The House on Moore Street


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Oblivious, as usual, to the impression she made on the teens, at that moment Susan was equally unaware of the effect she and her cousin were having on them.

"Oh by the way, this is my cousin, Evie Byrne," Susan added after another pregnant pause.

"Hi," Evie said simply as she smiled at the boys.

Paul and Peter looked to acknowledge Evie, but all they could manage was to lift their hands in a wave as their mouths opened and closed like a couple fish out of water.

Evie was disappointed; the boys were just that...boys. She was hoping for someone a little older, or perhaps just a little more mature acting. In spite of at first being mildly annoyed with the way the boys looked at her, she quickly decided the stroll over had been worth it after all. The manner in which the teens looked from Susan to her and back again, the stunned look they wore on their faces, the way they stood nervously, semi-frozen in place one second, and shifting about the next with their jaws hanging down amused her, and it was all she could do to keep from laughing out loud. What tickled Evie even more was Susan's apparent ignorance of her effect on the boys. It was obvious they had a major crush on her cousin.

Having not gotten an answer to her offer to let them use the pool the next day, Susan asked again.

"Sur...sure...tha...thank you Miss...uh Richards...that'd great," Peter managed to stammer out after yet another awkward silence.

Giving the boys a broad smile Susan said before closing the gate, "Good, then see you guys tomorrow. Maybe we'll fix lunch or something for you too."

While Susan was pushing the gate closed, Evie turned her rear end to the boys while looking back at them over her left shoulder. The gate was still open enough for her to see when both boys' eyes went to her ass, and for them to see when she exaggeratedly twitched her derrière from one side to the other. Once the closing gate cut off the boys' view, she faced forward smiling to herself.

Paul and Peter stood in place staring at Evie's ass, as the star of so many of their fantasies pushed the gate closed. They stood staring dumbly at the closed gate for several long seconds before looking to each other, breaking out in wide grins. While playfully pushing and slapping at each other, they walked the half block home, talking about Susan and...what was the other girl's name...Evie? They chattered on excitedly about the women's swimsuits, and how hot they looked, and how pretty they were, and what they would do with them if given a chance, and how hot Evie's ass looked, and wow did you see when she moved it from side to side, and on and on. Yet strangely, given their idolization of Susan, and now maybe Evie too, the thought of sneaking around and peeking through or over the fence never occurred to them.

After they'd each gotten another bottle of beer from the patio refrigerator, the two women sat back down poolside in the lounge chairs. As she lay back, Evie begin to giggle.

"What?" Susan asked.

""You don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

"Those two boys have got a big crush on you."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous."

"Ridiculous!? Have you ever looked at them, seen the way they look at you, seen the way they act?"

Susan thought a moment then said, dismissing what Evie had suggested with a wave of her hand, "Oh they're always nervous, and sometimes they stutter and stammer like that too." Like a confidence, she spoke softly adding, "I think they might have a speech problem."

Evie laughed again and replied with some sarcasm, "Yeah, they got a speech problem alright."

"Evie! They're just boys and no, they don't have a crush on me," Susan said firmly.

"Okay, okay. Don't believe me," adding after several ticks of the clock, "But they do."

Susan ignored the comment.

About a minute later Evie burst out laughing again and asked, "You see the way they were looking at us?"

Exasperatedly Susan replied, "Yeah."

"Can you imagine the look on their faces if we'd been in the pool when they came by, and then went to the gate?" Evie was chuckling at the thought.

Susan knew what Evie meant. If they'd been in the pool, the suits would have been wet and see-through. At first, she was appalled at the thought, and although she'd never actually do it, had to admit it would certainly have given the boys an eyeful.

Things quieted down around the pool for a while. Relaxing, Susan and Evie lay back in their lounge chairs enjoying the sun, and the peace and quiet. They lay sunning themselves, chit chatting, and having a few beers until late afternoon. While still horny, both women had calmed down quite a bit since they'd come downstairs after shaving Susan. Time and their conversation about the McKenzie boys had eased their need to cum, and since their desire was less demanding, each decided they could take care of that later. At midday, for a light lunch, Susan prepared a salad, and around two, they took a short dip in the pool.

As expected, their bikinis became transparent, and they stole furtive glances at one another. While Susan wasn't blatant about admiring her cousin's body, Evie was much bolder about looking than the older woman.

Susan on the other hand felt she had to be careful stealing glances at Evie. She was confused about the feelings she was experiencing, taken aback at the unexpected desire she felt for her cousin. Yet that Presence, that Voice in her head, was encouraging her, telling her to go for it, to admire Evie, to desire her, to make love to the girl, and it was becoming harder to resist. Susan just didn't understand these new feelings and urges at all.

Around four-thirty, they went up to their respective rooms and bathed.

As she wanted to get something on for dinner, Evie hopped in and took a thorough but quick shower, throwing on a loose pair of shorts and an oversized tank top afterwards.

In her shower, Susan was wrapped in a feeling of warmth, serenity, and security. It was more as if she were being made love to than bathing. When she first stepped into the shower, she washed, rinsed, and conditioned her hair, then began to soap her body. It was at that point it felt to Susan as if someone had joined her in the shower, and from behind had taken her into their arms. It was as if her hands belonged to that someone else, and they were sensually touching her, lovingly caressing her, and tenderly washing her. This afternoon she was particularly sensitive, and could feel each rivulet of water running down her body, and it caused her skin to tingle. If that weren't enough, although the water was comfortably hot she had goose bumps everywhere, making her skin even more sensitive to the touch.

After washing her face, neck, and arms, her soapy hands ran over and around her breasts. Under her own caress, she felt her nipples harden and begin to pulse and throb. Her hands ran over her flat belly to the edge of where her pubic hair had ended before it had been shaved away. Her soft, caressing touch on this newly bare area caused a wave of desire to pass through her groin and she felt her pussy contract, felt her clit throb softly letting her know it was still awake. Bending over she soaped first one, then the other leg, letting her hands slide slowly, smoothly, sensually over the limbs as she washed them. As her soapy hands moved over the soft, supple flesh of her thighs, as she soaped and caressed them, her touch caused her sex to pulsate even more.

More than a little aware of her arousal, when she stood Susan took in a deep breath, held it, parted her legs, and began to wash her pussy. Her hand cupped her bald sex and washed the prominent bulge of her outer lips, and then allowed her soapy fingers to delve inside, parting her now very sensitive inner lips, sliding over and between them as she cleaned herself. Even though her pussy and clit were screaming for attention, demanding not cleansing but instead sexual release, Susan felt that somehow she didn't want to cum...not yet anyway. She told herself she wanted to save that for later tonight while she lay in bed, but that Voice in her head was back whispering other, even more erotic things to her. While washing her pussy, and especially while cleaning around her clit, she took care to move her fingers lightly over the area. Even rinsing her pussy with the hand held shower head caused her consternation, the spray beating against her sensitive flesh. Washing her pussy didn't take as long as Susan, because of her arousal, thought it had and when she was done, she released the breath she'd held onto from between pursed lips.

Reaching around her hip, she ran a soapy hand over and between the cheeks of her ass. Her hand moved from the bottom up, and when her fingers passed over her asshole she felt it contract, her clit throbbing as part of the reaction to her own touch. She cleaned her ass thoroughly, captivated by how the feeling of washing her butt caused her clit and nipples to throb and tingle. When the tips of her fingers passed over the rose of her asshole once more, her body shivered. This surprised and astounded her; Susan had never before felt as strong a desire to be penetrated there as she did at that moment.

Seconds later Susan's body shuddered again when her fingertips passed first over her asshole, then touched the edge of her pussy. The intimate touch caused her breath to catch, and her pussy begged the fingers to enter her from behind, but she fought the urge, knowing she'd not stop if she started. Besides, there was that persistent Voice in her head telling her, compelling her, to wait.

Taking her bath brush down from its hanger Susan soaped and scrubbed her back. Her skin already alive, sensitive, and covered in goose bumps, she could feel each individual quill of the brushes scrubbing bristles as they moved over her sensitive flesh.

When she was done with the brush, Susan stood and rinsed herself. With utter deference to her arousal, she carefully repeated the entire process of bathing, using a washcloth this time, then rinsed the soap from her body once more.

Susan's head was swimming and she was confused. Confused and extremely aroused would be a more accurate description of her state. Never in her life had she been as turned on as she was at that moment. Never had her body been so sensitive, so attuned to...well...everything, as it was right then. It seemed she could feel each droplet of water as it ran down her body. Her nipples were hard and areolas crinkled. Both were so sensitive that just from the motion of turning, she could feel tiny currents of cool air pass over them, not to mention how they tingled and throbbed too. Inside she felt butterflies, and her belly quivered as her pussy tingled and her clit throbbed with a pulse of its own. Her anus was calling for attention too, clenching and itching, not necessarily calling for penetration, but rather for just some sort of touch. Even her lips tingled, calling for the feel of other lips to be pressed against them, to kiss them. Just in case she missed any of these feelings, as if she could, the Voice in her head punctuated each sensation, fanning the flames of her desire.

Part of Susan's confusion came from the dichotomy of the argument going on in her head. The Presence, on one hand was making her oh so aware of her arousal, while at the same time telling her she needed to wait before she could find release. Not understanding, Susan nevertheless did as the Presence commanded...waiting, not knowing for what, or why.

It was like there was a devil and an angel present, one sitting on each shoulder. Her desire was the devil, trying to convince her to take care of her carnal! The angel was the Voice in her head, the Presence urging her to wait, reminding her she needed to get downstairs and help Evie in the kitchen with dinner as she'd promised. The Presence swore her needs would be taken care of in due time, that she wouldn't regret waiting just a little while longer.

Susan sighed, finished rinsing then turned off the showerhead, and the water flow from the spigot increased. The water splashing in the tub was almost like the song of the Sirens to her ears and caused her pussy to tingle and throb anew. The devil whispered in her ear again, "You DO have time," just as the angel insisted in the other she didn't. Despite the desire to do as she'd done on more than one occasion before, Susan fought the urge to lay her pussy under the cascading water flow to get off, instead listening to the Voice as she reached for a towel. Even drying provoked her arousal, the nap of the thick, soft, fluffy towel felt as if it was caressing her body with thousands of tiny fingers as it ran over her.

After drying off she brushed her hair, pulled on a pair of panties, slipped on a long baggy tee shirt then stepped into her slippers. Looking into the mirror Susan saw her face was flush, showing her arousal, but thought if necessary, she could pass her color off as being from her hot shower.

In her ear the Presence whispered, "It'll be fine; let Evie see your arousal."

Sighing once more, Susan turned away from the mirror and went downstairs.

Pushing open the swinging door of the kitchen, she stepped through and saw Evie standing at the counter. One strap of the tank top she was wearing was hanging down over the side of her shoulder. The top was big, hung loosely on her and Susan could plainly see the tiny swell of Evie's right breast and its pierced nipple through the armhole. She stared for a brief second or two...or three, as the Voice asked, "Enticing, isn't she?" Susan closed her eyes, swallowed, and then asked, "What can I do to help?"

"You can make a salad while I finish up these steaks," Evie replied cheerfully as she rubbed the beef with some sort of spice concoction she'd made up.

Susan set about doing her chore, and about the time she finished Evie asked, "How do you like your steak done?"

"Medium well."

Evie nodded, then carrying a tray with the steaks stepped through the door going out to the patio kitchen. Susan watched from inside as Evie opened a grill top then held her hand over the grill for about five seconds. The younger woman nodded to herself, then threw the two steaks onto the grill and closed the top. After taking two beers from the refrigerator, she came back into the house and handed one to Susan saying, "Let's set the table, it won't be long."

The Voice in Susan's head agreed, "No, it won't be long now."

During their meal, the women chatted away, comfortable in the new closeness they'd developed that day. Without staring, Susan took in every movement, every mannerism of Evie's. Again, she took notice of how beautiful, well versed, and unassuming the girl was. Although until just that week she hadn't seen or heard from Evie for twelve years, and in spite of there being nearly nine years of age between them, Susan found talking to Evie was like talking to someone she'd known for years, a good friend, a true confidant. When their meal was done they cleared the table, and loaded the dishwasher. Then each took another beer and went into the parlor, sat, and talked some more.

Taking a seat on the sofa, Susan curled her legs under herself, took a pull from her beer, then set the bottle on the Italian marble-topped table beside her. Evie sat across from Susan in the Victorian ladies chair. Using an old-fashioned silver plated coaster, she placed her beer on the antique table next to her. Having during the day consumed a little less than three six packs between them, neither woman was feeling any pain. Obviously far from sober, nor were they falling down drunk or incapable of controlling themselves.

They moved from one topic to another until Evie eventually turned the conversation to more intimate subjects asking, "So tell me, do you have a boyfriend?"

Susan smiled wistfully and answered, "No, no one really. Hmmm...well there is one guy I do see semi-regularly, really the only man I've been out with in months. I do think he's kind of special."

"What's his name? What's he like?" asked Evie after a swallow of beer, picking up on something in the way her cousin answered.

"Tom, Tom Morris," Susan replied. Being unusually frank about her personal life, she confided in Evie.

Tom was one of the few men she'd done business with that hadn't at one time or another tried to get into her pants. Susan seldom dated men she did business with, but it wasn't unheard of either, after all this was the larger circle she moved in. It wasn't she thought so much of herself and was offended Tom hadn't tried, but more one of curiosity of why he hadn't. While at first she thought he might have been gay, over time as she came to know him better, Susan realized Tom was simply a good and gentle man, who also didn't date many business associates. Not aware of it when they first met, Susan came to learn Tom had a tremendous reputation, both professionally and personally. He was often seen squiring beautiful, mostly 'society' women around town, and was considered a 'good catch' by Palm Groves' high society matrons. Tom was a quiet, sensitive man, old fashioned and polite almost to a fault, well educated, well mannered, and very successful. No one who really knew him would describe Tom as a fuddy-duddy, he was a regular guy who enjoyed having fun as much as the next person, and rather than chasing women, they chased him. One time after they'd been involved for several months, Tom explained to Susan that was one of the things that attracted him to her in the first place, she wasn't impressed with him. Since then they'd fallen into a semi-regular thing, someone to talk with, maybe have dinner with, maybe a night out clubbing, maybe a movie before occasionally falling into bed together. By no means did either of them consider theirs a serious relationship, each was free to date others without it harming their friendship or coming between them in the slightest. They just seen each other as friends, someone they could be themselves with and not have to be on guard, someone they could rely on when they had a problem, or when they were lonely, or simply someone they could talk with and not be judged on each word they used.

"Oh, you're friends with benefits," Evie commented after Susan finished.

"What's that?"

"Friends with benefits?"

Susan nodded after she'd taken another swallow of beer.

Evie smiled and explained, "That's two friends who have fun together, like you and Tom do when you go to the movies and stuff, but who also get together and fuck. It's just for the sex, no commitments, just sex."

Embarrassed by her cousin's frankness, Susan still had to admit that's exactly what she and Tom were...friends with benefits. To get the conversation off her she asked, "What about you, any boyfriends?"

"Sure, I was seeing two guys back at school, but neither seriously. Just couldn't find middle ground with either of them. Don was too serious, too rigid. I guess that was because he had goals and reaching them always came first with him. Keith on the other hand was too immature. It was like going out with a twelve year old. He took nothing seriously and just went whichever way the wind blew him." After a moment's reminiscence she added, "Got to admit Keith was a good fuck though."

Susan just stared at her cousin with a shocked, drunken look on her face. The look came not from what Evie had said, but from the image it suddenly generated in her head. Accompanying the image of Evie on her knees being fucked from behind by some college kid, was the Voice, giving a running commentary, as if it were reporting a sporting event.

Evie, amused at her cousin's apparent embarrassment added for effect, "He had a big dick," even though she exaggerated holding her index fingers up about eight inches apart.
