The Best Medicine Ch. 01


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"Understood. And Farmer? If this gets to be too much of a danger for your pack, I wouldn't blame you at all for just putting her on a plane --"

"No way. This is as much fun as I've had in years. No way I'm woosing out. Catch ya later."

"That the big guy?" Alani asked, sliding up behind her boss.

"Yep. Turns out Trina was right about what was going to happen. He's looking into something for me, but I won't know what it is until tomorrow."

"Hey, some of the boys wanted to know if they could play with the patrons. You didn't mark anyone --"

"Nothing in there that's appealing to me." Farmer let out a set of loud, cackling barks. Inside, her boys would hear it, and they'd know that it was okay to indulge. They knew better than to force the issue with anyone. Farmer would castrate anyone who forced themselves on an unwilling host. Of course, anyone who pleased the pack got compensated, since once you gave yourself to one of them, you became a treat for all of them. They had a bunch of willing participants all over the country who happily made a living providing "attention" to the pack. Only Farmer could declare someone off limits, which she rarely did, since the boys did a good job of letting people know the score up front.

"How about out here?" Alani said wickedly, scooting in front of her boss and rubbing her ass against the alpha female's crotch.

Farmer grabbed Alani's hair and roughly yanked her head up, breathing in her scent. Alani had so many islander ethnicities contributing to her genetic pool that it was difficult to sort out them out, but it left one hell of a beautiful, brown-skinned package.

In the barn, Vanesse was watching these events unfold from great interest. She was unable to get comfortable, the cot she was provide being somewhat less than up to her standards. She kept resisting the urge to go find Trina so that she would have someone to talk to, then she reminded herself that she was angry with her bodyguard. The Princess had hoped to eavesdrop in on Farmer's conversation to find out who was behind this, but the small window to the outside was much too far away for her to hear anything. But she could see just fine.

She watched as Alani was pushed to her knees on the frozen ground, spinning around to face her pack leader.

'They're not going to --' Vanesse started to think, then saw Alani messing with Farmer's zipper. 'Yes, they are.' She thought back to all her therapy, and how it had taught her to avoid even thinking about sex. She had learned to control her urges, or so she thought. At the moment, her brain was at war with itself, and it would not let her look away. Particularly when Farmer's pants came down and --

"What the hell?!" Vanesse muttered out loud, her eyes wide.

Between Farmer's legs was a penis. She was a he? He was a she? It just was not possible!

But it was possible. Alani opened her mouth and took part of it inside.

Down below, Farmer had heard a gasp of surprise with her super-honed hearing, and a quick glance up showed her the slightly open window with light coming out.

'So I've got an audience, huh?' she thought. She grinned. 'I've never been one to shy away from a good show.' She moaned loudly as Alani sucked gently on the head of Farmer's cock, coaxing it to hardness. One hand reached underneath and started to fondle the alpha female's nutsack, and one finger teased her asshole. 'Damn she's good.'

It didn't take long before all nine inches of her ebony shaft were hard and slick, covered by Alani's saliva. One delicate-looking hand was stroking the shaft while Alani's mouth kept Farmer's cock-head firmly between her lips, drawing the pre-cum to the surface. Farmer's shaft was hot and heavy in her hand, the veins pressing against Alani's palm, providing texture.

From her hiding place, Vanesse's excellent vision was doing her no favors, giving her a clear, crisp view of that substantial . . . thing . . . between Farmer's legs disappearing a little bit at a time into Alani's mouth. The one time that Vanesse had participated in a carnal act, she had not done anything like this. Watching it was stirring up feelings that she could not suppress, nor was she even really trying.

Vanesse had never seen nor even really heard of anyone like Farmer. She kept watching as Alani's oral attack became more aggressive, stroking the whole shaft, then trying to force as much of it as possible down her throat. She was also struggling to get her own pants undone as if to release --

"Oh my!" she said, a little more loudly than the last time, seeing Alani's erection spring into the cold night air. Then she heard a knock on the door.

"Princess Vanesse, are you all right?" Trina asked worriedly.

For a moment, it bothered her that Trina had used her formal title, something that she had not done in . . . well, forever. Trina had always been someone she could count on to treat her like a person rather than a title. Of course, she WAS mad at Trina. She also realized that she had taken too long to respond, because Trina came in, looking concerned.

"Princess are you --" The battle-dancer stopped in her tracks. Vanesse was standing next to the door, her skin flushed and her visage wide-eyed.

"What? I mean, what are you doing in here? I'm fine, I'm -- No stop!," she yelped, trying to get between Trina and the window.

"Princess, what's going . . . oh! Oh my."

"See, that's what I said," Vanesse muttered, pushing Trina aside to get a better look.

"Princess, you shouldn't be watching this."

"Why?" Vanesse sniped angrily, "because you and my uncle don't want me to?"

Trina hung her head in shame, but replied, "Because it's generally considered rude to watch someone else in the act without being invited to."

"Oh. Well, they're doing it in the middle of a parking lot. I seriously doubt that privacy is a concern of theirs." Vanesse looked out the window. The two woman-ish people were now lying on the hood of a truck, each with their face in the other's crotch and pleasuring each other simultaneously. "What are they? What are they doing?"

Trina had to tread carefully to avoid stepping on her Word. She could not encourage her charge to participate in sexual activity, so she needed to keep her description practical. "What they are 'doing' is called, or at least it was fifteen years ago, a 69, based on the way the heads of the numbers are situated."

"I can understand that," Vanesse muttered. Alani's member was not quite as long or thick as Farmer's, allowing the alpha female to take the whole thing into her throat.

"That is called 'deep-throating'," Trina continued matter-of-factly, "which is a kind of oral sex which requires some skill to accomplish."

"Why do they have . . . you know?"

"Penises? If memory serves, the hyena is the only mammal species where the female has a penis, or something like a penis. Anyway, female werehyenas, as part of some great magical joke, are in fact very much female except that their primary reproductive organs are male in nature. Fully functioning penises and testicles. The whole works. In human terms, they would be called T-girls, but medically would be considered transexuals."

"Not hermaphrodites?" Vanesse really could not tear her eyes away. The two werehyena women were absolutely devouring each other. Alani was only able to get halfway down that beautiful bar of chocolate . . . 'Why am I thinking like that?' she chided herself. 'It's racist and . . . well, you're just hungry and have chocolate on the brain. Wonderful, delicious dark chocolate.'

"No, hermaphrodites have both male and female sex organs, and neither of them tend to work right if at all. And technically, werehyena females are not even true transexuals in that they were born female and still tend to identify themselves that way, but the added equipment and testosterone does tend to make them more . . . aggressive. They also lean far more towards bisexuality than other species of lycanthropes or humans, and werehyena females are the only ones of their species that can create more. They are, after all, female dominated."

"Create new werehyenas? How?"

With a perfectly straight face, Trina replied, "They inject their semen into the potential candidate and then bite them. Assuming the virus in their saliva takes --"

"Inject? You mean . . . in their mouths?"

"Well, human women are still built normally, so there are three possible points of entry, whereas there are only two for men --"

"You're serious? Men . . . do that?"

"They have to in order for the transformation to take hold. Bisexuality is not nearly as prevalent in werehyena men, but they have to take one for the team if they want to join up."

Vanesse actually snickered. "Wait, you said three points of entry. "I get the first two, but the third --"

"Is currently being displayed.

Vanesse looked down and saw that Alani was now standing on the ground, bent over with her elbows resting on the hood of the car they had been using. Farmer was standing behind her, pushing her sizable rod into her partner's --

"They're not . . . in the . . . Doesn't that hurt?" Vanesse gasped.

"At first, but it can be quite enjoyable after that."

"Fuck me fuck me fuck me! Fuck my ass!" Alani shouted, loud enough to be heard from the barn.

"As Participant B is now demonstrating. Vocally," Trina added, in her best narrator, dead-pan voice.

Farmer had grabbed Alani's hips and was pushing her way deeper and deeper into the woman's ass, then reached forward and grabbed a handful of her friend's hair.

"You have such a tight little ass," she growled into the woman's ear. "I wanted this ass the first time I ever saw it."

Alani grinned and sighed as she was anally violated by the powerful pack leader. The first time they'd met, Alani had been a history professor at USC who had been trolling for some pot for an after-office party. Farmer had been with her local dealer at the time working on some distribution logistics when Alani was brought in by a mutual acquaintance.

Alani was already bisexual at that time, and there had been serious heat between the two women from the moment they laid eyes on each other. After a passionate few weeks where Alani shared a hotel room with Farmer and, eventually, a number of others from Joker's Wild, they revealed themselves to her for what they really were. When they left town, she went with them as one of them, after Farmer had personally brought her into the world of magical creatures. Since then, Alani had developed her skills as a historian of magical as well as non-magical events, learned about the other races, and had developed a talent for water elementalism, the control over the element of water in its various forms.

"I think the size of the train has as much to do with this as the size of the tunnel," Alani grunted as her pack leader bottomed out. She felt the stinging slap of Farmer's hand on Alani's exposed backside. "That's it," she groaned, her own rigid rod responding to her rough treatment. She had been a sex freak as a human, and she had gotten worse, or better, since becoming what she was now.

"Full speed ahead," Farmer replied, pumping away with increasing vigor. "Hey, let's give the Princess a little show." She pulled her partner off the car, then lay down on the cold ground, propped up on her elbows. She had Alani sink that cute ass down onto her cock, facing the general direction of the barn. Alani's staff was bouncing wildly as she rode her boss, causing her to take it in hand, stroking it rapidly. The islander woman was using nothing but leg power to raise and lower herself, causing a wonderful burn in her upper thighs, and she was loving every moment of it.

"It's pointed right at us," Vanesse whispered.

"Be careful. She could probably poke an eye out with that," Trina added with a nod.

The Princess turned and faced her bodyguard. "Everything is a joke to you, isn't it?"

Trina went a bit ashen, turning around and walking towards the door. "Not everything." She left, resuming her position as guardian.

For the first time since they had left Fairbanks, Vanesse began to feel she was being too harsh. But she knew that she was still angry, so she would wait to talk to her friend. In the meantime, there was watching to be done.

"Fuck!" Farmer said, pulling Alani down, then cumming in her ass. "Oh that's it baby, milk me dry."

Alani wanted nothing more than to do just that. She felt every spurt, relishing the way that huge, magnificent member felt when it twitched and spurted all that seed into her backdoor.

"Damn, I love your ass," Farmer whispered.

"You keep saying that."

"It's always true. Why do you think I keep tapping it?" She shoved Alani onto her back, kissed her hard, then moved her mouth down to Alani's cock. She slid her hand between the woman's ass cheeks and fingered her ravaged asshole while she sucked her off. Her other hand stroked Alani's shaft every time her mouth came off, but she was intimately familiar with this piece, and was able take it all whenever she chose.

For Alani, there was something magical about the cold on her skin and how it was completely eclipsed in her sense by the heat around her member. Even though she knew Farmer loved giving oral almost as much as receiving it, it still always felt like an honor when the pack leader went down on her.

"I'm gonna cum," she moaned. As usual, Farmer greedily sucked and sucked until Alani had given her every last drop she had to spend. And Farmer kept that cum in her mouth until she kissed Alani again, and they swapped that sticky goodness until they had both had their fill.

"Fuck, next time we need a real bed and a couple of hours," Alani whispered in between moments of swapping tongue. "And maybe even a Princess?" she asked, smiling and arching one eyebrow.

"That chick is off limits for hunting," Farmer replied, somewhat reluctantly. "No matter how hot she is."

"So what was with the show?"

"Just want her to know what she's been missing out on."

"How humanitarian of you."

Vanesse slowly closed the window, realizing that despite letting cold air in, she was very, very warm.

About ten minutes later, she heard a knock on the door.

"Princess," came that warm, luxurious voice of her primary captor. Even through the wood-plank door, it carried a certain level of humor that seemed as natural to it as its tone. "Room service."

Vanesse opened the door and found Farmer standing outside, holding a bag.

"Wasn't sure what a refined palette like yours usually took, so I brought you beef and chicken. And fries of course."

"Of course," the Princess sniffed, grabbing the bag in spite of herself. She had not eaten in a long time, and whatever was in the bag smelled really, really good. "I'm sure I'll be able to stomach it. We are not quite as delicate creatures as you think."

"Well, I knew that Trina wasn't, but you are a dainty thing. But they didn't have any champagne or anything to go with your burger, so hopefully water will suffice."

'Okay, that does it!' Vanesse thought angrily. She forced herself to smile. "You really should be nicer to me. Someone obviously wants me really wants me," she purred, paused, then said, "alive."

"And I want you . . . alive," Farmer replied, grinning due to her "captive's" apparent willingness to verbally spar. And she was being a tease!

"You think a strong, tough girl like you can handle me?"

As she sat nearby eating her bacon double cheeseburger and Dr. Pepper (spirits be praised, she had missed "common" food), Trina's eyes went wide. 'Is she . . . flirting?' Part of her was proud. Part of her was . . . conflicted.

"I think I can handle anything you've got," Farmer grinned, her hand tracing the outline of her cock through her jeans. "Can you handle me?"

"Let's see --" her opponent said. Then without warning, Vanesse extended her palm and pushed Farmer off the ledge, causing the alpha werehyena to plummet fifteen feet to the floor below, where she landed with a heavy thud.

Not truly injured but in something resembling shock, Farmer looked up from the floor. Her pack had gone deathly quiet, and everyone was alternating between staring at the Princess and their leader. Then to add insult to injury, Farmer was hit in the face with a foil-wrapped sandwich.

"I prefer chicken," Vanesse said sweetly, then turned around and went back into her room.

Trina had stopped chewing, and was now wondering if she was going to have to fight an entire pack of thirty werehyenas with nothing but her wits and some crunchy french fries. Of course, the fries could do some damage if she jammed them into someone's eye --

Farmer started to laugh. It began as a chuckle, then built momentum into a full-blown, belly-ache set of guffaws. It was not long before the entire barn was filled with the chortling of hyenas. In the wild, it was a sound to be afraid of. Here, it was just damn fun.

'Good Lady, what have you started?' Trina thought, polishing off her burger and going into her overwatch mode, which involved a state of slowed heartbeat and bodily systems, but remaining aware of the world around her. It was what battle-dancers did on duty instead of sleeping.

Below, the laughing finally died down and those hyenas not on watch settled in for some shut-eye. Farmer stood up, smiled, threw a salute up to Trina, then went for a walk outside.

'Well,' the battle-dancer thought, 'I can't say that this won't be interesting.'

------------- -------------------------

To be continued . . .

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wonderful imagination.

LooselyhumanLooselyhumanabout 2 years ago

Hyena female masculinity is literally a hyper enlarged clit. If the weres used magic to emulate that, a perfect cock with a functional vagina would have been their obvious choice. That would be more pleasurable for the characters, and true futas make for _much_ more erotic reading. Balls are overrated. Missed opportunity 4/5

verbicideverbicideover 7 years ago
Never gets old

I've probably read this and 'Flying Blind' more than any series on Lit and they never fail to entertain.

TheGryphonsOnFIRETheGryphonsOnFIREover 11 years ago
Yes, this is after To Protect And Serve,

But It mostly can stand alone, (Simi-spoiler ahead) although; the caretares of the other searies will show up near the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Fun story

I had a lot of fun reading this story series. For anyone just looking, you should read "To protect and serve" first. Both are great but this one builds on that series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great and funny

I'm having a lot of fun reading this story. Yes the werehyenas' sexuallity is a twist that surprised me but it's kind of cool once you pass the initial shock :D . At the very beginning the family ties were a little confusing. You might want to doublecheck that. You initially said the king is the Shepperd's nephew and then he's described as a second son.

To the other readers: I agree. Nobody is underage here. Actually if I followed correctly, Vanesse's parents were killed when she was around 10 then she was shipped off when she was 15 and has spent the last 15 years isolated so she is in fact 30 years old. And at some point it was mentioned that Trina is 20 years older than Vanessa. I suppose that given the long lifespans we could imagine that 30 and even 50 are quite young for fae creatures but still it seems that the sci-fi authors generally agree to keep 18 years old as adulthood standard mark.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
AA obviously didn't read!

Trina is 40 and Vanesse is 25, who is underage?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I read this over and over so good!

Just wanted to know though, is the princess underage? Maybe age does not matter in a fiction elf world or even as each individual as they mature in their own world.

idrubloodidrubloodabout 12 years ago
Good Stuff

This is my second time around and I love it even more.

chibicakeschibicakesover 12 years ago

I am in love with this story. It is hilarious. Can't wait to read the rest. Great job.



PoutineFanPoutineFanover 14 years ago
How the hell did I miss this being posted!?

Seriously, how did I miss it? I'm actually a little pissed at myself. Glad I came across it... wasn't expecting you to post anything so soon after Flying Blind. I LIKE where this is going so far :)

Off to read the rest!

Goose7Goose7almost 15 years ago

Well this is a great ive been looking for a story with this "subject" for a while now and who provides favorite author...Evil Alpaca...well congrats again...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
To one of my favorite LIT authors

Another excellent adventure. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to sit on the edge of our chairs and truly enjoy the fruits of your labor.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Thank you

After your last brilliant story, I had feared it would be a long time before you updated again. Thanks for proving me wrong with another great read.


mechmanasmechmanasalmost 15 years ago

Two awesome stories back to back. Hot dam Christmas has come really early this year thank you so much.

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