The Coctail Cabinet Eye Opener

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Cheating is a dirty game with a few winners and many losers.
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Many thanks to Jedbeaker for the editing of this story.


Nowadays most people believe that using cell phones or computers are the main tools to catch cheaters. But that's hardly the truth for two simple reasons. First because all skilled cheaters know how to avoid leaving electronic clues on such items and for the second reason an average husband or wife usually doesn't suspect his or her spouse of cheating. And therefore, they never have any reason to search for non-existing evidence.

I know that for sure, because I have been one of those slightly naive cuckolds who thought that my pretty wife Lisa would never cheat me. But the cruel truth is that I was totally wrong and must have been living with some kind of blinders on my head because I never saw or suspected the slightest sign that we had such problems in our marriage.

I am Bo Eklund, a 39 year old guy in Scandinavia, working in planning and administration at the leading local construction company in our area. Lisa is 37 and works in accounting at a machine-making plant. We married thirteen years ago and have a nine year old son and a daughter of seven.

Until that terrible Friday when a simple coincidence turned everything into a total mess I, the silly jackass, had thought that Lisa and I had a good marriage.

My problems began on the previous Saturday when I had to spend a few hours at my job fixing some urgent problems and took the whole next Friday off from the job as overtime compensation. Of course, Lisa had given me a long list of "Honey-do" chores to keep me busy me that day. But after the kids left for school I skipped her list and decided it was a better idea to clean the house since we had invited two families over for dinner that evening.

After vacuuming the living room I decided to clean the mirrors in my cocktail cabinet so it would make a good impression on our friends that evening. It usually contained eight bottles of malt whisky from different distillers in Scotland and six crystal whisky glasses. To my great surprise, I could see that one of the glasses was used, whereas it hadn't been the day before yesterday, when I had replaced a burned-out light bulb in there.

That was a mystery because I never left dirty glasses in that cabinet so it was obvious that somebody must been in my house and drinking my whisky yesterday. Lisa and I left at the same time in the morning and I was home before her, so somebody must have been drinking that whisky during the daytime when both of us were at work.

But nobody breaks into a house to drink a glass of whisky so there had to be some other explanation. First I checked the doors, windows and locks for break-in marks, then all our valuables, but nothing strange was visible and nothing was missing. The next thought was that Lisa had been at home for a short stop together with somebody. But it was strange that she hadn't mentioned that to me, unless of course, I wasn't supposed to know anything about it.

"Not supposed to know" hit me like lightning, so I went into the bedroom checking for clues but couldn't find anything in there. The next step was searching the spare room where I was surprised to find that the pillow and sheets on the bed were slightly used. That was really strange because it had been many months since Lisa's sister slept two nights there.

A very close examination gave me a couple of dark brown long brown hairs on the pillow and a small dried spot of something in the middle of the sheet. I replaced the used sheet and pillowcase, cut out the spot from the used one and threw the remainder of the sheet in a garbage bag. When I grabbed my magnifying glass to compare the hair from the spare room with a hair from Lisa's hairbrush, there was no doubt, they were equal. Lisa's sister is blond so it couldn't have been her hair.

It was clear that somebody had had sex in that bed yesterday and with Lisa's hair on that pillow it was obvious that she had been involved in it. Because of her gym time last evening, she hadn't had a chance to fix the bed without making me suspicious. But I don't think she was too worried about that because I never checked anything in the spare room. If it hadn't been for that dirty glass, I would still have been a happy husband.

Lisa had never left a dirty glass in that place. So it was obvious that lover boy had taken that whisky without her knowledge while waiting on Lisa.

Of course, there was no way for me to pretend that everything was as usual and have the dinner with our friends. So I made two phone calls to some very surprised friends cancelling the dinner. After that I wrote a message to Lisa and left it on the kitchen table:

"Lisa, due to our very serious problem I've cancelled the dinner with our friends and will be away for some time. Bo."

Not much information, either about the problem or where I had gone or for how long. But Lisa wasn't stupid and might get some clue, at least when she found a clean sheet on the spare room bed.

Then I booked a room at a popular hotel on the Baltic coast, packed a suitcase with some clothes and my laptop, laid it in my car, locked the house, switched off my cell phone and drove away.

At the hotel I spent some time at the gym and the pool before having dinner and spending a few hours at the bar. I switched on my cell phone only long enough to download Lisa's voice and text messages.

She had sent me four voice messages and two text messages asking me to contact her as soon as possible. Not a word about being sorry or pretending to understand why I had left, so there was no reason for me to call her back.

Most of the daytime Saturday was spent in the hotel's gym and spa. After dinner a few hours were lost at the bar, but I was not in any mood for sex with a rather handsome lady, who was obviously "working" and made her offer for business reasons.

On Sunday it was about six o'clock PM before I was home again. As I was coming in Lisa shouted, "Where in the hell have you been?" as soon as she saw me.

"Who is he?" I replied without raising my voice.

"Who what?" she shouted back.

"The damn creep you brought to this house on Thursday for drinking my whisky and fucking you in the spare bedroom."

Now she calmed down before asking, "How can you imagine any nonsense like that?"

"He left a dirty glass in my whisky cabinet and his sperm on the sheet in our spare bedroom and you left hair on the pillow. If you refuse to tell me, I'll get the main suspects DNA tested by one way or another. So you better tell me now who he is, in order to save some of your innocent fellow-workers from a lot of humiliation."

"You can't demand that innocent people give you samples of their DNA and think they will accept to do that." she said.

"I can't, but I'm sure some of my friends can, and all of the innocent guys will be happy to co-operate with my friends rather than resist their friendly request. It's your problem what happens to the cheater if he is stupid enough to disobey."

Now she got ashen grey in her face and shouted, "Oh, Good Lord. You can't let those hooligans harass innocent people."

"As I said, it is up to you."

Some of my friends from a childhood spent in one of the worst areas in our town usually spent half of their time behind bars. And they didn't care much about that because it was far better for them than to be unemployed on the outside. Lisa knew that it would be a "piece of cake" for them to do that little favour for me.

She said, "It was only an innocent one-time fling with Jerry Harryson that will never happen again. Please forgive me, let me explain and you don't need to over-react."

"No reason for any over-reacting. The only thing I intend to do is strangle that damn asshole."

She screamed at me to stop and come back as I went out, took my car and drove away. It took me about ten minutes to reach Jerry's house but Lisa had called him with a warning about my intentions. Jerry's rather gorgeous wife, Veronica, was at home and told me that Jerry had received a phone call and had rushed out in a hurry.

When I told her the reason for my visit she said, "Thanks for the useful information and if you have any evidence then Jerry will be out of this house tomorrow. And there won't be any problems with that because this house is my private property."

"Lisa confessed what Jerry and she did. I even have DNA from the spot on the sheet. Just give me something with Jerry's DNA and I'll send it for testing. I'm sure that it was Lisa's call that got him running away to avoid my wrath," I replied.

Veronica gave me a used hanky from the laundry basket and said it was Jerry's. She even promised to keep me updated about what happened between her and Jerry.

The next day, a Monday, I went to the court office for divorce papers, filled in the details, signed them and asked Lisa to sign. But she refused to do that and began to cry hysterically.

Later that evening I got a call from Veronica. She told me that Jerry had been thrown out from her house, after confessing his cheating. A well built co-worker of hers had moved in to prevent Jerry from trying any tricks or attempts at coming back.

Lisa didn't get any happier when I told her that Jerry was a free man and she could join him the next day if she wanted. Instead she began crying again and begged me to forgive her for what she called "a very much regretted, one time stupidity".

I began to think about that but wanted to have some matters cleared up before forgiving her. So I took a long walk to think about my problems. During the walk Veronica called me and asked if I could do her a favour that sounded strange to me but was obviously very important to her.

Two days later I got a very interesting phone call and an audio file to my smart phone that made me skip all intentions about getting back together with Lisa in the future.

In the audio file Jerry Harryson confessed that he had fucked Lisa Eklund about 5-6 times at different places, but last Thursday was the first time in her house. The first time had been at the Christmas party at their job, the second time had been at a seminar when a Joel Nilsson had joined them for an all night long, threesome. After that it had been only Lisa and him at different places. When Jerry was told he could remain in his present job, but that his wife wanted him to be living in the next town 35 kilometres away, he accepted.

My friends told me that it hadn't taken more than a few seconds with a taser to get Jerry to co-operate in all the suggested matters. First, I called Veronica with the news about her long time cheating spouse.

After that it was Lisa's turn listen to Jerry's confession. That got her to sign the divorce papers without any further arguing or explanations as to why she did what she did.

Although the divorce was expected to be a real hell that would hurt our innocent children, I could not find any other alternatives. It didn't matter how much I had loved and still loved Lisa. Her long time cheating and lies were too heavy a burden for me.


Six months later, I still feel like a pile of crap and my life has remained a mess. I bought our house out from Lisa after taking a new loan at the bank. That, together with paying all those expenses with only one salary, had a terrible effect on my economy. Although almost all the people involved in Lisa's cheating are losers in one way or another, I'm still feeling like the main loser.

Jerry did exactly as he was told and bought a cheap house in the next town where he lives together with a divorced woman he met on some web site. He is still accusing Lisa for his downfall. Even though they still work at their old jobs, they ended their relationship and hardly speak with each other.

Even Joel Nilsson is a poor loser, though he is still married. But after I told his wife about his threesome with Lisa and Jerry, she gave him a simple choice: piss off or accept some new conditions. He accepted and is now a laughing stock whose wife is fucking her boss at least one night a week, usually at his apartment but sometimes even in Joel's bed. Joel is said to be sleeping in the spare room or at a cheap hotel many nights. Joel's wife has even gotten a promotion at her job and a company car, so she is a winner who doesn't fuck for nothing.

Even Jerry's ex-wife, Veronica, is a winner because that handsome co-worker never left her house and I'm even invited to their wedding. Veronica says that she has fixed me up with a great date for her wedding but I don't expect it to be anything serious. It was Veronica who wanted to get rid of Jerry from our town and asked me if I could find some way of persuading him to move out. I did, and she paid my friends very well for that favour, which also gave me very useful information about Lisa and Jerry.

Lisa ended up living together with Tony Holm in his two room apartment. Thus, she couldn't have our children every second week, as agreed in our shared custody settlement. Tony is a divorced, extremely jealous wife abuser, which is why several of Lisa's friends and I warned her about him. But she didn't listen to us. Nothing happened until Lisa received her money from our house and refused to give it to Tony. He had almost completed the purchase of a new BMW. He got really mad and made the serious mistake of beating Lisa severely in front of our children. Although I'd dumped Lisa for her cheating, she is still my children's mother so anybody who is stupid enough to hurt her will not remain unpunished. That's the reason why Tony was taken to the hospital with a broken collarbone and a broken leg, and also with an injured knee. And then he returned in the wheelchair that would be his for several weeks into the future.

While her tormentor was in the hospital, Lisa had moved from out his apartment and bought her own in a much better area. Though she and I are far from friends, we are now at least on speaking terms about our children and I'm sure she's telling the truth when she says that she regrets her cheating like hell.

What surprised me a lot was how quickly Veronica and Joel Nilsson's wife got new boyfriends. I do believe that Lisa wasn't the only cheating wife in this mess. One of my best friends is convinced that Jerry and Joel fucked Lisa as some kind of revenge fuck because they suspected their own wives of cheating. Who knows? If he's right, I'm the only innocent victim among all the involved adults in this mess. How fair is that?

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Nice tale of scandi trailer trash. The MC will never learn because he refuses to understand why his wife cheated and chose to blindly believe that it was all on her. Stupidity is the desire to remain ignorant to freely available facts. Communication is the key even when divorce is inevitable.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You can drive yourself nuts, playing "what if".

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

Great violence, love it. A bit brief but it is OK. No BS, just action.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Frog writes some good stuff, but this one wasn't that great for me. Poor Bo is the only real loser.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

For once a WF story where the cheated husband doesn't get a happy ending. I was hoping to at least read something good about the date Veronica had set up for him at his wedding, even if it just turned out to be a quickie or a FWB relationship that would help him rebuild his confidence. Shame, he really did end up on the losing end of this deal.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
Why does he suffer? Happy caught before becomes Cucky

Find out cuckolded fix problems move on

Have to keep self respect or have nothing

StubbyoneStubbyonealmost 6 years ago

It's like reading a newspaper article, who, what, where, when. No why. No character development. No feelings expressed. No passion. No reasons why anything happened. WTF !! There' absolutely no emotion generated anywhere. I have no idea why I rated it a 3. Must have been a weak moment. No reason to read any more of your stories. I want my 10 minutes back too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good story

Quick and too the point!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Not much here.

Very rushed. No emotion, no real dialogue, just a mediocre story by a lazy writer.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

spouses and trusting loved ones. TK U MLJ LV NV

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

depends on which side you end up. TK U MLJ LV NV

Mr WolfMr Wolfabout 11 years ago
Good to see you back

Please don't stay away so long in the future.

Mr Wolf

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Fair does not get a fair chance heh

If it were fair she never would have fucked the losers in the first place -

I liked it for it's linear simple narrative - and the true emotions he would have felt -

thebulletthebulletabout 11 years ago
first this happened, then this happened, then...

It wasn't so much a story as a chronicle of events. I kind of like Winterfrog's stories, but this one doesn't make it as a story.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Fast Pace Story

I feel that the needs a sequel as there are so many un answered questions and perhaps an opportunity for reconciliation.

There was no reason given by Lisa the wife why she had the affair with jerry or the 3sum with jerry and Joel.

Was No the husband not attentive, caring, small cock, grap in bed ! ?

We do not know why she did it !

Was she drugged, fed alcohol by Jerry to get her into bed then afterwards a case of blackmail !

I agree that Veronica and Joels wife may have been cheating and just needed proof on their husbands to get rid of them. Which leaves Lisa and No the real innocent looser !

I can not believe Lisa hooked up with another man so quickly after the divorce and Veronica having a guilt trip by trying to set Bo up with dates.

For a sequel is needed for reconciliation between Lisa and No as some thing out side Lisas character made her slip up.

For sure she needs to burn a bit and do want ever it takes to get No back. Even enlist the help of Veronica might be a nice twist. Bo needs a 3sum of his own organised by Lisa would be a good start !

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 11 years ago
Nicely done

A very fast paced story that is straight to the point.

A good revenge story.

Thanks for the read.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

anon the idiot - blames the husband for ruining everyones life when all he did was NOTHING. the wife fucked two men at a time and continued to fuck them and he said not going to happen, take off. she even fucked a man in their home. he was in his rights.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago

@ Second anon The reconcilation could be chance and sucesful, if the wife or the husband did not become a serial cheater or a slut. In this case the reconcilation is unsucesful..............We commenters discuse on the reconcilation stories, if the wife deserves it or the wife will not become a serial cheater or slut for the future.

Longhoorn_07's fantastic story "Fool Me Once" shows well this. The husband did a reconcilation with the cheater wife and she cheated again and ............and the author wrote a fantastic hyper revenge.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
Longer answer

@ Anon

1. Between the woman age and the cheating consequence is a strange function. There are more life situations. An above 40 years woman to find a good second chance man is difficult, she has a bunch of male people with serial cheaters, violance, alcoholic, etc. beside the few right men. She had better possibilities below 35 years. It may be a cheating wife will get the children custody with the common house, but to find a good stepfather candidate is also a difficult thing below 35 years too.

2. The husbands and wives cheating statistics almost same in the Western Culture.

Minimum 1 extramarital events in a lifetime is 55% to the wife and 60% to the husbands. The different is only 5%!!!!! Your statistic data was before the Second World War, when the cheating for the wives were 25% and the husbands the 60% (whorehouses, prostitutes!).

3. Those 40% faithful husbands have higher statistical possibilities to live together with the 55% cheater women . However there are such husbands and wives whose are only 1 or 2 accidental extramarital sex in their life. I call them relative faithful spouses. They can live faithful in a second marriage or in a succesful reconcilation....

4. The cheating wife fiancee change with a better second chance woman and with a succesful revenge is a good sexual fantasy for faithful or betrayed husbands and ex fiances........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I don't get it

Why did you have to ruin everyone s life when all you had to do is forgive your wife? Now there are all kinds of problems and hardships. You could have been a here but I see you as a big jerk.

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