All Comments on 'The Bracelet'

by lucsmith

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
he stayed with a wife that stupid?

I am afraid I would not want children with a woman that stupid. A good little slut and an easy fuck but not worth marriage. But then again the hubby isnt real smart either.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good story line, however....

Good story line, however, it would seem to me that English is not your first language and it shows. The story would improve with help from an editor.

I agree with the previous comment that the wife must be incredibly stupid and her husband , not much better.

The truth is, that there are many people in the world who are that dumb!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
here we go again

by staying with this slimy slut he just joined the merry wimps that marry and stays married to whores

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 16 years ago
wow, terrific buildup to a dribble

This story developed enough tension to power a republican presidential debate, and then wimped out like a democrat. When was the confrontation with Sam! Murder can be a satisfying resolution to such a situation, but only if accompanied by some emotional catharsis. Sam, and his wife, should have been conned or forced into telling all somehow. You could even have had hubby show up at the cabin thanking Sam for all he had done to improve their marriage! He could also have suggested to Mara, in front of her husband, that Sam would make a great name for her child. Whatever, very dissapointing end to a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
This is the most pathetic story

Quite simply, all it made me want to do is run a fucjung knife across the author's throat... you're just simply sad and disgusting... there isn't a single asshole on this entire planet that would behave the way you want your readers to think the husband behaved in this story. Author, please move on and try to save your own pathetic life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
another sperm loving white man (*author*)

into private porn, with his wife as the *actress*

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
ar least

he did kill the bastard ...should have done it as soon as he found out ...hope he found a cpl of wome nto train and call him sir

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Do Only The Moral Morons of America Read This?

The story is Ok, but it ended to easy, even to the predator.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Too bad

You ruined a good tale with that ending. There are many ways

to make the payback far worse than by killing him.

Please stay with this category and get an editor. You could be a really fine author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good, but....

Overall I liked it. But as others have said you have many spelling errors such as "loose" rather than "lose", dropping an "s" or a "d", "bound" rather than "bond". etc.

I appreciate your effort and your sharing with us. I am surprised authors in the "loving wives" category continue to submit stories given the out of control emotional abuse they receive from some of the readers. Maybe it is my imagnination, but my perception is fewer "loving wives" stories are being submitted these days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Overall you liked the story but

you couldn't help but be your onw anal retentive self. You mister commenter just below me are probably a control freak just like Sam in the story. I would love to inflict similar pain to all control freaks. They are spoiled rotten little kids and so are you.. Now to the author...whopee finally someone after my own heart, a man with balls. I loved that he killed Sam but hate that Sam never knew what was happening to him. That's the only low point. But cudos to the writer with balls.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 16 years ago
An earnest attempt that ultimately fails

Sadly, the tale is rife with bad writing due to multiple blunders in spelling and word choices. Get an editor. Please.


The story's pacing is droll and slow, the author's writing style doing nothing to make the tale interesting, to give it narrative drive. The characters are tolerably described but they're... weird, I suppose. The wife is described as a submissive and shy but she's a sexual dynamo in bed from the first time they have sex? The author's understanding of D/s is, I believe, flawed. Submissives submit because it allows them to express their love and affection for their dominant but according to Kate, she doesn't love Sir. Why then would she submit to him? Submissives often seek safety and security in their relationship yet, in multiple scenes in the story, Kate returns home unhappy and insecure after a "teaching" session. Sir's "guidance" appears to be traumatic yet she continues the affair. It makes no sense.


Her husband's tolerance for her escapades with Sir is inexplicable, particularly given his attitude on cheating given his childhood experiences. I cannot imagine why he would accept her behavior. I expected him to terminate their marriage with divorce for adultery, and that didn't happen. This incredible behavior damages the storytelling because the husband does not act in accordance with what the author has told us of his nature.


As usual, the author skimps on telling us who the impact character is. We know little about Samuel except that he's apparently a dominant who seeks out married women to impregnate them. Why he does this is unknown, and evidently we're expected to accept this rather bizarre behavior as part of the human norm. I suspect the author's omission is deliberate, given the ending. We're not supposed to empathize with Sir, and who empathizes with a plastic blow-up doll?


The ending to the story is poor. Murder by arson perpetrated by unconvicted felons is certainly not erotic, and it seldom makes good storytelling. It did not satisfy, and neither did this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

a guy who doesn't like to be the ass of the story.

As for the other comments : dont't bother you get better with time and experiance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

the vengeance,only one thing wrong,the slut wife should have been burnt with him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You have potential...

but you still aren't there. This story was interesting. It had an interesting idea. It missed on the carry through. Keep up the good work. I will look for additional stories. An editor might help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
The husband

The husband is a moron, this stupid weak minded whore he's married to will fuck around again. She is spineless, he's not a hell of a lot smarter. He should have done the same thing with Sam but framed her for his murder and turned her filthy ass into the police. Maybe not a happy ending but a hell of a lot smarter one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
needs some work

The premise of the story is not too bad. The grammar errors kill though. The spelling detracts from the story. You need an editor, several are available through this site. Contact one. Ending was weird, you really need to think through the way the transitions flowed from place to place and the characters interactions were very shallow. Please continue you have room for improvement. Just do not quit now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
No Skills At All

This writer needs several years study of the basic rules of grammar and punctuation. Following that, some writing classes to develop some kind of imagination are in order and THEN he might think of submitting another story to this website.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 16 years ago
Different try mixing D/s & fidelity, inadequately

I have to say Avaron53 has summed up my critique in far better and fewer words than I am able. Please do get an editor and don’t stop writing if you have a story you want to share. Keep your head up and give us some new stories.<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Story had potential but the flaws killed it.

The husband knew who was fucking his wife, why not be a man and confront him about it? If he wanted to catch Sam in the act, why didn't he burst in on them when Sam had the threesome? Why did he pretend that he didn't know that she was fucking another guy? Why did he make his wife tell what the meaning of the stars were when he already knew? If he was angry that his wife was cheating on him, why not just confront the two of them? Why murder some guy because he fucked his wife? When violence is the ultimate act, then the story was no longer about love, it was about power and violence is always the first resort of the weak. Surprised he didn't kill his wife while he was at it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good but not great

I do like the premise of the story. However, a little more character development on the part of the antagonist would have went far in this story.

Please don't listen to these readers who abhor violence. Murder is final. It is the one thing that cannot be taken away, and as such, shows the ultimate length someone will go to, to achieve an end. Murder is also art. While I can appreciate the husbands decision in killing Sam, there could have been a better description of the method and ultimate act itself. The story was a bit rushed at the end, I feel.

Keep trying, you're sure to bet better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great story...though ending weak, cuckold more

The story was great in conceot, but the husband sould have been controled as well. I am looking forward to reading more frmo this person. Forget the gramar police.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good idea

Nice story overall. I am against violent

revenge for several reasons but let's just say it lacks

creativity. I am guessing from the name and location

English is probably not the native language so I

overlooked the grammar but I also think an editor

is a good idea.

LazylonerLazylonerover 16 years ago
the characters are too weak

Alvaron already posted most of my issues, but I feel a bit more needs to be added after reading all 3 of Luc's "slut wife" stories.

Luc, you definitely have a different style than most here, and are taking a much different look at the plot lines, but you seem to have no idea how to make your husbands sympathetic or believable.

So far all 3 husbands have been desperately passive and willing to accept being cuckolded even though they constantly talk abuot how they cannot abide cheating or cheaters. This story is a great example. You start out with the husband talking about his unhappy childhood because of his parents cheating, and yet he sits around for a year waiting for his wife to atually finish her brain fart.

And Alvaron is also very accurate in his comment about D/s. Kate would either have completely left Jack, or would never have gotten into the D/s relationship with Sam. The fact that Jack clearly isn't accepting of it would have destroyed the trust necessary for her to play the submissive freely and eventually the impossible situation would have needed a solution. You had her throwing herself at Jack, but still for some reason trusting Sam's lies, which made absolutely no sense.

All I can ask is that you sit down before writting and look at the characters. Then look at them again once you are done. Is what they do consistent? Are they saying one thing, but acting much dfferent? Do they act, or just sit and wait for things to happen around them? All of this is missing from your characters in these stories. Your husbands wait for things to be fixed, rather than acting, even if its the wrong action. And the wifes always seem to be brainless, pantyless sluts with the morals of politicans.

It makes it hard to like your stories, but perhaps that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
i like your stories and you mean well,but

your plots are weak and the marriage go on know matter what.the killing of the basdard was a nice touch.the wife did to much damage to the marriage.she was to dumb or she a whore,either way not wife can you trust or respect her.

bornagainbornagainover 16 years ago

The husband is so stupid instead of just killing the Bastard why not just have the lawyer file a grievance suit against him then have the company fire Sam and the wife for fraternizing and having an affair while employed in the same company the husband also should have conferred with Michel about his wife and the baby not being his and let him make up his own mind what he wants to do with her.


Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 16 years ago
I regret I must agree with most other comments.

Aside from the need for an editor as others have repeatedly said, the story suffered from lack of credible characters and was unfocused and even disjointed at times. We all have choices in our lives. When one doesn't like a situation (one's wife fucking outside of one's marriage), one can accept it or fight it. Our hero Jack does very little for the longest time. He says he is trying to get information but he is so inept, it is painful watching him. He bought a gun -- why not just announce to the world what you plan -- police know that 80% of the time the murder victim knew the murderer. It would be easy to check recent firearm sales in the area and find a "friend" of the deceased just coincidentally bought a gun. But wait, Jack is going to do Sam by faking a fire . . . Even the detectives on the show "Law and Order" know that arson is easy to detect; the fire chief certainly knows it. The only justification from a moral standpoint for killing Sam would be if Sam is directly threatening death or great bodily harm to you or your family; there are many other avenues open besides simply murdering him, and besides, Sam died without knowing one of his victims did him in. Another made the comment that a quick murder really does reduce the satisfaction of the revenge -- i.e., the bad guy needs to see it coming and have time to feel some fear, and I agree. The idea that somehow Kate was not responsible and it was all Sam's fault is hard to swallow. She knew what she did was wrong but she kept doing it -- there was no gun to her head, she wasn't physically restrained -- OK, there was some coercion, maybe a bit of blackmail, but from the sounds coming out of the cottage window, Jack could tell that Kate was really enjoying herself. Why does she get a free pass?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
First of all I would tell Mike that the child

wasn't his and call him a miserable cukold. He could sue me and then I would have the right to get court ordered DNA test to back up what I said. (Thir) that's what sir sounds like to some one with a split lip would not have gotten off so easy. Everyone on earth dies sometimes but the way they die is the thing. I would torture the controlling bastard and let him know that he was going to die and that I was doing it too him. I would have never let him die the way he did. He went to sleep thinking that he was going to fuck the wife and get her pregnant and he died in that sleep...Too easy. Luc That was a cop out. What ever possessed you to end it like that . You gave the reader no pleasure in that. Shame on you. Oh I would have divorced the woman, not necessarily for having sex with another man but for sheer stupidity. I could bnever live with a retarded person. Come to think of it your hero wasn't too smart either...maybe that's why he didn't divorce her.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 16 years ago
Concur with Alvaron

No matter how many good ideas you put there, at the end a story has to create a credible path from beginning to end. As ALVARON pointed out, you missed on both of the main characters. I would just add that it seems like the real submissive around was actually the husband who seemed to secretly enjoy being manipulated and humiliated (albeit from afar) by "sir". It could have been a psychological thriller, where we start with the usual suspicions; the (erroneous) assumption that the wife is submissive and the mystery of the bracelet(s). Along the plot, husband could have found that the real bracelet (or submissive chain) is actually being hanged on him not on the wife who was simply blackmailed (consistent with the ending you chose). But for that or for any coherent plot line you would have to make some decisions early on: was the wife blackmailed or a willing submissive? ; was the husband full of aversion to the situation his wife put him in or was he finding more about himself (he was not), which could have explained so much sitting on his hands and 'complaining'. Bottom line, you can't explain huge plot holes by attempting: 'but he did complain about it. Most importantly, you HAVE to choose one coherent plot line before you submit the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
as worthless a piece of dogshit drivel

as has ever been posted here, please spare us and quit writing you fucking cock sucking wimp

shangoshangoover 16 years ago
Benefit no none?

Your male lead is an ignoramus! It would benefit THE CHILD!! Medical history? Legacy? Possibly marrying a SIBLING down the line?

Back to the drawing board, Lucsmith.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Your story is to full of opps I did it again.

If he really wanted to know what was going on, hiring a PI would have gotten the info in a week or two without playing stumbling detective. To let your wife walk out of the house dressed as she was knowing where she was going meant giving your permission for her to have sex with another man, only and idiot would have done that why not go shopping with her and then enjoy the ligerie yourself? Mike needed to be informed, the quicker the better. "His children" own part of Sirs, isnt it cute Sirs, inheritance, not knowing they arent his causes them to miss what is theirs. The wife of Mike is a slut with two children from an arrogant asshole, she needs to be divorced. Finally those children have a need of their medical history, failure to obtain that could spell their deaths in the future. His wife of course was having bareback sex with a man who was also having bareback sex with other women who had sex with other men. The medical risk of such sexual contacts is very very high. Where was the medical testing before having sex with the easily seduced slut he is married to. Let me see, knowing how easily seduced she is, and how submissive she is, does her really not expect her to be in other affairs? Divorce was the only option. May I has what revenge he got on Sam? Sam is dead, he didnt know who did it, in fact he was out and didnt even know he was dying. Where is the revenge? Your wife now has you over a barrel, you forced her to assist you in committing murder. She can turn states evidence and get you hard time anytime she wants. Isnt it great a slut you cant really trust, she has proved that, who has the capability of having you thrown into prison any time she wants to get rid of you, or when the next sir tells her to.

WoodButcher57WoodButcher57almost 16 years ago
You have this in the wrong catagory.

No need to add more on the story that others have said, I concure with them all. This is just a very sick minded story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I guess I disagree with most comments

It is ,after all, fiction AND in the cheating wives genre so although a bit far out I still like it and the author's other writings. I think he is a very welcome addition to the site and especially this category. I hope he is not thin skinned and continues to submit. We need good story tellers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sorry the title is loving wives not cheating wives

First of all the wife has to be brain dead not to know she is in an adulterous affair, risking harmful sex, and totally disrespecting her husband, herself, and her marriage. She willingly accepted sex with someone not her spouse, willingly accepted fucking a woman, and willingly accepted having a baby by another man and denying her husband sex in order to do so. She may say she loves her husband but in all reality she thinks she loves her husband and she really doesnt. You can claim she does but in mentally incapable of doing what she should but then we are into the category of the mentally ill, which it really sounds like she is anyway. The purpose it would serve to tellt he other husband is so that he could divorce the slut and let her keep her hastard child and not make an innocent man pay for it. He himself has to be mentally ill. I dont mean about killing the man, actually I would have myself him awake and know I was killing him and let him feel the fire burning him to death. His mental problem is he not only kept the slutty whore who intentionally committed adultry but had children with such a mentally incompetent woman. What he perhaps should have done was have her in a sexual position with dear old Sir and let them both burn into hell. Mutally swinging with consent of both partners is one thing but for a woman to be such a betraying cheating slut is outside the realm of reality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Don't get it do they? I thought this was an excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

holy crap, you are an awful writer. no man would stay with such a slut, no one. and instead of waiting what sounded like weeks if not months, he should have acted immediately to find out who the jackass was and take care of it. maybe not killing him, but def getting rid of him and teaching his wife a lesson. god, you really suck at this.

zed0zed0about 15 years ago

I gotta give it a zero even if the stupid wimp did kill the fucker.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

anonymous in france said they don't get it,he got it and the author wrote it and as far as i'm concern there both idiots so they can have it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

anonymous in france said they don't get it,he got it and the author wrote it and as far as i'm concern there both idiots so they can have it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

anonymous in france said they don't get it,he got it and the author wrote it and as far as i'm concern there both idiots so they can have it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
No man can protect any fem from herself . . .

EVERY puta cheats, that's just the thing of it. No hubby ever knows what wifey is doing when not with him ever. Fems are prone to gettin themselves into bad trouble and expect dear old hubby to get them out of it - some, like cheating and hung up for some reason aren't likely to be told to hubby and asked or demanding his help. I say she has to be responsible for ALL her behavior, even that whilst away from hubby.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Hey! Fucking Puta Boy

Who the hell are you to say every woman cheats. I take great offence to that and I'm sure many of the other women agree that is uncalled for. If your wife cheated on you, well maybe it's time you thought of why. You show no respect for us and I'm sure that's why you're alone and miserable. Keep your disrepectful comments out of here and for God's sake, quit saying Puta. It's getting very tiring of seeing the same word used so often just because it makes you feel like.. whatever

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Idaho dont get to pissed till you know what puta

means. This was a story of women of weak minds and weak morals. She was so proud of her stars but couldnt tell her husband what they were for. Didnt she realize she knew every step of the way what she did was wrong? Of course she did. She is cut of the same cloth as any successful prostitute.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Re "Idaho don't get TOO pissed etc"....

....why don't YOU learn how to spell a basic modifier.I'm sick of puta boy TOO.He's an idiot that writes the same teenage comment every time.And you obviously don't know prostitutes.They are typically not naive at all,UNLIKE the idiot wife.Lucsmith should stay out of the mix when it comes to revenge. I'd have cut off Sammy's prick and shoved it in Mike's wife's mouth at their next dinner, while explaining to Mike why I thought she of all of them might want it.But I'm a kinder,gentler vigilante.-pistolpackinpete

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Skillful writing unbelievable plot.

Sorry, I really enjoy your writing, but this plot is so incredibly stupid I got an ulcer reading it. Why he didn't kick the shit out of Sam half way through your story and then divorce his wife. She is brain dead and he is even worse for puting up with her adultery.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
ridiculous, silly and childish.

Most likely a direct reflection of the authors immaturity. Why on earth would you write something where every single person in your story behaves in a manner that is completely unnatural, unrealistic, and out of the norm for the other 7 billion people that you share the planet with? This is just such a load of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Why do you keep writing this bullshit? You have talent but the story lines and plots are just stupid!!!!

I liked one of your stories very much that is why I have taken the time to read more of your stories.

However I will not be reading anymore as they are a waste of my time!!!

incestor007incestor007about 14 years ago
yes Why...

Yes why it is always so with you, Husbands finds out right in time and waits for wife to cheat, what if after fuck she would be able to leave. Why in your each story Hubby is so wimp that he cant stop his wife. Like in this story she told him everything that her sir is going to fuck her anytime soon. And that bloody wimp waits for wife to have sex with other man and then make her feel guilty, TELL YOU WHAT if you are that type of man, then sorry buddy you cant keep your woman today or tomorrow she is going to leave you. Wait when she finds a MAN. Common things in your stories are Hubby is unable to take action at time, Lover is bad-Man, Wife is weak-personality. Now in real if any of them fails like Lover is not that Bad-Guy and is marriage material you will be living miserable life, paying child support, alimony and you wont be able to say kids are yours.

So this story is also full of crap. Believe me even weakest man will do better than that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Disagree - the other cheating wife should have been exposed.

For any man to "knowing" allow another man to be cuckolded and raise a cheating bastard's kid is unrealistic and totally discredits this dog shit effort by this author. Big "0" for this garbage.

saratusaratuover 13 years ago
I agree with the other comments.

When he knew who the ass hole was why let him have his wife???? Some times you authors write a fine story then add shit to it and ruin the whole thing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
What a shit story.

This has to be one of the most fucked up authors in Literotica!! Author, you are really SICK! Get help immediately (or take a long walk on a short pier). World doesn't need people like you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

A long, painful trip to an uninspired ending. You have decent writing skills but none of your characters are worth a hill of beans. Try writing a story where the reader might identify with one of the characters enough to actually care about how his/her story comes out. Thank you for sharing with us, but this was definitely not my cup of tea.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
I did manage to give it 1 star

You and Matt Monroe and JPB are 3 of the best of the sickest writers here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Oh man!!!!

I agree with Hue,,,,, the award for three of the sickest writers on this site.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I only read several paragraps

Then I skipped to the end and gave it 1 Star.

roscovichroscovichalmost 13 years ago
Feebleminded, immature, inept, even for this site.

Actually one of the worst there is. Only reason I didn't throw-up is that I skypped most of it. Unreal !!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Mediocrity at its finest

You spend all story making him a weak man, then at the end your Sir character just dies. Yes, Mike had a right to know, the whole thing should've been publicly exposed, since you made your 'hero' wait.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
plain sick

unredeeming in every way

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
the husband isn't a man by any means

He is a willing cuckold and he even shows it by staying with his slut, also he know his friends kid isn't his. How can he call himself a man. His is a woman with a dick, or in my eye's he's a she-male. Not worth of being call a man at all.

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 12 years ago
What a Letdown

Your revenge was extreme but worthless. He basically died in his sleep. He never even knew he as paying a price for his manipulations. It almost looks like you got tired of writing and just ended the story as quickly as possible. Next time please take a break and allow your creative juices to flow and develop a better ending. A far better ending would have had Sam losing everything, including his friends. Just as soon as his life started to improve again, then kill him off making sure he knew why.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
How a man should not act

The story is written well. It describes how a man should NOT act. The main character is a wimp and his "wife" is too dumb to be allowed to walk on this earth. DEH

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
What would a cuckold say about this story?

Oh, never mind, the admitted cuckold huecuck has already commented, guess we know the answer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Just another loset husband

Only a wimp coward loser would still be married to the stupidest woman on the planet that allows other men to dominate and Fuck her. Kill the other asshole yes, but he needs to dump the cheating whore

dirksterdirksterabout 11 years ago
Get a clue

It drives me nuts when a writer has such a LOOSE command of the English language. I just LOSE control! Damn it, at least use the right word!

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago
chick flick

gets 1 worst kind of story feminist lesbian and this, this is all three together.

phil2213phil2213almost 11 years ago
Little bit of fetish

The chain should've been ripped off het leg at first notice and each star cutout with a dull rusty knife and a torch to her face as a symbol of her undying love and devotion. She is a pathetic cunt and he is far worst for his acceptance. Sam is a man deserving of a painful existence as a ball less dick less jerk. A real man could have that easily arranged. His death was way too painless.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

It distresses me that he was unconscious when they burned his ass. This is not satisfactory. Instead of waking up in hell. He should have awakened tied to a chair in front of which our hero should have spread out various tools: blow torch, drill, saw, acid, car battery with alligator clip leads etc. oh, of course some cauterizing aids;after all, we don't want him to bleed to death; at least, not too soon.

A few days of fun should ensue. No need to rant, just go to work. Certainly, screaming is allowed on his part, and he could ask existential questions like "why" (which ought to be self-explanatory).

I mean I hate to sound like cantbuymy here--but we just need more pain

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
One good thing about this story

Cockless clueless closet cucks complaining in the comments - cocksmokers like monkclam and cantbuy took a break from blowing each other to 'get their cuck on' - too bad their gonads are gone along with their brains, fucking eunuchs

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
screw you

I am so tired of the infamous anonymouse son of a bitch calling men with balls cucks. That asshole should be content with jerking off and shut the fuck up! I'm signing myself anonymous to keep the little prick from trashing my stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Revenge is a dish best seved flaming hot????

Killing Sam didn't really punish him or cause him pain. If he wanted revenge he needed to make him suffer, along with all the other bit players. Sam's wife deserved pain for evolvement. Jake should have tied up Sam and made him and Kate watch as he fucked Sally. Fucked her until she was totally wrecked. Ripped her a new asshole. And Mike should have been told as punishment for Mara. She was supposedly Jake and Kates friend, so she knew what the bracelets meant. It would be up to Mike to decide what to do with his slut wife and her bastard. And the price for staying married to Kate was that while she couldn't have any more lovers, Jake coukd have all he wanted. As is Jake has no balls, is totally pussy whipped and sooner or later Kate will realize that. Hopefully Jake will just use Kate as his total submissive sex slave slut, which is exactly all she is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
@ 1/08/01 what balls ?

She did unspeakable things and he let her back quickly to the way things were.

He cowardly killed Sam ,with Sam dieing and with his last breath still having her as a slave in his mind.

If there is a price to pay you have to perceive it,that is why they don't send assassination squads after criminals sentenced to die ,they must know the penalty they are paying.

It's your story but it's to bad you think there was anything like the figurative ball's you think were described.

kdcee79kdcee79almost 10 years ago
Not for me

Is English your second language because if it isn't I know 12 year old kids who could write better than this garbage. The poor writing aside, the way you've written Jake makes him one of the biggest, dumbest, idiotic wimps on this site - all the time he's talking about getting info from Kate only to be put off because she's so submissive to Sam, what a dick. Why didn't he get a P I?

Also where in the States can you walk into a gun store & walk out with a gun ???? I'm not from USA but in my country you have to apply for a license, get a police check done & the whole thing takes at least 2 weeks; perhaps someone would be kind enough to enlighten me on that point.

Now to Sam's death don't the cops in USA have forensic skills, surely they'd be able to tell if he was drugged before he died which would then make it a suspicious death. I'm sure they would investigate it fully so I found that part of the story totally unrealistic. Poor writing skills & stupid hero. 2**

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I have been repulsed by some stories but this is the first time I wanted to vomit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Inadequate punishment

Sam should have suffered before dying

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 10 years ago

Why did he wait so long to exact punishment on the asshole screwing his wife? No man would let it go on as long as he did. The wife was brainwashed but she should have gotten some punishment too. Lousy fucking tale all around.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago
so is he ?

So because he decided to kill Sam in a way which allowed him to not even be suspected (never mind arrested or sent to prison/death row) he is a wimp?

To be a real man he must be punished himself?

For removing a threat he should suffer?

Forensics can find marks on even badly damaged bodies.

About thirty years ago a murderer was caught even after dissolving the body in acid and dumping the acid in his driveway, her gall stones were found.

The old saying "Revenge is a dish best savored cold" means that the ideal way is to make sure that you are not also destroyed.

Revenge done in the heat of anger often backfires and burns you as well.

javmor79javmor79almost 10 years ago
This guy was a wimp.

I didn't like this story at all. This husband was not a hero. He was a wimp. He avoided confrontation several times in the story. He hid his head in the sand. I can understand if someone is doing this because he wants to gather evidence for a divorce, but this guy wanted to save his marriage. He witnessed this asshole fucking his wife and he WALKED BACK TO THE CAR. Why didn't he gather his balls right there? Then, he forces himself on his own wife. He could have stopped this shit at any time. He could have divorced her at any time. But he hides his head in the sand and then tries to reclaim his manhood by killing the guy later on. Weak. Sad.

Killing a guy doesn't making you a real man. Taking control of your life makes you a real man. A teenager can kill someone. He had several hard choices to make that could have given him control of his life, and he didn't do them. This story may make the BTB crowd happy, but he is still a wimp.

iffarmeriffarmerover 9 years ago
Yes, ...

Yes, the author's writing skills leave a lot to be desired.

Yes, the story seems rushed at the end.

Yes, the solution to ending the affair is crude (and illegal).

Yes, Sam's character, the antagonist of the story, could have been fleshed out a lot more, as well as his deeds.

But, it's only amateur fiction.

But, the wife's behavior is not unrealistic nor uncommon.

But, the husband's reactions and behavior are also not unrealistic or uncommon.

But, the husband's awareness was a very slowly growing feeling, easy to ignore for a while until too late.

I know, because I am married to a wife who started her cheating VERY early in the marriage and still has not fully and truthfully confessed and is likely still cheating.

I know because my second daughter may not be genetically mine.

I know because most wives cheat. You read that right. 50% to 70% of all wives have cheated (as compared to a solid 50% of all husbands). And once a cheater, always a cheater.

I know because 10% to 15% of all babies in North America born within a marriage are sired by a man other than the unsuspecting husband.

There is one thing I strongly disagree with, though. The husband of the pregnant wife in the story deserves to know that the baby is not his. He has a marriage problem he not aware of and he needs to know about it so he can make his own informed decisions. Reproductive deception is paternity fraud, the moral equivalent of rape. "If you trick someone into raising a baby not his own, and he puts 20 years of his life into an endeavor based on a falsehood, that is appalling. If I were the queen of the world, birth control, of any form, would be available to any woman who wants it and DNA testing would be available for all the men so that they would know who their babies are." -- Dr. Judith Lipton

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I don't understand any of it.

First, she made it clear there was someone else, but it was not for love, just understanding of sex? the bracelet and the diamond stars two out of three, which of course meant she had to be pregnant by this dominant fuck. Ok, from the end? He kills Sam? Then a comment suggests he tells Mike that the baby Mara has is not his but Sam's and explains why? Really, so you expose that Mara had an affair with Sam, and of course Mara will never disclose the fact that Kate was an angel right? What reality are you on! Mara will of course bring to light Kate's sexual involvement with Sam and what, the widow will remain silent? Sharks are attracted to blood in the water just watch the human species when the possibility to make a ton of bucks comes into play. The bottom line Kate was cheating, her fear of discovery and the possibility that anyone outside of her, Jake and Sam clearly showed that she knew well what was going on and how wrong it was. Top the list Kate was taking birth control pills so that Sam could not get her pregnant. Sam was an equal villain in this, YES, but Kate knew right from wrong and WOULD NEVER accept this situation from Jake if the roles were reversed. I am a true believer that once a cheater is always a cheater, and here Kate knew what she was doing, hid the fact and lied about her activities until exposed. The idea now that Kate knows that Jake killed Sam is a dangerous secret Jake had better be careful of for the rest of his life. Kate now can easily knock him off with the law at her disposal simply by anonymously tipping off detectives of the crime and the suspect. Since after all murder has no statute of limitations. with that, imagine the endless possibilities, Kate can have numerous affairs and be blatant about it without any recourse from Jake all because she can turn states evidence on him and he would do life in prison while she enjoys the house and his money and possessions left behind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
@ Javmor

Why would a story where the man lets his wife fuck another man and do nothing make the btb crowd happy? I am suprised that you didnt care for it seeing how most of your comments are about how the husband was right in forgiving his cheating wife or whatever

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
sorry divorce was his best option and knowing what he did a PI would have found about all the women

and he would be rid of a mentally ill woman and given evidence to the other men. You don't keep used trash you toss it out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Beyond the poor writing

The ipso facto logic is just not that of anyone who could earn a MS in Computer Science by age 22. This was stillborn in so many ways.

"She didn't have children, therefore she was strict."

Not a clue in sight, and no fucks given.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
thank you

for not writing anymore hopefully you died you hack writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You Absolutely Do Need A Proofreader

Your story was hard to read in many places. You used 'met' for 'meant' in many places. You used the wrong verb tense too often. You used 'it', 'is', 'if' and 'in' erroneously...often. Some sentences I skipped over entirely because they made no sense whatsoever. Although the grammar and sentence structure would probably get you a 'D' in my grammar classes, the content was fair, although you never gave a plausible reason for Sam's control over Kate, Sally and Mara. You never gave a reason for his cuckolding his two co-workers. Did he want to be able to smirk at them knowing that they were financially taking care of his (Sam's) children? I am glad Sam died a horrible death. Death by fire was appropriate. I have no problem with his death. Some people deserve to die. Men who go after married who plot to cuckold another man...these pieces of slime truly deserve to die. Still a fairly decent story. Much room for improvement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Yep, A Proofreader Is Needed

The guy should of divorced her as soon as she started lying to him..

krnchrmankrnchrmanover 7 years ago
I don't understand this crap

I really don't understand why this pathetic wimp let his wife lie to him and fuck this other guy. His reasoning that he was waiting to get even is so stupid, I can't imangine anyone doing it.

I would have gotten the facts out of the cheating whore of a wife when he first realized she was cheating. Yes, she was cheating by meeting him and doing whatever without "his penis penetrating her". If she refused, get rid of her.

The question of how to kill him would have made a very good story. Too bad you wrote this pile of crap instead.

I wish we could give negative stars or a zero as a rating!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Your story should have been written from the bracelet givers point of view.

Attempting to be the husband and allowing your wife fuck another is not appealing.

Making him a willing cockhold and a accepting cockhold but, that's not the worst. He allowed three others involved to get away.

1. His wife

2. His suppose friends wife

3. Sirs wife

Just write from the jerks point of view to avoid the errors. Remember its easy to be a asshole.

Being a writer telling a good guy story there's a lot of points to cover

VapspegeoVapspegeoover 7 years ago
I don't understand some of you

Help me out,

If the writing is so bad or the grammar so bad why do you keep reading?

Or if you have to skip over most of the story what do you have to comment about?why comment at all?

Maybe you are not telling the truth about reading the complete story and if you did stop reading why do you make comments just to see what you wrote?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Husband Would Not Stop His Wife But...

He had no problem burning the rapist/blackmailer. Don't get me wrong, I applaud him killing Samuel Welden. Everyone benefitted. But if his wife was so submissive, and he was fully aware of it, why in the hell did he not set his foot down and prevent her from meeting with Sam. Tie her to the bed. Dispose of that damned bracelet. Gag her and make her listen to her husband for a change. Make her quit her job.

Your punctuation and spelling is terrible. I lost count of the number of times you used the word 'met' when the correct word was 'meant'. You used 'bound' instead of 'bond'. 'Loose' instead of 'lose'. And, at the very least, a hundred more. Get a proofreader. It sounds like English is not your primary language.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 7 years ago
I still like this story

Although this is still a good story, I believe you cheated the reader by avoiding any confrontation with Sam. You built the tension relatively well but then simply cut it off, saying "we did it" end of story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This story sucks

That's all. It just sucks. 1*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
"It will benefit no one"

lol. How about Mike? I think he might benefit greatly from being able to make decisions about his life with all the relevant information.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Murder doesn't really solve anything. Usually it creates more problems. Should of just divorced the stupid slut. And yes, Mike did deserve to be told the baby wasn't his because sooner or later the truth will rear it's ugly head and he'll find out. Like when the child has a blood test when it starts school, doctor visits, etc...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Tell you what, you can't be serious about this story! Wooooh! "Just had a horrible thought, with the population of the world chances are that this really happened? FREAKING SOBERING WHAT? " Maybe you can be serious! Glad you fix his bandwagon" fucken forcing her to call him Sir and fuck her etc etc dying of a thousand strokes of a bullwhip is too good for likes of him! You did well with his punishment! Love you all! GREG. OH 100 % OF READING ENJOYMENT BYE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Everyone thinks this is a piece of shit. bitch made a choice to cheat. Even a moron would know that you don't grow a marriage by fucking other people. So that tired old chestnut this writer keeps using just doesn't wash. And anyone else who reads this shit should find another reason for the cheating slut. Maybe just "I liked the looks of his dick" would be a better reason. And how about no cuckolds? If these stories are being written about Americans, just keep in mind that the american male is a selfish, vain individual. No way he shares, especially his wife.

And this shit about not telling the Mike that his wife is a cheating whore is just ridiculous. I'll bet Jake would have appreciated having someone give him a heads up about what his little whore was doing, doesn't he think his friend would like the same courtesy?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
why should...

Sam not suffer????

So much for big revenge

And what about sam's wife???

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