The Binding Potion


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"I, well, I want to, I would like to spend the rest of my life with her, but, she, she just can't, I mean, something happened to her when she was young, and, well. She can't."

Again the two scientists looked back and forth.

"We know about her problem, and we think we have an answer. She wants to finish with this phobia as much as you do. Conventional methods might take decades, and far more money than either of you can afford, at least now."

"With no guarantee of results." Chimed in Dr. Fung.

"But, since you two both signed up for whatever test..."

"Or Tests," completed Dr. Fung.

"That we want to do, we thought we might run a series of tests and perhaps come up with a solution, perhaps not the best solution, but if it works it might be just what you need."

"What both of you need. She is as convinced that you are her ideal as you are that she is. Certainly your subconscious is."

"I'll do anything, anything."

"You say that now. But this might entail some embarrassment for her, for you as well."

"Humiliation really, especially for her, when she thinks about it later, and for you to I suspect."

"Does she know?"

"She agreed to go with anything that we come up with. In fact she asked us to do whatever we could. She told us that she wants to be free to do as she wants, in essence to be normal."

Frank was worried, he liked both of his bosses in this lab, but he felt that, for them, people weren't as important as the results of their research.



Frank didn't see Nora that weekend, in fact didn't see her at all after he saw Doctors Walters and Fung. He sent text messages several times, she always sent him an answer, but they were always short, always carried a feeling that she didn't really want to talk to him, but yet she always made him feel like she was still 'his girl'. He told himself that she needed some me time.

He had plenty of time to study, but wished that he could have a chance for a study session with Nora, it was her weakest subject, and he had to admit it wasn't the easiest he had taken. Her answering text said that she couldn't see him until after finals, she was sorry but she was sure that he would ace the test.

It was the longest text she sent that weekend and she ended it with a smiley face. So he gave up and prepared by himself. When Monday came and he started sitting the exams, he felt good about his chances of scoring well. He knew students who didn't care as long as they passed, but Frank wanted to have a good GPA in case he decided to go for Grad School at some point in the future.

Finally he had his last one, it was Thursday, he remembered his promise to return the money that Dr. Walters had given him. As he walked out of his last exam he got a text from Walters and saw that he was to bring it in at Three that afternoon. He had several hours to kill and went ahead and had lunch before getting the money from the bank. He put all the envelopes into his back pack. There was a lot of money in there.

He got another text from Nora, It told him that she had finished her exams and that he would see her when he got to the lab and that she felt very good. She had little heart and smiley and wink eyed emoticons all through the short text.

'Well maybe those guys did her some good after all,' he thought to himself.

About then he ran into Brent, who was also carrying a full backpack.

"Hey Frankie, you got a pack full of cash too?"

"Yeah, you?"

"He tell you he didn't know how much in each envelope?"


"Do you believe him?"

"Yes, no reason not to, he's the original absent minded professor."

"Good, then he won't notice."

Frank stopped and looked at the grinning Brent.

"You didn't!"

"Sure did, a hundred here, some fifties there. The middles of most of the stacks were newspaper cut to the size of the bills, I just added some more and took off the top."

Frank didn't know what to say, he just shook his head and walked on. He checked his watch, saw he had time and when they were passing the physics building he ran in to see if his grades had been posted. Brent went on to the lab.



When Frank got to the lab the door was locked, so he used his key and went in He was completely at a loss when he looked up and saw what was going on in the lab.

Brent was practically drooling as he stared at Nora, Dr. Walters stood to the side monitoring a computer screen, while Dr. Sung sat on a stool between the spread legs of Nora.

Nora wore the cloche hat Frank had seen earlier, complete with feathers and the antenna was also just visible. Nora looked completely at ease as if it was the most natural thing in the world to wear the hat and nothing else but a pair of red spike healed shoes. And a navel piercing. He would never have suspected she would have one of those.

She was connected by some wires stuck to her chest area to a large printout machine with lots of pens writing graphs on a moving sheet of paper, there was another wire connected to a strap around her chest as well as one going to a band around a finger.

Dr. Fung leaned forward and appeared to be in the final stages of shaving Nora's pussy. Frank was unable to say anything and stood beside Brent. He watched as the scientist gave a final wipe to get rid of the last of the shaving cream and then carefully rubbed lotion in. There was another electrode that seemed to have been attached to her labia, it was hanging loose as Dr. Fung finished shaving her and reattaching the electrode.

In the background of his mind Frank heard the quiet voices of the two scientists talking. Comments like.

"Slight labial and clitoral engorgement."

"Noted, the nipples are also erecting."

"Note the time please."

"Fifteen oh three, first sexual reaction at the entry of test subject number three. Is there any lubrication visible?"

"Not yet, but a definite spike in the associated scent."

"Noted. Can you make a digital exam for lubrication. I'm noting a blush on the upper chest region."

Frank watched in fascination as Dr. Fung inserted a rubber gloved finger into Nora's vagina.

"Definite lubrication present."


"Doctors is everything OK? Is the experiment over yet?" Nora asked.

"Almost dear," responded Dr. Walters, then continuing with, "Are you feeling anxious?"

"No, not at all, I feel really wonderful. Will I be able to take the hat with me?"

The two doctors looked at each other, Dr. Walters made a note on the clipboard.

"That might not be possible Nora." Dr. Fung answered

"We'll have to run this experiment several more times Dear." Said Dr. Walters.

"What's going on here, Nora, are you all right?" Frank was trying desperately not to look at Nora's tits, uh, breasts, or her pussy, uh ... vagina.

"We're just concluding the final phase or our experiment Frank. Nora's fine, there's nothing to worry about. Is there Nora."

"Oh Frank, you should close your mouth, you act like you've never seen a naked girl before."

"But you're, you're ...." He made a helpless gesture with his hands, while trying to concentrate on her eyes, those wonderful blue eyes that seemed to be a direct connection to him, his soul, or brain, or whatever.

"Yes, isn't it wonderful, I'm naked and I don't care, I am without clothes and I don't feel worried or afraid. It's wonderful. You should be happy too. Am I as beautiful as you dreamed?"

Frank Stammered and couldn't get anything coherent out. He thought that he might be going crazy, was this another dream.

"No Frank, this isn't a dream. This is real. And you're not going crazy."

"Brent! You can't let him..."

"Yes, about Brent. I'm sorry about that but I thought he might help to get you motivated. Both our Mothers thought some competition would be needed to get you to make a move."

"Our Mothers?" Frank was stumped, of course at this point it could be said that he wasn't really thinking clearly.

"Oh, Brent."

"Yeah Nora baby." Brent was starting to assume that Nora was going to be leaving the Lab with him. She was sure going to be too hot for that straight arrow wimp Frank.

"I'm sorry, but in case you didn't understand, I'm not going to be going out with you ever again. And I can say I don't feel bad about it, since you've been fucking that bimbo cheerleader all semester."

"But I'm, I'm ... you can't want this wimp."

"This wimp has been making money in MMA cage fighting, winning a LOT of his matches. And while he never brags on himself, he is also a decorated war veteran who served in several combat deployments, most recently with the Rangers. I don't think you should call him a wimp. And you definitely don't want to pick a fight with him."

"But, but."

"Not only that, but I have been looking for a man to spend my life with, He can protect me, he will care for me, and I know he's honest, I am positive he is. And I think Dr. Walters will be able to confirm that. Can't you sir?"

Dr. Walters asked Frank if that was the money, Frank held out the back pack and Dr. Walters took it smiling. He had other stacks of money on a table, presumably Brent's. Both were a little surprised when He and Dr. Fung began to open up Frank's envelopes, separate out the sections of cut newpaper and feed the cash into an automatic counting machine.

They kept Brent's separate but treated it the same way.

"Frank, I have done this so I can act and dress normally, Dr. Walters and Dr. Fung have made this wonderful hat that is connected to my brain and removes those horrible inhibitions that I've suffered from."

Frank saw Dr. Fung smile to herself. He couldn't see Dr. Walters' face.

"Do you like my piercing? I think it's sexy."

"Yeah, uh. Hey! What do you mean OUR mothers!"

Just then Dr. Walters turned to them and gazed at the now guilty Brent.

"Brent, I think you should go, I imagine that the missing money will be deducted from your last paycheck, and any left over debt will be added to your tuition fees."

Brent positively slunk from the room.

Dr. Sung went to her desk, took her purse from a drawer, extracted some bills and walked back to present them to Dr. Walters. She turned to Frank and just gave a little apologetic shrug, as if to apologize for betting against him. She went to Nora and began to detach her from the wires and straps. Frank couldn't take his eyes off of her. He didn't know where to look. Nora just grinned back at him.

"Nora, why don't you go to my office and try on that new dress you brought in."

Nora scrambled off the table she was sitting on and trotted to the office. Frank couldn't keep his eyes from her bouncing breasts or jiggling bottom.

Walters was finished re-packaging the money Frank brought in. Frank just stood there, totally confused. He listened as Dr. Walters explained that they had used some post hypnotic suggestions that the hat would remove the inhibitions. It would take a few sessions, and support from Frank, to wean her off the hat. Would he stay over the summer sessions? Nora was. Perhaps he would go to grad school here. There would always be a position here in the lab.

Nora came out then, she was wearing a simple little yellow sundress, it had straps around her shoulders, had a square neckline and hung straight down to the hem that was about half way up from her knees. There were large buttons going down from the top to the bottom.

"Isn't it pretty?" Nora was very happy looking and twirled for Frank, he could see her breasts sway and bobble as she moved.

"Yes, yes. Oh yes."

"Now, about our Moms."

"Um why, um Dr. Fung, um shaving ....?"

"Oh, that? Just the last time, finishing up, I thought there was a little stubble and I wanted to be fresh, she has to shave for the electrode every time. All the wires and stuff tell them how I'm reacting to the hat."

"Oh." Frank thought about it, he had seen the hat before. He knew Dr. Walters was involved with some advanced things, but the hat was a little far fetched. He was surprised that Nora believed in it. But didn't want to tell her that.

"Now, about our Moms. Oh, yes, My Mom said that you told your mom, on the phone, to tell her to tell me you said hello, and thanked me for writing on all those cards for all those years after we moved away."


"Frank darling, it's very simple, after my father died, Mom remarried and Mr. Carson adopted me. Then when they divorced a few years ago she went back to Thompson. You see?"

"But, I didn't know anyone named Nora."

"Oh that. Well yes you did. That's my middle name, but my stepfather, Mr. Carson, had a daughter named Alice, so everyone called me by my middle name, Nora, so they wouldn't get me mixed up with his Alice."

"You!, You're Alice Thompson, Kent's kid sister. Little Alice Thomson!"

"Yes silly, and it's really funny isn't it, your subconscious knew me, but you didn't."

Dr. Walters and Dr. Fung were standing and watching the two young people, they had obviously known, but had kept silent.

"So my dreams were just ...."

"Well, I still think they were my fault, and Paravi's. We put a spell on you, surely you remember now."

"Spell?" He looked at Dr. Walters.

"Well Frank, I did suggest it, there's no scientific basis, but as the man said 'There's more things in heaven and earth.' Besides, I'm a romantic.

Dr. Fung punched him softly in his side. Which for Frank was a surprise because that, and the expression on her face, spoke volumes about a friendly and affectionate relationship that he had never seen before.

"Yes," Nora Alice continued, "One day you came over to our house, it wasn't long before we moved, Dad had passed away a few months before. I was about eight, you must have been twelve."

"OK, I remember when you moved out."

"You came to see Kent, and Paravi and I were having a tea party in the front yard and you and Kent went in the house. Paravi told me about a love spell she heard from her grandmother. We started chanting and got the secret ingredient and put it in the herbal tea we had."

"I remember, I came to give Kent back something I had borrowed, and when I came out you wanted me to play tea party with you. Paravi was singing or something. Funny I never remembered that."

"Yes, and you are so handsome, and so nice, you were always handsome and always nice to me. Even when Kent was mean, you treated me like a real person. I fell in love with you long before that. But when we asked you to play with us you just sat down with us and talked about missing us, and took a cup of tea. You never said anything about how it tasted, and had a cookie."

"Huh, I remember now, how could I have forgotten."

"Easy, because of the spell and the potion. It was the binding potion that bound us together in love for ever and ever. That's what the chant that Paravi was singing, was all about. And you drank the potion of your own free will. So you forgot until it was time. Now is the time."

"That's a little flimsy isn't it, I mean a little kid, me, and a love potion? Really?"

"Why do you think you were attracted to me then?"

"You are a special girl Nora, of course I was, anyone would be."

"And me with the secret potion, I saved it, I always put a dab on me like perfume when we were going to be together. And you had dreams, and you just collapsed after kissing me right on my neck where I had dabbed the potion. I know it doesn't look like much, but this is it."

She opened her hand and showed him a small bottle, he recognized it, he had seen the same type of bottle in his mother's kitchen, it was vanilla extract, it was old, nearly empty, and had a heart with an arrow though it drawn on the label.

"I. Um, I."

"It was full back then, but I went into your yard later that night and sprinkled a lot of in there and around your front door. And I chanted."

"Nora, you were a little kid."

"I know, but I never forgot you, and my mom and your mom kept in touch and I always asked about you, and said hello in the Christmas and Birthday cards. I was actually the one that insisted she sent them. I picked them out."

"Nora, you are a special special woman. But you didn't need to do that."

"And I saw your dream that night, I saw you on the couch, no don't be embarrassed, you couldn't help it, I was whispering the chant as you slept, and in your dream you called me Alice, I heard it clearly darling, you called me Alice and part of you remembered me."

"Well I was, I was sick."

"Of course dear. And Kama-diva Eros Cupid shot you didn't he?"

Frank was silent, he did love her, he had admitted it long ago, he didn't care what she thought, and the smile and laugh in her eyes told him she was having fun, and it was a good story.

"Frank darling, I know that sounds like I'm a weird stalker, but really I wasn't, I'm not. We met here, I knew you were coming, and I let it happen, you seemed to like me, so, well I just sort of thought that it couldn't hurt. And then I saw how wonderful you really are and that was when I really fell in love."

"Oh Nora, if only, if only I wasn't so tongue tied with you."

"Come here darling," she said and opened her arms, he saw that several buttons on her dress were undone and kissed her and smelled the vanilla and she pulled his head to her and he looked down and the world spun.

He took a breath a deep breath, he can see down her dress, past her breasts, past the curve of her tummy, past the blue panties that exactly matched her eyes, past her legs to the floor. It is as if he can see through the floor through the earth, out to space. He took another breath, the universe slowed, slowed slowed, he smelled the vanilla, he smelled her, inhaled her, her potion, her binding potion, he became lost, lost in her. His arms went around her, his eyes closed.

"You are mine, I am yours, always always bound by our love, bound by love and the power of the spell, the binding spell, always, just as you are bound so am I bound together, forever us, always my love."

He smiled he was happy. He was in love. With his true love.

He barely heard Dr. Walters explaining to him that there was a second study about the basic honesty of people. That as a reward for his honesty he got to keep all the money that he had protected. It was all provided for in the grant that financed the study. It amounted to twenty five thousand dollars. If he didn't take the money then their budget would be cut by that amount next year.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
that ooo though

Thank god I’m not the only one who thought of somebody yelling “ ooooOOOOoooo” when I saw the seperations

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Oh the naysayers

Many previous commenters didn't think much of this story - they should have reminded themselves it's a romance story with a dash of magic and very well done.

ohhfineohhfinealmost 8 years ago

Absolutely loved the story, ending was a bit weird but from the mement I started all I could think is nice, nice, nice

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
OK, I'm not some wimpy romantic,

but every time I read this I cry. I can't help it. I'm a middle aged man. I've played football and I've been in the Army and I drink beer and watch sports all weekend. And I cried reading this story. Damn well done.

lcluckylcluckyover 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

A lot of negativity from people who can't appreciate a good story. I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Very confusing

Maybe a story in there somewhere, but I just couldn't find it. I simply went back and forth too much trying to figure out who was talking. You lost me.

Sidney43Sidney43over 10 years ago

It seemed a bit odd at times, but you brought it together nicely. Was there a potion, or was it simply vanilla extract? Was there a spell, or simply a long standing attraction to a woman he failed to consciously recognize. A bit of mystery is good for the soul.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The format, almost a play but not, got in the way of the story. The lack of identifying the speakers in the long dialogues made it clunky.

Basically, the story was harmed by the odd method of presentation, in my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I enjoyed it, haters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Awful, just awful.

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