The Big Pay Out


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I slid in opposite her and put my glass down. A quivering hand reached out and grabbed it, the glass rattled against her teeth as her unsteady hand tilted it up, emptying it in one gulp. "Help yourself, why don't you."

"I just did. Got a smoke?" I shook a Camel out of the pack for her and one for myself, she grabbed it like it was her last and stuffed it between her lipstick smeared lips. I took the Zippo out of my jacket and torched hers before I lit mine. Snapping the lighter shut I tried to ignore her. "You looking for some action?"

"Nah, I gave it up for Lent."

We sat in silence, each lost in our separate world, me thinking about what Laura Lee wanted from me and she, well I couldn't tell what world she inhabited.

The band finished their set and put down their instruments, the fact that they weren't packing them away tells me that this was their regular gig. The customers shuffled out as the band moved over to the bar for one last free drink before heading out to wherever.

My companion stood shakily to her feet, "You sure you don't want to take me home?"

"Sorry Sweetheart, but I've gotta get home to the little lady." It was a lie but she wasn't to know that, in fact in an hour she will have forgotten all about me.

Laura Lee locked the door and came and sat down in the booth. "I see you hit it off with Sadie." She put another glass of whisky in front of me, "That's to replace the one she took."

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" I held it to my nose, it didn't singe my nose hairs so I knew it was a different brew to the other stuff, probably last week's batch. I took a sip and it slid down smoothly. "Nice, private stock is it?"

"Yeah, I keep this for special clients."

"How can I help you?"

"I want you to find my no good husband." I could tell by the tone of her voice that there was no love lost between her and the missing husband.

"I gather that you would prefer it if he came up dead."

"You gather right. The no-good son-of-a-bitch was not only stealing money from me but he was putting it about with just about anyone and he didn't care if I knew it. He even fucked your friend here."

"You're kidding me right?"

"No. I went out into the alleyway to chuck some trash in the dumpster and there he was up to his balls in that scrawny slag."

I get the picture. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Right after I chucked him out the door last Monday night. I had just had a visit from a couple of very big and mean looking guys who were collecting on behalf of one of the local bookies. It seems he was into them for several grand and these guys suggested that if he didn't pay up, and soon, he would regret it."

"I don't suppose you know the name of this bookie do you?"

"Benny someone or other, I didn't quite get the last name, but I gather he is big time."

"They don't come much bigger. There's a good chance your husband is currently feeding the sharks in the ocean."

"If he is can you prove it?"

"Probably not, but I might get lucky you never know. I don't suppose you filed a Missing Persons report."

"I did, but it's probably not much use, the cops didn't seem terribly interested, especially after I told them that he owed Benny money. I figure they came to the same conclusion you did."

"I'll call by tomorrow night to let you know how what investigation turns up." I got up and walked out into a night of misery. It had come to this, my partner had left to set up his own agency about six months ago, with my wife. He was the money man of the J&T Detective Agency, (Discretion guaranteed), and I was the poor schmuck who did the detecting. I drew wages and he drew what was left, that wasn't the deal when we started out but after he left I found out that he had done a damn sight better from the business than I had.

I grabbed a couple of hour's shuteye before hitting the pavements. It didn't take long for me to find out that my man had run up a large tab at the track and was stalling for time hoping for a big enough pay out so that he could clear his debts. Like all gambling fools he had lost sight of the fact that his chances of that big pay out was on the same level as a snowball's chance of survival in hell. The word on the street was that Benny had lost patience with him, and we all knew what that meant. All I had to do was prove it. So I paid a visit to Benny.

My first hurdle was to get by the goon at the front door of Benny's office. "Whachewant?" He made the Neanderthal man look intelligent.

"I wish to see Your Boss." Straight forward enough request I thought.

"The boss isn't seeing no-one, so shove off."

I gave him a hard right to the bread basket that doubled him over then a swift knee to the face, he stood there with blood streaming from his nose and a bewildered look on his ugly puss. He thought about having a slug at me, a minute later he had a second thought and decided against it. "Why don't you be a good person and go and speak to your boss, all you have to do is tell him that Johnny Anderson would like a chat." I could hear him muttering my name over and over as he left. After several minutes he came back.

"The boss'll see ya." He looked hurt but he let me by.

I didn't knock, "Hiya Benny, long time no see." I held out my paw for him to shake. He ignored it and nodded towards a chair. I sat.

"What do you want?" He made it sound as if I was wasting my time even talking to him, which I probably was.

"I'm looking for one of your clients who's gone missing. You wouldn't happen to know where Andy Jones is, would you?"

"Why would I, I don't get involved in petty hustlers like him."

"I didn't ask if you'd seen him, what I asked was if you knew where he was?"

"What makes you think I'd know where he is?"

"Rumor has it that he was into you for a lot of money so I would hazard a guess that he has met an untimely death and is shark bait, I could be wrong mind you, but it seems to me that when anyone owes you as much as he does they seem to end up that way, or at least there are rumors to that effect."

"Wise guy aren't you. Okay, let's just say that I know what happened to him but I don't know where he is. You should ask your ex-partner about that."

"Why, what has he got to do with this?"

"He was contracted to carry out the hit, and I won't say who asked him to, and dispose of the body."

I thanked him for his information and left, getting a nasty stare from the gorilla at the door. For fun I shaped as if to have another shot at him and he cowered against the wall. Benny will have to look for another goon.

My next port of call was at the new, swish, modern office of my former partner. His receptionist looked familiar, after all I had been married to her for several years. "You look great sweetheart, now can I have a chat to Terry?"

The look that she gave me told me that she still couldn't stand my efforts at sarcasm. She pushed a button on her intercom and his voice came through the speaker, "Yes, what is it?"

"Johnny is here and wants to speak to you."

"Send him in." I went in and found him sitting at his desk trying to look as if he was flat out with work. I knew better and it didn't fool me.

"What do you want?" I don't know why he should be angry with me, I didn't walk out on him and take his wife with me, I didn't take the company's client records with me, thinking that I would have all of the business sewn up, and I'm not having to live with the fact that the clients remained loyal to me so that when he called on them they told him to shove his agency up his arse.

"Nice place you've got here, must be costing you a fortune, more than you're earning, but even I didn't think that you'd even sink so low as to do Benny's dirty work for him."

"What do you mean?"

"I understand that you took Andy Jones for a ride and fed him to the fishes."

"Who told you that?" I noticed that he didn't deny it.

"A little canary sang an interesting song."

"Why are you telling me this, what's in it for you."

"I figured that I'm due for a big pay out."

"Is this blackmail?"

"No, I've bigger fish to fry, if you'll pardon the pun." I could have stayed a little longer exchanging witty repartee but I couldn't be bothered wasting my time. I left him there puzzling about my next move. I didn't keep him in suspense long. I called into see my friend Lieutenant Callaway at the precinct house. "Hey Lou, did you ever find Andy Jones?"

"No, we figured if we ever found him that there would be so little left of him that he'd be just another John Doe with no means of identification. What do you know?"

"I don't know where he is but I do know who took him there, and probably rubbed him out as well. I think you should go take a look and Terry's Chevy, if you look around in the trunk you might find some blood which will match Andy's blood type."

"What makes you think your old partner had anything to do with this?"

"Business hasn't been all that good for him lately and he needs money badly, badly enough to do this job for Benny. If you can finger him for it you might get Benny as well, lean on him a little and he'll squeal like a stuck pig."

"Sure thing." I knew that Lou had been trying to pin some sort of rap on Benny for a long time but every time he thought he had him, Benny showed up with his lawyer and a whole bunch of people who were prepared to swear on a stack of Bibles that Benny the upright citizen was somewhere else at the time the crime was committed.

I had the answers I was looking for and all that remained was to pass the message on.

The wind blustered through the man made canyons of the city, the reflection of the street light struggled out of a muddy puddle in the road, a bedraggled cat hissed at my feet from the soggy garbage that littered the sidewalk, Fifth Avenue it isn't, and two in the morning wasn't a good time to be here.

In the distance a trumpet wailed its sorrow into the night. I didn't need the note to tell me to follow that sound. I turned right into the even more depressing laneway and the trumpet was joined by a bass, drums, guitar and piano. What I could hear of the notes that fought their way to my ears through the other night sounds, the band wasn't half bad.

A flickering red neon led me to a bar at the very end of the lane. It was surrounded by trash bins that overflowed onto the pavement. Pushing the door open I entered a world of smoke, of beer smells and the sounds of despair. The trumpet player lay down his instrument and began to sing in a voice that told of too many cigarettes, too much bad whisky and too much sadness, John Lee Hooker he wasn't but the small crowd sat in rapt silence while he sang.

I sat at the bar and Laura Lee reached under it for a bottle of her special whisky, poured a generous one for each of us and came over to me.

"What news have you got for me?"

"I have either good news or bad news, you decide." I couldn't think of a gentler way to break the news to her so I came straight out with it. "What does it feel like to be a widow?"

"You mean?"

"That's right Babe he's dead. I know who did it and the police will probably arrest him soon, and they might even have enough to charge Benny over it."

"That's great! I know this sounds callous but I'm not sad that he's dead. He was a worthless bastard living so he can't be any worse dead. I had a look at his insurance policy and there's a large amount of money coming my way, enough to pay off what's owing on this place and leave me with a little funny money just for myself, I might even be able to hire someone to look after the joint while I take a vacation."

"Well it seems like a satisfactory result all round and I guess I have another satisfied customer."

"Are you? Satisfied I mean."

"As satisfied as I can be under the circumstances."

"Stick around, I would like to pay you tonight."

I stuck around. We were in her office. She gave me a wad of notes that was more than I was going to charge her. "Now I'll give you your bonus." She came into my arms and kissed me hard on the lips, her mouth opened and her tongue snaked forward between my lips. My tongue met hers with a hunger that scared me, I hadn't realized that I needed sex so bad.

My hand went to her breast, I could feel her hard nipple through her blouse and bra. She moaned and pushed herself against my hand, her hips pushed forward and ground against my hard cock. One of her hands released itself from my neck and she reached between us and undid my trousers, her hand pushed under the waistband of my shorts and grabbed hold of my cock. "I want this inside me now." There was an urgency in her voice that told me that she was as hungry for sex as I was.

I swept aside the papers on her desk and picked her up, laying her down I took off her skirt and blouse leaving her with only black lace panties and bra. From my angle she looked very inviting so I slipped her panties down over her hips and she opened her legs revealing her dripping wet pussy, even more inviting. I lifted her legs up over my shoulders and pushed my cock inside her. She was tighter than I'd expected, I had thought that by her looks she had been around the block a few times but her pussy was squeezing my cock as it went in and out.

"Oh this is so good, you are much bigger than my bastard of a husband, not that I got that much from him, he was too busy spreading it around." Her eyes closed and her breath was coming in short gasps "Oh God this is good, I'm coming, quick, harder, harder." I was an obedient kind of guy so I fucked her harder and we both came in a fireworks display that was equal to any Fourth of July.

I took my cock out of her, bent down and licked her pussy clean. So of course she reciprocated, licking the juices from my cock and balls. We adjourned to her apartment over the bar and were side by side on her bed. I looked at her closely for the first time under a decent light, she must have been something of a beauty not that long ago because she wasn't as hard looking as she appeared under the lighting of the bar, in fact she was still good looking and I could get used to this. I kissed her softly on the lips and she rolled over onto her front and lifted her hips into the air. Moving behind her I mounted her and fucked her until we both came again.

Laying back and enjoying a post fuck Camel, she rested her head on my shoulder and exhaled a cloud of smoke towards the ceiling. "Here I was thinking that I would give you a bonus by letting you fuck me, but it was me that got the bonus. We, Stud, are going to have to keep this up until you catch up to me."

Like I said I'm and obedient kind of guy so I agreed with her that we should keep going. We've been at it now for two years and Laura Lee tells me that I still haven't caught up. That's my big pay out.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I enjoyed the actual story, but the repetition made no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

just repeats the same story over and over...a total failure....

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
repetitious, redundant, and seriously flawed

She said it, both times, to get the insurance payout she had to prove he was dead. She didn't. She didn't.

He kept going down the same alley for the first time, over and over again.

His ex partner and ex wife? What happened?

It was bad enough the first time. But to find out the next chapters were just a repetition of the whole, entire, unresolved story was a waste of time!

a waste of time!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

case solved to all benefits. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
good story twice

I liked the story. The good guys win in the end. I was surprised that when I thought the story was finished, it repeated the whole story word for word again. Can you get that fixed? Otherwise it was enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Low key

Great story. I like the low key.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Needs a fix

The story is decent, you get the atmosphere down, and the dialogue fits the genre. But what's with the repeat, it wasn't that good the first time.

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