The Great Recession Ch. 01


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She sat back against the couch letting her fingers wander through the short curls of my brown hair. I swallowed hard as the truth of my wicked actions of late was tossed right back at me. The defiant look on her lips was playful though, not annoyed in the least. "It... it was an accident. I swear."

"Mmm hmmm, accidents sure do happen often then," her smile was beaming at me.

"I'm... I'm sorry," I lowered my head feeling completely horrible. I was worse than horrible; I was pathetic. My poor heartbroken sister, and I had taken advantage of her for a cheap thrill. "It was so wrong. I should never have..." I started whispering, but she suddenly placed her finger over my lips, stopping my words immediately as she leaned in close to me once more.

"Think about it Jerry. I'm the one asking to sleep next to you, and I'm very well aware of the risks your sweet caressing hands pose with that decision. Trust me, there's absolutely no need to be sorry," she leaned back once more winking at me as Lizzie turned toward us and began speaking so we could hear her.

"So it's settled then. Tessa and Charity will share the master bedroom and I'll move into the smaller one that Becky is leaving. You guys have figured out your arrangements for your room, right?"

I couldn't speak, my lips still in utter shock as I was assimilating what Becky had said. Did she really mean what I thought she said? Becky bounced forward on the couch nodding her head enthusiastically. "Yeah Lizzie," she wrapped her arm through my elbow like she did quite frequently which got a confused look from Tessa and looked directly into my eyes. "I think we've talked about everything that needs to be touched on for now. The rest can be worked out as we go along."

Lizzie was watching me closely, but I must have been in a complete daze; so much so that Becky had to elbow me to get my attention. "And you're okay with this arrangement too Jerry?" Lizzie asked me directly as if giving me the perfect moment to back out if I ever so desired.

A slow foolish grin spread across my lips. "Oh yeah, I'm definitely good with it."


Becky and I lowered the bed down and then she grabbed some things from the closet, excusing herself for a moment to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Just moments after she disappeared, Lizzie popped her head into the doorway. "Jerry, mind if I talk with you for a moment?"

"Sure sis," I stopped halfway through taking my shirt off and pulled it back down into place. "What's up?"

She walked quickly up to me and threw her arms around me in a big hug, sending erotic tingling sensations through my body as her breasts once more squished against me. "I think it's so wonderful how you've been an absolute darling with Becky. Her emotional recovery really has been quick these past couple of months and it's all thanks to you. I just know it is."

I smiled at her and shrugged. "Just doing what any good brother would do I guess?" My conscious was eating at me with every word I spoke. No 'good' brother would have ever tried to feel his sister up after all; then again, she did seem to like it if I hadn't misunderstood her entirely.

"Nah," she shook her head. "It takes a very special brother to do all that you do for her. She's so lucky to have you; we all are really." I hugged her again and thanked her. "I am a little worried about one small thing though," she continued while we were in mid-embrace. "I mean, I haven't had that many relationships to know for sure, but I think when a woman recovers from such a nasty breakup so quickly like Becky has, it's usually because she's rebounding isn't it?"

I slowly pushed Lizzie away, looking curiously at her. "What do you mean exactly?"

"Maybe it's just nothing really," she shrugged, looking away from me down at the floor. "But, the way Becky looks and acts around you, sometimes I can't help but think she might be rebounding onto you a bit."

"You mean like, you think she might be falling in love with me kind of a rebound?" I ran my fingers through my hair nervously trying to wrap my mind around what she was saying. The pieces did kind of fall into place as she said, but I was her brother. Becky couldn't possibly be thinking that way about me, right? Then again, my thoughts about her in particular, or Lizzie, or any of my sisters for that matter, weren't exactly the model of brotherly love either as I was reminded by my eyes gravitating slowly down to Lizzie's bust. I could just make out the contours of her bra through her shirt.

"Maybe," Lizzie shrugged again. "I'm not saying you should change how you act around her at all. She needs you right now more than ever and whatever it is, it's definitely working for her." She smiled at me once more and hugged me a last time. "All I'm saying is just to be very careful with her. You never know if your actions might be holding a lot more weight in her heart than you may realize. A wrong move from you would totally crush her right now." I nodded and promised her I would definitely be careful and Lizzie left after saying our good night's and love yous.

I took my shirt off and quickly changed out of my pants into the only pair of pajama pants that I owned. Usually I slept in just boxers, but I figured that was definitely going to have to change if I was sharing my bed with my sister. I also couldn't get Lizzie's words out of my mind. Could she be right? Was I really becoming a rebound for Becky?

Moments later Becky returned wearing one of my t-shirts that went down to her mid-thigh carrying her changed clothes in her hands. Her hair was pulled up in a bun on top of her head with an adorable blond strand falling on either side of her face. I couldn't help but just look at her; soft smooth white legs flowing out of the shirt showing a sexy amount of thigh, blue eyes enhanced even more by her now visible sensual neck, soft red lips pursed in an adorable smile. Was she falling in love with me as Lizzie had said? Or was it really the other way around? My heart was racing just watching her.

"Ready for bed roommate?" she asked closing the door behind her and setting her clothes in the hamper. I shook off my thoughts and nodded to her. To be quite honest, she looked like she was positively glowing as she bounced across the room and pulled the covers down on the side of the bed she had claimed.

"Definitely, I'm exhausted," I shut out the lights once she was comfortable and got under the covers as well. Laying on my back I stared up into the dark ceiling too nervous to move. Lizzie had made me nervous; just the thought of me possibly hurting my favorite sister was too much to bear. If I slept on my side toward her, maybe she'd think I was getting too close in a personal way and it would be weird, buy the other side would be turning my back on her, which she might not like. So I stayed put, frozen in place on my back and staring up at the ceiling, unsure what to do. "Good night, Becky."

She turned on her side away from me and settled into her pillow. "Good night Jerry." A few moments passed as I continued contemplating what Lizzie had said, analyzed what Becky had said earlier looking to see if there was any truth in Lizzie's words there, and even started reflecting on my own feelings toward my sister. I had always known I was highly attracted to Becky much like I was to Lizzie, and yes, as of late, that attraction had become even stronger than ever before. But, had those non-brotherly feelings started growing completely out of control for me though? Could it be that Becky had started to feel something like that too? I was deep in thought still staring at the ceiling when I felt Becky turn over next to me.

"Well teddy bear," she whispered scooting her body right up next to mine, situating herself so that my arm wrapped around her as she snuggled into my shoulder. "If you're not going to hug me then I'll just have to be the one to make the first move." She laid her leg over mine and put her arm across my chest, laying her head right against my shoulder.

Her sweet feminine smell was intoxicating; the sensation of her delicate body completely against mine instantly lit me on fire. "Mmmm," she moaned in my ear. "I will definitely sleep well tonight." Her fingers caressed along my neck and upper chest. I told her I was glad and it was definitely nice to have her there with me as well. Inwardly I was reminding myself to behave over and again like a mantra in my head. For several moments she didn't say a word, my only indication that she hadn't fallen asleep yet were her caressing fingers. "Jerry?" her voice had an extra bit of sweetness to it. "Can I ask you a... a personal question?"

"Of course princess." I turned my head toward her in the darkness and felt our noses touch.

"I like it when you call me that," she giggled. Her lips were less than an inch from mine and I had this deep urge within me to lean forward and kiss her. It was an urge that I very nearly gave into as I fought it with every ounce of my inner strength. In the end I had to turn my head away once more to hold back temptation.

"Do you think I'm pretty? Like, I mean an honest answer, Jerry. Not the brotherly you-have-to-say-yes-because-you-have-to answer, but..." she paused like she was frustrated; as if the words weren't coming out as they were supposed to. Turning a little further over in the bed so that she was laying more on top of my side then against it, she continued.

"Like... just pretend, ok? Say you saw me in a bar, and I wasn't your sister or anything, just some girl sitting there all by herself," she laid her head down on my chest. "Do you think I'm pretty enough that you'd buy me a drink so you could come flirt with me?"

I was so glad the lights were out so she couldn't see just how turned on I was at that precise moment. I was loving the feel of her breasts pressing hard against the thin material of her shirt and my bare chest. She wasn't wearing a bra now and I could actually feel the outline of her nipple through the material against my skin. Add to that the fact that she wanted to know if I'd try to hit on her in a bar? My head was swimming and my manhood throbbing hard in my pajama pants. If she just brushed it with her hand I was sure I would explode immediately.

"You want the real truth huh?" my voice squeaked a little which made her giggle again. I could feel the vibrations of it through my entire body.

"Yep," her chin rubbed back and forth on my chest as she nodded her head. "Just pretend you weren't my brother. Would a girl like me ever truly get your attention?"

"Well..." I exaggerated my sigh just to mess with her a little. It also worked to buy me some time before admitting blatantly to her one of the deepest secrets that I had held for years, though I was trying to come up with a good way to sugarcoat it so it wouldn't sound so awkward.

"The honest truth huh?" I turned my head toward her once more. "Well, of course assuming you weren't my sister like you say," I had to qualify the statement at least once more for fear that she would hear the truth in my voice. "I probably wouldn't buy you just ONE drink."

"Oh?" curiosity swam through her voice.

"More like, I'd totally work on getting you so plastered that I could definitely get your phone number and hopefully convince you to come home with me that very night so I could screw your brains out."

She burst into a fit of giggles. "Oh my god, Jerry! You're so bad," she finally made out as she nuzzled my chest. "Even with my small boobs you'd still try all that, huh? I don't believe you. Guys only go for the big-chested girls like Tessa. I bet you wouldn't even notice me in a bar."

Though the conversation was a bit awkward at first, I was still glad we were having it as my initial nerves were melting away. It was also a reminder of the semi-flirtatious conversations we used to have back in high school; the ones that had got me hooked on her to begin with.

"What are you talking about? Blondes are my absolute favorite... and besides, small boobs are the best. The nipples are usually sensitive as hell, and they're the easiest to see when I peek down my date's shirt when she's not looking." As if to mock my own words, I grabbed the neckline of her shirt with a single finger and pretended to see something in the darkness as she swatted my hand away teasingly.

"You're too funny Jerry," she was laughing until she stretched out her arm and wrapped it around my neck. "At least you like them; Chris only ever complained about how small they were." She pulled herself forward and pecked my cheek before laying her head back down. "I'll definitely have to keep that peeking thing in mind next time I wear a low-cut shirt around you though."

We both laid there quietly enjoying the feeling of our closeness in our own ways. Of course my thoughts weren't nearly as chaste as I imagined hers to be. Mine included turning her on her back and raising that shirt up over her head while my lips and tongue devoured those delicious nipples we had just been talking about, but of course I forced myself to behave and not move. "Good night, Becky," I finally got up the nerve to lay my hand on her side and squeezed her to me as a hug. "Love you, sis."

"Night Jerry. I love you too." Moments later I felt her fingers trembling as she softly touched my hand, grabbing my fingers and slowly sliding me up along the curves of her body. I didn't put up even the first resistance, stunned as I was, until my palm completely cupped her breast over her shirt. Immediately she inhaled as I could feel that her nipple was very erect and remarkably long as it pushed straight into my palm. My head spun as I tried not to move an inch and make her second guess; the impact of that real erotic feeling, and the possible meanings behind her actions, nearly drove me over the edge at that very moment. It was so much more real than any fantasy had ever been.

"By the way," she whispered yawning lazily as she snuggled into my shoulder a little more, "same situation with you buying me a drink at the bar? I'd definitely go home with you. Wouldn't even need to be drunk either."

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Bigdon_52Bigdon_52almost 2 years ago

More, please. I love it.

atheist_liberalatheist_liberalover 8 years ago
A Decent Start

Honestly though, it would be far more preferable to take the incest romance slow and steady. I hope Jerry gets some character development and stops being a fucking creep.

Also, does anyone in this household even have a real job? I don't know what the fuck Lizzie has been doing after the parents died, because apparently she is just living off of the dividends. Becky was too stupid and weak to stand up to her ex-husband and have a professional career like a woman in the goddamn 21st century. The twins are both art majors, without considering art degrees are the biggest scams of all. Finally, only Jerry had a real job, but even then it is in a static industry. Why the hell can't these people be sensible and go into the STEM fields?


Kookaburra8Kookaburra8over 8 years ago
Great story

What a great storyline so far. Can't wait to read the next chapter. 5 stars without a doubt..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I loved this story

Good story and and the sex was so hot and them falling in love makes it even more sexy looking for part 4 thanks

sasha1213sasha1213almost 10 years ago
Oh, so sweet.

Good stuff, good stuff indeed.

watcher221watcher221almost 10 years ago
I love the story, well done. going to chapter 2 now can't wait

love the story, well done. Going now to chapter 2, I cant wait

SouthPacificSouthPacificalmost 10 years ago
To Anonymous "kind of dumb"

In theory, of course the Court could force the husband to pay maintenance. However, that would normally come only after a divorce is finalised, and only if he can be found in the first place! He's emptied the bank accounts, taken what he wants from the house, and done a runner with his girlfriend. What makes you think anyone in the legal system will look for him, let alone find him?

Apart from own thoughts (writing this before I read the other chapters) are that this has the makings of a wonderful story - bring it on!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great Story!

Great story, great build-up and some great characters. Jerry and Becky are excelent, and Lizzie is good too, if underdevelopped. I wish you focused this chapter solely on Becky and Lizzie, specially Lizzie in the beginning.

Tessa is rememberable and all, but I can't even remember the name of the other sister. I feel like you should have waited more to introduce them, and do it sowly. But al in all, great story.

YamiBoyYamiBoyabout 10 years ago

Great story and build up. Thanks a lot for your effort and keep up the good work. ^__^

vstarmpvstarmpabout 10 years ago
Great Story!

I personally like the slow burn buildup and the potential that is there. You have a nice mix of seemingly sweet and caring to bitchy spoiled diva characters.

As previously stated, write YOUR story not what you think readers want. Don't pay mind to those who criticize how you layout your story or the background.

If they don't want to put a name with their comment then they are just cowards who like to throw stones. I would call them shadow lurkers and that is being kind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
kind of dumb

if Beckys Husband left as you said the courts would force her husband to support her in the lifestyle she was used to since he wouldn't allow her to work. if you had properly written this they wouldn't have any money troubles.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
take your time

there is no need to rush. emotions and relationships that last, take time to build.

you told us how you wanted us to be patient, I, for one, am willing to let you take us where you want us to go, and at your pace.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Start of great series

Keep it coming you are doing great I hope it's a long story with lots of twists and sex and sexual innuendo .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Loved it....can't wait for more

Its the starting of a great series n I absolutly loved it

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