The Coffee Shop Pt. 05


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The sound of a few sighs off to my left caught my attention. I looked over at the Sergeant and he looked like he'd just been struck by a big bolt of lightning. His face had a dumbfounded look pasted on it. His mouth was hanging open in stunned surprise. While it was pleasing to see my personal opinion of Andy's appearance confirmed by a second source, the Sergeant's reaction seemed a bit extreme.

"Hello, Sergeant," Andy said nonchalantly

"Uh...hi," the Sergeant managed to reply, as he stared at Andy, like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sergeant," Andy said as he held out his right hand and arm in an offer to shake hands.

The Sergeant just stared at Andy's hand as if the Sergeant had never seen a hand before. Yes, there was no question, the Sergeant had been hit right between the eyes and his brain had shut down. The Sergeant blinked his eyes several times as his brain started to recover from being blasted by the sight of Andy in that tight RCMP t-shirt. (Okay dear reader, maybe I am exaggerating just a tiny little bit when I say that.) He put his hands on either side of his body and pushed himself up off the sofa so that he was standing up. Carefully the Sergeant shook Andy's hand, and spoke. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well..uh...Andy is it?"

I looked at Andy's face as the Sergeant shook his hand. He was smiling and it looked like he was trying not to laugh. That struck me as odd. I looked over at the Sergeant and it was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I just grinned and fought to keep my laughter contained. I decided to let Andy handle the situation. The truth be told I don't think I could have said anything all that sensible right then anyway.

"Yes, I can tell that you ARE very happy to meet me Sergeant. It seems I really am your type," Andy said with a chuckle.

God, this was killing me! It was getting harder and harder not to laugh. If not for my desire to avoid embarrassing the Sergeant I would have started rolling on the floor with my arms wrapped about my sides. This was just too much.

"Huh?" The Sergeant said, clearly confused by Andy's statement.

Andy nodded his head downward for a half a second and then looked back up at the Sergeant as Andy continued to shake his hand. The smile on Andy's face only grew bigger.

The Sergeant looked down and at last he saw what Andy and I had seen clearly since the Sergeant had stood up a few moments earlier. The Sergeant's face turned bright red. The Sergeant's uniform hat had not fallen to the floor when he stood up. The hat was hanging on the front the Sergeant's uniform pants, still covering the area of his lower pelvic region and his crotch. The brim of the hat was pointing to the floor. Since the law of gravity was still in operation as far as I knew, logic indicated that the hat was hanging on something. That something was about six or seven inches long and was pointing out and up from the front of the Sergeants uniform pants. Neither Andy nor I had x-ray vision but we both could make a very good guess as to what the object was.

"Oh fuck," the Sergeant blurted out, as he let go of Andy's hand. "God damn it. Betrayed by my own cock. Christ, you're a fucking hot man and I'd like to..."

"Pencil dick!" I yelled out at the Sergeant. His eyes closed and his head dropped to his chest as the Sergeant returned to his trance. Whatever he was about to say had been neatly cut off. The blush on the Sergeant's face drained away as he headed back down into his wonderful deep hypnotic state. He let out a soft moan. The hat hanging on the front of his uniform pants remained where it was.

"Why'd you do that, Paul?" Andy asked me, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"He's embarrassed enough, Andy. No need to have him telling us what he really thinks about you and your hot body. I forgot to remove that suggestion. I'll do it now," I answered. I shot Andy a stern look to let him know I was serious about this. Andy nodded his head in silent agreement, although he retained some disappointment on his face.

"Sergeant, you no longer have to speak the truth. You are able to speak normally and keep your private thoughts to yourself from now on. Do you understand?" I said to the Sergeant.

"Sir, yes, sir. And thank you, sir," The Sergeant replied.

"Good. Awaken now as I count from zero to five. You will be completely back to normal and the only suggestion that will remain is your trigger, 'pencil dick'. Zero. One. Two. Three. Four. Five." I said.

The Sergeant raised his head and blinked his eyes several times as he awoke. He looked over at me, and nodded his head. I presumed that was a silent gesture of thanks. The Sergeant reached down, grabbed his uniform hat and placed it on the far end table. Apparently Marines did not wear their uniform hats indoors. Working quickly he tucked his still hard cock into his uniform pants and zipped the fly closed. Although he hid it well, I could tell that the Sergeant was relieved to have his equipment back in its proper place, and to be a smartly dressed Marine once more.

"So you find me attractive, Sergeant?" Andy asked as he took up the thread of the interrupted conversation.

"Sir, yes, sir," The Sergeant admitted. There was no point in trying to deny it. The Sergeant's own body was still voicing his innermost opinion of Andy's physical attractiveness. The Sergeant's voice was once again calm. The expression on his face, though, clearly showed that he found Andy attractive. (What sane gay man would not find Andy attractive?)

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything that was going on between the two of you," Andy said, as he looked at the Sergeant and then at me.

"I don't think so. We were just wrapping up when you walked in, Andy," I replied. "How much of this session did you see? And where were you anyway?"

"I was sleeping in the spare bedroom. When I got off my shift, I decided I'd sleep here tonight as a surprise for you, Paul. The Sergeant's enthusiasm for his experience woke me up," Andy answered with a grin.

"He was kind of loud as I recall," I said with a chuckle.

The Sergeant blushed again, but he didn't say anything. He looked down at the carpet as he stood there listening to Andy and I talk. He mumbled something. I decided to let it pass.

"Do you mind if we continue our discussion about your session, while Andy is still here, Sergeant? I asked. "Andy can be trusted to keep what he hears confidential. He's an RCMP constable," I added.

"Is he really, sir?" The Sergeant asked. He had stopped looking at me. He was looking intently at Andy. I glanced down and saw that his cock was still rock hard in his uniform pants. Man, the Sergeant had it bad.

I was pleased to note that I didn't feel even the slightly twinge of jealousy, towards the Sergeant. I knew that Andy loved me. I trusted Andy. I knew that he loved me. I knew that he trusted me. I marvelled at how good that realization made me feel. It was time to drag my thoughts off of Andy and back to the Sergeant. "Yes, he really is an RCMP constable. He's also my husband," I said.

"Oh, I see, sir," The Sergeant replied. He sighed. He continued to look at Andy. He wasn't ignoring me exactly, just splitting his attention and shifting the larger portion of it to Andy.

"You became a docile submissive Marine when I hypnotized you, Sergeant. You do realize that, I hope? Do you have any problem with what happened tonight?" I asked.

"Sir, yes, sir. I realize that, sir. I don't have any problems with what happened, sir. It was fun, sir. It was unexpected too, sir. I think that made it even more fun, sir," the Sergeant answered. He was still looking at Andy. The expression on his face was beginning to morph in to a 'love sick puppy' look. I'd always wondering what 'love at first sight' looked like. Now I was seeing it firsthand. Boy, when those hormones hit the old brain, they really packed a wallop. The Sergeant was smitten, no question about it.

"So I guess that makes you a sub Marine, right Sergeant?" I said with a grin.

The Sergeant turned and looked at me. He grinned and then laughed for a few seconds. I flicked my eyes over at Andy. He was just shaking his head as he softly chuckled. "Oh that's bad, sir. That's terrible, sir,"

"No, terrible would have been if I'd used the words 'up periscope' as your hypnotic trigger," I said with a laugh.

"No doubt, sir," the Sergeant replied with a shake of his head and a few more laughs. Andy laughed a few more times as well. I just grinned. I'd managed to lighten the mood.

The smile on the Sergeant's face faded after a few more moments. He turned his head and looked at me. He sighed and then turned his head back to look at Andy. He repeated this motion several more times, without saying a word. I was starting to wonder if he was going to get a sore neck from all the head turning he was doing. Andy and I were on either side of the Sergeant so he was having to move his head from the far left to the far right and back again to look at us face on each time.

Without warning the Sergeant turned around so he was facing the sofa once again. He had turned to his left so I got an eyeful (or maybe two) of that hot Marine backside of his in those wonderfully snug Marine dress navy blue uniform pants, as he turned about. All too quickly he was standing in profile to me. He moved forward and knelt down on the sofa, pressing his hot torso up against the back cushions. Before I could even form the words to ask him what he was doing, he sat back on his heels, causing those navy blue uniform pants of his to snuggle up close to his butt cheeks. Well, from the left side that is what appeared to happen. I could not speak for how he looked on his right side, or from the back for that matter.

My focus on the Sergeant's Marine butt was quickly redirected as the Sergeant began to punch the sofa back like a he was working out in a gym. I was stunned into inactivity for a half a minute. My sofa was just fine and it did not need a workout, no matter how much of a hunk this Marine Sergeant might be. I scooted over on the sofa so I was next to the Sergeant. I placed my left hand on his left shoulder as I started to speak to him. "Sergeant, calm down. Tell me what's..."

My words were cut off as the Sergeant grabbed me by my shoulders and roughly shoved me away. I wound up on the far end of the sofa, on my right side. I wasn't hurt, just confused by the Sergeant's actions. I carefully got up and moved away from the sofa. I sat down in the chair on the right side of the sofa. Clearly the direct approach wasn't going to work. The Sergeant was too upset to talk, at least right now. I decided that I'd have to think for a few moments and come up with another approach.

Andy beat me to it. He looked over at me for a second, before he walked around the coffee table and sat down on the sofa near the Sergeant, on the Sergeant's left side, which placed Andy between me and the Sergeant. Remember the Sergeant at this point was turned about and facing the back of the sofa so the Sergeant's right side was turned away from me . Andy was no pushover. The Sergeant would find Andy somewhat harder to dislodge. From my perspective, Andy was to the left of the Sergeant.

Gently Andy placed his left hand on the Sergeant's left shoulder, as he began to speak to the Sergeant. "That's not a punching bag, Sergeant."

The Sergeant stopped his actions and slowly turned to face Andy. The look on the Sergeant's face was that of an angry and upset man. It was so out of character for the Marine Sergeant that I was mute with surprise.

The Sergeant's expression slowly soften as he seemed to let go of his anger. Perhaps it was the firm hard gripe of Andy's hand on the Sergeants left shoulder that seemed to pull the Sergeant back from the anger that had seemed to consume him momentarily. The Sergeant turned about and plopped himself down on the sofa so that he was sitting beside Andy. The Sergeant sighed a few times as he let his head drop. He seemed to be focusing on the living room carpet again.

Andy grabbed Sergeant with his left arm and pulled the Sergeant so that the Sergeant was pressed up against Andy's left side. It was the classic 'buddy hug' that a guy gives another guy. It was supportive without being overly demonstrative. After about a minute of this the Sergeant started to snuggle closer to Andy. When I saw the Sergeants right arm snake behind Andy's back, and the Sergeant start to pull Andy even closer to him, I knew that something was going on. (Okay, dear reader, maybe I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Even I could see that something out of the ordinary was going on.)

Andy hesitated for only a second or two before that big compassionate RCMP heart of his kicked in, and he draped both of his arms about the Sergeant's torso, which had now slipped down so that the Sergeant's head was resting on Andy's chest. Andy muttered something softly at the Sergeant, and he just smiled a tiny smile and nodded his head a few times.

Andy twisted his torso and turned his head to the right and looked up at me as if to ask if this was okay with me. I smiled at Andy and nodded my head at him. Andy smiled back at me, and then turned his attention back to the Sergeant.

The two men were sharing some type of an embrace. The Sergeant seemed to need it, and Andy seemed willing to provide the comfort and reassurance that the Sergeant craved. As for me, I made myself scarce. I headed off to the kitchen to make us all a pot of tea. Andy and the Sergeant needed some alone time. I knew Andy well enough to know that nothing serious would come of this event. How could I object after all? I had done something similar with many other guys before. Andy trusted me with them. How could I do any less than trust Andy in a similar situation?

About ten minutes later I carried the serving tray with the mugs, sugar, lemon and a pot of fresh hot tea back out into the living room. Andy and the Sergeant had not moved a centimetre, or so it seemed. (What did I expect to see? The two of them nude and going at it like a pair of crazed weasels? Not that such an image wasn't interesting to contemplate, dear reader. A naughty image true, but still an interesting one.)

"Would either of you two like a hot cup of tea?" I asked as I poured myself a cup.

The Sergeant opened his eyes and disengaged himself from Andy. He looked over at me and a blush crept onto his face.

"I'd like a cup, please Paul," Andy said.

"Yeah, me too, I guess, sir," the Sergeant said a second or two later.

"Feeling better, Sergeant?" I asked casually.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," the Sergeant answered as he watched me pour the tea.

"It is Andy you should be thanking, not me, Sergeant," I said.

"Okay. Thank you Andy, sir," the Sergeant said as he looked over at Andy for a few seconds. He was still a bit uncomfortable about what had just happened. He also seemed reluctant to talk about it.

"Would you care to explain why you were beating up my sofa cushions, Sergeant?" I asked him. I sat back and held my mug of tea with my left hand as I waited for the Sergeant's explanation. Just looking that that sexy stud of a Marine in that uniform of his was a treat in and of itself. I blinked my eyes as I refocused my attention on the Sergeant and what he was saying, instead of his wonderful body. It wasn't easy, mind you. I had decided to sit down in the swivel rocking chair to the left of the sofa, as from that position I could look at the Sergeant and Andy face on. It made having a conversation much easier.

"You won't like the answer, sir," the Sergeant said. He paused for a moment and then looked me in the eye as he continued speaking. He gulped once before he started speaking. "You won't like what I have to say, sir. You'll probably become upset and take out your anger on me by making me do things that I would rather not do, sir. Frankly, sir, I'm afraid of what you'll make me do. I know you told me that I could decide not to carry out any order of your that I thought was unlawful, but damn it sir, it doesn't work that way. Just thinking about being made to do something naughty that a Marine should never do, is making my cock rock hard again, sir! Fuck, sir! It's driving me fucking crazy just talking about it like this, sir! I know that no matter what you tell me to do, I'll do it. I can't seem to help myself, sir!" The Sergeant kept his eyes locked on mine, as a shudder passed through his body.

I'd done it again. It had been a long, long time since I'd screwed up this badly, but I'd done it again. I had taken a powerful commanding man and turned him into a pile of pudding. At least that is how the Sergeant felt. He was very smart to have figured this out on his own. He knew that his desire to feel controlled by another man, would override any resistance he might feel to carrying out my orders. His being a Marine only enhanced his feeling of being controlled and made to obey. Now he was scared clear to his bones, that if he made me mad, I'd do something bad to him.

I took a deep breath. I thought carefully before I spoke. I had to reassure the Sergeant that I was trustworthy. It wasn't going to be an easy task. Well, I could have used my super hypnosis to 'fix' the problem. I decided to leave that as a last resort.

"Andy show the Sergeant your RCMP identification, would you please? I'd like him to realize that you are in fact an active member of the RCMP," I said keeping my eyes on the Sergeant.

"Okay, Paul," Andy said. He slipped his wallet out of the right hip pocket of his jeans.

"Here you go, Sergeant," Andy said has he handed over his open wallet with his RCMP identification card displayed. The Sergeant studied it for a few moments and then handed it back to Andy. Andy slipped his wallet back into the right hip pocket of his jeans. .

"Are you satisfied that Andy is a real RCMP constable, Sergeant?" I ask him.

"Sir, yes, sir. I don't understand what this has to do with anything, though, sir," the Sergeant answered.

"Bear with me a few minutes more, Sergeant. RCMP constables have a code of honour, not unlike that of the Corps, Sergeant. If you were to ask Andy to promise on his honour as an RCMP constable, that he would not permit me use hypnosis with you, for the rest of this evening, I think you could trust that promise. Oh, hell, this isn't going to work, Sergeant," I said as I cut off my train of thought.

"Sir?" The Sergeant asked puzzled.

"I was trying to convince you that since Andy is an RCMP constable, I would not risk losing him, by doing anything dishonourable to you. He would never forgive me, if I did something like that to you.. He has a great deal of respect for the United States Marine Corps. However, there is no way to prove this to you. Even if I had him state on his honour as an RCMP constable that this is true, there is no way to convince you that this is in fact the truth. You don't know anything about the relationship between Andy and me, so this wouldn't prove anything to you."

"You're right, sir," the sergeant agreed. "What it really comes down to though, is whether or not I trust you to handle the truth, sir."

"Need I remind you that you came here, Sergeant? I did not go looking for you. If you didn't trust me to some degree, you wouldn't be here. So far this evening I have taken great pains to keep everything on the up and up even before I discovered that Andy was here. If that is not evidence of my goodwill and honest intentions, I don't know what more I can do to convince you. As I see it, you have to decide if you want to take a chance and tell me the truth, Sergeant. No one can make this choice for you," I said. This verbal fencing was beginning to become tiresome.
