about to cum. Oh, that feels good," She let go of one of my ankles and cupped my balls.

She pulled my cock out of her mouth, "Good, you've got huge balls too. Hopefully your cum load is as big as your dick."

She kept sucking as my knees buckled and I fell onto the wall just inches behind me.

"I'm cummmminnng!" I moaned and threw my head back into the most powerful orgasm I've had in years. I shot blast after blast after blast of cum into Amanda's mouth. Her lips threatening to tear as her mouth was nearly filled with my cock in the first place. Amanda began sucking harder and harder as she swallowed as much as possible. My cum, after being sex free for months, was filling up her mouth too quickly and began leaking out both sides of her mouth as she kept swallowing.

"Oh god, that was so much cum. You didn't disappoint, Zach." She gasped as she finished swallowing, licked her lips, wiped off the cum on her face with her fingers, and licked her fingers clean.

"Neither did you," I said, bringing her back close to me, "And I always pay my debt too."

I spun her around so her back was to my chest. I sent my hands up the back of her shirt and removed her lacy black and pink bra. I pulled it out of her small pink tank top and dropped it on the ground. I sent my left hand up her front and began feeling her gorgeous tits. My right hand wandered down to her small skirt and felt the small patch of hair above her pussy. Her heart jumped and she fell back onto me harder.

I moved my fingers over her wet panties and moved my skillful hand down the front of her body. It went over her soaked pussy lips I grazed over her clitoris as soon as my fingered entered the slightest of fractions. Amanda moaned softly. I began to insert one of my massive fingers into her pussy. I'm guessing she's been without sex MUCH longer than I.

Her pussy clenched around my middle finger as if it was the first time anything had penetrated her. She was unbelievably tight. I skillfully worked into and out of her tight hole as fast as I could, observing her heart rate to see what she liked best. She loved it when I nibbled on her ear and neck, felt her breasts, fondled her nipples, and shoved my finger into her as far as it would go. By now, my arousal had reinstated itself in my body.

My cock, still out, stood full erect; moving up the back of Amanda's skirt and poking the back of her pussy. This excited her more. I switched hands and loudly slurped the soaked finger right next to her ear. The noise made her even wetter and hotter as she moaned louder. I started fondling her other breast with my saliva and pussy soaked hand. Amanda pulled my hand up to her mouth and began licking my soaked hand free of juices and my saliva. I nibbled her ear and told her to get ready.