The Lost World Ch. 04


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"I see..." Rainer then formed a hypothesis. (That was probably when that old bastard slew the previous Ramiel and when the next Ramiel became an Archangel.) "So what happened after I fell unconscious? How is-"

Cutting Rainer off, Caetorum recounted the events that transpired. "Lauren, Zamarak, and the servant girl are alright. After you fell unconscious, Ramiel immediately left along with her remaining two subordinates. I'm sure you know about the Angel Safe from the history books you've read. That barrier activated leaving the Devotion of Lust, Iris, Katiyana, Nieve, and Risoi the only ones able to stand in Zamarak's manor. Although I do not know how Zamarak and his servant still managed to stay behind, it seems you were able to save them from being killed by Ramiel with a healing spell. Lauren, who had apparently left us during the procession and was ambushed by the angels. She must have been brought here by them for whatever reason."

Rainer nodded, acknowledging Caetorum's words. "Ramiel came here to assassinate one of the four leaders of the numerous soul hunters in the human world. Zamarak was one of them."

"That must be why he proposed an officially sanctioned hunt for human souls."

"Yea... Oh great freaking rapture." Rainer rubbed his tired eyes. This was quite a predicament, even after the actual battle.

"I don't wish to presume your actions, so may I ask what you plan on doing with Zamarak? Whatever your command, I will fulfill it." Caetorum placed a hand on his breast and dipped his head in respect for his liege.

Rainer rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. He had long since stopped trying to force Caetorum to do these sorts of things. Rainer bet he could even order Caetorum to invade Heaven and slay God and Caetorum would still attempt it no matter the odds.

"Well, I obviously don't plan on execution, that's out of the question. Finding another tenth district leader will be too much trouble, can't we just order him to stop dealing with the soul hunters and keep a close eye on him?" Rainer only realized it after he gave the suggestion, but his request was a bit too simplistic.

"Of course. I am sure Zamarak will be grateful that you spared him. The previous lord was very harsh on soul hunters. Although he didn't do anything about the merchants who sold souls, and punished anyone he had found illegally reaping souls."

(Was that old bastard really like that? I figured he'd just go with the flow...) Pondering over the unimportant new information about the presence residing in the Grimoire, Rainer shook out all the tension in his body.

"Anyway, I feel like I should address the matter of the angel invasion. Apparently three other Circles of Sin were also invaded; maybe I should talk with Ifrit..." Rainer began walking next to Caetorum, although the wingless incubus intentionally walked a step behind Rainer.

"Yes, about that..."

"Hm, what?"

"There has been a summons for you."

"Eh, who'd want to summon me?" The only ones who would dare to summon a Ruler of Sin would be another Ruler of Sin. When he thought that, the answer to Rainer's question was narrowed down to six other demons.

"Ennariel, the Governor of Greed, has called for the Iel Summit. This is a call for one thing only..." Caetorum's tone changed to a somber one.

"Um, Caetorum, why do I feel like you're going to say something really normal but in a dramatic tone?"

"Would you like me to?"

"Uh, no thank you." Rainer swiftly shook his head. Sarcastic acting would not suit the calm and serious Caetorum.

"I see. In any case, the only time an Iel Summit, which is the only obligatory meeting all Rulers of Sin must attend, occurs is to discuss war."

Rainer took the news with a relaxed expression. There really was no reason to get all exasperated like he usually did. "Where will this Iel Summit take place?"

"The Circle of Sin of the Ruler of Sin who called for the Summit in the first place. This time, the Gardens of Greed.


"Governor Mammon." A young demon boy with premature wings and horns stood before the most powerful being in the Gardens of Greed. His name is Zelti, Mammon's only personal servant.

"I believe I told you to not interrupt me unless one of the Rulers of Sin has arrived... Has one or more?" Ennariel didn't speak with the anger implied by his words, but rather a parental sternness.

Zelti didn't cower, he simply dipped his head. "Yes, two have arrived, the Emperor of Envy, Leviathan and the Shah of Sloth, Belphegor."

Ennariel cocked his head with a curious expression. "The guy got here rather early. Aren't Sloth demons supposed to be lazy?" Although the Governor of Greed knew that not every demon was or had to be a perfect representation of their home Sin, it was still very strange that the head of Sloth was punctual for a time.

"I overheard him wanting to be early so he could enjoy the luxurious rooms you have prepared for each Ruler of Sin."

Ennariel snorted and went back to the business ledger he was perusing. "Figures. Oh well, have Malia attend to Justinian's needs and Pachizea to Belial. Ah, and bring me a Ghast Tart, I'm in the mood for something sweet and spicy."

"Of course, Governor Mammon."


"Would you like a more suitable set of vestments for the Iel Summit, Rainer-Sae?"

"Uh, no thank you."

"Would you like an energy reviving beverage, Rainer-Sae?"

"Uh, I'm not thirsty."

"Would you like a cushion or a warm blanket, Rainer-Sae?"

"Uh, I'm fine."

"Ah... Would you perhaps want... Um, me?"

"Maybe later."

The succubus who was giving Rainer all this attention recoiled out of shyness from his suggestive words from just now. It was quite strange, seeing the curvaceous beauty of the girl be so contrastingly shy. It was like combining Asmodea's mature body with Zazie's bashful personality. Yes, this was the striking in so many ways Hanazae.

"I hope you do not find me a bother, Rainer-Sae." Hanazae was standing off to Rainer's side as he sat down on an exceptionally comfortable couch. He leaned back and propped up his legs up on another chair. He had offered the chair to Hanazae, but she furiously declined.

"Of course not, why would I?"

"Zamarak offered you to me as thanks and you accepted... But you have yet to make use of my services."

(Ah, so that's why she feels so down.) "Well, it'll be a good few hours before I take the portal to the Gardens of Greed, so can I have some tea?"

"Of course, Rainer-Sae." Hanazae left to get what Rainer asked for, intent on fulfilling his order and bring him the best tea she can make.

Rainer looked around the quaint room. It was filled with very little, only the sparse amenities needed for a daily life in the Land of Lust. As there were no modern appliances like on Earth, it was very interesting to see how medieval the demons lived their lives.

In no way would Rainer have imagined a world of demons like this when he was still living as a human. It was basically one gigantic society where each demon played their part. There were demons harvesting various crops unique to the Land of Lust. There were businesses each catering to a specific service.

There was no electricity, no advanced technology, and no convenient inventions. It was as if science and technology had been completely inverted and replaced with magical conveniences. It was quite cool; Rainer rarely had a dull moment.

Rainer was in this plain room with a strangely comfortable couch for one reason only: to avoid the incessant worries of a certain group of five.


Half an hour earlier...

"RAINER!" Asmodea splayed her arms and glommed onto Rainer, forcing his head between her generous cleavage. It felt quite soft and Rainer had to resist the urge to grope her then and there. Actually, the result may have been quite nice if he did so, but there were others present as well.

"Master..." Apparently someone turned on the waterworks in Aureal's eyes, as she was standing still with statuesque perfection although her eyes were tearing up a tsunami.

"...Lovers." Zazie had a calm face the entire time, even while she pulled out one of her twenty-two cards. She had told everyone Rainer was going to be fine, at least according to the divination of her tarot cards. However, if you looked very closely, you could see a hint of relief in her voice's tone.

Lauren on the other hand, had the most contrasting appearance and expression of the group. The way she looked at Rainer bordered on suspicious.

"Uh, is something wrong, Lauren?" Rainer attempted to dispel the tense atmosphere around the young witch.

Thankfully he succeeded. Lauren shook her head and pulled out a smile. "No, nothing. I'm glad you're alright."

Nerissa popped up out of nowhere and latched onto Rainer from behind, nibbling his ears in a defiant display towards Asmodea. "Darling, you were just so amorous when you woke up. Mmm, how about we have a little repeat session right now?"

Each of Rainer's harem (he himself would never call it that), had a unique reaction.

"Oh dear, I was aiming to be the first to fuck you when you wake." This was Asmodea, she said these words as she traced seductively traced her fingers around his face. "Naughty boy!"

"Master..." Aureal repeated the lone word she said before, but in a much more dramatically melancholic way. She even completed the set by holding her hands together like a wife who had just been cheated on and looking down forlornly.

"...Devil." Zazie pulled out yet another tarot card with closed eyes. Even though her eyes were closed, she instinctively knew what card was drawn and its meaning, and her evaluations were quite harsh.

Lauren on the other hand, was standing back and laughing like there was no tomorrow. Rainer wanted to call out and ask for some help from the only human in the room, but his voice was currently muffled by two extremely large breasts. He doubted he could escape even if he tried prying himself loose with a crowbar.

Around this point, Rainer began drowning out the noise, trying to think of a way to escape. He heard inaudible words coming from Asmodea and Nerissa being flung at each other. It often came to a war of words between the two, but recently it had been rather quiet. Perhaps sensing Rainer's intense discomfort, Aureal came over with a frantic look, attempting to separate the two zealous women. Lauren was sipping a cup of coffee which must had magically appeared out of nowhere because he never saw her leave or anyone enter the room, not that he could see much from inside Asmodea's cleavage.

The moment his eyes could peer out of the valley of flesh, he saw that cute succubus maid, Hanazae gesturing for him to follow her. Like one of those scenes from a classic film where the bad guys pile on top of the hero, Rainer slipped out from under the females and snuck over to Hanazae.


And that brought him to where he was now.

Rainer was already scheduled to enter the 100th portal of Lust in several hours. It would bring him to the portal closest to the Capital of Greed.

While one would logically think that creating a portal would be as easy as chanting a few lines of a spell, it was actually a rigorous process involving scribing stones, a highly powerful mage, and a sacred circle. You could create a portal anywhere, getting rid of the requirement for a sacred circle, but it would exponentially increase the need for the other two requirements.

When Asmodea was forced to do exactly that and forgo the requirement for a sacred circle, she had to acquire twice as many stones and 'borrow' magical power from Rainer unbeknownst to him at the time.

In reality, the requirements to create a portal at any time were close to each sacred circle, so as long as if a suitable mage would cast the spell was around, a portal could be created. A system was created for the portals interconnecting each of the Seven Circles of Sin for the opening and closing of various portals, mainly for efficient flow of business. It was also created to allow travelers to go to and from the various circles.

Of course all of that could be thrown away by the Lord of Lust's whim. Rainer could just have one of the portals opened any time to allow himself to instantly enter the Gardens of Greed. However Rainer disliked being a tyrannical autocrat. Having brand new human world clothes was one thing, disrupting an entire transportation system responsible for millions of demons was another matter.

"Rainer-Sae, here is your tea." Hanazae interrupted Rainer's thoughts with a steaming cup of tea.

Rainer wasn't a terribly big fan of hot drinks, but he resigned and partook. It was quite good, delicious in fact. There was a hint of sweet berry which revived Rainer's taste buds from his coma. Now that he thought about it, he had yet to have a decent meal since his coma. He wasn't hungry, he had eaten a few things to sate his hunger and thirst. He had yet to truly savor anything. This tea provided that respite and a little extra.

Hanazae peered over the tray that she had brought the tea in with. Rainer thought the succubus resembled a lion stalking its prey over a hilltop considering the way her eyes looked over the tray. She was anything but, merely a shy gazelle worried about the taste of her tea.

Rainer laughed at the horrible analogy he created in his mind. "Don't worry, this is some pretty good tea. You should make some more another time."

"Ah, thank you very much. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Hanazae clutched the hem of her sheer dress in relief. She bowed her head, indicating her desire to assist Rainer further.

"Anything?" Rainer raised an eyebrow as he said that, knowing full well just how many different implications that single word could indicate in this Land of Lust.

"Yes! Anything!" And it seemed that Hanazae had no idea she was opening herself for just any single one of those 'indications'. As she bent forward to show off her sincere face in front of Rainer, her giant breasts bulged and pushed the fabric of her garment to the limits.

Rainer chuckled under his breath. There was truly no way he could resist his lust right now. Even though he had come inside Nerissa a few hours ago, his libido was fully ready for a tryst at any time.

Rainer didn't have a terribly arrogant or prideful ego compared to the Princess of Pride, so of course he wouldn't believe that he could have sex with just about anyone (he was wrong, Rainer is the Lord of Lust after all). However, he had a sneaking belief that Hanazae would be more than willing to sate his lusts.

"Anything... Well, there is certainly something I'd like you to take care of." Rainer let out his trademark smile, smooth and libidinous at the same time, towards Hanazae who seemed to finally realize what she got herself into.

Not that she minded, quite the opposite.

As the realization hit her mind, she already had a mushroom shaped stick object thrust into her face. Well, the naïve Hanazae had nothing to call it but that redundant name in her mind. Sure she knew the actual names for both the male and female genitalia, and she did in fact have sex before. Well, it wasn't a very pleasant experience to look back on.

Most likely thanks to instinctive succubus instinct, Hanazae extended her forked tongue and licked the head of Rainer's always hard shaft. As if being that hard wasn't enough, Rainer's cock tensed up, spurting out a dollop of precum which Hanazae swiftly lapped up like a cat.

She moaned lightly as she swallowed the salty liquid down her throat. She wanted more...

Hanazae pulled aside the band of soft cloth holding her breasts up, leaving them open to the air for all their glory. She took out a small bottle of special oil specially made in the Land of Lust specially made for the demons of Lust. Well, you get the idea.

She popped off the cap of the bottle and tilted it ever so slightly. A few drops of the glossy oil dropped onto her impressive chest. The drops divided into different strands of cool liquid.

"Rainer-Sae, please help yourself." Hanazae lifted Rainer's hands and placed them onto her breasts with a strangely seductive voice. Was this the normal Hanazae?

Not seeing any reason to not continue, Rainer began groping the sexy pair of tits in front of him. Using his eyes as a Lord of Lust, he could tell that they were not as big as Asmodea's own chest. Despite that, they were quite big, even for the naturally busty succubus race.

As Rainer massaged the oil around her two immense globes, Hanazae poured more of the oil until it finally covered every centimeter of her considerable bosom. The sleek sheen her orbs took on aroused Rainer to even further heights, if that was possible. He tweaked the tense nipples, eliciting a sharp moan from Hanazae's pursed lips.

The succubus bit her lower lip as she received the numerous pleasurable vibrations from what Rainer did to her body. Ah, if this went on, she wouldn't be doing her duty to give Rainer a most pleasurable climax.

Hanazae lifted her hefty breasts by their underside with her hands, removing them from Rainer's grasp. Rainer allowed it as he leaned back in his seat so that the only thing that could be shown off was his erect cock. It quivered, begging for some sort of attention and eventually release.

Hanazae granted just that when she swallowed Rainer's entire shaft in one skilled gulp. She moved her lips and mouth all around it, coating every bit with some of her saliva. This was done so she could provide a slicker surface for her to slide her breasts on.

She slowly moved her lips back up and off of Rainer's shaft in a very slow, affectionate manner. Rainer would have unloaded then and there if it wasn't for the promise of a more awesome experience in several seconds.

Hanazae batted her eyelashes seductively. She danced her breasts around, bouncing them in her hands. She could barely contain them within her two dainty fists, the flesh spilling between her fingers.

The moment the elastic softness touched the sides of Rainer's dick, electricity shot through his crotch up to brain. Hanazae began her assault.

She pressed her two breasts together, wrapping every centimeter of his cock within her bust. Only the head of Rainer's shaft remained, which the succubus maid licked and swallowed the gratuitous amount of precum.

"Rainer-Sae, be sure to give me a lot of your delicious seed, I want every drop in my mouth." Said Hanazae with the sexiest pouting face Rainer had seen.

Those words had an instant effect. Rainer didn't cum, but a small spurt of his precum spat out from the cockhead and into Hanazae's mouth. She swallowed; emblazoned by the taste, Hanazae began fucking Rainer's cock with her tits while her face had a frenzied look of lust.

She bounced her tits on her lord's shaft, stimulating every bundle of nerves within his phallic instrument. Every so often, a bit of the thick cock popped between her cleavage, she sucked and teased, bringing Rainer closer to orgasm each second.

Hanazae alternated between which direction she directed her breasts. She rubbed them in opposite directions, sending one up and the other down. Sometimes she just stroked Rainer's shaft through her breasts, the softness giving the best handjob Rainer could ask for.

"Geez, you're far too good at this for such an innocent demon maid girl. Sounds so contrasting... Where'd you learn how to do this?" Asked Rainer through lascivious gasps.

"My mother taught me..." As she said this, Hanazae saw Rainer raise an eyebrow. She continued to fuck Rainer's big dick with her large breasts as she said, "Rainer-Sae... Does that turn you on?"

Right on the money. Rainer grunted and nodded at the same time. Her mother taught her these sexual acts? This generally innocent succubus had her mother teach her how to fuck? What a... Normal situation in the Land of Lust. Rainer couldn't deny that the Land of Lust had corrupted him to the point where he wasn't surprised by anything in the realm of sexuality.
