The Auction


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And then, her ankles were being pulled upwards, her legs straightening above her. When her bottom began to lift, the man helped her up by supporting, firmly but surprisingly gently, her neck and shoulders in his big hands. She began to panic; she was being hoisted upside down into the air! She began to struggle, wriggling violently to try to get free. "Behave, cunt!" snapped the man, but he didn't hit her because a moment later she was swinging by her ankles.


This was all going horribly wrong, thought Mark as he saw his wife swing; this wasn't what he had had in mind!


The man climbed up onto the table and Jill's position and height was adjusted until her head was level with his hips. Jill's struggles subsided as she dangled facing the man's fat cock, which was becoming harder. She could see a bead of cum seeping from its' evil-looking slit. The man gave her bottom a hard slap to swing her body around a few degrees. He came close to her and put one arm around her waist and lifted her a few inches. This allowed her knees to bend a little and she felt him touch her vagina with his free hand. She gasped as he parted her lips and then pressed his mouth to them, pushing his tongue deep into her.


In the audience Mark heard her moan as the man sucked and lapped at his wife's pussy.


Jill felt herself moisten with juice as the man gave her the cunt-lick of her life! She pushed herself up against his mouth, squirmed her groin around to obtain even more pleasure; her knees were now completely bent, resting on his shoulders, her thighs pressing against his ears! She almost felt sorry when, a moment later, he took his mouth away. From her awkward position she could see he had turned partly away from her. She was aware that the audience had become quiet again, waiting.


Marks emotions were on a roller-coaster! He was excited by the sight of his wife in such intimate contact with the stranger, but was dismayed and shocked by her obvious enjoyment of the mans handling of her. What was he doing now?

The naked man was reaching behind his back to where an Asian man in kitchen workers uniform was passing an object to him.


From her inverted position, Jill saw the man take something in his hand. She heard the audience sniggering, someone shouted but she didn't catch the words. Then the man waved something in front of her face. It was a wooden pepper grinder, the sort that waiters twist over your dinner; it was as thick as a mans wrist and about two feet long. For a moment she was puzzled; what was he doing with that? Then, as realisation hit her, the audience guffawed as the look of horror spread over her lovely face.

"Oh no!" She cried, please don't do that to me!" Jill had never had children and knew that her vagina was not as large and accommodating as some women's were.

The man still held her around the waist; with his free hand he pressed the rounded, bulbous top of the grinder into the juices around her pussy.

"Oh, oh, aargh!" she gasped, as the grinder was forced between the lips of her cunt, it was too thick, much wider than a mans penis! The man twisted it in the creamy fluid and her lips parted obediently, allowing the wide object into the opening. She tried to pull away from it but the man held her waist firmly and the awful intruder squeezed four inches into her body.


Unseen by the hanging woman, two men came with a spreader bar, which was fitted between the two ropes about six feet up from her ankles. Now Jill was gently lowered until her weight was again taken by her ankles, but now her legs were kept wide apart by the spreader. The pain in her crotch was awful and she tried to relieve it by arching her back and pushing out with her cunt muscles.


Mark was surprised at how beautiful his wife looked; hanging with her back curved, her hair hanging down and her shapely legs making a vee in the air. Her muscles all stood out through her skin, which glistened with sweat. Her beautiful breasts pointed outwards, bobbing gently. The pepper grinder looked shocking, protruding from her crotch. The grinning man, turned back to Jill.


Jill groaned as the man took hold of the grinder and began to twist and push it deeper into her. She tried to relax her vaginal walls and let it come into her more easily; soon only a few inches were left sticking out.

The man stood to one side and swung her on her ropes, letting the spectators see her properly. She was getting used to the awful fullness, just getting her breath back, when he took hold of her clit. Her stubby clit had been trapped between the grinder and her vaginal wall and the tip was just showing. He gripped it with his finger and thumb and pulled it out. "Owwwhhh!" He stretched it out. Jill began to turn as he rolled her clit in his fingers, first to the right and then the left. He kept acting on the stretched clit and she kept turning with it, a half turn each way. The mans cock was sticking out at her, very hard now and curving wickedly. As the man rolled her clit she continued to turn on her ropes and the leaking tip of the cock pressed against her face leaving a trail of slimy precum on her skin.

The man was causing the rolling to increase in speed and Jill was becoming dizzy. If only he would stop making her turn! But he didn't; it kept on, making her feel worse. She had to stop herself turning! The next time the slimy fat cock slid across her face, Jill opened her mouth and sucked in the horrid purple thing. With her teeth she managed to grip it firmly behind its bulbous head. The twisting stopped. Jill held on to the growing penis as hard as she could, sucking when her teeth could not keep up their grip.

The man began to suck on her clit, driving her mad. Again she began to squirm, pushing her cunt at him. She sucked greedily on the cock in her mouth, mumbling sounds of pleasure.

Jill no longer heard the audiences' cheers and insults. She was aware just of her need to cum. The man sucked and nibbled at her clit, occasionally twisting the pepper pot gently in and out of her stretched hole.

Sweat was pouring down her body, stinging her eyes. The wet bristly hairs of the mans balls hanging in front, scratched her eyes, making things worse.

The situation was so strange, so totally different to anything she had ever experienced that her emotions were becoming totally mixed together. The intruder in her cunt, the sucking on her clit, the cock in her mouth all combined with the knowledge that to her captors she was just a stupid arsehole of a bitch; all these worked on her psyche turning her into a mass of perverted desire! A hot rush began to pass through her from her feet, rushing down to her head. She arched her back, thrusting her cunt at him as far as she could, while at the same time sucking even harder at the evil tasting cock. Jill's body shook all over as her orgasm hit her like a train! She couldn't breath but she didn't care; she just wanted to keep the beautiful, choking penis in her mouth. Suddenly the man shoved harder than ever before, she felt something in her throat open, the cock head throbbed and hot jizz gushed down her gullet. She couldn't swallow; her epiglottis was held firmly open by the fat knob, but she didn't need to; the hot cum gushed straight down into her belly.


Mark watched in horrified fascination as his wife, cheered and jeered on by the audience, turned red in the face, almost asphyxiated by the cock down her throat and began to shake convulsively. Someone nearby said that it had been a while since he had watched a bitch get choked to death by dick. They wouldn't kill her, would they?


Jill also thought she was going to die, waves of blackness washed over her. Her head pounded. And then the choking cock was pulled free. Jill drew in a lungful of air and then was hit by a fit of retching; scummy vomit came gushing up out of her mouth, squirting out of her nostrils. The naked woman writhed and twisted in the air, gasping and spluttering until she was able to breathe again. The audience cheered and applauded.

When the man stood away from her she heard someone shout, "look at the teeth marks that bitch put in his cock!" It was true: the bloated prick looked like a dog had chewed it.

She was now left alone as the man went away, probably to bandage his dick, thought Jill.


There was now a lull, and the houselights were turned on. Jill was left hanging, ignored, while people went to the bar for drinks. Mark considered going to her but thought he'd better not.

She wanted to be released and began to plead, "Please let me down! Please, I'm in pain, help me!" She still had the pepper pot embedded in her cunt. She tried to eject it with her vaginal muscles but it was too well fixed. Some passers-by sniggered; one slapped her bottom hard, sending her swinging again. Another man gave the pepper pot a shove, making her moan. "Cock-sucking whore," he snarled.


Jill dangled in her misery for fifteen minutes, until most of the spectators had returned to their seats. She was alarmed to see the master of ceremonies return to the small stage.

"Friends, " he called into the microphone. "You have seen our young lady in action, she really took a beating there, didn't she? But she's a good sport, not many of our guests could stand that sort of treatment. Well, now that you've seen her in action, it's time to offer some of you the opportunity to finish off her performance." With that, he grasped the visible portion of the pepper pot and with some difficulty he pulled and twisted it free. It emerged with an audible squelch.

Holding it out to the side, as if it was repulsing him, he called, " Simon, the appliance."


From somewhere to the side, the young man who had caned her came into view with a whip, a cat-o-nine tails! Harry gave him the pepper pot and took from him the multi-flailed leather whip.

"Gentlemen, let us now start the bidding for the honour of giving this bitch a bloody good thrashing".

End of part one.

The Auction.

Part 2.

She knew she could take no more. She would die here, hanging by her ankles with a room full of men watching, lusting for her death. She closed her eyes and waited for the whipping to come. After a minute or two during which she was left alone, hands took firm hold of her shoulders and supported her as she felt herself being lowered.

Her thumbs were released from the loops and her ankles from their straps and she was allowed to sprawl across a table. Perhaps it was the change of position, but she became dizzy and suddenly vomited down the side of the table. The naked woman lay on her back with her legs spread wide, uncaring now of how many eyes were ogling her sore vagina. The audience, however were more interested in buying drinks at the bar, and she was largely ignored.

She was not to be allowed peace for long. Harry came by carrying a beer in one hand. "What's this mess doing still here?" he called theatrically, pointing to the vomit, which had run down the table leg and onto the floor. "Simon, bring the ladies' panties and blouse, will you?"

A moment later Jill was being jabbed in the ribs.

"Get up you lazy cunt!" It was Simon. He almost dragged her to her feet. "Get that mess cleaned up!" he snarled, pushing her panties into her hand. Painfully she began to mop up with the flimsy garment. When that was soon sodden, Simon gave her the blouse to use as well.

While she was cleaning up puke with her own clothes, Harry had begun addressing the audience, "Gentlemen, if you are all ready we will begin the bidding to be the wielder of the cat! Now, you have all seen her in action, a very dirty girl indeed. The winner will be allowed to administer ten strokes of the leather cat. Now who will start at say, £20?"

The bidding began and soon had reached £100. Mark, still in his seat wondered if he should bid in order to prevent his wife being beaten, but didn't think Harry would allow him to. In any case, maybe Jill deserved it; surely she hadn't needed to suck that mans dick so forcefully? No, better just sit it out.

Jill's mind was in a sort of fog as she cleaned. She knew there was some sort of auction going on but she didn't know what it was for. She didn't know why she was kneeling on the floor naked, cleaning up mess; perhaps she was at work, tidying up?

She couldn't remember anything properly, she would ask Mark when she got home; he would know.

Harry came to her and pulled her to her feet. "Come on cunt, it's time."

"I've nearly finished mopping up, Harry. Won't be a minute."

"What?" said Harry, puzzled by her matter of fact tone.

"I said I'm nearly finished. Do you need something else mopping up?" she looked at him with an innocent expression.

"No, you silly cow, you've finished with that! It's time for your whipping, do you understand that?" Harry was getting a bit perplexed by her attitude. Did she really not know what was going on?

"Sorry, Harry. I just seem to be a bit muzzy at the moment. Where do you want me?" It was obvious that Jill had been traumatised by her recent treatment. Harry had seen it happen before with a woman's first time on the stage. The problem was that men didn't really want to watch a totally submissive woman being abused; they preferred her to resist at least a bit. And they were waiting to watch her be flogged. Oh well, we'd better get on with it.


The fat man who had stuck the pepper pot up her had returned, completely naked. He gestured to Jill to approach him. She obeyed without hesitation, wobbling slightly on her high heels towards him.

The winner of the auction came through the tables accompanied by a cheer from the audience. Jill looked his way with curiosity and gave him a smile. From his seat Mark watched, wondering what she was playing at.

The fat man turned his back to the audience and positioned himself with his fat belly resting against the table on which Jill had lain. Harry guided the woman so that she pressed her front against his back. Then her arms were placed around his neck. It looked so intimate that Mark found himself getting angry again.

The man gripped her wrists and pulled her up his back until her feet left the ground. He leaned slightly forward so that the table gave him some support.

Harry announced down his microphone, " Okay, she's all yours. Here's the cat, so lay on!"

The winner, a sweaty office type in a grey suit took the leather handle and hefted it experimentally. Positioning himself just over an arms length from the woman's back, with his feet well spaced, he drew the cat back behind him. The crowd were silent, waiting. The whip made a whoosh as he swung it across her back, just below the shoulder blades.

Jill's reaction was electrifying. She screamed like a banshee! The almost catatonic body jerked so violently that the man holding her struggled to keep his grip on her wrists. The whip was applied again immediately with hardly a pause. The screaming rose even higher and she convulsed again.


To Jill it was as if she had suddenly been roused from a deep sleep! The skin of her back was burning and, owwwhh! What was happening? Her arms and wrists were being pulled apart! She suddenly saw that she was being held against the fat mans back! Ugh! His shoulders and back were all covered in short black hair, and he stank of sweat! Agghhh! The lash again. Oh, she was being whipped! Why did these awful people have to hurt her like this? Did they want to kill her? She had to take some of the weight off her arms.


From his seat Mark watched fearfully. How far were they going with this? His wife couldn't take much more of this. Her body was being abused beyond all his expectations. He hadn't wanted this. Just to watch her get fucked while he fucked someone else, that was what he thought it would be.

Under the spotlights Jill lifted both her thighs and wrapped her legs around the fat mans hips.


Jill was now able to take some of the weight off her arms. She gripped him like she was riding a horse. She didn't care about the jeers of the audience who took great delight at the sight of her wrapping herself around him as if she couldn't get close enough.


Unbelievably, she had taken eight strokes of the cat. The whipsman wanted to apply the last two to her front. She was lowered to her feet and turned around. The fat man held her wrists behind her and the cat streaked out across her belly. She didn't scream, just made a loud gasp, as if she had been drenched in icy water. Another, last loud whoosh and the leather strips slapped over her ribs, leaving a red line across the lower curve of her breasts. The whipping was over. The exhausted woman was again allowed to sprawl across the table.

Harry made another appearance to announce that the auction and whipping were now at an end. The evening would continue, with more exotic dancers and a dirty comedian. The winner of the auction would now be permitted if he wished to take Jill to one of the bedrooms and use her for the rest of the night.

Jill was led away by the winner, along with two of his friends. Harry came over to Mark.

" A good show, son. Come to my office, we need a little chat." Mark got up and followed him through the cabaret roomful of smirking men who nudged each other as he passed.

In the small office Harry told him to sit. He poured them both a drink.

"You didn't need to do those things to my wife. She was ready to give you a public show. You didn't have to hurt her!" Mark blurted out bitterly. "My marriage is ruined now!" he wailed.

"No, it's not ruined at all," answered Harry. "From now on, you will call all the shots. That bitch will never speak back to you again. You call the shots. And, you are now a member of a very special club. Don't worry about those grinning fools out there; they're all here because they put their wives and girlfriends through similar ordeals. You will be grinning at some other guy soon, as his bitch gets the treatment."

Mark began to cheer up. "So I'm in, yes?"

"Of course you're in! Did you think I was going to renege on my word? I know it's been a bit rough for you and Jill. But this way she knows the score, and she will always be very amenable, believe me she wont ever dare refuse any request. We will require to use her now and again in the future, but you can come to our shows as often as you like. Now, off you go and enjoy the rest of the evening. You can keep the room for the night if you want and take her home tomorrow. Or we'll send her back when the lads have finished."

Mark swallowed his drink and, taking the shiny membership card proffered by Harry, he returned to the cabaret room.

On the stage, a beautiful black girl was taking off her clothes. But most of the men were watching a large closed circuit TV screen on which Jill was appearing. Three men were simultaneously using her mouth, cunt and anus.

Jill was wondering when she would be allowed to finish her mopping.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

the reason we have the 2nd amendment here

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
A little incredible

But I enjoyed it.

I suspect that if it were a bit less extreme I would imagine doing it myself.

There's enough material for a book in there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well your writing didn't last long. Don't know if you'll get this, but if you do, it was daft and you and ExpDomM (cos that's his real name, not an anonymous pseudonym...) obviously have no idea about the difference between BDSM and non-con. If this had been in the latter, it would not have been so bad, but it perpetrates the myth that BDSM is about violence and beatings. In this case to the point she was obviously senseless.

I could go and log in...but hey user name or anonymous, they are all anonymous....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

One of those bright shiny fantasies I dearly hope can come true for the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great writing.

I doubt anyone could have written this better!

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