The Floating World Pt. 07: Juliette


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Juliette rolled off the bed and kneeled beside it. She placed her cheek in the palm of his untied hand and, as she knew he would, he held her without moving, his hand a little pillow. She kissed his palm and the soft skin of his wrist, just a gentle touch of her lips, and then wrapped the last scarf around it with a silken knot, and tied him to the bed.

Juliette stood beside the bed, looking down on the spread-eagled Adam tied for her pleasure, her slow tease. She wondered what to do first.

She picked up the delicate chain, and looped it three times around her waist and clipped the ends together, admiring the way it clung to her hips.

"It's very delicate, isn't it?" She put a finger to her lips to silence his reply. She then placed the fine leather choker on his belly where his cock could lie upon it, if he lost his blood hard erection. She smiled, as Adam's cock angled up away from his gut. She watched, fascinated, seeing a pulse beat in a big vein that curved along the shaft and disappeared into the shadow where his balls were tight, high up in his groin. Juliette's eyes darkened with growing lust for this cock inside her, and she wondered how long she could wait.

To give herself some time, she went out to the lounge room and found a CD she knew, which would set a fifty minute cycle, a soundtrack. She grinned, and placed another album nearby, knowing she'd want longer. She went to the fridge to find water, and her eyes fell on the bikini bottom, left on the bench by Adam after she'd found it. On a whim, she slipped it on and pulled it up, adjusting its ties and the little cotton gusset covering her pussy lips.

"Hello Leslie," she whispered, "do you want to be in Adam's head once more? I don't mind." She pictured another girl's sex, and would cup it in her hand and kiss her.

She returned to the bedroom. "Yellow suits me, don't you think?" She pirouetted on her toes to show him.

"Ahh, sweet god, how many women are you going to find?" Adam replied, his voice low; but his cock bounced, again.

"You should tidy up behind you, then, if you don't want me to find them." Juliette crawled up onto the bed, and sat with her cloth covered sex on his shaft. She turned the collar over in her hands, then decided this other girl could be here for now, but she'd have to go before she claimed Adam for the rest of the night. Juliette placed the collar on the bedside table, next to the lamp.

"Did Leslie have a pretty pussy, Adam, with smooth and tidy lips like mine?" Juliette's voice was conversational, she wanted him to picture his Leslie all over again and see two pretty girls in his mind. "Or was she darker there, her lips like petals on a bruised and beautiful flower?" She'd paint him a picture, so much luscious fruit to choose from.

"Did you fuck this girl, Adam, with your lovely long cock, did she squeal?" As she spoke to him, she began to sway back and forth along his shaft, the fabric of the material pulling along her lips, dragging against her clit. She ground down onto him, finding her own pleasure.

"Were her breasts like mine, tight and high? Or did she have bigger boobs that dropped all heavy in your hands? Did she bounce in her little yellow 'kini top when she ran on a long, sandy beach?"

She stopped moving, and her voice turned lascivious. "Or was she like Madelyn, her tits hardly there at all?" She felt a pulse between her legs, and saw Adam lick his lips. "Ohh, Adam. Miss Maddy's got her hooks in you. Fuuck, you want her, don't you, so bad?"

Juliette got up from his body, and peeled the bikini bottoms down her legs. She threw the scrap of cloth out the door. "Bye bye, Leslie," she said, "Adam doesn't want you any more.

"He doesn't really want me, either, but that's too bad."

Suddenly, as quickly as she'd thrown herself towards the balcony railing, she slapped Adam hard on his cheek, the sound of skin on skin loud in the room. Her fingers burned with a sudden heat. She'd slapped him hard, his cheek would sting.

Adam's eyes flashed open black as ink. He instinctively pulled up against the scarves but they held him back. "What the fuck?" he exclaimed.

"I've decided, Adam, that I don't want Maddy in the room. I thought I didn't mind, but I do. This obsession you have for her. There's no place for me when she's here."

Juliette ran her fingers lightly over his cheek where she'd slapped him, gauging his reaction. She watched him closely, reading every tiny movement, every sign. She studied his eyes, the way they held hers then slid away, then came back. She stroked the blaze of heat on his cheek and, yes, there it was, that subtle, subtle pressure. Did he even know that he did it, seeking the comfort of her hand even after the sting?

She slapped him again, to find out.

Adam winced, and her hand stung. Juliette looked at her fingers and they were red. She'd slapped him hard, but her heart wasn't in it, not any more.

"This is all a bit fake, isn't it? Play acting. It's an idea of you, all tied up with me in control, but I'm not, am I? In control." She sat beside him on the bed, looking down at Adam's body, the blaze of red on his cheek. "You're just letting me do this, but you're not actually giving anything away, are you? You're not giving yourself up to me. Not really."

Juliette saw him formulating a reply, saw his eyes deepen and draw her down, draw her into a zone of comprehension. "But you don't actually need to say anything, do you? You just let me figure it out for myself. Little Juliette with her silly ideas."

"Not silly, Juliette. Capricious, wilful, passionate, lots of things." He smiled up at her. "But never, ever, silly. You're too clever for that. I don't do 'silly,' Juliette. I don't waste my time."

"But you let me do this."

"Because you wanted to do it; but that doesn't make it silly."

"What is it, then?" Juliette asked.

"A game in a safe place," Adam replied.

"What if I don't want it to be safe?"

"Untie me then, don't play games."

Juliette was silent for a long moment, for a very long moment.

"Would you hurt me?" she finally asked.

"Do you want to be hurt?"

"Yes," Juliette replied simply, her whole purpose with Adam spiralling down to this essential thing, this central desire.

"Untie me, then," Adam said.

"Fuuck," whispered Juliette. "Am I fucking crazy? I don't know you from - "

"Adam. You don't know me from Adam. Yet you came here of your own accord, you tie me up, you play your game, but you want more. You want me to take you some place deeper, darker. Why me, Juliette?"

"Because..." Juliette struggled to articulate why. "Because... you're so fucking kind. Just..." Clarity struck her. "Because you wouldn't hurt me. You might whip me, bruise me, if I wanted it, but in here," and she tapped her temple with a finger three quick times, "you wouldn't hurt me. Not in my head. You couldn't do that. The love that's always in you, it would stop you, every time."

Juliette moved closer to Adam so she sat beside him, his body sprawled naked for her eyes to see, but her eyes were closed so she didn't see. What she didn't see was Adam's stillness, that quiet place in his eyes as he gazed at her, that place where he wouldn't hurt her. "I'd be safe, with you. That's why."

"Untie me, Juliette. You don't need to fight me to have me." He was silent for a long moment. "It's not a war, nobody loses."

"But you lost someone, didn't you Adam? Someone who never came back?" Juliette's intuition was running strong.

"Yes, I did," he said, simply. "But she's not you, Juliette. She's gone. You're here."

She leaned over to unknot the scarf from his wrist then stretched over him to undo the other one, then slid to the bottom of the bed to release his ankles. As she crawled back up to him, she pulled a blanket up with her, to keep them warm. Before she lay her head down on his shoulder, she reached behind her neck to unclip the choker from her throat and placed it within the leather one on the bedside table.

"Can we make love now, Adam? Just you and me, nobody else, no ghosts?"

Juliette was wet, her emotions and passion driven hard and high by their words; her long foreplay, which began in Bonnard's shop, complete. The ebb and flow of the evening, the long sunset and the walk in the dark, Adam's blue eyes that did indeed match her lingerie, all of it came down to this:

Juliette knelt above Adam, her wet sex poised above him, and she took his cock in her hand, placing its head between her lips. She slid it back and forth twice to slick the head with her moisture, then eased down an inch, taking him into her. She stopped, settling herself onto Adam's shaft, easing herself open for him. Juliette placed both hands on his chest, and eased herself down those long inches till he filled her, her clit pressing down onto the root of his cock.

"Oh sweet, sweet fuck, that's..." beyond words, she thought, as she held herself still, then collapsed onto Adam's chest, her breasts pressed against his flesh. "Oohh, fuck me slowly, slowly, I can't..." bear it if you don't move inside me, "take me, fuck me, love me, Adam; sooo..." softly.

Adam moved gently beneath her, and his hands came up and held her head and brought her mouth to his. They kissed, and it was gentle and sweet; and with two of her fingers Juliette stroked the side of Adam's throat. The skin there was soft and she didn't think a man's skin could be so soft, but it was.

He held Juliette in his arms and made quiet, slow love with her till she melted and could hardly breath and she'd never felt like this before, but oh my god it felt good, so sweet, so warm, and behind her breasts she felt a tight ache and her nipples were rigid, hard, and connected straight to her clit.

Ahh, sweet goodness, Adam was moving faster and Juliette clenched him and gripped him and slid up and slid down hard onto his cock, and they were fucking now, their fingers laced through each other's and Adam's breath was in Juliette's mouth, circling his energy within her. Juliette cried out, moaning with her rising pleasure, closer, closer, her ecstasy climbing, crying out, "Oh god, I'm going to..." and she lost all coherence and went beyond words as Adam fucked her tight cunt so hard, so hard, and Juliette came with a sudden cry, "Ahh, now, fuck yes," and she trembled and shuddered and Adam held her firmly in his arms in the tightest embrace...

and Juliette came again, and was no weight at all as she lay upon him and slowly caught her breath, kissing him, kissing him. "Just hold me," she sighed, and he did, still hard inside her, not moving.

Slowly Juliette came to her senses and she clenched Adam's cock tightly. "You've not come yet," she said in wonder. "Was that just for me?"

"Ahh, my lovely, my pleasure too, believe me." He hugged her. "Ladies before gentlemen, I've always said," with a lightness in his voice.

Juliette lifted herself off his chest to study him, her elbows on the bed. "I don't think I've ever had a gentleman before, if that's the case."

She clenched herself around his shaft again, and began to move on him.

"Wait," Adam said. "Not here. Come to my bed, Juliette."

She stopped moving, slowly digesting what Adam had just said. His bed.


"Ssshh, Juliette. Do as you're told." He held her face in his hands. "For once in your life."

Adam turned Juliette on to her side so he could slowly withdraw from her, "Ohh, don't go..." then he rolled from the bed and stood. He picked Juliette up in his arms and carried her from the spare room, her arms held tight around his neck, her eyes wide open, gazing at his face.

Adam carried Juliette through to his bedroom and to his bed. With one hand he pulled back the covers, then placed her gently on the cool sheets. Without fuss, for Juliette was very, very wet, he lay between her legs and placed the head of his cock between her lips, and with one long, sensuous thrust, filled her completely. "Here, my lovely, in my bed, take me."

This time, Juliette held Adam's cheeks in her hands and looked up at him in wonder. "Does this mean," she asked quietly, "I can stay till morning?"

"It does," he replied.

"I'd like that," she said, "very much." She caressed his cheek where she'd slapped him. "In your bed."

Adam made long, gentle love with Juliette; and before he came with a long, moaning sigh deep inside her, she came again, twice. She wondered what he was doing to her because it didn't hurt at all, but she came again, twice.

* * * *

Late the next morning, after a long, leisurely breakfast which followed a long, leisurely love-making when they first awoke, the eastern light warming the bed, Juliette dressed. She walked quietly around the apartment in her blue lingerie, put on her dress which had been neatly folded on the back of the lounge, and found her shoes by the balcony door. Adam watched her, this confident little cat. She smiled at him, watching her.

Juliette picked up the yellow bikini bottom from the floor where she'd thrown it, and said she'd wash it for him the next time she did her knickers; and he could send it back to Leslie with a hand-written note that said, I found them; and the note needn't mention Juliette at all.

She picked up her car keys from the bench, and made sure her phone and purse were in her bag.

"Can I have a key, do you think?" she asked Adam, and her voice had a slight crack when she said it.

"You'll need to bring Leslie's bikini back, won't you? I'll give it to you then. Next time."

It was only when she got downstairs to her car that Juliette touched her throat and realised Maddy's choker was still on the bedside table, where she'd put it. That was okay; Adam would find it and put it in a beautiful box and she could pick it up next time she saw him. She pondered what she might say to Maddy, but didn't worry too much about that.

She was, after all, a brave little cat and not afraid of big ones. Juliette smiled, and started her car's engine. It was Saturday, and her shift at the restaurant started soon. It was a beautiful day for a drive.

* * * *

To be continued in The Floating World (Part 8) - Adam

© Electricblue66 2019

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DreaMajorDreaMajor2 months ago

“Rare” and beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Pleased to see consent presented as a critical part of delving into BDSM. An interesting take on exploration of D/S and power play between three distinct players..

AloneTooLongAloneTooLongover 5 years ago

it is an interesting story, so now I need to go back and read all the previous ones.

LoquiSordidaAdMeLoquiSordidaAdMeover 5 years ago

Oh yes, Juliette is a much better fit for Adam. I do know what he sees in Mady, but I wish he saw through her instead.

Also, if my parents had named me Jane Cain, I would have left home too. :-))

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