The Agency Ch. 14


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"Go ahead My sweet girl."

"The gentleman today, Daniel," Michelle shifted slightly in her seat, "he is obviously a perspective replacement for me in your front office?"

"He was a candidate for it, yes." Ms. Allison replied. "Although he was a bit of a long shot."

"A long shot?"

"I don't want you to be offended by what I say next," Ms. Allison paused for a moment in case Michelle wanted to object, "but you were the ideal candidate based not only on your personality score, but your financial status and, truth be told, your own self-worth." Michelle nodded knowing She was speaking the truth. "Had you not answered the ad for this job, you'd still be living barely above the poverty line in the same crappy place with no love life or prospects of any kind of sexual enjoyment outside of your hand." Michelle could not protest the accuracy of anything that had been said so far. "Daniel is not quite there," Ms. Allison continued, "and as long as he's happy being a chronic masturbator in a dead-end job then that's where he will stay."

"I understand, Ms." Michelle responded. "When I had my first meeting with you, Babette was called in to show off her, um, cage."

"Would that have been a problem today?" Ms. Allison asked raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all Ms.," Michelle quickly responded, "I was actually waiting for the call when he stormed out."

"If I didn't think you were ready for progressing to the next stage, I wouldn't be looking for a replacement already." Ms. Allison stated. "Now, while you did a decent job of stuffing those five-dollar bills into a strippers G-string, there is the matter of ten unspent dollars."

"Yes, Ms." Michelle shuddered in response.

"There are several items on the cabinet you need to put on or bring to the desk," Ms. Allison suddenly had a wry smile cross Her face, "I suggest you're quick about it or your lunch date will come in finding you in a very interesting position!"

"Yes, Ms. Allison!" Michelle replied quickly getting to her feet and rushing to the cabinet.

By now the items had all become quite common place, Michelle wasn't a wide-eyed virgin to bondage that she'd been when she first arrived here. She quickly attached the cuffs and collar in place, making sure to fasten the small brass padlocks securing each into place. The rather large plug slid into her greased ass easily, causing her to feel full and slightly stretched once the bulb was inside her. The collar she'd secured had a strap that went across her mouth, two large snaps held a gag, on the inside of her mouth was a three-inch dildo while outside a thin five-inch phallus protruded lewdly from her face. She picked up the spreader bar and turned to face Ms. Allison.

"Off with the thong My slutty sissy!" Ms. Allison casually instructed.

Michelle immediately complied, the thought of Brenda opening the office door and seeing her like this running through her mind briefly terrified her. Ms. Allison stood up, taking Michelle's wrists and clipping them to the D-ring at the base of her collar. She positioned Michelle, pushing her feet apart until she teetered on her heels, the locked the spreader bar in place. Standing in front of Michelle again, Ms. Allison hooked Her finger between Michelle's wrist cuffs to keep her from toppling over, then much to Michelle's delight undid the lock holding her cage in place.

"Now comes the conundrum for you sissy," Michelle felt a rush at the word, "when you meet your friend for lunch, she could potentially taste your cum as you kiss. Or, you can resist and try your best not to orgasm, either way you'll have your cage back on before you leave." Michelle groaned as her cock sprang to life at being freed. "But you will kiss her when she comes to get you," Ms. Allison continued, "and you will use tongue, understand?"

Michelle greedily nodded yes before Ms. Allison leaned her forward, bending her torso parallel to the floor and hooking Michelle's collar to the desk. Ms. Allison pressed against Michelle's back, causing Michelle to arch it as far as she could, sticking her ass high in the air.

"Funny thing about spanking sweetie," Ms. Allison said as She let Her hand slowly roam Michelle's bare ass, "in this position, because your muscles are stretched and tight, being spanked actually hurts more than say over someone's knee. Did you know that?" Michelle shook her head quickly showing that she didn't. "But I do like to mix pleasure with, well, let's call it pleasurable pain, shall we?"

Suddenly Michelle heard a loud buzzing sound, unable to see anything past her shoulders, Michelle jumped when the vibrating wand pressed against the base of her shaft and swollen balls. The vibrations were strong, almost uncomfortably strong, but sent waves of pleasure throughout Michelle's body. Her knees buckled as she loudly moaned, then yelped as Ms. Allison's hand came crashing down on her left ass cheek immediately setting it on fire while the wand pressed against the underside of her shaft all the way to the head. Michelle groaned loudly against the cock gag, the tip of the wand did hurt when it got to that point. Ms. Allison eased it back, pressing it against Michelle's swollen balls causing them to ache as well.

"It sounds like that's uncomfortable sweetie!" Ms. Allison didn't attempt to hide her glee at Michelle's discomfort. "I think you'll enjoy this more."

"OWHMAHFUGGGINGGAWWD!" Michelle bellowed around the cock gag as the wand was pressed hard and held against the base of the plug.

The vibrations coursed deep into her body, radiating outward like a constant drop into a pool. It only distracted her for a moment as Ms. Allison's hand came crashing down onto her other ass cheek, setting her body on fire again. It went on like this for what felt like hours, Michelle had no idea how many times she'd been spanked. She highly doubted it was only 10 swats. Maybe 10 to each cheek? The swats were constantly intermingled with the wand pressing against her, sometimes providing intense pleasure while other times providing intense pain. One moment Michelle was in heaven, the next she was in hell, and sometimes she was in between the two.

Michelle's body tensed again as Ms. Allison moved the wand around the base of the plug and occasionally pressed it against the center. Ms. Allison pressed and released the wand against the plug again and again, making Michelle feel as if she were being fucked by the vibrating plug. The noises escaping from around her gag were incomprehensible as far as words, but the emotion behind the sound was clear. Michelle was going to cum. In spite of herself and how hard she shook her head back and forth showing she didn't want to do it, Ms. Allison was going to make her sissy orgasm. Ms. Allison had already placed a stool directly underneath Michelle's twitching and leaking shaft, it was only a matter of time before Michelle covered it in her sissy juice.

"You're not thinking about Mikey fucking you like this are you sweetie?" Ms. Allison's voice was low but firm as She reached underneath Michelle and started to roughly massage her balls. "I'll take that long groan as a yes!" Ms. Allison smiled to Herself, delighted at Michelle's actions. "Look at you, all bound tight and full on both ends," She continued, "imagine if that were a real cock in your mouth!"

Another groan emanated from Michelle's mouth just as her balls tensed. Allie could see a tear forming in the corner of Michelle's left eye as she came, her body rippling as her balls emptied into the cup on the stool. Allie loved watching their leg muscles spasm uncontrollably as they came, those orgasms were certainly nothing like they'd enjoyed as men, which added to the appeal of continuing on their journey. Male orgasms felt nice compared to what Michelle had just experienced, which was an orgasm that shuddered and rippled through her entire body.

"That's a good girl," Ms. Allison praised as She unclipped Michelle's collar from the desk, "time for cleanup though." Allowing Michelle to stand, Allie put the cup in Michelle's hands while pushing the dildo protruding from Michelle's mouth into it. "Suck on it like a straw." Michelle immediately complied, sucking hard, pulling thick globs of cum through the cock in her mouth. "Just like Mikey will do in a couple weeks!" Michelle groaned again at the thought.

Every so often a glob would get stuck in the thin breathing hole of the cock gag, causing Michelle to suck harder until the glob freed and flew into her mouth like a cum shot. Michelle imagined it would be like this when she sucked a real cock, she closed her eyes relishing the idea, lost in the idea momentarily that she was truly sucking a real cock and being rewarded with his sperm! It made her knees weak and her body tremble. Thankfully Ms. Allison was still holding Michelle up, even if it was just by her collar.

"Now be a good girl and stand still," Ms. Allison instructed as She started to manipulate Michelle's flaccid cock, "I can't have you walking around uncaged after all!"

Allie undid the padlocks on Michelle's ankles, wrists and neck which allowed Michelle's arms and the spreader bar to fall free. Now able to stand and move, Michelle remained still awaiting her next instruction.

"You go clean up and fix your makeup and hair," Allie instructed, "your lunch date will be here soon!"

Michelle mumbled "Thank you, Ms. Allison." Around the gag before she exited the room.

Walking into the bathroom Michelle knew she would be a mess before she even looked in the mirror, she could fee perspiration covering her body. "This is going to take a bit," she said to her reflection, "and so is this." Michelle walked to the toilet, taking her time removing the large plug that had filled and tormented her ass. "Ohhhhhhh fuck!" Michelle moaned softly as the plug slid free.

Michelle adjusted her makeup, and hair, as best she could returning her look to almost as good as before she'd walked into the office. It took some doing, but without a clock in the bathroom, Michelle had no concept of how long it had taken her. As Michelle stepped back into Ms. Allison's office she discovered her Boss was no longer present. Taking a quick look at the phone on Ms. Allison's desk, it was 12:15! Michelle quickly put on her thong, hastily grabbing her skirt and stepping into it. Brenda had been due to arrive fifteen minutes ago, which meant she was sitting and talking with Ms. Allison while Brenda had gotten ready. Fixing her blouse, Michelle stepped through the office door hearing the casual banter of two women coming from the lobby area.

"There she is!" Allie beamed with pride as Michelle entered the lobby. "I was hoping you wouldn't be much longer," She continued, "not that I'm not enjoying your company!"

Michelle's face was whiter than her cream blouse as she wondered what Ms. Allison and Brenda could possibly be talking about. Brenda's warm, reassuring smile was almost nerve-wracking for Michelle as it gave away nothing. Obviously, Brenda hadn't been horrified about what they'd discussed or what she'd been told, so that was a positive.

"It's been a fun conversation!" Brenda replied with a warm smile. "And to think all this time I've been afraid to walk in here."

"You are welcome here any time," Allie slowly rose from Michelle's desk where She had been perched, "I really enjoyed our conversation today."

"I did too!" Brenda replied leaving Michelle standing there mouth agape. Brenda stepped forward, meeting Allie in a quick hug, while Allie kissed Brenda's cheeks. "Thank you again!"

Brenda then took Michelle by the hand, leading her toward the office door, Michelle was unable to speak or really react as her mind raced to understand what she'd just walked into. Her Boss had just spent the better part of ninety minutes bringing Michelle's body to different levels of sexual bliss while tightly bound had just made quick friends with Michelle's girlfriend. Wasn't one of them the other woman? Wasn't this not supposed to happen? Michelle's brain, which wasn't really ready for deep, complex thought, was racing.

"By the way," Brenda said turning to face Michelle as they got to the door, "it was suggested that I do this before we left." Brenda's left hand lightly touched Michelle's face as she brought her lips to Michelle's. While Michelle initially resisted, Brenda pressed her tongue forward pushing it into Michelle's mouth which eventually opened. Their tongues touched; Michelle was sure Brenda could taste what was left behind in her mouth. "For a girl who loves kissing," Brenda said as their kiss slowly broke, "you seemed pretty hesitant this time."

"Sorry, I guess I just got caught by surprise."

"If you say so!" Brenda giggled, nonchalantly leading Michelle out of the office and to the elevator.

Michelle remained mostly quiet as they ate lunch. She was still nervous, what could they have been talking about? How could Ms. Allison suggest that Brenda kiss her and Brenda not question it? How could they have kissed and Brenda not tasted the same thing she'd tasted Saturday night or Sunday morning? Surely she recognized the flavor of Michelle's precum on Michelle's lips!

"Why so quiet?" Brenda asked as they sat in the park.

"Just wondering what you and Allison talked about?" Michelle finally blurted.

"Oh, you know," Brenda smiled, "just girl talk."

"Well, I'm a girl," Michelle tried to reason, "don't I automatically get included in girl talk?"

"Yes and no," Brenda replied with a knowing smile, "in this case it's a definite no." Michelle showed minor displeasure at the response she received. "But I will tell you one thing," Brenda said coyly, "if you promise to stop pouting."

"Okay, it's a deal."

"She offered to send me the link to the same personality test you took before you were hired."

Michelle felt the blood drain from her face at those words. What could she possibly say to that? Don't take it? How could she possibly admit that the test would go so much further than Brenda could imagine, digging into her browser history and financials?

"Maybe you should take it at work?" Michelle replied hoping that planting that simple seed would protect Brenda from having all her secrets discovered.

"I'll try," Brenda replied, "it should be a slow afternoon in the office, so I may have time.

"Okay." Michelle felt suddenly relieved.

They walked back into the office building, and to their usual stairwell. Brenda led Michelle to the stairs, playfully trying to lift the back of her snug fitting dress.

"How am I going to look at that sexy ass of yours when your skirt is so tight?" Brenda playfully smacked Michelle's ass causing her to yelp slightly. "Oh it wasn't that hard you big baby!"

"No, you just caught me by surprise." Michelle replied feeling the sting on her recently spanked bottom.

"I didn't know you were so delicate." Brenda teased softly rubbing Michelle's leather covered butt.

"Maybe I should spank your bottom," Michelle teased, "for not including me in the girl talk!" Michelle tried to move behind Brenda, reaching around her to try to spank her. "You've already said I'm the girlie one in the relationship after all!"

"If you behave maybe I will let you spank me," Brenda retorted, "but remember who's taking care of you this weekend."

"Okay, you have a very valid point." Michelle responded.

Walking up the stairs, they stopped at Michelle's floor. Ducking behind the door, Brenda pressed her body into Michelle's, pinning her against the wall. Her hands started at Michelle's hips, rapidly moving to her chest as their mouths met, tongues exploring each other's mouths with abandon. Michelle's hands went to Brenda's butt, as they kissed Michelle gave Brenda's butt a firm spank. Nowhere near what Ms. Allison had delivered earlier but firm enough the sound could be heard through the stairwell.

"Naughty girl!" Brenda giggled. "You'd better behave or you're going to end up toppling over because of your new boobs on Friday!"

"Okay, I'll behave," Michelle responded, "for now."

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friskyboifriskyboiover 1 year ago

Oh wow this is crazy good story!! I can't stop reading going from one chapter straight to the next! So wish i had a Ms Allison mmmm

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

A sensible sensitive chapter so michelle getting closer to her exams ...... Ok just one whirlwind, a man of course Dan


dawndavis66dawndavis66over 2 years ago

Fantastic storytelling. Love it

Da3g0nDa3g0nover 2 years ago

I hope you continue with this storie as well as with creating ginger. I cant stop reading them over and over.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


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