The Beast in the Basement


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Jack looked into Ms. Winston's beautiful, terrible face. Her almost black eyes surrounded by dark close cut hair framing a sharp nose over lips colored to match the dress. She struck fear into his soul. She stepped toward him and Jack stumbled backwards. He reached for the Glock, but while he was fumbling his shirttail out of the way she closed the distance and grabbed the front of his shirt. Finally the pistol came free. He brought it around, but before he could get it pointed she back handed it away to clatter harmlessly on the floor. She pulled him in close and licked his face from jawline to hairline. "I've wanted you for years Jack. Wanted to possess you. Control you. Back then if I could have gotten you between my legs just once I'd have had the leverage I needed to keep you in your place. But the world is different now. Much different. Women all over are taking what they want and I'm going to take you. I'm going to pump so much of my cum into you that you'll sit around all day in a daze, dreaming of my cock!"

A howl made up of equal portions rage and challenge rose through the floor boards. Jack saw the pupils of Ms. Winston's eyes dilate. Then a smile of such evil intent spread across her face it was like looking into the depths of hell. Jack had thought he had a beast in his basement, but he had been mistaken. He was now in the clutches of a true beast. One who cared nothing for him other than as a possession. Again there was a roar from the basement and as he watched understanding unfolded on Winston's face.

"That's Jill in the basement. Of course. A weak woman like her would try to protect you from herself." Winston leered at him. "And by doing so has delivered you to me! I never cared for Jill. Much too sweet and nice. I think I'll let her watch me bind you. At best watching it will kill her, at worst it will drive her mad and then I'll have you shoot her in the head." Jack murmured.

"I can't. I tried. Couldn't kill it or me." As if speaking to a child.

"Poor, poor Jack. You are completely out of touch with the new world. Once I bind you, you'll do whatever I tell you to do. Now, let's go visit Jill."

Winston's shoes click clacked across the wooden floor to the basement. She yanked open the door and dragged Jack down the stairs, his heals thunk thunking on the wooden steps as she handled him like an unruly puppy. As soon as they came into view the beast slammed against its chains.

"JACK! JACK! Are you alright? Put him down! He's mine! Go get your own! There's plenty out there! He's MINE! Minemineminemineminemine! MINE! JACK!" It yanked and strained at the chains. Winston came to a stop just out of its reach and tisked.

"Look at you Jill. You're still under developed! You've been chained down here unable to bind with your male or any other. Your cock hasn't even fully presented. You can't reach maturity through masturbation, but I'm sure you know that, so why did you agree to being chained in the basement?" Crouching on the floor it gave furtive looks to Winston, its hand pumping the pink hardness at its crotch.

"I love him. Please don't bind him. He's mine. Please Winston. PLEASE! I wanted him to come to me. To give himself to me." Tears were flowing from its eyes as it looked at Jack's terror stricken face. "Oh Jack. I've failed you." Winston chuckled evilly,

"Jill you're a hopeless romantic, but you should know that Jack was one of the good guys. I tired pretty hard to fuck him before the world changed and he always managed to play dumb and skirt by." Winston laughed out loud and yanked up her dress releasing the mammoth cock. "No way in hell he's going to dumb his way around this!" Her megalomaniac laughter echoed around the basement. "It's time you were mine Jack!" Winston pulled him to his knees in front of her. Gripping below his chin she forced his jaws open and pushed her cock to the back of his throat.

Jack was immersed in his worst nightmare. Winston had thrust into his mouth just like she had entered his home and now he was full of her raging hard-on. Pre-cum was sliding down the back of his throat like some unholy snot and to make it even more unbearable he was forced to watch as pleasure blossomed on the face of a woman he loathed. A pleasure he was unwillingly providing.

"Oh Jill! His mouth is so warm...and wet." Winston taunted. Jack was sputtering and coughing, struggling to break free. The beast's grief laced, fury filled wails spurred Winston on as she pumped Jack's mouth. "He's a natural Jill. I bet he becomes the best cock sucker in my entire harem! I'm going to pump so much cum into your husband that he won't even remember you existed." Winston's taunts drove the beast berserk. Every ounce of strength it could muster was thrown at the chains causing concrete dust to puff out around the anchors in the block wall.

Jack struggled feebly to hit at her thighs, the pre-cum fogging his brain. The room was a cacophony of sound between Winston's grunts of pleasure and the Beast's shrieks of anguish, but Jack couldn't hear anything over the squish and squelch of her cockhead sloshing in his mouth. His mind was disconnecting, floating away to a careless void where nothing mattered, but sucking. When he began to suck Winston threw back her head and howled into the joists above, her ball's explosion channeled down that magnificent cock, flooding Jack's mouth and forcing cum into his stomach. When Jill saw Winston's cum overflow Jack's mouth and squirt out his nose a berserker's fury over came her.

Winston ignored the beast as the pleasure of the binding over took her. Her cum flowed into him and she could feel his body begin to change. This was her favorite part, the feeling of her body connecting to his and then his submitting to her. It would take multiple doses of her cum to fully bind him, but once the process was started it was easy from there. Her cock twitched and jerked in his mouth a couple of more times as she expelled the last little bit. She ignored the wild thrashing of the beast as she pulled from Jack's mouth and studied his face. Jack's eyes were blinking like a toad in a hailstorm. She pushed his jaw closed as her cum dripped out of his mouth. This is where the silly grin usually broke over the guy's face, but not with Jack. She was touching his face when she felt his skin growing warm, then hot, as if he was suffering from a high fever. In his eyes she saw the confusion start to dissipate away and that tiny little bond she'd felt twinked in two, just like a life line snipped short by the Fates. A Jack that was fully aware and in control of himself looked up at her. Aghast she whispered

"It can't be!"

That's when the block wall failed to retain the anchors.

A ball of unquenchable fury bowled Winston and Jack over. Jack's head bounced off the floor and for him the room began to spin. He watched through bleary eyes as the beast tore into Winston. A hail storm of blows rained down on her. At one point the beast hammered down on Winston's cock pulling a bellow of rage and pain from the injured woman. Winston threw off the attacker and made a break for the stairs, but she was tackled from behind at the base of the steps and collapsed to the floor. A split second later the beast's pink cock was between Winston's ass cheeks and cold dread filled her gut. She struggled in its grasp, twisting her hips, trying to prevent penetration and the possibility of it cuming inside of her. Instinctively she knew if that happened she would lose her virility, releasing all those bound to her and she would never be able to bind again. Worse yet, she would become a second-class citizen, forever below all of the other women. Winston squirmed and struggled, but it was in vain. Jill's cock was a bung hole seeking missile and moments later it found and entered her ass. The women were locked in a desperate struggle for supremacy. Winston thrashed and groaned, trying with all her might to unsaddle the beast as Jill humped and fucked like a cowboy taming a wild bronc. As Winston's struggles began to wane the beast grabbed her by the throat and pulled her head back. Shouting in her ear,

"JACK! IS! MINE!" Winston could feel the beast's pink thing throbbing in her ass, ready to explode. She whimpered.

"Please Jill! Please don't cum in me! I don't want to..."

The beast erupted. Winston went stiff as the incredibly potent cum from this undeveloped woman filled her delicate cavity. Instantly Winston could feel her body begin to change. Her cock began to shrink, as Jill's grew inside her and then her mind slowly began to drift like a helium filled balloon on erratic air currents. Suddenly she couldn't remember why she was even here, but knew she must serve this woman on top of her. The Mistress got up off of her and she cowered, unworthy at Mistress's feet.

Jill towered over her defeated foe, cum dripping onto her red dress. She could feel her dominance over this woman all the way to the marrow of her bones. She wrung her penis and flicked the last few drops of her cum onto Winston's back, a final act of dominance and dismissal.

"Leave me my presence and never return."

"But, but Mistress! How...what..."

"I am not your Mistress. I do not want you. Now go."

Winston swallowed hard and crawled away.

Jill turned and saw Jack sitting on the floor holding his head in his hands. Dread filled her belly with hot lead. She didn't know if the binding process could be stopped once it was started. Winston had cum in his mouth, but Jill wasn't sure if that was enough. She did not know that Winston's bond had not quickened. Desperate to bind Jack she decided that if she flooded him with her own cum she could wash Winston out of him and bind him to her, as it should be. Just the thought of that made her cock stiffen. She looked down and realized she was fully presented. She had wanted him to come to her because he loved her. After all those days chained in the basement she knew that was never going to happen. There was going to be no more waiting. She was doing this for him. To protect him from some other Winston who wanted to bind him. It was for his own good. Jill was shaking with desire as she approached him. Her cock was an angry purple of need. Maybe she wouldn't make love to him this first time, but afterward it would be deferent. He would want her.

Her hands touched his shoulders. He felt warmer than normal, but she only noticed in passing. Groggily he slurred.

"Jill. Jiiiiiill..." Her heart thrilled to hear him speak her name for the first time in weeks.

"It's okay baby. I'm here. I'm never going to let this happen again. I'm going to protect you from now on."

Jill's recent sexual release had cleared her mind, but it wouldn't last. She was going to need many more releases to get her body back into balance where just a few throughout the day would keep her hormonal levels manageable. Jill's hands were shaking as she worked quickly to disrobe Jack, handling him like a sleepy child.

"My head hurts Jill. I think I hit the floor." Her fingers found the growing knot and she kissed it like a mother would her child.

"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry! I must have knocked you over when I tackled that bitch Winston." He jerked and began to shiver at the mention of her name. "Don't worry honey." She soothed. "She won't hurt you ever again. Now relax. I'm going to take care of you."

Jill laid Jack on top of his clothes and knelt between his legs. She'd dreamed of this moment every waking second of every day since the disease had changed her. She had dreamed of their binding being a loving, romantic immersion in each other just like the first time she'd given herself to him, but that might have been a misguided dream. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she could already feel the hormone induced edge coming back. It was slower, but still coming.

Jill's cock was big, not the punishing sized of Winston's, but still massive for her husband's unprepared anus. Thankfully it was producing even more of the lubricating pre-cum than usual. The head of Jill's member was flared and engorged with blood and it fiercely wanted to penetrate him, to bind him with its hypnotic mix of hormones. It was all she could do to keep it in check. She rubbed the oozing tip along the crack of his ass, swirling it around his sphincter and pressing the opening in the tip tightly against his hole to allow her body's slickery goodness to dribble into him and prepare the way. Whenever his sphincter clenched and relaxed it sent shivers of lust roaring through her body. She gasped under the growing onslaught of hormones. Her body had been denied a proper release so long that her consciousness was a dugout canoe on the face of an eighty-foot tsunami of desire. Riding atop that wave Jill could clearly see what it was about to do to her husband and there wasn't a damn thing she could do to stop it, and she didn't want to. The wave crashed down and Jill crashed into Jack.

In her delirium she heard him call out to her, pleading for her to stop. He might as well of stepped on the tracks that ran through town and demanded the same of a runaway locomotive. Jill stretched him and filled him over and over, pounding him with mindless abandon. She was utterly consumed with the need to bind him in a way their marriage ceremony had only hinted was possible. Vaguely she thought that he might be gripping her, holding on in passion and pulling her tighter to him or maybe he was struggling to get away. Neither one had any impact on her. She was going to bind him to her no matter what he wanted.

Jack's brain was still foggy when his beautiful wife Jill speared him with her cock. That single event burnt away his fog like a hot bar of iron would burn away a cup of water. White hot, her cock filled him and began moving inside. He looked at her face, into her eyes, but she wasn't there. He called her name and begged her to stop, hoping to see some glimmer of Jill. None showed through. The beast fucked him with his wife's body, maybe not brutally, but hard and urgent and filled with lust and need, the need to bind. To conquer and control. Same as Winston, only this was his Jill. He struggled and squirmed and it had no more effect than if he was being fucked by an eight hundred pound gorilla. She simply took him.

It happened all at once, taking them both by surprise. Her body clenched, her bear toes scrabbled in vain for purchase on the concrete in an attempt to push a cock that was already fully inside her husband even deeper. She emptied herself into him. Great gushes of Jill's cum poured into Jack and while the release was euphoric to her, to him it was if he was being filled with molten steel.

Jill was floundering in the post tsunami orgasm flood waters, but at least the dugout was still on the surface of the water. Jack's eyes were closed and he was panting. She could feel his heart hammering through his ribcage and she could also feel the binding. It started out small, a thin wire between them. Then another wire joined the first. It felt as if it ran from her balls out the tip of her cock up into Jack. Another wire joined the first two. The three winding together for strength. Jack was delirious now. His head jerking side to side. A fourth and fifth wire were added to the braid. Jack's body was starting to get warm. She could feel his temperature rising, his body heating up around her big flesh thermometer.

Jill began to thrust again. Her balls already brewing up another batch of cum for her delicious hubby. She ignored his flush appearance as she leaned in and kissed his burning lips then spun him on her cock onto his knees. Jill held him in place this time as she watched what should have been a too large cock for the hole it was in saw back and forth inside of her sweet Jack. No more wires had been added to the bond between them, but Jill was confident that when she came this next time the bond would begin growing again.

Jill pumped and pumped. The load in her balls grew with astounding quickness. This time she was ready and when her balls exploded she rode the wave like a surfer, eking every possible ounce of pleasure from it. Pouring water into a full bucket causes it to overflow and that's what happened to Jack. Jill pumped this new batch deep inside him forcing the old one out around her plugging member to drip off of their balls. As expected, she felt the bond grow stronger, but Jack's body also grew hotter.

After two mind clearing orgasms Jill came to realize Jack was passed out. She also noticed that he was in the grips of a fever hot enough to feel with her bare hand. He slumped to the floor when she pulled out of him and the air felt cold on her cock. As soon as the tip of her penis cleared his sphincter the bond weakened and his body got even hotter. He was radiating heat now and his breathing was shallow but steady. The bond weakened further, the imaginary wires began snapping away. In response her cock hardened. Jack shivered and Jill felt the bond on the verge of collapse. She murmured,

"No! No, no, no! This isn't supposed to happen!"

Jill reentered him, desperate to rebuild the failing bond and for the next several hours poured as much cum as her body could produce into him. In the end the bond would not hold. Nothing worked.

Jack was dizzy and disoriented when the fog cleared and world rushed back in on him. The first thing he was conscious of was Jill holding him in her lap, weeping over him. Without warning he leaned away from her and retched up what seemed to him to be a bucket of cum. He hacked and spit a couple of times then flopped back into her lap and realized that it was also oozing from his ass. The more of her cum that left his body the clearer he could think. That was when he got a good look at her. It was the old Jill. She tucked a piece of stringy blonde hair behind her ear and gave him a weak smile.

"How you feelin?" she asked.

"Queasy, but that's the worst of it. How do you feel? You look...well, normal." She laughed and wiped her eyes then nodded and added,

"I feel fine. Best I've felt in days. I don't think I'll ever be the normal you're talking about, but I'm as close as I'll ever be."

"Why're you crying?" She sighed and sniffed, stifled a sob as she looked at the ceiling and tried unsuccessfully to hold back her tears.

"Because I can't protect you." She said it softly and he could see the hurt in her eyes when she looked back down at him. "I'm not sure why, but I can't bind us together." Jack gave her a strange look.

"You can't bind me? Don't sugar coat this, give it to me straight."

"Okay. I can't bind you Jack. Neither could Winston. I don't think anyone could. You get this high fever that seems to burn the bond away."

"I don't see where this is a problem. I don't want to be bound. To give up my free will and thoughts to anyone. Not even the woman I love." That weak smile returned and she shook her head wistfully, then she explained.

"You don't understand how the world is now. Every woman that meets you will want to bind you. Her body will force her to try. Young women, Old women, fat, thin, nice ones, mean ones like Winston. All of them will be pumping their cum into you in an attempt to bind you. Only if I'm escorting you will you be able to go out and even then some may try. Being bound to me would be pleasant compared to the path that lies before you." Jack looked at her aghast.

"Surely once they realize that I can't be bound they will give up. I mean, it would be tough for a while, but eventually it would have to stop." She shook her head.

"It would never stop. They can't stop. They're physically unable. They will know you're unbound, their cocks will get hard, hormones will flood their brains and they will fuck you into your unconscious fever state before they stop." Jack was horrified.