The Man Who would be Queen Ch. 05-07


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Olivia had been removed from society. In an instant he was taken. He had been your average young man with a sweet girlfriend that he was becoming very attached to. After a date one evenig he was pulled over by the authorities, put in the back of a patrol car and disappeared. Were people looking for him? He had no idea. All he knew for sure was he was taken to this place, and a feminization process was started on him with know explanation why and he has been here ever since, except when taken out to play with one of the Duke's perverted friends. Then he was hooded and had no idea where the place was he had been taken.

He couldn't communicate with the domestic help. A language barrier had purposely been put in place for the few people he came in contact with where he was kept which was a huge lavishly decorated room. It was a sitting room, bedroom, and bathroom all in one huge space. The curtains and the bed linens all the finest money could buy, and here he sat day after day wondering how he could ever get out of here, or if he could be found if someone was still looking.

Olivia's hair was in a swept up style for this meeting and his long fingernails were painted a sinful red. He was elegantly made up while wearing the gaudiest fake earrings and necklace. They looked like huge diamonds laying on his chest and hanging from his ears, but were in fact pure glass. He was even told by his husband when he presented him with them that they were very appropriate for a wanna be princess.

"Oh, well hello your Highness," Marie said entering the room with the Duke. "I see you have selected a powerful fashion statement for today. Have you been reading the Emperor's New Clothes again?" she said with a mocking tone and an evil smile.

Olivia was wearing only the red 5" spike heels. He was completely naked as he had been instructed to appear. His penis and balls hanging limp between his legs in full view of the couple, and his large breast jutting out proud and firm from his chest. He felt Marie had a lot to do with the teasing and the humiliation he was being subjected to, but he had nothing other than her insensitive nature and cruel personality to base that on.

"How are you doing today Olivia?" his husband asked looking at the nude form that stood before him now.

"Everything is wonderful darling. Thank you." Olivia had learned long ago that the consequences for not playing along were not worth the physical and emotional distress. His manhood between his legs was always a top consideration when punishment was discussed. Punish it or remove it all together.

"See what I was saying about his penis Dukey sweetie?" Marie walked behind Olivia and reached under his arms from behind cupping both of his large breast in her hands and gently squeezed them and moving them around.

"These just don't go with this," she said picking up Olivia's limp penis and showing the Duke.

Olivia didn't flinch as she handled him. He was used to being handled by others now, but fear was gathering inside him as she talked. What was she up to this time.

Olivia continued to stand there with his hands on his hips trying to appear calm while they assessed him.

"What are you suggesting my precious. Would you like to see it removed?" the Duke asked without any emotion looking at her holding Olivia's penis. "I rather like him with a penis," the Duke said.

"You mean have the bottom match the top?" she said standing back now considering her options now with her finger tapping her lips as she looked at him and pondered.

There was a nervous smile on Olivia's face. His eyes pleading for mercy but he tried not to breakdown. Not yet anyway.

"Dukey, I think he would look so much prettier if you just had him circumcised. I mean look at him, all that extra manly foreskin on his dick and those beautiful huge girly breast, it just doesn't go together."

"I see what you mean," the Duke said without expression.

She walked up to Olivia with a smirk of power on her face.

"How are those titties doing since I requested having your implants enlarged? Having trouble finding bras that fit? You do like having really big titties like this don't you...your highness?" She grinned as she said it.

"I just love them. The are so sexy. Thank you," Olivia said with a huge smile and cutting eyes glaring at her. The girl had just mis-stepped again and Olivia knew it. Calling her highness again.

"That's good. I'm so glad. You'll be so happy with your new look when we have you circumcised."

"I'm sure I will," Olivia said never breaking eye contact with her.

"Then it's settled. I will arrange the circumcision," The Duke said walking to the bed with Olivia in tow taking short swift steps in his high heels.

The Duke dropped his pants and pushed Olivia down to his knees. Olivia immediately put the Duke's cock in his mouth. Marie cozied up to the Duke as Olivia sucked on his dick. She put her arms around the Duke's neck.

"Does that feel good baby," she said giving him a passionate kiss.

"Yes, he is very good," he said enjoying both Olivia and Marie's attention.

"Oh I'm sure he is baby, your girly man get's a lot of practice I hear." She kissed him again. "I'm sure he is enjoying it too."

They hugged and kissed passionately as if it the two of them were making love alone, while Olivia worked hard sucking his cock, grunting from the strain in his jaw, trying to maintain a fast pace as his lips slid up and down the length of the massive sex organ stimulating the man's physical needs. The Duke pulled away from Marie's kiss.

"Is it good and hard now baby? Is it time?" she said with a little girl like curiosity.

Olivia was helped up onto the edge of the bed where he squatted on his knees with his legs spread. Olivia spread his butt cheeks with his hands exposing fully his anal rosebud and waited now for his husband to enter him.

Marie lubricated the Duke's hard cock giving it a few extra strokes for good measure.

"Grrrrrr...Go get him tiger," she growled in his ear.

Marie pulled a chair up close to the bed and sat down crossing her legs as if she were about to be entertained.

"AHHHHH," came a high pitched squeal as the head entered Olivia's tight bottom.

"That is so cute," Marie gushed at Olivia's little squeak on penetration.

Though Olivia had been in many types of situations with other men, only his husband ever penetrated him in the ass. And that is how Olivia saw it.

Marie giggled and then laughed out loud as she watched Olivia screaming out in a very fake falsetto voice words of pleasure as he was fucked thoroughly by his husband.

"Oh yes!" Fuck me harder! Oh baby I like it!!" he said in the high pitched falsetto voice, as the Duke's pelvis slapped hard up against his ass cheeks now.

"Yes! Yes! Oh my...I'M CUMMING," Olivia screamed as loud as he could now. Marie was laughing hysterically as she could see Olivia's limp dick and sagging balls swinging between his legs between each thrust knowing his orgasm claims were a farce.

"AAAGGGHHH!! YESSSS!!" he screamed feeling the Duke pushing deep and having his orgasm.

The Duke stood for a moment then slid his cock out of Olivia's butthole. Marie had a clean wash cloth and cleaned the Dukes penis for him.

"My he is quite the screamer isn't he," she said helping him with his pants.

"As are you my pet," he said with only a glance.

"That's only because you like it that way Dukey," she said stealing a quick kiss.

The whole time Olivia was still on the bed, still in the position, holding his ass cheeks spread. The Duke got dressed.

"You may get up now Olivia. I will make arrangements to have you circumcised. The doctor will be in touch."

"Thank you," Olivia said crawling off the edge of the bed.

"You're going to like the look you have with a circumcised dick so much better," Marie said grinning. "It's just too masculine looking for you the way it is right now. You do understand don't you? That head of your penis needs to be exposed at all times," she said preparing to leave with the Duke.

Olivia looked at the Duke before he stepped out of the room, and the Duke gave him a knowing look and a nod.

After they left Olivia slipped on his pink full length satin robe. He hated being treated this way. The girl, Marie had no idea what she was into or had just done. The Duke had been with many girlfriends since he had secretly married Olivia. The thing was none of them knew he was married to the Duke. They normally were around for only a very short time and visited him maybe once or twice, but this one had been around for almost a year.

Olivia fixed himself a drink. He could feel something was up from the Duke's stare and nod.

"Yeah, hope you have had your fill of fun and power there you little bitch. I have a funny feeling the Duke is about to move on, and you're not part of his plans," he said taking a sip. "Yep, you fucked up bitch. Calling me Highness. I think you are naïve myself and were just trying to demean my maleness, but you appeared to know a little to much I'm afraid," Olivia laughed, "and you don't even know it."

Olivia sat down in a comfortable chair, and tried to forget what had just happened.

"I may have to get circumcised because of you, but I have a feeling your going to just disappear all together."


"I can't believe it," Angela said when Dexter told her of the Queens plans. "But why you Dexter? Why would she do such a thing. You're not a criminal."

"I don't know, but if I don't start dressing like a girl and start the sex reassignment process myself, they said I will be incarcerated and they will do it for me immediately."

"Oh Dexter, what can we do? I am here for you honey, you know that."

"Now, but will you be able to be with me when I'm dressed like a woman out in public where all our friends and family can see us. When they laugh at me behind my back as I am professing my desires to change my sex and be a woman?"

She looked at him with teary eyes, "All I can say Dexter is I promise you I will try and I will be there for you. I love you Dexter, I want to believe I will always be able to see the man I know in there somewhere no matter what they do."

"I love you too Angela, and my manhood is about to be forcibly stripped from me for no reason at all. It's not fair," Dexter said now becoming emotional.

Angela lowered the sheets exposing Dexter's penis and balls. She moved them around looking at the lines drawn on him. She then gently and soothingly rubbed his balls.

"The queen is an evil woman Dexter," she said sitting up in the bed. "I need a moment. I will be right back."

Angela walked outside the room and approached Dexter's mother.

"Did he tell you what is happening?" Lynn said staring straight ahead.

"Yes," Angela said.

"I figured he would. It's his life and I felt it was his decision if he wanted you to know."

"Do you really think they are going to do this to him?" Angela asked hoping for some idea of how to escape this ordeal.

"Yes. I do."

"You have a lawyer, do you think she can do anything?"

"No. I am praying she will, but I don't think she can change it."

"Oh no. Mrs. Ferguson I love your son and I..."

"Just stop it right there Angela," Lynn said standing up now. "I want you to go back to your place and..." she was interrupted by Angela before she could finish.

"I'm not going to just leave him alone to face this without me," Angela said firmly.

"No you're not, and if you will let me finish. I want you to go home and gather your things. You will be moving into Dexter's room with him. If that's ok with you," she said looking at the girl.

"Yes. I would like that."

"Ok. Let's get started then. I will leave you two alone."

Angela was stunned by the sudden change of things. Lynn would have never allowed this to happen under normal circumstances, but these were nowhere near normal circumstances.

"I talked with your mom," Angela said upon entering the room again.

"What did she say?"

"I'm moving in with you."


Clarence was reviewing paperwork when Sarah walked in.

"Oh, I was contacted by the Queen's office. You have an audience granted for you for tomorrow at 10:00 AM. And's formal ballroom attire...again."

"Damn it," Sarah hissed under her breath.

"Why is it she makes some of your meetings with her formal attire."

"It's just to mess with me. Now I have to get my hair done and come up with a formal ball dress by in the morning. I think she likes making me have to do other things other than prepare. Luckily I keep a Ball Dress reserved for this crap. The Queen would demand something else if she knew about that I'm sure."

"What if you don't do it. What if you just wear a nice dress, or one you've worn before, and..."

"She won't see me then," Sarah snapped.

Sarah walked over and sat down at the table with Clarence. She moved the papers he was looking at over to the side.

"Clarence I have to ask you something extremely confidential and you have to keep this between me and you. Do you understand?"

"Sure. Does it have strong bearing on the Dexter Ferguson case?" he asked.

"It very well could."

"Ok. what's up?"

"I'm going ask Lynn Ferguson to meet me for dinner," she said as a matter of fact.

"Ok. That should be easy to arrange. Somewhere quiet where you can discuss the case."

"No, I don't want to discuss the case. That is what is making this all so difficult right now. She is so beautiful and I find myself thinking about her all through the day. Don't you find her attractive?" she asked Clarence.

"Yeah, is not the time to be asking her out on a date Sarah," Clarence said with a look of concern. "Besides, I don't know how well you have thought this all through but, you may not be her type." he said trying to pick his words cautiously.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, maybe she prefers blondes," he joked and then seriously said, "Look you've only known her a couple of days. Give it a little time and see if she seems attracted to you," he said like he was talking to a young a girl about a boy she had a crush on.

"I know, you're right," she said quietly. "I will meet with the Queen in the morning. Get me an appointment at a hair salon for some kind of a formal updo worthy of the bitch Queen."

"Me? Why do I have to call?"

"Yes you, and let's get going I still have to shop and get myself together," she said snapping her fingers at him.

A few minutes later.

"Hair by Francis, how can I help you?" the woman's voice said.

Sarah got her self together and as she was heading out she asked Clarence,

"Did you get me a hair appointment?"

"Yes. 6:00 PM today. They will stay late for you. Please don't ask me to do something like that again."

"Oh Clarence. I may have you accompany me to the salon. I haven't decided yet."

She left to get a ball gown for the Queen's meeting in the morning. "Nothing like having no time at all to prepare a legal presentation, but the Queen knows that, the bitch," she thought to herself.

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PaladinDansePaladinDanseover 1 year ago

Seriously it’s like an antiwok drama and I love it. The messed up thing is they are doing stuff like this or close enough IRL. Great work. IDK if it’s supposed to be political but if it is deliberate then I want more of this. If it’s not then it’s still a very interesting dynamic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I'm enjoying this yarn immensely but there are far too many grammar and spelling mistakes.

Please get it proofread.

BJGoodheadBJGoodheadover 5 years ago
Excellent Progress, pace, and premise.

I am enjoying this story immensely. The pace is nice and quick, allowing the development of several characters in each chapter. Im looking forward to thee next chapters to see what happens next.

I really want to know who is/was Olivia, and what is/was his/her relationship (if any) to Dexter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It reads fine.

It has enough moving parts that you can see the direction of the mystery without knowing all the parts. Also no sex is w/e if people want quick gratification they have plenty of other stuff to do.

UnrighteousUnrighteousover 5 years ago

This was a real upswing from last. I believe that it's a worthwhile story and while I'm not especially interested in the eh female dick on male dick action I love the dynamic.

Thanks for sharing

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