The Agency Ch. 04


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"Michelle, please come to my office," Ms. Allison's voice said over the speaker on the phone, "and lock the front door on your way."

"Yes, Ms. Allison." Michelle answered unsure if she was even heard.

Standing, Michelle smoothed her dress before locking the front door to the office and proceeding to Ms. Allison's office. Taking a deep breath, Michelle knocked on the door. She heard Ms. Allison invited her in, as she entered Michelle was waved to one of the office chairs. Carefully sitting, Michelle crossed her legs, sitting as straight backed as possible.

"How are you feeling this morning Michelle?"

"Very good Ms. Allison," Michelle answered, feeling nervous for some reason, "although it is odd not having Babette around."

"I can understand that," Ms. Allison replied with a warm smile, "in another week you'll probably be working alone though as Babette moves onto the second part of her career here." Michelle felt disappointed but happy for Babette as she knew it was what her friend wanted. "How have you been doing with the weighted plug?"

"It took some getting used to," Michelle felt her face turning red as she spoke, "the first subway ride was tough, but they've gotten easier since."

"Very good." Ms. Allison's response showed a level of pride that made Michelle feel her own level of pride increase. "As your training goes along things will slowly increase," leaning forward as she continued, "it is based on how I see you progressing and how quickly I see you adapting to them." It did make total sense to Michelle. "As I've said before," Ms. Allison leaned forward, looking directly into Michelle's eyes as she spoke, "I will never put you in a position you are not prepared for well in advance and comfortable with."

"Thank you, Ms." Michelle responded.

"Now, take off that very pretty dress and put it over the back of your chair."

The command caught Michelle by surprise to the point she really didn't move at first. It took a moment, and a raised eyebrow from her employer, before Michelle finally sprang to her feet and searched for the zipper. Letting the dress fall to her feet, while holding it by one hand, Michelle stepped out of it before neatly folding it and laying it across the chair. She now stood nervously in front of her employer wearing the cream and floral print lingerie she'd picked out earlier.

"That is a lovely lingerie set," Ms. Allison said as she pushed back from her desk, "I do love my girls in floral tones!" Michelle blushed deeply. "Now kneel right there." This time Michelle immediately complied. "I'm sure you remember where some of your scores were from the assessment," Ms. Allison stood, slowly walking around her desk as she continued, "and you seem to have taken to your anal training quite well."

Not knowing how to respond, Michelle simply said, "Thank you, Ms."

"But there is another aspect of that side of things," Michelle looked up to see Ms. Allison approaching her wearing a pair of dress pants, an untucked blouse and short jacket with what had to be 5" heels, "and that is the connection made through oral pleasure." Michelle's face went white, she'd done that with girlfriends but it had been infrequent at best. Her previous relationships rarely lasted that long. "There is a connection that is important, both physically and psychologically," Ms. Allison's hands undid a hidden zipper in the front of her snug fitting dress pants, "while the position you're in is subservient, there is power there as well."

Licking her lips unconsciously, Michelle's gaze fixed on her boss' crotch which was conveniently eyeball height for Michelle. Seeing a brief flash of lilac, Michelle swallowed hard, her lips parting slightly. Shock and disbelief filled her as a lilac phallus extended in from Ms. Allison's pants pointed directly at Michelle's mouth.

"We will start slow," Ms. Allison said as she moved Michelle's long brunette hair behind her left ear, "and less intimidating than the real thing, but this will become second nature to you over time."

Saying she was conflicted was an understatement for Michelle. The small dildo pointed at her was smooth, and by sex toy terms "cute". Michelle had seen quite a few that were obscenely sized both in length and girth, she was glad this one wasn't. But still, it was simulating a cock, her boss wanted Michelle to suck it. Michelle's brain railed at this, how could she be expected to fellate her Boss' pretend cock in the office with all those windows to the outside world on her left? Yet, as it moved forward Michelle felt her lips part on their own.

"That's it." Ms. Allison's voice was soft, reassuring and confident.

Michelle became acutely aware of everything, her sphincter tensed and released over and over pulling the plug inside her and letting it out each time. Michelle's face burned red, her throat was suddenly dry yet she felt, was it drool forming as her mouth watered? The lilac dildo entered her mouth with no resistance at all. Michelle's tongue snaked the underside while her lips wrapped tightly around the small shaft. Her hands moved to Ms. Allison's legs, moving rapidly up to her hips, gripping them tightly.

"Ohhh good girl!" Michelle heard. "Nice and easy, see how deep you can take it."

Stopping short of gagging, Michelle backed off. The shaft wasn't long, maybe 5 inches, yet it was long enough to hit Michelle's gag reflex.

"That's okay," the words of encouragement flowed so easily making Michelle want to hear more of them, "just relax and try again, you can do this." Michelle tried again, slowly pushing her face forward, feeling more of the shaft entering her mouth. Her hands gripped Ms. Allison's hips tightly as the tip started to press against the back of her mouth. "Stop right there for a moment," her voice was soothing while one of her hands held the slightest bit of pressure on the back of Michelle's head, "just hold it and get used to the feeling." Michelle could feel water filling the corners of her eyes as the dildo rested dangerously close to her gagging point.

Ms. Allison backed slowly, maybe an inch or so, before returning the dildo to the same spot in Michelle's mouth. She did this several more times, explaining to Michelle the importance of timing her breathing and remaining calm and relaxed throughout. While Michelle got closer to taking the entire small shaft into her mouth, there was easily another inch to go before Ms. Allison stopped entirely.

"That's why they call it a blowjob muffin," Ms. Allison said as she wiped saliva from the corner of Michelle's mouth, "it's a lot of work to keep from passing out!"

"Yes, Ms." Was Michelle's raspy answer.

"I would ask if you enjoyed that, but instead I'll tell you to look at the floor in front of you." Michelle knew what she expected to see, however, the puddle of precum in front of her knees was far larger than she'd expected. She'd soaked right through her panties and had a thin, yet still flowing stream of precum that reached the floor. "I bet you didn't even realize that was happening did you?" Ms. Allison sat on the edge of her desk, her lilac phallus still sticking out of her dress pants.

"No, Ms." Michelle replied, unable to lift her eyes from the pool of clear liquid, "Not at all."

"Both are positive signs," Ms. Allison said, "it shows you were focused on the task rather than yourself, and you were excited about the task as well."

Michelle noticed she referred to it as a task and not what the task was. Ms. Allison removed the lilac dildo, slid off the desk and zipped her fly before walking behind her desk. Instead of sitting, she opened a drawer, keeping the item she retrieved out of view of Michelle.

"Normally, I'd have you lick up that puddle," she smirked at Michelle before continuing, "but as you only have the one wig I don't want you to get it messy." Michelle flushed with embarrassment, it wouldn't take much to get her to lick up the puddle, she'd probably do it and smile after! "Push your panties to your knees and bend forward."

Her body reacted before she could even comprehend the words she'd heard. With her panties at her knees, Michelle leaned forward until her face was only inches from the floor, arms outstretched before her. With her hair around her face, Michelle could only hear Ms. Allison moving around her. She jumped slightly when she felt Ms. Allison's hand on her ass but relaxed quickly. Michelle focused on her breathing as Ms. Allison grasped the base of the plug with her other hand. Stretching her arms as far as she could, Michelle moaned louder than she'd expected as Ms. Allison slowly pulled the plug out of her ass.

"Someone seems to be enjoying this!" Ms. Allison teased as she held the widest part of the plug in Michelle's sphincter. "It's okay to like it you know."

"Yes, Ms.!" Michelle cooed feeling quite slutty at the moment.

"Now, well get this one out of the way," Ms. Allison said while watching Michelle's ass react to being momentarily empty, "and move you to the next one."

Before Michelle could speak a plug was already entering her body, she could tell immediately it was bigger than the last. Arching her back, Michelle breathed deeply as the plug slowly stretched her. Her small canal burned as the flesh and muscles accepted more than they'd had before. Finally, relief came as the rings of her asshole slowly relaxed around the tapered plug. The part still left in her anal canal was thicker than the other plug as well, leaving Michelle feeling as if she had only half relieved herself the last time she was on the toilet.

"Ohhhh my!" Michelle exhaled, not wanting or ready to move just yet.

"How does that feel sissy?" Ms. Allison asked from somewhere behind her.

"I feel so full Ms.!" responded Michelle breathlessly. "And horny!"

"That's always good to hear," Ms. Allison replied, walking back to her desk, "I prefer to keep my girls horny, they tend to be more willing to please when they are horny!" Looking down at her charge, Ms. Allison was more than pleased with the sight as Michelle's hips wiggled slightly from side to side. "When you're ready you can take the other toy to the bathroom to clean up, then don't forget about my floor." Pausing for a moment, Ms. Allison decided to see just what frame of mind Michelle was in. "Unless of course you'd prefer to lick it clean!"

"I would Ms." Moaned Michelle.

"I think you should ask nicely then!"

"Please Ms. Allison," whimpered Michelle, "please can I lick my precum from your floor?"

"Oh how could I deny you when your sexy plugged ass is in the air and you worked so hard to deep throat that dildo? Go ahead." Michelle moaned again as she slowly backed up to find the pool of precum while Ms. Allison moved back behind her. "Make sure to keep your hair swept to one side so you don't get it messy!"

Michelle gripped her hair in one hand while supporting her weight with the other. She knew exactly what she was doing, and while she thought she should feel gross or be humiliated, she couldn't help herself. Her entire body trembled as Ms. Allison cupped her swollen balls in one hand while pressing her thumb against the base of the plug with the other.

"What a dirty slut you are!" Ms. Allison said, her voice dripping cockiness. "How do you taste my slutty sissy?"

"Salty Ms." Michelle's response was belabored as Ms. Allison manipulated the plug by moving her thumb in a circle.

"Sometime soon," Ms. Allison now pushed down on the plug then released the pressure rapidly over and over again, "it won't be your own salty precum you'll be tasting; are you excited about that?" She could feel Michelle's entire body react to her words and knew her answer. Leaning forward, Ms. Allison continued to taunt Michelle, "Imagine if it were someone like that cute stockbroker! Or nurse Jeff!" Michelle groaned again.

Michelle had no idea what subspace was, all she knew at this point was she had an overwhelming desire to serve and make Ms. Allison as happy as she could. The carpet tasted of fibers, dirt, and precum. She didn't care how rough it felt against her tongue, it was all she could do to keep from pursing her lips and sucking as hard as she could! Her mind now filled with the idea of one of those guys behind her.

"I think that's enough for now," Ms. Allison said as she quickly removed her hands, "I'd hate to have to explain to the downstairs neighbors how the paint disappeared from their ceiling!"

"Sorry Ms.," Michelle slowly rose to her feet while pulling up her bikini bottoms, "I guess I got carried away."

"It's okay Sweetie," Ms. Allison winked as she responded, "go clean up then you can get dressed."

Michelle slowly stood, feeling uneasy on her sore knees but also the girth and fullness of the plug in her ass. It took effort for her to stand straight up as the plug seemed to feel connected to her spine. She didn't realize, but she even moaned slightly as she took the first step forward.

"How's that feel baby girl?"

"I feel so fucking full," blurted Michelle, "Ms. Allison."

"It's okay, I understand the distraction." Ms. Allison winked as she looked over Michelle. "This is the best way to get you ready for some very intense anal play."

"Intense Ms.?" Michelle felt even weaker in her knees now.

"Soon enough," Ms. Allison smirked, giving Michelle a long lascivious look, "when you're used to getting stuffed." Michelle visibly trembled as she nodded. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle," Ms. Allison sat, crossing her legs slowly, "to start."

"Thank you, Ms." Michelle responded before heading to the bathroom to clean up.

For the remainder of the day the bigger plug was in the forefront of Michelle's mind. How could it not be? She felt like she was trapped mid-poop, yet she also felt hornier than she had ever before. On the ride home it wasn't just the vibrations of the train turning her on, but she kept wondering all kinds of indecent things about the other passengers regardless of sex. Michelle wanted nothing more than to enjoy them all and be enjoyed by them. As Michelle.

Entering her apartment, Michelle received an Email. Checking her phone, Ms. Allison had sent a quick note praising her work that day and telling her to open the attachment. Michelle had to take out her tablet for that as it was a zip file. When it finally opened, Michelle first opened the text document. The instructions were simple and clear.

"Twenty minutes each morning before work and evening." Michelle said reading the words out loud. "Oh, holy shit!" Michelle blurted opening the first video file. "That is not going to help me feel less horny!"

The first of six videos lasted twenty minutes and was nothing but women, and sissies performing oral sex on men. Per the instructions, Michelle was to not only watch the video but observe how those performing oral sex pleased their partner with more than just their mouth. Running into her bedroom, as fast as her heels and the plug would allow, Michelle retrieved a 6" dildo she'd hidden away out of pure guild after she'd bought it. Setting the tablet up on her coffee table, Michelle propped it up with a shoe box before putting the base of the dildo on the table top.

"No time like the present!" Michelle said, unconsciously licked her lips before plunging her mouth onto the smooth blue shaft.

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wvBalzakwvBalzak8 days ago

So fucking HOT! I love it. Deeper down the rabbit hole Michelle goes, the hotter this story gets!

HottieOlwenHottieOlwenabout 1 year ago

My cuckold has just finished reading this chapter aloud to me. His little boi clit is as hard as his cock lock will allow, and he's leaking almost as much as I am dripping! This saga gets better and better. I have no hesitation in giving it 5 more stars, and cucky is looking forward to reading chapter 5 to me almost as much as I am looking forward to hearing it.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

Michelle and Babette are deep onto it, head over heels like, smile, or heels in head (mind) ...... For sure some sissy are truly in heaven finding "the agency" and being accepted ....... Im just having a serious question or hint, "the adams apple" the throat is clearly visible and the most obvious marker between man and woman, you Ms Allison never touched this "sign" or you didnt explained it to the sissy to hide, hiding like covering with a lace collar or high neck collar blouses or a satin / silk ribbon / cloth to tie with a bow at the back, how cute to hide the throat trouble evil sign

Ten stars or hearts 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🌟🍀💋

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story is the most amazing one I read.. can't wait to hear more I want to be Michelle.. I need to be properly trained..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Oh this is so hot I wish I could be Michelle it be a dream come true!

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