The Corrupted Forest Ch. 05

Story Info
The ranger meets a feline while the monks run for safety.
9.6k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/19/2015
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This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright (c) 2019 by Yshomatsu

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this story or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. The following is meant for Adults only, if you are under the age of 18 leave now.

The Fae in this story were influenced by GigglingGoblin. If you like my stories and you haven't read hers yet, I highly recommend you do. It would mean the world to me if you left a comment when you finish reading. Even just a "I liked it" goes a long way. Hope you enjoy.


Bao Hardfal the ranger had given up trying to find anyone. After watching spellbound as the knight Ir Shodrug walked into the arms of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Right before the strange plant pod had closed up.

He came to his senses and tried to bang against the pod. But the knight never heard him. He remembered watching the discarded flesh slide down towards him while memorized by her beauty.

It made his skin crawl knowing what would happen to the knight. Yet, he couldn't think of anything he could do to save the man. The only thing he could think of had blunted his blade.

No amount of stabbing or slashing had opened the pod back up. As if held by black magic it remained tightly sealed.

The moans from within taunted him.

Distraught and all alone he tossed his blunted dagger. The ranger didn't know what else to do until a feint, sweet scent filled his nostrils.

Instantly he knew another pod was opening. A certain body part rejoiced at his luck. However, the rest of him panicked. Bao peeked around the egg shaped shell and saw an equally beautiful woman stretching within the fleshy pink walls slowly opening around her.

He plugged his nose just as she spotted him.

A wide smile spread on her perfect lips as she beckoned him over with her arms. She curled her fingers in a come-hither motion and blew corrupted pollen towards him.

That was enough for him! The ranger spun in place, going dizzy momentarily. Then bolted for the horizon as fast as he could run.

The woman poured and cried for him to return. She promised endless pleasure for the rest of his life. He wasn't listening. The sound of his beating heart echoing within his ears.

He ran until the stink of his sweat replaced the intoxicatingly tempting pheromones of that tempting woman.

His stench helped him focus. The mission had failed, horribly. The part of six hadn't come close to the wizard's home. Everything he knew about the beloved forest had changed, for the worse.

Sure waking around horny hadn't been that bad. Until people started going missing that is. What could he do all on his own?

Nothing... that's what. He had had enough. It was time to leave.

His sprint slowed to a jog, chest heaving with exhaustion. He took a deep breath and coughed, boy did he reek.

Bao took a moment to collect his bearings. Strangely enough he recognized his location. The sound of flowing water confirmed it.

The ranger was close to a stream that ran south east out of the forest. Just his luck. He could quickly rinse off and follow it to safety.

He pushed through shrubberies and low branches until the stream came into view. Though his gaze didn't linger on the calmly flowing water. Instead he paused when he spotted a woman bathing.

She had pinkish white skin with long hair, purple on one side and black on the other, pulled over her right shoulder. There were black ribbons tied in bows in her hair the opposite color on each side. He stared at her exposed back with fit and defined muscles on smooth, unblemished skin, unsure how to proceed.

The woman had her purple, silk and lace skirt bunched up at her waist. The rest of her clothing sat on the stream's bank as she bathed in the cool water.

He recognized her type by the twitching, fluffy ears that matched her hair, purple and black. She was a catgirl, a teasing, mischievous race of beast fae. Complete with a fluffy tail with purple and black stripes. Her ankles and wrists were wrapped in fluffy fur that blended into lace stockings. The only difference being their patterns were diamonds instead of stripes.

Maybe she knew what was going on? Should he risk approaching her? The ranger didn't have any experience in dealing with her kind. He only knew what others said about them, they liked to play games. What kind though, he couldn't recall.

He stood there contemplating his options when she angled her head to the side and up, crinkling her nose. Her smile never faltered when she sniffed the air and her one eyebrow arched.

"You reek for a human, do you realize that?" She had a singsong voice that pleased the ears. "Plenty of water, you know?"

Bao blinked and looked around. She hadn't turned to face him when she spoke. Though she giggled as she noticed him gazing about.

"Yes I'm talking to you. You're the only one here besides me. Don't just stand there, rinse off or get lost." She turned, looking over her shoulder at him with smoldering, golden eyes. She looked hungry as far as Bao could tell.

He couldn't tell how serious she was being between her grin and tone. He felt uncomfortable as she looked him over. However, he really did need to rinse off.

"I'm Bao by the way. You don't mind?" He asked, trying to be polite as he worked the straps to his leather armor.

"Not at all, I'd enjoy the company," she purred that last part, making him shiver.

As the ranger removed his armor she took a deeper sniff. "Smells like you were in an Alraune field."

He looked confused then she explained. "The new fae queen has been experimenting. I don't trust her to be honest. It's been a long time since someone laid claim to all of us. The Alraune's used to be shattered about the forest, nurturing and loving."

She eyes looked sad for a moment but her smile barely changed. Bao thought he had misread her reaction for a moment, until she spoke next.

"Now though, they're being bred in big clusters. And the women inside are almost irresistible," she licked her lips before catching herself. "Sorry," She said, giggling.

"Oh, the rows upon rows of large pods?"

"Yup that's an Alraune field. All the fae have been going through changes lately though. It's like some unseen force is tampering with them. But not me, oh no, I'm evasive. Seems like you are too, no wonder you reek, ran until you couldn't run anymore?"

"Yeah, one of them got a comrade of mine, kinda put things in perspective."

"You weren't tempted still? They're beautiful and their nectar is to die for, literally."

His blush gave her all the answers she needed, making her giggle. "Of course, you were tempted, it's faint but I can still smell their pheromone spores on you. Get dosed with enough of them and no one would resist one of them, let along a whole field, begging and pleading for you to fuck them... ah." She moaned before blinking, making her eye lashes flutter.

Bao couldn't help but nod as he stripped down to his skivvies and stepped into the surprisingly warm water. She turned more towards him and his eyes fell to her jiggling cleavage. One of her arms were covering her nipples, but not much else.

He blushed and looked away, suddenly feeling like a perv.

"Awe, shy or something mister? At least take that shirt off, give me something to look at." She eyed him up, biting the corner of her smirking lips.

His flushed cheeks turned brighter as she teased him. Yet, at the same time, he found himself removing his undershirt.

"Much better, thank you my good boy," she purred the last bit, her grin as wide as ever. Did she ever stop smiling?

"So, um, come here often?" He He deadpanned.

"A lady has to keep clean. You never know when a suitor might come a calling." Her lewd gaze made him feel a little tingle down below.

Bao decided it'd be best if he sat down on the water's edge, legs in the water, up to his thighs. He leaned forward and rubbed water onto his arms and chest.

"Need some help with your back handsome?"

"Ah, um," he hesitated and then jumped when her cold hand touched his shoulder. She had moved quick; he hadn't even noticed as if he had blinked and she appeared behind him.

He sighed as her ample breasts pressed into his back. "I... I um, didn't catch your name."

"I never gave it," he shivered as her hot breath touched his neck. Her hands massaged his shoulders, pausing to bring water to his skin. "I'm a Cheshire Cat. No one sees me unless I let them. I haven't decided if I can trust you yet."

"What made you decide to let me find you?"

"I was curious. I've seen you before, always calm and calculating. Your terrified sprint made me concerned. I understand now and the least I can do is help you rinse your back."

He whimpered slightly when her rough tongue flicked at his neck. He didn't mean to make that sound, but she caught him off guard.

"The Alraune pollen is quite distracting," she moaned as she took another lick. Her hands were caressing his biceps now, squeezing between bringing more water to him. "A girl could get carried away sniffing their pheromones you know."

"Ah," he shivered, "we... we wouldn't want that."

"No, we wouldn't want that." Her hands slipped under his arms, tickling his sides. As he squirmed, she kissed his neck between lewd licks.

He knew he should stop her before she got carried away. She was just being polite and helping him out though. Clearly a little kiss wouldn't hurt anyone he rationalized, letting her continue.

Her hands felt great as they slowly massaged water into his aching muscles. Had he been more alert he would have noticed his skivvies were getting soaked, becoming see-through, and tenting.

The ranger leaned back into her warm embrace. Her hands had started out cold but had steadily warmed up, along with the rest of her.

It didn't help that she was purring into his ear. It sounded relaxing, almost soothing. His heavy eyes closed, and he rested his head into the nook of her neck.

Her hands kept working lower until they pushed at his undergarments. She whispered softly into his ear, "take these off, have to get you clean."

He moaned his agreement, lifting his hips and helping her push them. In his daze he didn't notice as they fell into the water and drifted down stream.

"Goood boy," she purred, making him whimper again. "You wanted to join one of the Alraunes, didn't you?"

Bao couldn't stifle his groan as she lightly bit his ear. "I...I..."

"Shh, it's ok, you're safe here, in my hands." Her hot breath made him shiver as her hands lightly scratched their way up his thighs. All the while she kept licking him, indulging in the sweet, delectable pollen's taste.

"I sure do miss visiting the lone Alraune and sampling her nectar." He hands teasingly circled his aching member. Closing in but never quite touching it.

"Giving in to their unique blend of pleasure is a magnificent experience. You wouldn't have loved it. Though you wouldn't survive. They aren't so nice anymore. Never letting their conquests go, kinda ruins the fun. Don'tcha think?"

Bao nodded, feeling like putty in her hands, warm and safe. Never once did escape cross his tired, addled mind. He just leaned back, drifting deeply as she softly spoke, between licks and kisses.

The Cheshire Cat's eye's fluttered when she realized she was indulging. "Um, sorry... I got kind of carried away it seems."

The ranger barely stirred, leaning into her warm body more. He turned his head and softly kissed her cheek, mumbling that it was ok.

She quivered as his lips touched her skin. His arousal had mixed with the pollen that covered his exposed skin. She had washed away most of it, but it still lingered in the air.

Biting her lip, she looked down his body as the twitching needing dick between his legs. It couldn't hurt to touch it, right? Just a little. Surely, he didn't mind.

One of her arms circled around his waist, propping him to the side a little. She just needed a better look, that's all. Her other hand slowly closed in. Her delicate fingers gripped his base, lightly squeezing. She gasped as a small orgasm quivered at her core.

How long had it been since she had a little innocent fun?

Just a few more strokes and squeezes... she wanted to see him squirm. Her hand moved as if in slow motion. The cat girl gulped as a little precum formed. Her eyes were glued to it... no she really shouldn't, she thought as she licked her lips.

Before she could stop herself, her finger collected the precum, rubbing it between two fingers and watching it stick to both. She licked her lips, mouth suddenly dry and thirsty. Her eye lids fluttered as her golden orbs rolled up.

She had brought her fingers to her lips, licking them clean. He tasted so good she couldn't hold back a pleasant sigh.

"You wouldn't mind, would you? If I um... milked, you?" She giggled as his only response was a cute little whimper. "Oh boy, you wouldn't have lasted long if one of the Alraunes had teased you. You're practically begging me to take you."

She took his length between her fingers again and slowly stroked. "Don't worry though, I just want something to drink. I won't like keep you or anything."

Her hand sped up, squeezing and twisting as he cried out. She cherished his weak squirming, as if encouraging her.

Before long she couldn't take it anymore. The cat girl lowered the ranger down onto the soft grass and leaned over his waist. She admired his dick up close, tilting it to and fro as she stroked ever faster.

The lingering pollen on the air had slowly been replaced with his own overpowering scent. It had its own effect on her, and she wanted to fill her belly with it.

Bao felt like he had drifted to sleep and was experiencing an awesome wet dream. Her smirking smile floated around in his head.

"Please mister... can I have a drink?" She poured and purred.

His eyes slowly opened as she became more insistent in her handjob. The blurry world above him was saturated with greens. It took him a moment to realize where he was. The pleasure spiking between his legs distracted him, the fog clearing from his mind.

He had been having a very pleasant conversation with a gorgeous, half naked woman. He propped his head up and moaned. He wasn't dreaming after all. The cat girl looked up at him like she just ate the canary.

"May I?" She asked again, sticking her tongue out as if to lick his glands.

The ranger gulped and nodded. Way beyond capable of putting a stop to the best moment of his life. She beamed up at him and let her tongue flick over him.

Bao Hardfal moaned louder, encouraging her to take another lick, and then another. All the whole her hand kept rising and falling, twisting with each stroke.

"I'm gonna... I can't hold..." He cried out.

"Feed me, stud."

That was it. He couldn't take anymore. She started to purr as his body tensed up. The pressure built for what felt like an eternity before climaxing powerfully. She squealed and wrapped her luscious lips around his glands. Her cheeks inflated as she sucked hard in time with his pulses.

He watched as his body twitched and she drank his essence. Her eyes were fluttering uncontrollably. She savored every drop, squeezing out the remaining cum.

Then she shot up and looked off into the distance with alarm. Her fluffy ears—one purple, one black—twitched as she sniffed the air.

She turned back and looked at him with worry.

"There's two humans I don't recognize running for their lives. A man and a woman." She tilted her head, taking another sniff. "No, only the man is running. The woman is... he must be carrying her."

Bao Hardfal propped himself up on his elbows. The post orgasm fading away, replaced by concern. They had to be from his group.

"They're horny but the man is terrified. More so than you were. He's trying to resist the woman, but he cares for her and won't leave her behind."

"You can sense all that?"

"I have very good... well you humans put out odors I can read like a story. Hard to explain honestly. That's why no one ever finds me without me allowing it."

"Well we should help them. I came here with six others. We were tasked to find the guardians and find out what was happening here."

Bao got up, gathering his things, realizing his underpants were gone. With a shrug he dressed without them. He didn't have time to stress about it.

"Your kind aren't safe here anymore. Only one wizard remains. And he's, he is different. The queen has him wrapped around her finger."

She started to look frightened. "I'm sorry, I... I can't get involved."

The ranger turned around and watched as her body slowly vanished before his eyes. Her bright golden eyes and pearl white teeth remained for a few moments before they too vanished.

"Wait, come back!" He cried out to no avail. He was treading the leather straps when she bolted.

"I'm sorry," her voice echoed, sounding far off already.

"Damn it," he screamed. He hoped she would help him. She was the only one that seemed willing to speak and she knew a lot too. With his armor in check he started walking in the direction she had gazed off in. Without his dagger in its holster he prepared his bow, just in case.


Neshis ran behind her mentor. Watching his toned muscles flex as he ran. They had entered the mist a few minutes ago. She had unconsciously taken a deep breath right away.

Stupid, she knew it, but she couldn't help it. Nes had been feeling funny ever since watching the women bathing in the lay line. They were beyond gorgeous fae.

Truth be told she didn't remember many details. It felt like she had fallen in love at first sight. Then they were running. Or to be exact, Chorfazi had been dragging her. She came to and went with it, she trusted him.

Her older mentor had been frightened to death. He kept mumbling something about a demon. She didn't know what he was going on about. The man meant the world to her, so she didn't protest. Even though she wanted nothing more than to go back to the lay line.

This time though the mist hit her hard. She was having trouble meditating when Chorfazi took small breaks to clear his mind. Instead of using her talents, she spent the breaks eyeing the man. How did she never notice how attractive he was?

Nes watched him take deep breaths only to cleanse his mind internally. The act had helped them keep level heads the first time. Now though, she just wanted to... mmm the thoughts that just entered her head.


Chorfazi stood still for a brief moment. He took a deep breath of corrupted air. The mist entered his lungs and for a split second it made him lightheaded. Then he concentrated, purging the tainted vapor's effects from his body.

Each time he paused to meditate he felt great. Then with each small breath that followed he felt the corruption slowly returning. He couldn't tell if it was taking longer to cleanse each time or if he had to take breaks more often.

It didn't help that each time he stopped he felt eyes on him. His apprentice had started acting strange once they escaped the lay-line chamber. Almost like she hadn't fully recovered. That worried him but they didn't have time to waste. It was of the utmost importance that they escaped before one of those women caught up with them.

"What?" He paused for a moment, glancing back, momentarily.

"I didn't say anything," Nes replied with a sultry undertone, eying him with interest. She kept taking quick, shallow breaths. Her cheeks her flushed with arousal.