The Cursed House of Crow


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Sally looked around, studying her friends. Dom and Nadine were still fucking the shit out of each other. Timmy was standing in place, awaiting others. Tony was still behind her, standing guard. And Alex was still unconscious on the bed.

"What did you do to my friends?" Sally asked.

"It's been so long since I've had the chance to test my powers. And I am heartened to see your friends took to it so, so quickly. They were dying to have my influence in their lives. Nice to know my skills are still strong." Madeline said.

"Your skills?" Sally asked.

"Your friends belong to me now." Madeline explained to her. "I used some of my favorite spells on them, and they took to them like they were born to serve. And now, your friends care for me more than they ever cared about you. They now live to make me happy and make sure my wishes come true. They no longer care about their relationship with you. They don't like you anymore, but now, they love me."

"What?" Sally declared. Without saying a word, the others spoke up.

"I love you, Madeline." Tony said from behind Sally.

"Love ya, baby." Timmy said.

"I love you, Ms. Crow." Dom called out.

"I fucking love you, Madeline." Nadine screamed out, still getting roughly fucked.

"I attacked these four, but neither you nor your boyfriend. You both are still clear headed. I need you two for the last part of my plan." Madeline said. "This cloth keeps him frozen in place. He can hear everything we have said. He knows exactly what I am. He knows exactly what I've done. I'm gonna want you to remember that after what happens next." With that she stood up and strode over to the prone Alex. She reached down and ripped off the black fabric covering his face, and as soon as the fabric was gone, Alex woke up.

"What the fuck... what's going on?" he called out, lifting himself up onto his elbows. He didn't know how to explain what had just happened to him.

"Alex!" Sally called out. "Are you okay?"

"Sal, are you okay?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine." Sally said, moving to stand, but Tony held her by the shoulders in a seated position.

"What happened to me?" Alex asked, looking around for the first time, studying his surroundings. He thought he was in one of those nightmares where you are paralyzed, but once he awoke and noticed his strange surroundings, he began to realize he wasn't dreaming. He was truly in the nightmare.

"What is this?" he moved to look back at Sally, but just as he did, Madeline stepped between them.

"Hello Alex." Madeline said.

"This can't be real." Alex said, studying her. Beginning to recognize her, he pulled back. "Is this... are you... are you really...?"

"Madeline Crow. Nice to finally meet you." Madeline said. Alex backed up, not believing what he was seeing.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Let me explain what's about to happen, dear." Madeline began, sitting on the end of the bed. She reached forward to grab his hand but he pulled away. Timmy stepped forward and grabbed him by the wrist, forcing him to hold his hand out so she could take it. Once she did, she gripped his hand roughly, not wanting to let it go. Her palm was cold to the touch. Despite the fact that he was a strong young and her, by all appearances at least, a normal, mature woman, he couldn't free his hand from her grip.

"Listen!" Madeline said firmly, moving in closer. Unable to get away from her, she moved closer till she was sitting right next to him. He pushed himself against the wall, but she pushed herself close to him, so he was trapped. She moved her mouth to his ear and spoke.

"Let me tell you what's about to happen," Madeline repeated, her voice silky smooth. "I put a spell your friends, but I would never do that to someone like you. They're all my subjects, but that is because someone like me can entrance weak minds in my sleep. All of them are weak, driven by insecurity. Tony... he's afraid he's too dumb to be loved. Timmy... he so desperately wants to be seen as a man and to be taken seriously as one. Nadine... she's afraid she'll end up alone, so she pushes too hard on those she desires. And Dom... you're best friend, even he is just like the rest. He wants to be mysterious, so he places these facile layers on to distract people from the fact that he is just like everyone else."

"But you two... you and Sally, you two are more than that. You two have substance. You two are very interesting. Your girlfriend there, she is wise beyond her years. An old soul. A brilliant mind. A spirit for knowledge that is unmatched. And so untouched by the corruption of society. She is pure. Innocent. You couldn't ask for more from a girl. And you, my dear. You are something special. A natural leader. A wise mind. An old soul, like your girlfriend. Someone who has substance. A person who always thinks of others before himself. A person who would rather have everyone else be happy even if it means a sacrifice on his part. A person who has found true love at a young age and never wavered from that. Your parents must be so proud of you. As her parents are of her, no doubt. You both are model citizens and wonderful people." Madeline paused.

Alex looked at her, confused. Where was she going with this? Unfortunately, he was about to find out. Madeline spoke up again.

"That's why it'll be so much fun to break you."

She moved in even closer, really invading his personal space, making him shiver. She began to whisper into his ear, loud enough for both him and Sally to hear.

"I'm going to convince you to betray your girlfriend. I'm going to lay out my case, logically. You're a smart young man, so I will lay out the facts, a finely-tuned argument 300 years in the making, and you will have no choice but to take my side, because it is the correct one. And, in doing so, you will betray your true love, viciously and brutally. You will choose me instead of her. Your heart will lie with me after tonight, and you will disregard the love of your life for something so... much... better."

"You will betray your cute, young, bright girlfriend in favor of a witch, frozen in the body of a 45-year old, but so much older in spirit. A woman who practices the dark arts. An admitted witch of the highest order. A woman who's power in witchcraft is unparralled. A woman who has converted countless numbers into her followers. A woman who trained many in her talents. A woman's whose power was so great it threatened the influence of the church. A woman who the church and society has classified as 'evil', someone bathing in the waters of sin. They call me 'The Devil's Mistress'. Someone dark of spirit and mind. Someone too dangerous to be allowed to even interact with others. My influence is too great. My skills are too powerful. A woman who has enslaved your friends. I'm telling you all of this so you both know exactly who you're dealing with. So that despite these so-called negative qualities, this is the woman who you are starting to fall for."

"What? What are you talking about?" Alex asked, confused.

"You're going to betray your girlfriend and choose me. No magic. No spells. Just you and me. Two people. And, in committing this betrayal, you will provide me with the final ingredient which will allow me to escape from my prison." Madeline said.

Alex looked away from this woman near him. Sally had led him here to prove this woman was innocent, but not only was this woman proven to be a witch, she was still alive and on the attack. She wasn't bombastic like a movie villain. She was sinewy and velvety, like a serpent, uncomfortably intimate. She seemed relatively clear-headed, but every so often, her eyes would flash with insanity, exposing the madness within. Alex was rarely flustered, but here and now, he had to admit he was afraid. He glanced over at Sally, and she was just as nervous and fearful.

"And now it's time to show you my most powerful weapon. The thing that made the church so terrified of me." Madeline said. Madeline released his hand, and he pulled away and sat against the wall, not wanting to look at her but not knowing what else to do. Despite his hopes otherwise, it felt like an unseen force was forcing him to stare at the witch stood near the cauldron.

Sally and Alex were both watching as Madeline stood before them, light from the torches flickering across her colonial clothing. For a few moments there was a tense silence. The only sounds heard was the wet squelching of Dom's dick as Nadine rode him on the far side of the basement. Madeline looked at Alex and Sally, watching them, making sure their eyes were on her. Then, she acted.

She brought her hands to her chest and brought her fingers to the buttoned up seam in the middle of the shirt. She reached inside of her top, slipping her fingers between the buttons, giving her a grip on each side of her top. Then, in one fluid motion, she ripped her top apart, sending the buttons flying. She stretched her arms back so the tattered clothing could fall from her arms, onto the floor. As it did, her skirt, seemingly on its own accord, followed it, leaving Madeline Crow standing in a pool of clothing, completely naked.

Madeline stood resplendent, standing nude before the teenagers in front of her. Sally and Alex couldn't help but take her body in. And they were taking it in, as it was a body built to be taken in.

Madeline's flesh shined in the darkness, her skin as pale as snow. Her skin was so creamy and pale she could truly be mistaken for a ghost. She had not been in the sun for hundreds of years, so of course she would be pale. But on her, this paleness was not a negative. She worked this look to perfection.

A lot of colonial clothing was made for full coverage in order to prevent indecent thoughts in others. Clothes made to hide the body, to prevent people from indulging in the sins of the flesh. And it became clear to both Alex and Sally that this bulky colonial clothing did its job, because neither of them had any idea, until now, that Madeline Crow had a hot fucking body.

It wasn't until they saw Madeline in the flesh how incredibly sexy she was. Sure, they had noticed that she was a beautiful, elegant, classy looking woman, but her body didn't scream class. It screamed sex. It screamed of the dark delights she could offer.

Madeline had long, firm legs, lightly muscled in just the right way. Her firm thighs were evident even in the darkness. Between her legs was her pussy, completely devoid of hair, so they could clearly see the puffy lips of her sexy, mature cunt. She had wide, child bearing hips, and her belly as flat and fit, the only interruption in the pale expanse of sexy belly being her small, sexy belly button. But none of these aspects of her body were as eye catching as what came next.

Madeline Crow had gigantic breasts. They were monster tits. Just terrifyingly large. They appeared to be incredibly soft. And perfectly round, and cleavage formed naturally in just the right way. And they just stood magically firm, standing proud on her chest, defying her age. They almost looked swollen, pulsing with desire. And her round, rubbery nipples looked they were throbbing, just begging for a mouth to bite, chew, suck, and worship them. The flesh of her chest looked unblemished, just a perfect set of massive, firm, mature breasts.

Madeline spun slowly and bent over, leaning both hands on the bubbling cauldron, pointing her ass at both Alex and Sally. And it held up its end of the bargain. It was full and round and firm, two perfect cheeks. Her ass was a masterpiece, a heart-shaped piece of perfection.

The long expanse of her back was exposed, and it was as firm and sexy as the rest of her. The only interruption of this pale expanse was her silky black hair, which hung past her shoulders.

Madeline spun back around and faced the young lovers again and saw the awe in their eyes as they realized the truth. That Madeline Crow was fucking stacked. And in this context, her classy, mature looks became even more impressive. Her piercing eyes. Her plump lips. And almost no wrinkles. Just seeing her face, you would view her as a beautiful, mature woman. But now, seeing her body, there was no other way to think of her other than a gorgeous, hot-bodied, sexy older woman.

"Now, you see why I had intimidated the church. I suppose I can't blame them. My body is built for sin." Madeline said.

"What are you doing? Why are you naked?" Alex asked. But Madeline didn't reply. She was looking at Sally. She was such a smart girl. She knew what was about to happen. She was starting to suspect what Madeline had planned.

"Sally knows." Madeline replied. "Don't you?"

"You can't do this! This isn't right!" Sally said.

"What?" Alex asked. Madeline turned to face him.

"Alex..." she began, walking toward him, her huge breasts jiggling. "Tonight, I'm taking you for my own needs. Tonight is the night you unleash me upon the world. Tonight is the night you and I become lovers."

"You're kidding me?" Alex said, incredulously.

"Why would he want to do it with you?" Sally asked snottily. At this point, she figured there was no point in being polite. At this point, despite the ridiculousness of the situation, being confronted by a 300-year-old, hot bodied witch who was trying to seduce her boyfriend in a haunted house, at its core this was really no different than if the school slut was trying to steal Alex from her. Pleasantries were useless. The claws had to come out.

"Just look at me, dear. That's all the answer you need." Madeline said, opening her arms, showing off her lush form to Sally. Sally gritted her teeth. Even though this old woman was evil, and a witch, and a nut, Sally had to admit her naked body was not one you wanted your boyfriend seeing.

"You're just an evil old lady. Alex is a good guy. He would never be interested in an old skank like you!" Sally called out.

"Is that right?" Madeline said, raising one of her thin eyebrows. Madeline turned to face Alex. Sally looked over at him as the old witch turned, and she couldn't help but notice his eyes flick upward. It wasn't possible that he was checking out this old lady's butt... no, not possible.

Madeline approached Alex's seated form.

"This is what you want, isn't it Alex?" Madeline asked, her large breasts quivering with each step. "I know it is. It has been foretold. I know you and I are destined to be together. Meant to be lovers. Fated to be mates. Not only will your heart lie with me tonight, but your body will as well."

Alex was still forced to be seated by Timmy, but he tried backing away from the approaching witch.

"Tonight is a night for furious breeding. And your girlfriend will bear witness to our inevitable copulation. So accept your place, and by the end of the night, you will have taken part of a sacred rite: the conception of a child." Madeline offered.

Alex gulped as she got closer. This crazed older woman was offering to have a child with him. This was crazy! Madness! He was only 18. He wasn't ready to have a kid, especially with this crazy old witch who had captured him and his girlfriend. Madeline approached and as she got close, he felt Timmy's grip on his shoulder's lessen. Alex didn't think. He acted.

Quick as a flash, Alex grabbed Timmy's wrist and tossed him forward, his head smacking into the heavy cauldron. Finally free, Alex got to his feet. Tony stepped from behind Sally and ran towards Alex. Madeline stepped back and gestured towards Sally. Suddenly, Sally's hands and legs were stuck to the chair, as if glued on. She couldn't move!

Tony ran forward and took a swing at Alex. Alex ducked under the punch and kneed Tony in the gut, knocking him to the floor. Dom got up and approached his best friend, completely naked. Dom smiled evilly and jumped at Alex. Reacting fast, Alex punched in front of him, connecting with Dom's jaw, knocking him to the ground.

As Dom fell to the floor, his falling body revealed Nadine, standing nude behind her recent fuck partner.

"Hello, Alex." she purred. "Do you like my body?"

"What? Nadine! What are you doing?" Alex asked.

"I'm just giving you a peek of what you always wanted to see." she began, approaching him calmly, her eyes glowing red. "I've seen you eyeing me up. No one would blame you. My body is hotter than Sally's. And besides, all guys want to fuck their girlfriend's hotter best friend."

"No." Alex said quietly. He had three large guys on the floor, but it was Nadine that had him frozen. He couldn't help but notice her large breasts jiggle with each step. He couldn't help but notice her firm body and exposed pussy, on display for him, her best friend's boyfriend.

Alex was frozen momentarily, but that was all that was needed. As he stepped back from Nadine, he felt a hand dig into his scalp. He opened his mouth in surprise as he felt his head being guided. As he turned to look back at who had a hold of him, Madeline used her grip on Alex to force his head against her breast, forcing her hard nipple into his open mouth.

Alex was stunned. One second, he was fighting for his freedom from this woman, the next he had her nipple forced into his mouth. He obviously didn't want this and tried to pull away, but somehow the strong young man was unable to break the witch's grip. He couldn't pull away. Alex's face was being smothered in the soft flesh of Madeline Crow's breast. And there was seemingly nothing he could do about it.

He tried to close his mouth, but Madeline had stuffed as much nipple into his mouth as she could, rendering his efforts useless. He had no choice but to take the cap of her giant breast into his mouth. Her hard nipple scraped against his tongue, aching for pleasure. Madeline gripped his head roughly, holding him in place. With her other hand, she reached up to cup her swollen breast. As soon as she cupped her giant tit, she gave it a firm squeeze, forcing milk to squirt from her hard nipple into his open mouth.

Alex felt liquid squirt into his mouth, and still unable to pull away, he had no choice but to swallow the sweet fluid, barely registering it was milk. Madeline squeezed her swollen, spongy, swollen-to-the-brim with-milk breast, filling his mouth with her mother's milk.

Alex didn't realize that he wasn't fighting quite as hard to pull away. He was being force fed milk from Madeline's giant breast, and he couldn't do anything to stop it. And this unholy tableau of sex was taking in place directly in front of Sally.

Madeline maintained her firm grip on Alex, forcing him to drink her milk. As she did, she looked down at Sally and raised an eyebrow pointedly, as if she believed she was proving her point to be correct. That Alex and her were meant to be lovers. Madeline showed off, pointing her breasts outward, making them look even bigger on her slim frame as the young man's mouth stayed attached to her hard nipple.

"Aaaahhh, that's it! Take my milk!" Madeline groaned out loudly, closing her eyes.

It was sweet, agonizing bliss for Madeline. Her breasts had been eternally swollen with milk since her capture. She had been producing milk for her second child at the time, and when she found the spell to escape death and maintain her youth for hundreds of years, her body at that point was frozen in place, meaning her breasts had been filled to the max with milk since her capture, perpetually full, no matter what she did, without a mouth to take her milk. So, as the young man took her nipple and she could literally feel the milk being drain from her swollen udder, she shuddered in a long awaited bliss. She knew the relief would be temporary, as her jugs always refilled quickly, but the pleasure of having her tits drained was worth the wait.

She opened her eyes and looked down at young man attached to her tit. She smiled down at him, knowing that despite his earlier pleas, he was enjoying this. Probably due that there was nothing quite like sucking on a massive breast. And also, Madeline knew her breast-milk was something special.
