The Brownstone: Scott Ch. 01


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"A liberty for which I am most grateful and I would love to take advantage of!" He said taking me in his arms again and kissing me. "I could stay in your arms like this all day, but we should head back to town."

"We'll need to go by my place so I can change first." I said looking at just how much a mess I was. The T-shirt which had taken the brunt of my multiple orgasms was tossed in the back seat of the car but my pants had dried stains all over the crotch area. Lucky I had left my warm-up jacket in the car and was able to wear that to cover myself up.

"You just told your wife that you were in, I've got a better idea." He took out his cell phone and even though I couldn't hear everything he said I knew that he had taken care of everything.

"If you'll allow me, today I would like to introduce you the Cecil & Company School of 'ISMS'." Michael said when we almost back to the city.

"ISMS?" I asked.

"Yes, Cecil George was a man very set in his ways. He ran his company with this set of beliefs. When Charles took the helm after Cecil's death he carried on these beliefs as a memorial to Cecil and renamed them Cecil's ISMS. Charles shared them with me when we met and now I would like to share them with you.

"Sounds interesting. Please go on." I said smiling.

"ISM #1 - Cecil George always said that appearance and proper speech are the most important keys to having a successful business. On Charles' first day of work as a manager Cecil took him to Barney's for his first suit of clothes. In turn, the morning after I met Charles I was taken to Barneys. And now, keeping with tradition, it's would be my honor to take you."

I started to protest but Michael put up a finger to stop me. "Don't even think about arguing with me on this matter. I'm looking out for me as much as for you. If you are going to be conducting business on behalf of Cecil & Company then you will have to be dressed properly. No offense but your taste in clothing, like the suit you wore yesterday..."

"Okay, okay...I get the picture." I said interrupting him. I did want to fight him on the subject, but maybe he was right and I didn't know the finer points of dressing.

It was close to 9:00am by the time we swapped out the Mercedes for his limo and pulled up to the back of Barney's. The store manager, his assistant and Michael's preferred tailor greeted us at a back entrance that I was sure only the most exclusive people used to enter the store. We were ushered to a lushly appointed private suite where I excused myself to use the bathroom while Michael dictated to the manager and assistant his invisible list of what he wanted.

A pair of silk boxer shorts was handed to me and for the next two hours my only job was to stand in the middle of the room while the tailor rattled off measurements to his assistant. At one point, while Michael stared intently at me he held up two fingers to the manger who just nodded his head, thanked him and left the room.

"What did that mean, the two fingers?" I asked.

"I told him to double the order and to deliver one order to the brownstone and another order sent to my home in Washington."


"Yes, as the newest member of our team you will be required to spend time there as well as here. It's senseless for you to drag luggage from one location to another. Which reminds me," He took out his cell phone and dialed a number, "Bud, Michael, prepare a contract between your firm and mine for Scott Layton's services...No, flat fee... 5 mil for the first year, dropping to 3 for each after... He will work exclusively for me during that time...oh, and Bud, I can't have an associate working as my main M&A guy he needs to be made a partner effectively immediately. Just let me know what the equity share is and I will cover it." He clicked the phone off not even waiting for Bud to answer. He knew that whatever he said Bud would do. Cecil & Company's business was too important to their firm.

"You didn't need to do that. I mean cover my equity share, I have money."

Michael just stared at me as he turned to Pierre and asked him to please leave the room for a moment.

"Scott," he whispered as he walked towards me, "Money means nothing to me. It's just something I have...." Running his hands down my chest he looked straight into my eyes and said. "...just to let you know I didn't make that phone call to Bud to get you into bed."

I smiled at him, and whispered back to him. "I had planned on getting into your bed with you with or without the business deal." I said pulling him closer to me and kissing him full on the lips as our arms and body wrapped together as one. This was going to be an interesting relationship between two A-type personalities.

"But," he said breathlessly a moment later. "There are still two mores ISMS to cover before we can play." He said breaking away from me. "We need to let Pierre finish taking your measurements, which I personally think he is taking way much pleasure in doing, so we can move on." The only problem I had at that exact moment was the raging hard on tenting out from my boxers. It took us being totally separated from each other before we could allow Pierre to finish his measurements. Later, dressed in jeans and a polo, we left Barneys to head for our next destination.

"ISM #2." Michael announced in the limo "Cecil George believed people are judged by first appearances. Not only how you are dressed, but how you look. He felt a good haircut and close shave could make or break a million dollar deal. He also felt that hair should be found on one's head and no place else on their body."

"You're not saying what I think you are saying, are you?"

"Patience young grasshopper...remember you can always so no...except to the haircut of course."

Renaldo's, established by Charles in 1982 was the salon exclusively used by everyone at the brownstone. Renaldo had taken to Michael instantly and their friendship had stayed strong as steel over the years. So it went without saying that Renaldo's door was always open to Michael - all it took was a phone call and Renaldo would stop what he was doing to take care of him.

Renaldo was onto himself. It was his self confidence that took me in immediately, here was a man who definitely knew who he was and didn't care one iota what other people thought. I thought Michael had prepared me for our first meeting, especially when told me Renaldo gave him his first waxing.

"I was so fucking scared, here I was this kid from the cornfields and this guy was taking hot wax to my balls. If I thought I could have run fast enough to get away from him I would have. But I didn't and in the end, he's taught me the importance of proper grooming and a deep appreciation for a finely shaved and waxed man."

"So I am going to have a Renaldo experience today?"

"Only if you want to Scott." He said smiling."I know I am"

Renaldo greeted us at the door with wet kisses to each cheek and a quick peck on our lips. He insisted that if he was going to take care of both of us that we all had to be naked. Before Michael agreed to Renaldo's, or Renny as Michael called him, demands he asked if he could speak to me alone. Renny shouted something in Italian and went storming from the room.

"I don't know if this will embarrass you or not, and Renny is so crazy I didn't want him to scare you."

"I appreciate you being considerate of me like this Michael and to put your mind at ease it doesn't bother me to be naked. I think what upsets me more is that this will be the first time I get to see you naked and it's so impersonal."

"Well...we are alone right now, why don't you help me take my clothes off and you have me all to yourself for as long as you want. Renny will just have to wait."

Up to this point I knew that Michael was a dynamic man on the inside. The moment I helped him shed his clothing and saw his body naked for the first time I knew he was the whole package. I would be lying if I said I wasn't drawn to his cock and the thought of making love to him instantly made me want to drop to my knees and start that very second. Michael had told me that his 'difference' mirrored mine almost exactly the length and girth seeing was truly believing.

"Say something." He said when I remained silent for too long.

"I want you." Were the only words that seemed to be able to come out of my mouth.

It was Renny that spoiled the moment when he barged back into the salon a minute later. He was naked, his flaccid cock flapping back and forth with every step he took.

" take da clothes off!" he demanded pointing to me. Not eager to be under Renaldo's wrath I quickly shed my clothes.

Renaldo stared at my hard cock before he shrieked at me. "Mama Mia! Another Adonis! You are siete magnifici!" He said kissing his fingers just the way Italians do. "I'ma gonna kiss a you" Laughing he knelt before me and kissed my cock on one side and then the other.

It took us awhile, and two glasses of wine to calm Renaldo down before Michael took his place on the table while I sat in a chair close by watching everything Renaldo did to him. He talked incessantly but most of the time I couldn't understand him through his thick Italian accent so I just found myself smiling a lot and shaking my head. When he had finished with removing the hair from Michaels balls and ass he had me come over and feel how silky smooth he felt. The minute my fingers touched his balls his cock twitched and he started getting hard again. Renaldo loved seeing this and started dancing around the room singing 'Amore, Amore, Amore.' I let my fingers drift across his balls and down the smoothness of the crack of his ass. Michael was moaning and raising his hips up to meet my inquisitive fingers.

"When he touches you nothing happens, but when I touch you it feels good?" I asked.

"Very very good Scott"

"You be good to my Michael, to my Michelangelo" Renaldo said. "This a be de first time a he get dis done a since we lose our Mr. Charles." His pensiveness only lasted a moment before he yelled that it was now my turn.

I had promised myself I would keep an open mind and try anything, so I took a seat in his chair. "First I cut a da hair, then you give a you da nice shave on da face a and theeennnn...I shave you."

Michael walked over and whispered in my ear that he had to run a quick errand and shouldn't be more than ten minutes. He kissed me lightly on the lips, told Renaldo to behave himself, dressed and left the shop. I listened to Renaldo drone on, with his thick Italian accent about Cecil, Charles and Michael, translating his words in my head as he spoke.

True to his word Michael returned to the shop ten minutes later just as Renny was finishing my haircut.

" done" he said turning me back to look at myself in the mirror. I had to admit, the haircut did make a difference. It wasn't so conservative that I looked stuffy, but also wasn't so shaggy that I looked unkempt.

Michael's approval came via a big smile on his face.

"Now da shave?" He half asked half stated.

"Sure. After a brief break" Michael said walking me to the changing booth.

"Kiss me" he whispered stepping closer to me. I was in his arms a second later, our lips locked together. "I want you so much" he whimpered kissing my mouth and neck. He dropped to his knees and sucked my cock into his mouth. This first time sensation was so overwhelming I had to brace myself against the wall to keep myself from falling. His arms circled around me and grabbed my ass cheeks, pulling me tighter into his mouth. "Fuck my mouth Scott" Before I could even move he was stroking his mouth against my cock, each stroke he swallowed more of me. I felt the head of my cock hitting the back of this throat. And he wanted more. He tilted his head up and sucked in his breath until his throat opened and he took a couple of more inches in his mouth. For a moment I was afraid my cock was going to smother him, but then he pulled his mouth away and breathed in a deep breath. "I'm going to make it my life's goal to one day suck your entire cock into my mouth."

"It will be both of our goals to reach together." I said.

"Now, I have a dare for you. I want you to step out of this room and let Renaldo see what I've done to you."

Without hesitation I opened the door and made my grand entrance into the room. Renaldo's eyes almost bugged out when he saw my fully erect cock. He was oddly quiet as he had me lay on the table and began stripping me of my excess body hair. I wasn't excessively hairy, but what hair did have was thick and course and Renaldo either shaved, waxed or depilatoried it all. The only hair he left was on my ass and my signature "happy trail' from my belly button down to my cock. "Dis a way, if he be a lost a he can find his way a." he laughed. Of course Michael chimed in that with a cock like mine there would be no way he could ever get lost and we all broke out in a fit of laughter.

When it came time to do my ass Michael replaced Renaldo in his little rolling stool. My legs were placed higher in stirrups and spread wide to make sure that nothing was missed. With Renaldo's' guidance, he gently waxed my ass cheeks and crack. The feel of his fingers and hot breathe on me immediately recalled my hard on. But it was when he had finished and was rubbing soothing lotion over my ass that he turned to Renaldo and said "Now I'll show you how to really kiss this Adonis." He buried his face in my silky smooth balls, sucking and licking them into his mouth.

"Si bella, show a me how you love a your man."

He whispered crossing his hands over his heart.

Michael stood and announced that before he took me right here and then on the table we had to go. Renaldo appeared to being crying when we left. He took me to the side and gave me his business card with all of his phone numbers and that if I ever needed anything, even if it was just to talk, I should just call him and he will always be there to take care of me.

"Your a Michael, he be good man" he told me, "You too be a good a for him."

Back in the limo Michael picked up a small box that had been sitting on the seat next to him

"This is the last ISM of the day." Michael said.

"Cecil felt that the measure of man is by the watch he wears. If he wears a cheap watch, then time isn't important to him. But if he wears an expensive watch that will last a lifetime, then time is precious and will always go on."

I opened the box and found a Jaegar La Coultre, one of the most expensive watches made. "I'm speechless."

"It's just a watch Scott." He looked at me. "You are worth a thousand times more than those watches."

"Thank you." I whispered.

I was surprisingly relaxed after everything we had done and shared in the last few hours. Over a late lunch I even felt comfortable enough to open up to Michael and talk about the conflict of feelings that was waging a war within me.

"At some time or another I think we've all gone through the same conflict" he explained to me. "I think I always wanted to explore my desire to be with men and there is still a part of me that is attracted to women.

"I was so lucky that the moment I met Charles I found everything I was looking for in a partner. Charles taught me a very valuable lesson. He told me that if we allow ourselves to get stuck on labels, such a homosexual or gay than that label is going to control our lives. By not accepting any type of label attached to our sexuality, we are free to enjoy anything we want to. I have learned to live that way since then."

"Yes, but you can't show any type of affection to a man in public like you can a woman." I said.

"I don't ever show any type of affection to anyone I am in public with. What I do in my private life I do not share with anyone else in public. I've sense you are the same way, since I've seen dozen of pictures of you with your wife and never in one picture have you touched her."

Michael raised an eyebrow in an 'I'm right and you know it' manner smiling at me.

"In one way you are right, both Tina and I don't believe in public displays. My relationship with Tina is a subject that has needed to be addressed for a long time and I know that I have to address it now sooner rather than later. But the point of this discussion is that 'IF'I am with a woman I can take her in my arms and kiss her in public and people would think that was cute or romantic."

"And I could take you in my arms and shove my tongue down your throat and rub your cock in public if I wanted to also. Scott, I don't give a fuck what other people say or think. What are they going to do, call me a fag? So what? It's a label and as I've said I won't let labels control my life."

He paused for a long moment to gather his thoughts. "Scott, I am absolutely sure that I want to have a relationship with you and not just for this weekend. I think you know I want us to be lovers, but more than that I want us to be friends. I am a firm believer in trust and respect in any relationship and I will promise you I will try my hardest to never disappoint you.

"Michael, I want to be with you also, but please be patient with me, this is all so new to me and I'm just still very confused by everything that is happening to me."

"I know. I feel confident that each moment we are together you will be less and less confused and one day you will understand."

There was a lull in the conversation before Michael asked if I would like to go with him to his apartment.

"I thought you'd never ask." I said touching my knee to his under the table.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Anxiously awaiting more!

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
Another brilliant chapter

What a heart warming story.

I was just thinking about this story a little while before i saw this chapter posted, and was thinking 'well maybe it is finished because there are the 3 gens, Cecil, Charles and Michael.

I am so glad i was wrong!

70sblkbutterfly70sblkbutterflyover 10 years ago

Wow!! To know that you started this series with Scott is great!! I have enjoyed every part of this story and can't wait to see how the rest of it unfolds!! Five stars!

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