The Ex-Babysitter Version 02


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'Poor Tim. What if he knew?' I felt almost sorry for him.

'Oh don't worry about him. As far as he's concerned he's just masturbated to the sound of every boy's fantasy.' And with that she slipped her top over her head, pushed her trousers to her feet and stood in front of me in nothing but her knickers. 'I'm going to bed. I'm whacked.'

She did it so fast I had no time to feel embarrassed. So before the moment passed, I quickly shrugged myself out of my dress and climbed under the duvet. She laughed as she got in the other side. 'I thought I was never going to see those tits of yours.'

I tried not to look at her. 'Stop it. You're making me go all red.' And she was, but somehow now I felt relaxed enough with her I could say it. After what we'd just done I felt as if I could say almost anything.

'Come on then, let's have a proper look.' And before I could stop her, she'd lifted the duvet up and was staring down at my figure.

'No!' I squealed like a little kid and tried to pull the duvet over me. She was having none of it. She had a good look, told me how gorgeous my tits were, then before I could stop her, leant over and gave one of my nipples a quick kiss. I squealed again and this time managed to cover myself up. She just laughed, lay back and licked her lips in a sexy way. 'Lovely.'

So of course I laughed too, because I didn't want to look a complete dork in her eyes.

'So did you enjoy that?'

'It was OK.'

'I don't mean me kissing your boob, I mean playing our little game on your boyfriend.'

'Oh that. Yeah, it was fun.'

She smiled sexily at me, so sexily in fact I couldn't tell whether she was putting me on or it was for real. 'Maybe now he's not spying on us, we should do it properly. What do you think?'

My heart immediately started thumping. I thought, you've got to get out of this bed right now. But I didn't move. Instead I just squeaked, 'You're kidding, right?'

'Oh, so you don't like having your boob kissed?'

'I don't know. No one's ever done it before.'

'What, not even Tim? Alice, you little prick teaser.'

Omigod, how could she know that's just what I was?

'Well, I think you should know just how nice it is.' And with that she pushed the duvet down to my waist, leant over and put her lips on my nipple again. Not hard, just softly, so's I could easily have moved away if I'd wanted to. The trouble is, I didn't want to. The moment her lips touched me, a sort of jolt ran right down my body to the top of my legs. She must have sensed it because she looked up at me, smiled and went, 'Mmmm,' like she was just starting on a piece of chocolate cake.

Then she put her tongue on my nipple and started flicking it gently from side to side. That did it. Immediately it went hard as a rock, sticking out like a pebble. She sucked on it and twirled her tongue round it and I couldn't help but lift my back up a bit to try and press it further into her mouth. But at the same time I could hear words coming out of my mouth. 'No, stop Jenny, please. Don't. You mustn't.'

She didn't of course. Instead she brought her hand up and started caressing my boob, working in rhythm with her lips and tongue and moaning softly into my flesh so I could feel the vibrations of her voice travelling through me. 'Stop, please,' I pleaded, but she just went on. And despite my words, I couldn't stop my back arching up to meet her. I felt as helpless as if her tongue had been a knife. Though the feeling going through me wasn't one of fear, it was a completely new feeling, a thrilling feeling, a feeling of something wonderful. I felt as if I might pass out from it if it didn't stop soon.

Eventually she lifted her lips.

'Oh God, you mustn't.'

'Mustn't what? Stop?'

'No! You mustn't do that. You're making me feel all funny.'

'I can tell. Your nipple's swollen and you're trembling all over. It's what's known as being turned on.'

'Yes, but I shouldn't be. You're a ...'

'Woman? Oh, you noticed,' she laughed. 'That's how I know how to do it. I know what you like. And don't tell me you're not enjoying it.' She smiled, no longer laughing at me. 'Just relax, Alice. Let it happen.'

I had a sudden flash of déjà vu -- she'd used almost exactly the same words I'd said to Chris when he was close to coming. Please, I pleaded silently, please don't let her go that far.

'Shall I do the other one?'


But she was obviously someone who didn't take no for an answer. Before I could stop her, she'd leant further over and taken my other nipple in her mouth, a little more roughly this time, almost biting it with her teeth, pressing it hard with her tongue. I couldn't speak. All I could get out was a little gasp. I felt as if I was struggling for breath. Her tongue felt wonderful, rubbing my nipple back and forth. Little electric shocks seemed to be leaping through my chest. Within seconds that nipple was as hard as the other.

'Oh, please don't,' I finally managed to get out. 'Stop, please!'

And she did, eventually. Though probably not because I wanted her to. 'Oh, poor Alice. You really have no idea how sexy you are, have you? This is all a bit much, isn't it? Maybe I should go more slowly.'

'Actually, I'd rather you stopped altogether.' God, I was beginning to sound like my old maths teacher.

'Alright, let me just kiss your neck. You have the most beautiful neck. Then I'll stop. I promise.'

As she took her hands and lips off my tits I could feel my body sort of subside into the bed, as if I'd been trying to levitate myself into her mouth or something. And that sort of electric feeling going down to my pussy started to fade. Which of course was kind of disappointing, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

She came close to me so that she could reach my neck. With the result her body came to rest against mine. I could feel her naked tits squashing against my arm and her smooth legs all along my thigh. Instantly I began to feel hot. Her lips brushed my neck and I shivered involuntarily.

'Sorry, does that tickle?'

'No, it's nice.' I know, I shouldn't have encouraged her but, well, it was.

She kissed harder and that familiar wobble I got in my legs when Tim kissed me on the neck came instantly, only much more so. It was unbearable, but I didn't want it to stop.

'Is that nice too?'

'Oh yes.'

She put her arm across my chest and pulled me closer to her by my shoulder. 'You feel hot. Let me get rid of this.' With that she kicked the duvet down to the foot of the bed. 'That's better.'

'No!' The summer night was warm, but I suddenly realised how naked I was.

'Don't panic,' she laughed. 'I won't look. Anyway, you're still more or less decent. You've still got that pretty red thong on.'

Thank goodness. Though right then it didn't feel like much in the way of a covering. Insanely I wondered if she could actually tell I was getting that telltale itch between my legs. Just in case, I crossed them, bringing my knee up to hide it from her.

'I love you, Alice,' she laughed again. 'You're so wonderfully modest.'

'Well, it's a good job one of us is,' I retorted, a little stung.

She stroked a hand along my thigh, softy up and down. 'You have such lovely smooth skin. I'm so jealous.'

'I don't know why. I wish I had your tan.'

'All out of a bottle. I never had much time to sunbathe in the States.' She stretched a leg straight out at an angle from the bed. 'Still, it's not bad, even if I do say so myself.'

'It's great. Will you show me how to do it?' Not very subtly I was trying to change the subject, so she might forget about kissing and stroking me. Some hope.

'OK, it's a date. And while we're at it, we'll give you a little trim down there so you can wear those new thongs properly.'

I looked down. Little curly blond hairs were peeping out from the sides of my knickers. I tried to roll away onto my side to hide them. 'Oh God, you must think I'm so gross.'

But she held me flat with a hand firmly on my hip. She could be really strong when she wanted to be. 'Of course I don't. I think they look rather sweet. But grown-up girls have it neat and tidy. And boys go absolutely mad for naked pussies.'

'Naked? I don't want to go that far.'

'OK,' she grinned. 'Keep your hair on.'

Even I had to giggle at that, even though it was pretty pathetic.

'That's better. I like to see you laugh. It lights up your whole face.'

'Stop it, you're making me blush.'

'I know, I like that too. Now, where was I? Oh yes, your lovely smooth legs...'

But then, just when I thought I'd have to invent some excuse for her not to touch me again, she got up on her knees and said, 'Turn over. I'm going to give you a massage.'

It was so what I didn't expect, I just did it. The next thing I knew, she'd got some jasmine-scented oil out of her bag and was rubbing it firmly into my shoulders and down my back and along my arms. It felt amazing. Right away I drifted off into some dreamlike state, hardly aware of her presence, just sort of wallowing in the sensation of it all. She massaged my neck and shoulders for a long time, saying how I was 'really tense' and needed to 'just relax'. Then she did each arm, starting at my hands and manipulating and rubbing my fingers until they felt so soft and floppy I thought I'd never be able to grip anything ever again. She used both hands to stroke up my arms towards my shoulders, something she called 'draining the arms', which sounded kind of dangerous but felt really nice.

Most of this time she'd been on her knees one side of me or the other. But then she knelt astride my thighs.

'Now let's do that lovely back.'

I could feel her thighs against mine, lightly pressing my legs together. I could feel that familiar itch starting in my pussy. She poured more oil in a long cold stream down my backbone and I couldn't help shivering.

'Don't worry, I'll soon warm it up.'

She started to massage it into my skin in long smooth strokes either side of my spine. The scent was really heady; I felt drugged with it, like I was almost helpless. Which was no surprise, because that's the way she made me feel anyway. After a few minutes her hands gradually started to drift further down on each stroke, moving up onto the rise of my bum-cheeks then going either side of the top of my hips, then back up my sides almost to my armpits, then back down again. It was becoming hypnotic. And when her hands reached the waist band of my thong it seemed completely natural that she should push it down a bit, so she could massage more of me. In fact, after a while, she was concentrating almost entirely on that area -- the small of my back, my waist and the beginning of the curve of my ass. And with each downward movement of her hands she pushed my thong that little bit further down.

I suppose half of me was aware it was happening and was a bit worried and thinking, well, I'll have to stop her in a minute if she doesn't stop herself, which she probably will anyway, so there's no rush. And the other half of me was thinking, whatever, this is so nice, she can carry on as long as she likes and anyway this is only a massage and won't I seem really rude -- or worse, really childish -- if I ask her to stop?

So when she put her hands around my hips and said, 'Lift,' I just did. And before I could think of anything to say to stop her, she'd slipped my thong down to my knees and off.

'That's better.'

And of course I couldn't answer without sounding like a little kid, so I just went, 'Mmmm.' Because, well, despite the fact I was now totally naked and this woman I'd only known for like 24 hours was massaging oil into my bum, that's actually what I felt, really mmmmm.

So you can imagine my disappointment when she suddenly stopped massaging my bum and instead slid down the bed and started concentrating on my feet. I was almost cross. Didn't she know I had this itch? I told myself. What was going on?

But then the other -- straight -- part of me piped up: this is a massage, that's what you're getting, nothing else, so calm down. So despite my -- OK, let's call it frustration -- I decided to concentrate on the massage. Her hands worked on my feet in the same way they'd worked on my hands. Pretty soon they felt great, even though I wondered if I'd ever walk again.

'OK?' she asked, as they flopped back to the bed.


'Good. You can return the favour one day.'

'You'll have to teach me. I've never done a massage before.'

She laughed one of her sexy, throaty laughs. 'Don't worry. Just do what you'd like to have done to yourself.'

Then she started 'draining the legs', lifting them and wrapping her hands round them, then smoothing them all the way up to my thighs -- but not quite to the tops. Over and over she did it, first one leg then the other, rhythmically, hypnotically, until I felt like I could hardly move.

I must have been half asleep too, because what I hadn't noticed while she was busy on my legs was that she had gradually moved them apart. She was kneeling between them, her knees touching mine but keeping them immovably separated. Momentarily I worried what view this must have been giving her of my ass, maybe even of my pussy. But the incessant stroking of her hands on my legs made it impossible for me to interrupt her. I just couldn't concentrate. I could feel her hands on my left leg, one hand on the outside, the other moving up my inner thigh, aiming inexorably for my pussy. But just before her fingertips could touch me, she would stop and move down again. She did the same on my right leg, stroking me almost all the way but not quite. I knew she was teasing me and I knew I should have asked her to stop. I wasn't even tied down. I could just have rolled over. I could have stopped her at any time. But I didn't. I was mesmerized by the slow, steady stroking of her hands, the advance and retreat of her fingertips as they almost grazed my pussy lips.

'That's right, Alice,' I heard her murmur through my drugged state, that low sexy murmur. 'Push towards me.'

What did she mean? I wasn't moving, was I? I was. With every upward movement of her hands I was trying to meet them with what I had hoped was a completely invisible downward movement of my pelvis. I wanted her fingers to touch me. My body had taken me over. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to be touched. I wanted to feel her fingers on my pussy lips. I wanted to feel her touching my clit, my cunt, anything, everything. I wanted to feel her fingers, her touch. God, please, I silently pleaded, please make her touch me.

'Stay still,' I heard her murmur. 'I just want to change position.'

It sort of brought me round. What was I doing? With my eyes still closed I felt rather than saw her move from between my legs. This was my opportunity. I should stop this. Now. But before I could work out exactly what to say, she was straddling my back -- only now she was facing my feet -- and now I was more immobile than I'd been before. I could feel her naked thighs against my side, her bum pressing on my back. Instinctively I brought my legs together.

'No, keep them apart.' Firmly she moved them away from each other, even further than they had been, so now I had to even bend my knees a bit. My bum must have been almost sticking in the air, really exposed. I kept my eyes closed and tried not to think about it.

'Now let's give that beautiful bottom of yours a good massage.'

I heard her squeeze some oil onto her palms, then her soft slippery hands were on my bum cheeks, rubbing the oil slowly into my skin, pressing, squeezing, stroking, pushing my cheeks together, then gently pulling them apart as her hands went round and round, up and down. I heard a moan come from somewhere and realised it was me.


'Mmmmm,' was all I could get out. Face down into the sheet I was finding it difficult even to breathe. As her hands pressed me down I could feel my pelvis pressing into the bed. The pressure was only a fraction of an inch from my clit, but the sensation seemed to be going there anyway. Every feeling in my body seemed to be pointing there. I couldn't think straight. I just wallowed in the sensations.

Gradually I became aware her hands were roaming over my bum cheeks less freely. They seemed to be concentrating more and more on where they came together, even on the valley between them. With each stroke she gently pulled them apart, letting her palms slip down the crack. I felt a sudden coldness as she dripped more oil there.

'Don't worry, I'll soon warm it up.'

I wasn't worried about that. But I was worried about the uninterrupted view she must have been getting of my ass -- even though her hands felt wonderful. I had to stop her.

'You have a beautiful bum, Alice.' She must have been reading my mind. 'Do you like me massaging it?'

'Yes, it's lovely.' Where did that come from? I was supposed to be telling her to stop. Oh well, I told myself, I'll say something in a minute. It wasn't as if she was doing any harm. And it really did feel amazing to have my bum stroked like that. Especially now her fingers were slipping down my crack and touching my ass. Just lightly, once or twice. It was nothing terrible. In fact, it felt fantastic, all intimate and shivery. And by this time my clit was on fire. I thought, oh my God, what if she can see it? It must have been sticking out a mile. Not to mention how wet I was feeling. I must have been sopping. Still, the oil she was using was probably hiding that.

Each time her fingertips touched my hole they seemed to linger a bit longer. It felt lovely. I knew it was naughty, but I just couldn't bring myself to stop her. Not just yet. Guiltily I realised I was even bending my knees more, so that my legs were even wider apart and my bum was lifting off the bed. By that time she wasn't even pretending to massage my bum cheeks, she was holding them apart and gently letting her fingertips trace the ring of my hole, which was absolutely dripping with all the oil she was using. I knew she must have been looking directly at it. I felt absolutely exposed.

'Please, Jenny...' I heard myself say.

'Please what? Do you want me to stop?'

Her fingers circled my secret hole, pressing gently. 'I don't know.' I could feel waves of illicit pleasure rolling through me. My clit was burning, aching to be touched. Her fingertips stopped moving directly above my hole. I felt her press harder. It was delicious, thrilling.

'Do you like that?'

I was so confused I could only let out a little whimper. 'I don't know.'

'Relax, Alice, just enjoy it.' Then, as she pressed harder she kept talking -- in that slow, sexy sort of hypnotic voice of hers -- telling me what a lovely bum I had and how much she loved stroking it and didn't it feel good having her play with my ass like this? And all the time I had this wild confusion of feelings going on inside me I could hardly think. Some bit of me knew this was wrong, that to have a woman of all people sitting naked on me pressing her fingers on my asshole was something that shouldn't be happening. I should stop her. Trouble was, the other part of me, which was getting louder all the time, was telling me how great it felt, how naughty and thrilling and forbidden, that I just didn't want it to stop. Not ever. My clit was throbbing with the need to be touched, even though she hadn't been near it. I was getting so near that point of no return I just didn't care any more. I just wanted it to happen.

I felt even more pressure on my hole. Instinctively I clenched my muscles. I knew what she was going to do but I couldn't give in. I couldn't. But the pressure didn't go away. I felt her other hand circle smoothly around my crack, soothing away the tension.

'Don't fight it, Alice. Just let it happen.'

With a huge effort, I tried to relax. And with a sudden thrust my sphincter gave way and her finger was inside me.
