The Coffee Shop Pt. 05


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"Yes, sir," the Sergeant replied. A few more moans followed his reply. I looked at the Sergeant few a few more seconds, as he swayed slightly back and forth as he awaited my pleasure.

I practically raced down the hall to the linen closet as I didn't want to keep the Sergeant waiting. I knew there was practically zero chance that he would do anything while I was gone. It would be more accurate to say that the Sergeant was gone, at least mentally. It took me only a few moments to find a nice big thick furry towel from one of the shelves, grab the towel and hurry back to the Sergeant. When I returned to the living room the Sergeant was as I had left him, hypnotized handsome and hunky. What more could a man want? Well Andy comes to mind, but let's not get distracted dear reader.

"On your feet, Sergeant!" I yelled at him.

"Sir! Yes, sir!" The Sergeant yelled back as he sprang to his feet and came to attention. I felt a flush creep across my face as the pleasure of that action surged through me. I like to control men, and seeing the Sergeant respond to my commands like a good little Marine caused a wave of jubilation to wash over me momentarily. Damn, he looked hot and sexy standing there at attention. I flicked my eyes down to the front of his pants. I smiled to myself as I saw that he continued to keep his interest up, if you catch my drift. I walked over to the sofa. It took me only a few moments to place that big thick furry towel so that it was lying across the back of the sofa, covering the crevasse that separated two of the cushions. I pressed down and separated the cushions a bit more while at the same time pushing the towel in between the two cushions a bit. The towel would stay in place long enough. Everything was set. I smiled to myself.

"Walk over here and stand in front of the sofa," I ordered the Sergeant.

"Sir! Yes, sir!" The Sergeant replied. A few seconds later he was standing in place as ordered. He had a slightly puzzled look on his face. Clearly he did not know what I had in mind. I had thought about having the Sergeant fantasy fuck his commanding officer or maybe one of the hot young studs in his platoon. I quickly realized though, that the deep bond of trust and authority that binds all Marines together would interfere with such an erotic fantasy. If I personalized the fantasy using someone that the Sergeant knew, it would cause him problems later on, even though he knew this was only a fantasy. I didn't need to borrow trouble.

"Climb up on the sofa and kneel upon it so that your body is directly in front of the towel. You will then open your fly, carefully take out that throbbing cock of yours and press it into the towel so that your cock slips down between the two cushions of the sofa back," I ordered the Sergeant.

"Yes, sir," the Sergeant replied unenthusiastically. The Sergeant placed himself as ordered. He had a nice cock that was seven or eight inches long fully extended. It was of average thickness and look very sturdy. The Sergeant was not in favour of this course of action, but he didn't really have a choice in the matter. Little did he know that the thrill factor was about to increase a hundred fold.

I placed myself directly behind the Sergeant. What a wonderfully beefy butt that Marine Sergeant had. It cried out to be touched. To be caressed and to be appreciated. If there is one thing I do appreciate, it is a fine piece of ass. "Remember Sergeant, that my touch is magic," I said to him in a smooth tone of voice. I slapped my hands on those two perfect half hemispheres of muscle and pushed forward with all my might. "Hump that sofa, Sergeant! That's an order!" I barked at him.

"Fuck yes, sir!" The Sergeant yelled back. He started to pump his hips almost immediately as he felt his rock hard cock slip into that crack between the sofa back cushions. He didn't need my help pushing against the sofa, but being such a helpful chap I nevertheless braced my hands on his buttocks and offered the Sergeant a firm platform. (I am such a thoughtful man, am I not, dear reader?)

"Hump and pump that sofa until you cum, Sergeant. Carry out your orders, Sergeant and hump your brains out!" I barked back at him. "Don't you dare disappoint me or the Corps, Sergeant! You carry out your mission until it's over, Sergeant! Your mission is to shoot your load into that soft warm fuzzy towel until you can't shoot anymore!"

"Sir! Yes, Sir!" The Sergeant responded instantly. "This Marine Sergeant will carry out his mission, sir! Oh god! My cock! Oh Fuck! Christ almighty! Jesus H Christ!" Anything more that that Sergeant might want to have said was cut off by the loud moans and the occasional scream of joy, that poured out of his mouth for the next ten minutes or so.

The entire time, while the Sergeant was building towards his release, I was kneading his ass like a baker on a pile of fresh bread dough. I muttered a few words of encouragement and complimented the Sergeant on his ass, but I doubt that he was paying much attention to my words. My hands and their efforts were far more interesting to him, though I'm sure they were a far second to the messages of pleasure that his cock and balls were sending into his brain. God that Marine's body was so hot and hard. I was pleased that the fine uniform that my hands were working over, would not wind up cum stained. Those pants would be badly wrinkled but I'm sure the Sergeant would soon agree that was a minor price to pay for the profound pleasure he was about to experience.

I lunged forward and pressed the front of my body against the back and ass of the Sergeant. My chest was pushing against his broad muscular back while the front of my pelvis was thrusting forward and pinning my hands between the Sergeant's buttocks and the front of my light blue Wrangler jeans. My cowboy equipment (and I do NOT mean the jeans) was being pressed into service, right between the Sergeant's beautiful bubble butt. I closed my eyes to better focus my attention on the feelings pouring into my brain from the front areas of my upper and lower torso. Of course all I was doing was giving the Sergeant some badly needed firm support in the area of his lower and upper back. No. I knew better than that. I was dry humping the Sergeant. I was pushing up against his ass with that huge boner of mine in my Wrangler jeans, and trying to get as far in between his buttocks as my jeans and his uniform pants would allow. I knew I was dancing on the edge of the line, as far as Andy was concerned. I was pushing the promise I made to Andy right to the very edge. God it felt good, and from the way the Sergeant was moaning while I did this, he was enjoying it too. More likely though, he was somewhat distracted by what his cock was doing at that time. That did not change the fact though that this was absolutely as far as I dared go with the Sergeant.

My view of the Sergeant's ass was blocked now so I looked over his right shoulder to see that the Sergeant had clamped the top of the back of the sofa with both hands. His arms were stiff and locked in that position. The sofa started to rock as the Sergeant's hips thrust harder and harder. He was building up a good rhythm as well as a full head of steam. The minutes flowed by slowly as I savoured the ride the Sergeant was on. I loved it when he leaned back and pressed that massively muscular torso of his into my body.

"Fire in the hole!" the Sergeant suddenly cried out as his orgasm overtook him, and his body thrust forward with a mighty heave. I was a bit surprised to hear the Sergeant cry out that phrase, but maybe it a Marine tradition. The Sergeant's body shuddered several times with the intensity of his climax. He paused in his thrusting for about thirty seconds as he caught his breath. He thrust forward again several more times as he shot load after load into the towel, all the time moaning and groaning out his unbridled pleasure. I was thankful I'd used a bath towel and not a hand towel.

He nearly overturned the sofa with the power of his thrusts. The front legs of the sofa left the ground and if it had not been for my body weight on the sofa, most certainly the sofa would have tumbled backwards onto the floor of the apartment. I found myself clamping my hands around the Sergeant's waist and handing on for dear life. It was more like riding a bucking horse in a rodeo than pumping the ass of a hot hunky Marine stud. It was amazing that the we didn't break the sofa or snap off the legs.

Finally the Sergeant drained his balls, after I don't know how many loads. When one is enjoying oneself, one usually does not stop to count. Well, at least I don't. I let go of the Sergeant's ass, most reluctantly I assure you, and pushed myself up and off of the Sergeant. Quickly I moved off to the right side of the sofa so as to clear the way for the Sergeant. Unlike the Sergeant, I had not shot my load. I'd been excited, turned on and yes I had a hard erection. I had not become stimulated enough to reach climax. I did not have to wonder why. In a word, Andy. As I pondered these thoughts briefly in my mind the Sergeant's breathing started to slow and the shuddering slowly faded from his body. It took several minutes before he could speak.

"Oh God. Oh my God," the Sergeant cried out after a few moments. "God, that was fucking fantastic!" The Sergeant pushed himself up and away from the towel on the sofa. Slowly he backed up until he was standing once more. His now flaccid cock hung down like a deflated and shrunken Good Year Blimp, from the front of his uniform pants. The Sergeant seemed content to stand where he was, with his limp but still large cock handing out of his uniform pants. It seemed that he'd wiped his cock on the towel without my noticing, since his cock was completely cum free. I was fine with that.

I looked over at the sofa and the bathroom towel that was lying on top. The Sergeant's excessive contribution to tonight's event had spilled over and formed a small pool at the base of the towel. Fortunately the towel was large enough to accommodate the overflow. There were at least six inches from the edge of the pool to the edge of the towel. I had placed the towel so that there were three layers at the base, and thus I did not have to worry about the man juice seeping through the towel and staining the sofa. I reached over and carefully gathered up the towel being careful not to inadvertently spill anything on the sofa or me for that matter. It took a few minutes to arrange the towel correctly. "Sit down on the sofa Sergeant and make yourself comfortable. I'll be back shortly."

"Yes, sir," the Sergeant replied. He was smiling to himself. (Can you blame him, dear reader?)

I hurried off to my bedroom. I carefully deposited the used towel into my dirty clothes hamper. A few quick sprays of air freshener might be required later. I returned to the living room.

The Sergeant was sitting in the middle of the sofa again, with his hands resting at his sides and his legs slightly apart. Much to my surprise the Sergeant's hat (or cover as Marines call it) was sitting on his lap covering the front of his uniform pants, and a bit more. Oh to have x-ray vision. There probably wasn't much to see anyway, other than the closed fly of the Sergeant's uniform pants. The sofa, I noted was pushed back a few inches but that was inconsequential. I sat down on right side of the sofa. Oh how I liked to have had that beautiful body of his next to me on the sofa. Maybe I could not touch it but I could devour it with my eyes. His eyes were closed. He smiled that vacant shit eating grin, showing that he was still deeply hypnotized. He was but inches away from me. It might as well have been the moon. I had been as physical with the Sergeant as I dared. The Sergeant and his hot Marine body were lust. Andy and his hot body , mind, heart and soul were love. I smiled to myself. It was an easy choice. "You will wake up and be out of hypnosis now, Sergeant as I tap the back of your right hand with my finger. You will remember everything that happened tonight during your hypnosis session. At any time when you hear me say 'pencil dick' you will return instantly return to this profound state of hypnosis and be my obedient hypnotized Marine. Do you understand, Sergeant?" I asked him.

"Sir, yes, sir. I understand, sir" the Sergeant replied cheerfully. It was a safe bet that based on tonight's escapades the Sergeant wanted to be hypnotized by me again. I leaned over, tapped the back of his right hand and then sat back in the sofa.

The Sergeant jerked his body as his eyes opened. He looked about the room, confused for a moment. I saw something flash across his face. I thought it was fear, but it was too brief to be sure. The Sergeant looked at me, but he didn't say anything. His face settled into a mask of calm control. I had no idea what he was thinking.

"So what did you think of that little adventure, Sergeant?" I ask him.

"It was good, sir," he said blandly. For all the excitement and enthusiasm he showed, he could have been talking about the local weather forecast.

"Good? Is that all, Sergeant?" I asked him surprised at the nonchalance tone of his answer. I didn't expect him to be singing my praises to high heaven, but I did think the experience rated something above just 'good'. Actually I did expect him to be gushing over what a great time he'd just had. He'd just had a powerful orgasm, and when I have an orgasm, I tend to rate as somewhat higher than just 'good'.

"Well, okay, great then, sir," he replied after a few moments of quiet thought.

"You DID have an orgasm, did you not, Sergeant?" I asked him point blank. This reaction from the Sergeant didn't add up. Something was most definitely wrong somewhere.

"Yes, sir, I did," the Sergeant admitted. Again, there was that coolness, that detachment in the tone of his words. He might have been giving a lecture on how to properly shine dress uniform shoes, for all the feeling he was putting into his responses.

I studied the Sergeant's face for a few moments before I spoke. This was just plain odd. "Well, if you don't want to talk with me about the experience you just had, I guess we are done here. I suppose it's time for you to leave," I said. There wasn't any point in just sitting there staring at each other. Mind you, the Sergeant was a big hunk of eye candy, and as such I was sorely tempted to play with him a bit more.

The Sergeant did not stand up. He sat there for a minute or so looking at me, with a slightly puzzled expression on his face.

"What is it, Sergeant? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, you're not what I expected," he answered.

"What exactly was it that you were expecting?" I asked. This was starting to become more interesting than finding out what the Sergeant really thought about his hypnosis session.

"I to kind of push me around after what just happened. You were kind of domineering earlier and I evaded answering your questions just now. Yet, you're not pushing the issue, " he answered.

"You sound disappointed, Sergeant," I said slowly.

"I guess I am," he admitted with a sigh.

"I can fix that easily enough, pencil dick," I said firmly.

"Now wait just a sec....." The sergeant started to say and then froze in his tracks His eyes slowly closed and his head dropped to his chest. He let out a soft sigh and leaned backward into the sofa.

"Back in hypnosis and obedient to my every command, aren't you Sergeant?" I asked him.

"Sir, yes, sir," he replied softly as that sappy shit eating grin blossomed on his face again, as he raised his head up.

"When I snap my fingers in a few seconds, you will awaken and you will have to speak the truth. You will know that you have to speak the truth. The fact that you are being controlled like this will not at first register in your mind. As we talk, you will realize that you can't stop yourself from saying what you really think, and that you are in fact being controlled by me through a post hypnotic suggestion. Do you understand your orders, Sergeant?" I said.

"Sir, yes sir!" The Sergeant barked back at me.

I snapped my fingers a few seconds later. The Sergeant blinked his eyes a few times as he woke up with a start. He looked about the room. When he saw me sitting there next to him, he smiled at me as he spoke. "So what did you do to me this time?"

"Oh you'll find out. Sergeant. Do you like me?" I asked.

"You're okay, I guess. Not really my type, though, to be honest," he answered. The grin on his face as he spoke was starting to fade.

"I'm a good hypnotist though, wouldn't you say?" I asked.

"You're fucking amazing. I didn't think you'd be able to hypnotize me like you did and make me cum like that," he answered. The grin had left his face now, as he realized something funny was going on.

"So you had a good time shooting your load into the sofa, while I grabbed your ass, and then later when I wrapped my arms about your waist and hung on for dear life?" I asked with a grin.

"Are you fucking kidding? I felt like you were riding my ass real hard. The feeling of your body pressing down on me while I drilled that sofa good and hard was god damn fantastic! I never dreamed that hypnosis could make me feel like that," he replied. He looked away from me for a second, as if he was embarrassed at being so honest with me.

"It's good to hear the truth from you, Sergeant," I said and then smiled back at him.

He looked at me, and a worried expression came to his face. "You're making me tell the truth aren't you?" He asked.

"Yes, I am. "Don't worry I won't ask you anything of a personal or sensitive nature like your bank PIN number or your bank account number, Sergeant," I said in an effort to reassure him. "Besides, you should know that if you really don't want to tell me something, or you feel that I'm asking you something that goes against your conduct and responsibilities as a Marine, you can think of it as an unlawful order and refuse to obey it." (You and I know, dear reader, that this was not in fact the truth. The super hypnosis made the Sergeant completely truthful to me, but there was no point in mentioning that and scaring him.)

"I see," he replied thoughtfully. "You're really not at all what I thought you'd be. You care about the guys you hypnotize and you respect them."

"He most certainly does," said a voice from up and behind me. I knew without looking that it was Andy speaking. I'd know that sexy smooth honey filled tenor voice anywhere. The Sergeant was as surprised as I was to hear that voice, to judge by the look on his face.

"Come and introduce yourself, Andy," I said by way of introduction, as I turned to look at Andy. In an odd way I was pleased to see him, though I couldn't help but wonder how much of the conversation between the Sergeant and me, Andy had overheard.

Andy walked around from behind the sofa and off to my left. He must have been standing almost directly behind me. The Sergeant turned his head to the left and twisted his torso too as he caught sight of Andy walking around. The Sergeant tracked Andy's progress as Andy walked about and came to stand a few feet away from the Sergeant, in front and slightly off to the Sergeant's (and my) left.

I looked over at Andy and marvelled to myself at how he could look so good wearing only a navy blue RCMP t-shirt and a pair of dark blue Jeans. The fact that the RCMP t-shirt was practically skin tight and threatened to pop its seams every time he took a deep breath might have had something to do with it. The jeans too, were on the snug side. (Okay, okay, dear reader, I admit it. The jeans were tight too.) Andy was always a fine figure of a man, and dressed as he was now, he looked even better. I sighed several times in delight.
