The Broken Mind


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While he was distracted, Sarah Anne quickly pulled her panties up over her sore bottom before slipping from the bed. Grabbing up her blue jeans, she shuffled into them as fast as she could while keeping a wary eye on her brother's wide back.

Once she was fully clothed, she stood behind him, her heart tattooing a beat against her chest. "It's time to go downstairs, Arthur," she said with a tremble.

Without turning or responding, he quickly shuffled down the stairs, and Sarah Anne sighed in relief as he left her alone in the room.


He was sitting in the middle of the living room floor watching television when she found him. Tom and Jerry were chasing each other around, and he seemed to be completely entranced as she walked over to stand beside him.

"Arthur, you can't come into the attic again. That's my room up there, and what you did was just... well, it was wrong."

A moment passed without him acknowledging her words or her presence. When Sarah Anne began to wonder if he was aware that she was even there, he turned his head and looked at her directly.

"I'm hungry," he stated flatly.

Sarah Anne gazed into his impassive dark eyes for a moment before responding. "What would you like to eat?"

He seemed to think it over for a moment, then looked back towards the television. "Pancakes."

When he said nothing further, Sarah Anne let out a sigh, and turned away from him to enter the kitchen.

Perusing the cabinets, she frowned slightly as it became apparent that her mother hadn't stocked any mix. Without the mix, making pancakes was definitely not an option.

Her quick search through the pantry didn't offer up any better suggestions, but when she pulled open the door to the freezer, she quickly spotted a box of Eggo brand waffles sitting on the top shelf. It would have to do.

Slipping two into the toaster, she stepped back towards the fridge in search of butter, and maple syrup. Luckily, her mother had both.

When the Eggos popped up toasty, and golden she slathered a dab of butter across them with a knife, then upturned the bottle of maple syrup, and drizzled a few lines over the top of them.

Reaching into the utensil draw for a fork, she set it on top of the plate, and placed it onto the kitchen table.

"Arthur!" she called. "Your breakfast is ready!"

He bounded into the kitchen quickly, his large frame surprisingly lithe. His dark eyes were lit up in anticipation, until he spotted the plate that sat on top of the table. His eyes met hers accusingly.

"Pancakes!" he demanded loudly.

Sarah Anne looked at him in surprise. "There isn't any mix, Arthur. This was the best that I could do."

His face scrunched in annoyance as he glared at the waffles, and a soft grunt of irritation escaped his lips. Shifting his eyes back to her, he lifted a finger, and pointed at her. "You are bad," he told her rudely.

Sarah Anne gasped at the snide way he addressed her. "I am not bad. There wasn't any mix. How am I supposed to make you pancakes if we don't have any mix?"

"You said you would make them," he accused as if she had betrayed him.

Letting out a breath of frustration, Sarah Anne rolled her eyes. "Just eat the waffles, Arthur."

"No," he refused petulantly. "You eat them."

"I don't want them," she returned patiently.

"You made them! You eat them!" he hollered. "You're bad! Eat them!"

Rolling her eyes again, Sarah Anne made to pass him. "This is ridiculous."

His large hand came out to grip her around her upper arm so that she was unable to escape. Yanking her back towards the table, he pointed at the plate as she stumbled beneath his hold. "Eat!" he ordered.

In an attempt to pacify him, Sarah Anne lifted a gooey waffle from the plate, and lifted it to her lips to take a small bite. Chewing it a little she lowered it to look at him. "There. Happy?"

He grunted in response as he looked at her. Then, to her surprise he slapped the waffle from her hand sending it falling to the floor. His dark eyes narrowed. "You need to be punished."

Sarah Anne would have run if she had been able to. His words sent a cold chill down her spine, but with his meaty fist wrapped around her bicep she knew she didn't have any chance of freeing herself.

Instead, her eyes widened in terror as he pulled her closer to the table, bending her over it so that she lay prone next to his breakfast.

"I'll spank you good," he told her gruffly, then pressed his palm into her spine to hold her in place.

Sarah Anne fought not to panic as her stomach was pressed against her mother's lace table cloth. She had just gone through this scenario, and knew that fighting against his strength wasn't going to do her much good. She had to reason with him.

Her words came out in a rush as her breath hitched inside of her. "Arthur? Wouldn't you much prefer candy? I think I have some in my purse. If you let me go, I can go get it?"

Her offer seemed to make him pause for a moment as he contemplated what to do. "I like candy," he finally said.

A sigh of relief escaped Sarah Anne as she entreated him further. "It's good candy. I have to go get it. Can you let me go?"

"Spanking first," he grunted stubbornly.

His large palm came cracking down on her sore bottom, and Sarah Anne winced at the sting of it through her jeans. She was already so tender that it made it seem worse than it actually was. When he struck her again she cried out.

"You little shit," she growled. "Fucking let me go!"

"You swore," he said in amazement.

"That's because you're hurting me! Now fucking let me go!"

"You're a bad girl. Bad girls get spanked. You also swore which is bad. More spankings." He emphasized his words with another slap against her rear end making Sarah Anne grit her teeth.

Gripping the waistband of her jeans in his fingers, he tugged down on it roughly, but the fact that they were buttoned held them in place making Arthur growl in aggravation as he yanked on them harder.

"Pants down!" he whined loudly.

In that moment Sarah Anne was never more glad that she liked to wear tight jeans. Unless he unbuttoned them, there was no way that they were going to budge.

Tugging on them again, Arthur made little progress other than causing the air to leave his sister's chest as the front of them heaved into her stomach.

Releasing them, he snarled in irritation. "Make them go down!" he demanded.

"No!" She felt a small amount of triumph until he gripped the thin material of her shirt in his large fist, and yanked on it roughly in his anger. The material tore in half making her gasp.

"Make them go down!" he repeated louder.

"I won't do it!" she told him fiercely.

Sarah Anne heard his bellow of rage before she felt his body lean over hers. She felt a moment of confusion until she felt his mouth part over her shoulder before his teeth sunk down into her skin. He bit her hard making her cry out with pain, and surprise.

When he stopped she could feel his heavy breath beside her ear. "Do it!"

"No! Get off of me, you mental case!"

His sharp teeth sunk into her again, and Sarah Anne screamed in pain.

"Do it!" he snarled again.

Closing her eyes in defeat, Sarah Anne brought her fingers to her waist, and flipped open the button to her jeans. After she had pulled the zipper down, she lifted her hands back to the table top while her whole body began to shake with trepidation.

Leaning back, Arthur kept his palm flat against her spine as his dark eyes traveled down to the top of her waistband. Taking it in his hand once more, he smiled happily when he pulled on it, and it began to ease away from her bottom.

With a rough yank, he pulled them all the way down to her knees until he was staring at the pale pink cotton of her panties. Quickly tearing those down as well, his eyes widened as they perused the large red blotches that covered her bare ass.

Touching it with the tips of his fingers he was surprised by how hot it was, and his digits poked the inflamed skin as Sarah Anne winced beneath him.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked in confused horror.

Ignoring her he poked her again making her right cheek dimple. The fleshy skin sunk inwards distorting the round shape of her backside, and Arthur let out a small laugh as he poked her again.

Sarah Anne groaned in disbelief as she peered back at him. He seemed completely absorbed in the task at hand as he repeatedly pushed his index finger into her plump cheek.

It occurred to her that maybe if she stayed quiet long enough, and let him go about his strange task, that maybe he would forget he was supposed to be brutalizing her, and he might let her go.

Biting her lip, she rested her head back on the table, and held perfectly still while he touched her.

She became passive beneath him while he poked, and plucked at her bottom, letting him do as he pleased. It wasn't until she felt something strange and warm prodding her that she lifted her head to look back, and gasped in horror to see him standing with his pants open, his shaft in his hand, and his head lowered while he jabbed the mushroom head into the cheek of her bottom.

"Arthur! Stop that! What are you doing?"

He raised his eyes guiltily to meet hers, pausing his movements. She could feel that he was stiff by the hardness of what was poking her skin, and her eyes widened at the predicament she was now in.

"You can't do that, Arthur. It's bad!"

He frowned slightly at her words, and seemed to be thinking hard. When he lifted his dark eyes to hers, he was slightly hesitant.

"It's for spanking."

To prove his words he lifted his shaft away from her cheek then slapped her skin with it. It was a light tap that had little effect at all, but the fact that he had done it frightened Sarah Anne more than anything he had done so far. Her brother had just spanked her with his dick.

"Put that away, Arthur. That's not for spankings. You can't touch me with that. It's wrong, and mom would be very angry if she saw you."

A small smile lifted his lips as he looked at her. "Mom is not here." Jerking his wrist slightly, his shaft smacked into her again.

With that self satisfied smirk on his face he could almost pass for any normal, typical guy, Sarah Anne thought briefly. He didn't look mentally disabled after all. Everything that was wrong with him was purely upstairs.

Physically, he resembled what he was. A nineteen year old boy. Anyone who was to look at him would instantly mistake him for just that, and Sarah Anne briefly recalled a few circumstances where that exact thing had happened when they were younger, and she'd had to explain his strange behavior. The response had always been the same. It was a shame since he was such a nice looking boy.

Nice looking or not, he was still a mental case, and Sarah Anne had tried to fight resentment towards him for most of her life.

Anytime she had wanted anything, anytime she had needed anything, her brother had always come first. With her mother's time, with her mother's finances, with everything. Even though Sarah Anne had understood, the sting of always taking second place to her little brother had left her feeling alone for most of her life.

It's why she hadn't hesitated to leave home at seventeen when her boyfriend had asked her to move in with him. She had needed to escape.

When he roughly jammed his erection into the cheek of her ass, then slapped her with it several times, Sarah Anne gasped. She had no idea if he knew what sex was or not, but her fear began to grow as he became more aggressive.

When he smacked into her again, he used his hips, and she could feel the length of him smash into the crevice between her cheeks on impact. His palm smacked into the side of her bottom sharply, making her breath leave her as he rubbed himself against her.

"Ar...thur!" she stammered. "Please don't do this!"

In response, he slid the length of his shaft up and down the crack of her ass before he began to hump her. His hips began rhythmically pumping against both cheeks as low grunts escaped him.

"I'm punishing you good," he stated thickly. Bending his knees, he surged into her hard making Sarah Anne's body jerk along the table.

A cry of anguish escaped her when the impact forced her brother's hard length vertically between her cheeks so that his heavy balls were pushed against her folds. When he began humping her again she could feel them lightly slapping her while he grunted above her.

For roughly five minutes he rode her relentlessly, pounding away at her bottom, but he seemed to grow frustrated with the teasing stimulation, and pulled back to circle himself with his fingers.

Stroking the shaft while jabbing her with the tip, his fingers trailed down her spine to grip a handful of her ass roughly in his palm as he worked himself over.

He began kneading her flesh. Squeezing, and pulling on it as Sarah Anne whimpered beneath him. Slapping it playfully, he moved his hand to the valley between her cheeks, and tilted his palm sideways to push all of his fingers into the crevice. Sarah Anne jerked as she felt them rudely push there way in.

He seemed to be fascinated by the heat, and moisture he found there. Letting go of himself, he used both hands to pull her cheeks apart roughly so he could peer inside.

The feel of him harshly exposing her to his view made Sarah Anne sob out another cry. "Don't!"

He was confused, and wasn't quite sure what he was looking at. Reaching inside, he pushed two fingers against her puckered hole, and became amazed when it opened for him just the slightest bit, and his fingers sunk inside half an inch.

Sarah Anne tensed at the invasion. "Oh God, stop!"

Rearing back, she was able to almost stand before his palm came out to push her back down to the table. Holding her in place again, his fingers wriggled slightly, and sunk in another half inch into her rectum.

Her body latched onto him tightly, and as he relentlessly pushed further, Sarah Anne let out a strangled moan as they filled her all the way. Two of his fingers were now buried in her ass, and she began to hyperventilate as he began to move them around.

"It hurts, Arthur!" she groaned. "Take them out!"

He quickly complied, and pulled them from her aching hole making Sarah Anne sigh in relief. Then he pried her cheeks apart again, and just stared at it.

She knew what he was going to do even before she felt it. Her brother was going to fuck her in the ass. If she didn't do something quick he was going to start plowing into her virgin hole in no time.

"Did you hear that car pull into the driveway, Arthur? I think mom is home. You had better stop before she catches you."

Turning his head, he seemed to listen for a moment. When nothing could be heard he turned back to her.

"It's not dark out. Mom is at work. You're lying because you're bad. I'm punishing you for being bad, and you're trying to get away."

"That's not true!" Sarah Anne wailed. "I can really hear her!"

"I don't hear sounds," Arthur said gruffly before nudging his cock head against her cheeks.

Gripping the base in his hand, he inched forward until he was directly behind her, and began prodding the slice in her backside.

Getting between the soft, pale globes seemed to be giving him some difficulty. Reaching down, he roughly pulled one of her cheeks to the side, and aimed his tip at the tiny hole he had found.

"Arthur! This isn't a spanking!" she cried out in terror.

Pressing his knob to the opening, he lunged forward powerfully until his shaft was buried inside of her all of the way. A strangled moan escaped his throat at the feel of it as Sarah Anne shrieked in agony.

For a moment he stood motionless, his head tilted back, his eyes closed as he luxuriated in the feel of her hot and tight clutching around him. The intensity of it made his jaw go slack. Clenching his backside, he shuddered.

"Oh God! Oh God! Someone help me!" Sarah Anne sobbed.

Lifting his head, Arthur gazed down between their bodies. "I'm in your butt," he announced.

"I know! It hurts!" Sarah Anne growled at him.

"Feels good," Arthur returned. "Time for spankings."

Pulling back the slightest bit, he smacked into her bottom with his hips sending his thick shaft barreling into her tight hole.

Another strangled groan escaped his throat, and his entire body tensed. His large hands gripped her hips, digging into them painfully, and he began savagely thrusting against her, forcefully making her take every inch.

He punctuated every impact with her bottom by following it with a pleasure filled grunt.

After a few hysterical sobs Sarah Anne grew quiet as she lay rigid beneath him. Her eyes were closed tightly, and her hands fisted on the table as he roughly fucked her where no man had ever been before.

He grew more and more aggressive as he pounded into her, his body a highly aroused weapon. When he finally started to cum, a primal and frightening roar exploded from his lips.

Sarah Anne could feel him spurting deep inside of her, releasing a hot gush of stickiness that seemed to fill her endlessly. When he was finally empty, and had no more to give, he slipped his softened cock from her battered hole, and let out a sigh of fulfillment.

After closing his pants, he reached down to pick up the waffle from the plate, then turned to leave the kitchen so that he could return to watching his cartoons.

Sarah Anne slumped to the kitchen floor. Her torn shirt slid down her arms as she brought her hands up to cover her face. Her chest began to heave as she fell apart. Tears slid down her face unchecked as the volume on the television grew louder while Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny began to argue.

"Oh God," she sobbed. "Why is this happening to me?"

Pulling herself from the kitchen floor, she ran up the attic stairs.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

He needs to be locked up in a mental unit forever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Dear God

I want my brother to do the same to me... I want him to spank me with his cock and then fuck my little asshole!!! I want to cum for him as he fucks my ass and spanks me!!! Am I a bad girl??

SquadySquadyalmost 5 years ago
Enjoyable story

Enjoyed this from start to finish. Arthur certain took full advantage of his alone time with sister Sarah Anne. Her little butt hole got quite the pounding. On to chapter 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I liked this. A lot. I understand what non consent means, I guess others don’t lol.

addi01edaddi01edover 5 years ago
Disgusting rape

No 'reluctance ' , just straight up forceful and painful rape.

Horrible to read partly bc you know how to write but also bc there's no retribution. Saw there's a pt 2 but can't handle more of the same.

Maybe if it concentrated on the dismemberment of the rapist..

NastyBabygirl69NastyBabygirl69over 6 years ago
Mmmmm... want!

Is it bad if I said that I pictured myself as Sarah Anne taking a brutal pounding on the kitchen table. Twisted Misery, you're freakin' amazing!!! Please write more stories like this!! xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Let's see...

Why is this happening to toy? Because your dumbass mother never got him a big burly attendant to restrain him when he's bad, plus you didn't call her or the place when he assaulted you before. Now you've been anally raped. Guess what's next now that you, again, haven't called for official help? What. An. Idiot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
This Deserves a Higher Rating

I've read this story a few times and it definitely pushes the boundaries. I believe this is probably a great example, maybe the absolute BEST example, of what non-consent truly is (sex forced upon someone who doesn't want it).

I understand why people are mad because the brother is mentally special. In continuously reading the story, it seems the brother has some form of awareness of what sex is but no idea of consent (or so it appears).

His mom gives him spankings when he's bad (even if he doesn't think so). Maybe he happened upon a naughty channel and saw sex happening and heard the sounds (I.e. skins slapping together - spanking) and he wanted to do it to. The sister was simply an easy target.

I think the brother has more awareness than they think he does.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
A novel with a very interesting plot

Well written. The concept of the brother molesting his sister, but not being able to understand that he was doing wrong is unique and interesting. The question is in the future will she purposely do things that trigger his rape reflex. Well done


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