The Experiment


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"Oh God, you're killing me! The two of you!" he groaned. "I want you!"

He kissed Anna deeply again, before turning to Beth and giving her some of his tongue. She sucked on him, as Anna pinched his nipples and sucked on the vein in his neck. Devlin felt himself coming apart at the double assault, and he pumped his hips into the woman who was keening on his lap, and worried his wife's clit with his thumb before pushing in one last time as she fell apart. He roared as he came, and Beth grunted, convulsing around him, milking his cock, before collapsing on his chest. Devlin couldn't stop fucking her. His hips pistoned up and down, and Beth cried out again, as he kissed Anna frantically, feeling the burn of his orgasm in the base of his spine.

There were tears in Beth's eyes when he looked at her, and a wave of tenderness washed over Devlin. He hugged her to his chest with one arm, and cuddled Anna with the other. He wondered, as he listened to the girls' breathing slow, how any man could want to leave the sexy woman still impaled on his cock, which he noted with interest, was still as hard as a rock. He wanted to keep fucking her, but he knew they were tired, and he wanted to spend a little time away from the combustion of their sexuality, so he could think about what he was feeling for Beth. He knew he would never have had sex with her if she were only a one-night-stand. Which meant he had real feelings for her...which was a problem.

He kissed Beth's cheeks gently and said, "Maybe we all need to get a little rest, huh, girls?" He kissed Anna, who was drowsing next to him. "Come on, sleepyhead! Let's finish up in here and go get some shut eye."

He helped them wash themselves, struggling to resist the need he had to fondle them and make them cum again. Then he sent them to bed, while he took a cold shower. He felt as though he could go on all night, and that wasn't what this weekend was about. Well, not all of it. He'd already enjoyed incredible sex this evening, and he could wait for more. If there was going to be more. Maybe Beth would wake up in the morning and see him for what he really was -- a horny middle-aged guy. He dried himself and threw on a robe over his naked body.

Maybe she would regret the time they had already spent together, he thought, as he poured himself a Coke and went to sit on the little porch. Maybe he shouldn't have let things go so far so fast. Anna could get hurt, if he didn't watch himself with Beth, whom he found he wanted with a ferocity that frightened him. The only other woman in the world to ever make him feel like he would die if he didn't have her was his wife. And society's laws said he could only have one of those. Shit! He tossed off the rest of the soda, wishing for something stronger, and remembered the wine. He got up and went to pour himself another glass.

Beth's voice shook him. "Hi!" she said shyly, and his heart lurched in his chest. She was feeling the pull, too.

He swallowed a mouthful before he said, "Hi. You still up?" A clearly stupid question. Sheesh! "Where's Anna?"




"You first," he said, draining the wine glass. This wasn't strong enough to combat the raging hard-on he had by now.

"I..." she seemed to be hunting for words. "I'm sorry." She stopped again, though he had the feeling she wasn't done.

"Why?" His voice was a croak.

"This wasn't supposed to happen!"

Devlin looked at her properly, not sure he understood what she was saying.

"What?" But he had an inkling.

"We weren't supposed to feel anything more than lust!"

She turned away from him and began to walk back to her room.

"Beth," he called after her. She stopped. "Come here!" She turned and looked at him, but she didn't move. "Please?" he begged her. Still she didn't move, so he did. He walked over to her, and backed her against the wall of the bathroom, and kissed her savagely. His mouth ate at hers, and although he could feel her resisting, she could not hold out against his passion.

"Please, Dev! Stop!"

He felt the warmth of a tear, and raised his head, releasing her swollen lips.

"I'm sorry, baby!" His voice shook. "Forgive me? I don't want to hurt you or Annie!"

Beth smiled sadly at him. "I know, Dev! I know!"

Devlin held her by the shoulders, straining to keep his erection away from her body, so she wouldn't know the depth of his desire for her. He ached to grind his hardness against her, and to lose himself in her mouth again, but he was afraid Anna would find them if he did, and he was equally afraid Beth would reject him. His hands shook with his struggle to keep her at arms length.

"I love Anna, Beth!" he said, hoping he wasn't hurting her by his admission. "With all my heart."

"I know," she said, lowering her eyes from his.

"But I want you so badly, it scares me!" He made his admission to the top of her head, and then put a finger under her chin to make her look him in the eye. "I think I've always wanted you. I just never acknowledged it till tonight."

He bent his head to kiss her again, and she struggled to get away from him.

"Why, Beth?" He wanted her, but he was only asking for a kiss.

"Because I can't kiss you and not want you, Dev!" She trembled under his hands, and Devlin could not stop himself from cupping her face in his hands and devouring her mouth. Beth opened her mouth after only a moment's resistance, and Devlin gave in to the other aching need -- to show her just how far gone he was. He ground his erection against her, and groaned when she pushed back.

"Baby! I'll never say this again, but I want to make love to you so badly right now, it's killing me. Feeling you today was heaven. But I think we have to avoid that. I can't fuck you again and keep my sanity."

He sipped at her lips as he spoke, feeling the fire of desire rising between them. Beth's little moans drove him wild, and all he was doing was kissing her. He felt the fever in his blood spike, and he leaned into her fully, from shoulders to knees, and mimicked with his hips the liberties he wanted to take with her, without her clothes on, with him inside her.

"Oh baby!" he whispered. "You felt so good today! You feel so good now!" He kissed her again, and then begged her, "Put your arms around me, sweeting! Let me feel you!"

Beth obliged, bringing her even closer to him, if that were possible. They dry fucked each other as they kissed, and Devlin knew he needed greater contact. He pulled back from her suddenly, breathing raggedly.

"Fuck me or leave me, baby!" he begged her. "I can't take this any more!"

He saw Beth's hesitation in her eyes, even as her breathing matched his, and he drew away from her completely. He was shaking, but he turned and walked back out to the little balcony and stood looking out over the grounds into the night. He did not turn around until he felt sure that she had gone. He still had a raging hard-on, and he knew he wouldn't sleep till he found release. He was a married man, and his wife, the one who was the rightful recipient of his attentions, was asleep in their room. He closed the door to the balcony and went in search of relief.

The sound of Anna's soft snores made him ache with guilt. She was lying curled around her pillow, her arm flung out as though to find him. She wore nothing under the thin coverlet, and he breathed in deep as he bent to stroke her breast. She moaned, and his blood heated. He sat on the bed, and stroked her some more, eventually moving to lie behind her, so he could slide his fingers into her pussy. He knew when she woke up, because her legs slid open, and she turned to sigh into his mouth as she kissed him.

"Mmmmm! Oh Dev, you make me so wet!"

Devlin played with Anna, winding her up as much as he was, and then he rolled her onto her back and fucked her savagely, his hard cock stroking desperately into her, his balls slapping against her bottom, his hands on either side of her waist, his mouth devouring hers. He groaned as he fucked her, feeling as though he would explode form the contact, but needing it nonetheless.

"Dev!" Anna exclaimed, and thrust her hips desperately up against him, opening her legs wider, fucking him as hard as he was her, before she came crashing down around him, crying out so loudly he wondered in a foggy part of his brain whether Beth had heard them. Then he couldn't think anymore, as he lost himself in the tidal wave of feeling, and poured himself into her. His own shout would probably wake the dead, but he couldn't care just then, the ecstasy was so overwhelming.

"Oh, baby! I love you!" he exclaimed, hugging her to him, feeling Anna shaking in his arms. He suddenly felt an unaccountable urge to weep, and he slid off her and cuddled her, hiding his face in her hair, hoping the tears wouldn't fall. Lord help him, he was screwed!

Devlin didn't sleep well that night, and by the condition of Beth's face next morning over coffee, neither had she. She had dark circles under her eyes, and she avoided his gaze, which he found he could not keep from returning to her. He wanted her with as much fury as he had in the wee hours of the morning when he had begged her to fuck him or leave him. And though he had left her, the deep need for her flesh had not abated. What was he going to do? He knew he couldn't spend the whole weekend with her now and not touch her again, not taste her again, not have her again.

Anna seemed to be the only normal one in the room, and she looked at her husband and at Beth with a growing concern in her eyes. When Beth excused herself, saying she needed to go to the gym, she waited till her friend had closed the door to the suite before saying to Devlin.

"Honey, what's the matter? Did you and Beth have an argument?"

Devlin almost choked on his coffee. "No, we didn't! I'm just tired. Didn't sleep well last night!"

There, he had managed to avoid her question without lying. He swallowed some more coffee, and looked at her.

"What's on the agenda for today?"

Anna gave him a dubious stare, and then said, "I know Beth wants to do some sightseeing when she's done with the gym. And I wanted to shop for the girls. You?"

"Anything you want to do is fine with me, love!" Devlin drained his coffee cup and put it back on the tray. "What are you going to do now?"

"Maybe I'll go ride some miles with Beth, and swim some laps!" Anna said. "I'll see you later, okay?" She paused, and looked at him carefully. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine! I'll go for a walk till you both get back. Go on, have fun!"

Even though Devlin was afraid Anna would ask Beth what was going on between them, there was nothing he could do to stop her, though he felt certain Beth would not reveal any secrets. He watched her leave, and inhaled deeply. Time for a quick shower and he'd go for that walk. It might help him clear his head, so he could think rationally about what he was going to do. He sat down to watch the news, and before he knew it a full half hour had passed. He took himself off to the bathroom and luxuriated in a long shower, thinking that it would be nice if he could wash away his cares down the drain. He was just stepping out of the bathroom, totally naked, when the door opened and Beth walked in. Her gasp raked over him like sharp nails, and he felt like he was on fire. He knew his cock was hard again, and he wondered how he could be so instantly ready around this woman.

Devlin watched her face, and saw the look of pure lust and desire that she tried to mask. She averted her eyes and said haltingly,

"I...I'm sorry! I'll just..."

She didn't seem to know what to say to him, and he couldn't think past his need to fuck her senseless right there, in broad daylight on the floor, on the couch, in her bed, in his bed, against a wall, anywhere she would let him. He clenched his fists and unclenched his teeth, and said,

"I didn't expect you back so soon."

He did not apologize for his appearance, nor did he make a move to leave. He just stood there and looked at her, hoping she saw his feelings as clearly as he had seen hers. He watched her walk towards him, as though she were in a trance, and stop before him. He inhaled deeply, but didn't move. She raised her eyes at last and looked at him, and touched a trembling hand to his chest. He growled.

"What do you want from me, Beth?" he said, his voice a snarl of frustration and lust.

She did not answer him, but let her hand slide down his tense belly to the hair that proudly crowned his evident arousal. He hissed when she played there, wondering how she knew he liked that. God, but she was killing him! He would be a puddle in a minute if he didn't stop her! But he didn't WANT to stop her. He wanted her to keep teasing him, to make him rabid for her.

"Beth," he said, trying to keep a rational thought in his mind, "you've got to stop this!"

He watched her face as he spoke, and saw the glazed look slide across her eyes as she played, and then began to stroke him. Fuck! He wouldn't last too much longer if he let her go on like this!

"Please, baby!" he begged her. "Stop!"

She roused herself from her seeming sexual trance long enough to ask, her voice hoarse with desire, "Is that really what you want, Dev?"

Devlin grabbed her arms, feeling his control snap like so many dry twigs.

"You know damn well what I want!" he hissed almost angrily. He didn't wait for her reply, but dropped his mouth on hers and kissed her. She groaned, as though she had been waiting all her life for this, and Devlin trembled. He kissed her some more, eating her up, needing a connection with her that defied his understanding.

"Babe, we can't!" He rested his forehead against hers. "Anna will be back soon!" His breathing was as ragged as hers, and he felt her push against him. He pushed back helplessly. "God, you're so sweet! I want you!"

He pulled her back into the bathroom with him and pushed her up against the inside wall.

"Take this off, babe!" He didn't wait, but pushed her tracksuit bottom off her hips. She was naked under it, and he caught fire. He grabbed her legs and pulled them up around his hips and thrust into her, unable to wait. She threw herself around his neck to keep her balance.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

He was uncontrolled, raw, surging into her over and over, holding her legs and pounding her back up against the wall, harder and faster, until they were both grunting with the force of his lovemaking. Beth began to keen softly, as her orgasm built, and Devlin shot into her, growling fiercely as he felt her muscles contracting around him. She would have made a sound, except for the kiss he planted on her open mouth, all the while fucking her and making them both wild with ecstasy. When they were both spent, and the urgency of their lust abated, Devlin slowly released her legs and helped her to stand. They were breathing hard, and Devlin still shook with the force of his feelings. He bent his head and kissed her, a slow, heated, wanting kiss, aware that if he didn't release her completely he wouldn't let her go, and they would be discovered.

"Beth, honey, you have to get out now! Please! And stay away from me," he added, his heart aching at the look in her eyes. "At least until I figure out what we're going to do."

Beth stared at him, her eyes devouring him, and then she nodded, pulled her pants on and walked out of the bathroom. Devlin listened for the sound of her door closing, and then he allowed himself to sag against the door. This weekend was turning out to be pure torture for him.

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DawnJDawnJalmost 13 years agoAuthor

I's lovebug96! I'm not normally dyslexic! :)

DawnJDawnJalmost 13 years agoAuthor
*smiles @ lovebug69*

Your enthusiasm is very heartening! Thank you! I have been wondering what happens next with them, too! :) I have another project working on, but as soon as it is squared away, I promise to return with the rest of this tale!

lovebug96lovebug96almost 13 years ago
More Please!!!!

Your story is amazing. I'm just wondering what happened next? Did Anna find out or did that weekend end all contact with Beth for Dev? We need answers Please!!!!!

DawnJDawnJalmost 13 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

I'm glad you both find this not just believable but erotic as well. This was my first attempt at writing about swingers, and I'm glad I got it right! It's always my desire to make the characters AND the situations real!

PerkynPinkPerkynPinkalmost 13 years ago
Real as it Gets

Nice job! You’ve woven a tale that is as old as the ages and as fresh as today. Believable characters and situations and a nice buildup before the explosive climax.

Five stars in my book.

wdelanderwdelanderalmost 13 years ago
Very well done

I love the way you've shown the emotional involvement and conflicts, which makes the characters more real, and (for me) makes the story more erotic.

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