The Game and the Girl


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The rules were agreed on by everyone, and I sort of felt like the stick in the mud suddenly if decided I couldn't go through with it. I gave Holly a look that suggestedI can't believe you got me into this! with a little smirk and without another thought I said, 'OK, I'll play."

My father asked me again if I was sure, but I assured him it'd be fun, and asked him to get me another drink, which made everyone laugh.

As we began to play the cards were dealt and the bets went around the table. My father dealt and turned to me first and asked how many cards I wanted. I had a king, a five, two tens, and an ace. I asked for 2 cards and discarded the king and five. As everyone else exchanged cards I felt the tension building, and suddenly I was grateful for wearing shoes!

When my cards came I received a seven and a deuce. I wasn't comfortable about my chances with a pair of tens, so when asked if I wanted to bet, I said I'd check. Play passed to Benny checked as well. Chris however bet one piece of clothing. Holly saw folded and her father saw the bet. My father saw the bet as well.

When we revealed our cards I saw that both Chris and Willie had beaten me. Chris had a pair of Jacks, but Willie had two pair. I smiled uneasily when I asked what happens now. Willie was nice and chuckled, "you owe me two pieces darlin'," he said with a smile.

I saw Holly begin to remove her shoes, and I did the same. Chris began putting his sneakers on the table until my dad requested them on the floor, everyone laughed.

The second hand I dealt, and again found myself with undesirable cards, this time the bet again was one piece in addition to the anti, this time made by Benny. I lost the second round and found myself removing my socks.

Now I began to get nervous because all that remained were my actually clothes, I was grateful, despite Holly's advice, to be wearing a bra.

The third hand I had a good chance. I was dealt two pair, nine's and three's. My additional card didn't produce anything, but I wasn't about to raise the bet. Luckily everyone checked. I lost again to my father's 3 of a kind. I began to think he didn't bet on that because he was reluctant for me to undress before his friends.

I was unsure of what to remove, but decided to take off my jeans since they were below the table and out of site. Holly removed her jeans as well, which she stood up to do unlike me. A few of the guys whistled as she removed them, drawing laughter from the rest of us. At least she was wearing panties.

I slid my jeans off under the table and placed them on the table. It was very odd sitting there without pants on with my dad there and these people, but I had to admit, it was exciting.

The next hand was a bad one, and I hoped against hope nobody would bet, and to my desires, nobody did. Chris squeaked by winning only with a pair of kings. When everyone began to remove an article of clothing, I was hesitant. Across the table Holly gave me a flirtatious smile as she lifted her shirt over her head, exposing her naked breasts to everyone at the table. The eyes of all the men found her chest immediately, including my father's, and amazingly mine. She had amazing tits, and they were extremely round and attentive.

With all the attention on Holly, I slowly and reluctantly removed my shirt. My father's eyes found me first, and I noticed him looking at the cleavage beneath my black bra. It was the first time my father had seen me without a shirt on since I was a little girl, and the feeling was a bit odd.

Soon I noticed all the men noticing me and everyone seemed to be enjoying it immensely. My father who had won a hand, was comfortably dressed again, but out of articles he had won.

I knew the next hand would be the moment that I was dreading. I wasn't sure if I could actually go through with removing all my clothes in front of these people, and especially my father. When the cards were dealt though, I felt the inevitable coming closer.

My cards this time were good. I was dealt 3 sevens! When it was my turn to bet I quickly bet 2 pieces, putting everything on the line, and when the cards fell, I had won! Holly did not hesitate in removing her panties and becoming the first to be completely naked. Like an experience nudist, she stood as she removed her panties letting everyone see her beautiful naked body.

She really was gorgeous. Her pussy was shaven bare, and she had a beautiful tight round ass. I felt myself looking at her more than the men, whom two were down to boxers now. Holly sat once again, and continued to play. I on the other hand, had all my clothes on once more, as well as a few other articles to use.

As we played a few more rounds, my luck went south once again, but it was easier this time since I had gotten down to my bra.

Eventually Chris and Benny were naked, and bashfully hiding themselves below the table. I asked Willie when the game ends, and he said when one person has all the clothes. Their eyes, as well as my father's found their way to Holly's tits as often as possible. Holly didn't seem to mind, nor did her father. Her eyes were kept on me.

Eventually her father hit a hot streak, and won two hands in a row. My surplus of clothes was gone and I was back in my panties and bra. My nerves tensed once more, I needed to win. However everyone, including my father, seemed eager to see what I hid beneath my undergarments.

The next hand was dealt, it was just me, my father and Willie left playing. I was dealt two queens, and asked for 3 cards. I received two fours, and got excited, however unlike the last time when I had the three of a kind, I didn't offer a bet, but Willie did, and I had to see it. The cards were thrown down. My father had a pair of aces, Willie had three deuces, I lost. My heart sank in my chest, and I knew I was just eliminated. Suddenly all the eyes were on me, but mine stayed on Holly. I nervously unclipped my bra and put it on the table, letting my bare breasts be visible to all.

The whistles came from the guys to my left again, but my eyes turned to my father, who seemed to be looking at me like he never had. His eyes moved from my breasts to meet my eyes, and he smiled. Holly's gaze had a silent but wide smile, and I smiled back almost laughing.

Then when I tried to slide off my panties, Benny and Chris started to boo and chanted for me to stand up as Holly had. Everyone was laughing, and I gave in. I got up from my chair, and this time looked my father in the eyes, as I slowly lowered my panties off. He immediately drew his attention to my neatly trimmed pubic hair, and I even spun to let them see my ass.

I could not believe what I was doing, but I was laughing, so I knew it was all in good fun. There was something else very strange about it though; I was enjoying it. For some reason it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would, and being exposed in front of my dad like that was actually arousing me.

I took a seat, and sat there until my father lost in the next round. Unlike Holly and I, my father did not stand as he removed his boxers, but since I was sitting next to him, I had a view. His cock was large and erect, and I bizarrely found myself hornier than I had ever been.

The game was over, and we were handed our clothes back, but for some really odd reason, I was hesitant to dress. I did nevertheless.

Benny and Chris left shortly after, both thanking me for being such a good sport and telling me I had a very lucky boyfriend. That reminded me of my broken date, and I wondered how Zack would feel if he knew what I had done tonight. I laughed in my head at his probable anger over it, it served him right.

Willie and Holly didn't leave right away. Willie helped my father clean up as Holly and I went up to my room for a few minutes. It was past midnight and I was feeling very sleepy, but at the same time excited.

"I can't believe what you got me into!" I laughed at her.

"Oh, come on, you had fun, admit it!" she giggled.

"Yeah, it was fun, but soWEIRD!" I shouted.

"You have a gorgeous body by the way," she added.

"Oh please, compared to you? How can you say that?" I asked.

I didn't think I had a bad body, I was slim, had pale skin and medium sized B cup breasts. But Holly was tanned, had a larger ass though tight, and knockout tits.

"It's true, you have beautiful boobs girl, and your body is amazing," she said to me.

"Thanks, you too," I smiled as I sat on the bed.

"You know..."Holly said seductively, "I would still like to feel your breasts without the bra, would you let me?"

The question shocked me, and I didn't know how to answer it. I definitely didn't mind, and that's what shocked me most of all. "Uh...sure, sure," I said in a state of surprise. I tried removing my bra beneath my shirt, but found it difficult.

"Just take it off silly," Holly said talking about my shirt.

"Of course," I laughed, and lifted it off my head. With my bra already unclipped, I took it off and tossed it on the floor, leaving myself topless before her. I wasn't sure if I should put the shirt back on now, but before I could think about it, her hands were on my bare breasts. I closed me eyes as she touched me, and let her fingers caress them.

She squeezed them softly in her hands and ran her fingers over my erect nipples. There was no doubt about it now, I was extremely aroused, and confused on what to do. She didn't remove her hands, and I found myself placing my hands on her chest. She removed one of her hands to direct my hand beneath her shirt, and I obeyed.

Putting my hands on her bare tits was amazing, and I felt her rock hard nipples with my fingertips. My head was drawn back, and I opened my eyes. She was closer to me now, and looking at me with the most seductive smile, and then before I knew it, she kissed me.

Our lips met once, then again, and I felt her mouth open. I let her tongue in where it met mine and we embraced. It was unlike any kiss I had ever experienced, and I didn't want it to stop. She broke it momentarily to remove her shirt, and our lips found one another again.

As I leaned back on the bed, she laid on top of me. I felt her tits against mine as she ran her fingers through my hair. Her other hand had crept between my legs and began to unbutton my jeans. I didn't care.

Just then we heard a shout from below, "HOLLY!!" her father was shouting.

We broke our kiss, and she yelled, "YEAH?"

"IT'S TIME TO GO HUN!" he replied, apparently at the foot of the stairs.

Never had five words disappointed me more, more so in fact than Zack canceling on me earlier. I had never kissed a girl in my life, never had an interest to, but tonight I would have let Holly have me. It was that amazing.

We threw our clothes back on, I didn't bother to put my bra on however before we went downstairs again. In my haste I didn't realize that our lipstick was smeared, and it became obvious to my dad and Willie. Willie had a sly grin, also taking notice of my nipples through my t-shirt and my father seemed to be intrigued as well.

After saying goodbye, my father looked at me and smiled. "I'm proud of you Jess, you didn't have to go through that tonight," he said with his comforting smile.

"I know," I said, "I don't think I would have normally done that, but I guess I just went with it."

"Well, I'm glad you did," he smiled.

"I am too," I said.

We didn't speak much about it after that, and I told my dad I was going to take a shower before going to bed. In the shower I had so many thoughts invading my mind. I thought of Holly, and how we kissed.How far would it have gone? I asked myself, and did my dad know what had happened? Then I thought of the game, and how I had let me father see me naked, and how it aroused me. It was all so shocking, and I felt like a completely different person than I had just a few short hours ago.

I began touching myself in the shower, and thought of how my father looked at me, how Holly looked at me. How we kissed. Then I thought of something I had never imagined in my life. I thought of kissing my dad, and how that would feel. And amazingly it aroused me even more!What was happening to me??

After washing myself, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. Leaving the bathroom, I walked down the hall to my room where I saw my dad in the corner of my eye. His bedroom door was open and he was lying in bed. The blankets covered half his body, and his bare chest faced the ceiling. His eyes were closed although the TV was on, and I could see his right arm tucked beneath the covers. He appeared to be masturbating.

I thought of running to my room quickly, but felt myself nailed to the spot watching him. I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about. Was it me? Was it Holly? Was it the thought of Holly and me together?

As I stood there I found my hand between my legs once again, and I began to touch myself as I watched him. As he went on, I continued to finger myself in the doorway, amazing myself with my bravery.

And then suddenly I lost my balance and banged against his door a bit. I wanted to kill myself, the usual klutz. My father's eyes opened immediately and he noticed me by the door, his arm stopped stroking.

"Oh hi honey, going to bed?" he said, trying to act as if everything was normal.

"Yeah, I'm tired," I said, even though I found myself wanting to stay there.

"Well goodnight sweetie, see you in the morning," he said, seeming eager to continue his fantasy. But I felt compelled to know what it was, and I remained there.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Yes honey?"

I walked slowly into the room, still draped in the towel, my hair still wet. I knew normally I would never have had the guts to approach my father this indecent, not that he hadn't seen me in a towel before, but after tonight, it suited me fine.

"Do you think Holly has a better body than me?" I found myself asking him.

"Oh no love, you have a beautiful body. I was really impressed. Any man would be extremely lucky to have you," he said in his fatherly manner.

"But Holly was just so beautiful, wasn't she?" I asked him.

"Holly is a beautiful girl, she is, but she doesn't compare, to my angel," he said.

"Would you make love to her if you could?" I asked him without stopping the words from spilling out of my mouth.

My father seemed a bit surprised by the question, and answered, "Well that's something different honey, Holly's my friend's..."

"I know what she is Dad, but would you? You can be honest, I won't get upset," I said.

"Well, it's hard to answer honey."

"Forget about Willie, just think of her, you can't tell me you wouldn't," I said.

"No, I couldn't," he admitted.

"So, you would then, make love to her," I said.

"Yes, I guess I would," he said unsure of where I was going. And truthfully, I didn't know where I was going either.

"But you told me she doesn't compare to me," I said.

"She doesn't, you run circles around her," he said.

"Then would you make love to me?" I asked him, shocking myself in the process.

"Jessica, how could you ask me something like that?"

"Would you Daddy? Would you make love to me?" I asked again, "You said I was beautiful." My father didn't answer, he was at a loss for words.

Then a sudden crazy boldness got a hold of me, and I went with it. I loosened my towel and dropped it at my feet, standing completely naked in front of him. "Would you make love to me Daddy?"

My father's eyes gazed at my body for a good half-minute before responding. Whether he was choosing his words, or just admiring my body, I wasn't sure.

"Yes sweetie, I would make love to you," he said.

The answer shocked me and sent bullets of electricity throughout me. The thought of hearing my father admit he'd take me was enough to put me over the edge, and I think at that moment I lost all grip on reality. I approached my dad by the bed.

"Will you touch me Daddy?" I asked him.

"Honey, I don't know if you really want me to," he said.

"Please dad, please, I want you to, I really want you to," I said, not knowing what was going on in my mind. I was aware he was my father, and until this night I had no sexual attraction to him whatsoever, but whatever Holly did to me was like a drug, and now I needed to get off. I needed someone, toget me off.

My dad didn't answer and was hesitant to lay his hands on his only daughter. I didn't wait, and acted as Holly had done with me, I took his hands and placed them on my breasts.

He didn't pull back, but instead felt them, caressed them. I leaned closer to him and told him to kiss them. He obeyed this time, and began kissing my breasts, sucking on my nipples.

The sensation was incredible, and knowing it was my father was sending shivers throughout me. I leaned over further and met his lips with mine, and shortly after our tongues found one another. As we made out I climbed onto the bed, and squatted over him.

With the blankets drawn back I saw his mighty cock, standing proudly at attention.

"Take me Daddy, please!" I yelled at him with impatience.

"Are you sure honey?" he said.

"I've never been so sure in my life, fuck me Daddy, fuck me now!"

He didn't ask again, and slowly inserted his cock into my folds, as I lowered myself upon him. As his cock sunk deeper and deeper within me, I felt an incredible rush of energy overcome me, and I began kissing him once again.

His hands found my tits once more, as he began to bounce me up and down on his shaft.

"Ohhhh, YES, YESSSS!" I screamed, "FUCK ME!! FUCK ME HARD DADDY!!"

My father began to moan as he took me with increasing speed, fucking me harder and harder with each stroke.

"FUCK ME!! FUCK ME!! FUCK ME!!!" I bellowed with all my lung's capacity.

Although I felt as if I was in some sort of surreal fantasy, I knew with solid definition that it was incredibly real, I was actually having sex with my father, and it was amazing.

"URGGGGG!! FUCK ME DADDY!!!" I moaned louder, bending down to kiss him deeply and passionately.

My father sat up as he impaled me further and buried his head in my tits, sucking them and licking them. I felt myself coming over an edge, and let myself go.

My nails dug into his back as I came, screaming uncontrollably as I did. I felt his cock pulsating within me, shooting ropes of his cum within me. He continued to pound my pussy until he has nothing left, and I collapsed on top of him, utterly exhausted.

We kissed once more, entwining our tongues for what seemed like forever, and then we finally lay with each other, naked and twisted, and fell asleep.

In the morning, I awoke with a tremendous headache. I looked around the room and for a moment or two could not remember a thing. As my eyes opened I noticed the ceiling fan that hung above my father's bed, and I didn't understand where I was. I turned on my side and saw my father lying beside me, his bare back faced me as he slept, and it suddenly all came rushing back, and I shot up like a rake in the grass.

Hadn't it been a dream? A crazy, intense dream? I couldn't remember much of the previous night, but I did have a recollection of having some wild and extremely bizarre infatuation with my father. I was still pretty sure I had dreamt it, although whateverit was, I could not remember fully.

I pulled the sheets off my chest, and saw my breasts in the morning light.Oh shit! I thought in shock, and lifted the sheets more exposing the rest of my nakedness, as well as my father's.This had to be a dream, it HAD to be! But I wasn't asleep, and I knew it. This wasvery real.

Completely beside myself with the realization of what I let myself do, I sat there for a few minutes.Surely my father wouldn't have, I thought. But the only memory I had clearly of the previous night was playing cards, and remembering the alcohol, and how drunk I was, how drunkhe was.