The Man Who would be Queen Ch. 14


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"Interesting," he said after she told him but he didn't give her back anything new. He smiled then looked down at her feet.

"Stop looking at my feet you pervert," she growled in a frustrated manner.

"I want to meet this evening at your office with all of you. You, Dexter and his mother. All those close to the boy. Everyone needs to know what is happening here."

"Are you sure. We were told that letting this out would cause a quick sex change for Dexter."

"She doesn't want it in the papers and news that he is being forced to become a woman. At least not by her. As long as it is done is all she cares about I'm sure," he said.

"I want to bring my research man Clarence. He needs to be filled in to help me."

"Sure, bring Clarence. Haven't seen him in a while," he said smiling and looking at her toes again.

"You know Clarence?"

"Of course, everybody knows Clarence."

"How do you know Clarence?" she asked tilting her head confused.

"Your toes are a so beautiful and sinfully red, but I would like to see something more daring say, two different colors like red and blue," he said laughing, "Alternating toes of course."

Sarah scowled and leaned over, slipped her heels back on and stood up.

"See you tonight you Freak."

"You like me I can tell," he smirked.

"Asshole," she said turning to walk away.


It was time for Dexter to get dressed for the meeting. Angela showed up with a pair of sheer stockings for him to wear. And of course sheer stockings would require a garter belt, so his heart sunk a little when he saw them and realized he was to where them this evening.

The dress his mother picked for him to wear was laying on the bed, a black knee length cocktail dress with a pleated skirt. It was sleeveless with a Peter Pan collar. Dexter was standing wearing only a pair of pink panties with Angela and his mother ready to help him get dressed. His mother had a black bra ready for him.

"Put your arms out honey," she said holding the bra up for him.

She slid the bra up his arms and positioned the straps over his shoulder before walking behind him and pulling the strap tight to his chest and hooking it in back. She began padding the cups of the bra and Dexter looked to Angela who was watching. She gave a smile.

"It's OK baby," she said watching.

His mother padded the cups and squeezed them to give the desire shape.

"Mom, these are kind of big aren't they," he asked looking down at the bra cups now protruding from his chest.

"My bras are to tight for you around the chest so I borrowed this one from, well let's just say it's borrowed from someone more endowed than me."

He started to say more about the bra when Angela wrapped the garter belt around his waist.

"Sit down baby, time to put your stockings on," his mother said rolling the first one up in her hand.

"What kind of meeting is this going to be? I mean I feel this is a little over doing it," Dexter said.

"Put your leg out and point your toes for me," his mother instructed.

He did as she said and she rolled the stocking over his toes past his ankles and then he felt his kegs being encased as she pulled them up his leg. She fastened it to the garter snap and then told him to raise the other leg. He stood up and he saw how nice his legs looked in stocking, the sheer fabric stretched across his toes giving an embarrassing sexiness to his red painted toenails that he found difficult to deny in his own mind. He liked the look, he just wished it was Angela's legs instead of his.

"You're doing great honey," his mother said picking up a shoe box. "I bought you a pair of pumps for the dress today," she said opening the box and holding up the black patent leather high heel with open toes. The heels were 4" and higher than any heel he had ever worn. He stared at the shoe for a moment.

He felt and odd feeling. There something emasculating and abnormal about his mother buying him high heels. His mother had actually gone shopping and seen these high heels in a shoe store and in her mind she made a decision that these heels would be nice for her son to wear with her dress he would be wearing to this meeting. A conscious purchase of an ultra feminine item for him and she seemed as if she was satisfied if not happy with the results. Especially after he had slipped his feet into them and stood up.

"Oh, those look very nice on you Dexter," his mother said giving him a smile and looking at his feet.

The fact was the overall appearance of his legs was very sexy and Dexter hated not that he was wearing stockings over his shaved legs, in high heels and red toes exposed in the openings, but that he actually looked good wearing them.

His mother held up the dress.

"Time to put the dress on honey," she said unzipping and holding it down so he could step into it. It was pulled over his shoulders and zipped up the back. It was now that the reality of how big the padded bra cups acutally were. He cupped the padded chest in his hands.

"Mom, why can't I just be a guy with an average girl bra size? I feel ridiculous."

"You look fine Dexter," she said adjusting the padding in one of the cups.

Angela was trying to control her emotions. She saw his legs, and now the dress. He did look like he could become a girl if needed. She smiled a strained smile.

"One last thing Dexter. Have a seat. I'm not putting any make up on your face, I just don't think it's needed tonight."

"That's a relief," he said without emotion.

"But, I want you to wear these earrings," she said clipping the gold hoops on his earlobes, "and lipstick," she said twisting up a tube of red lipstick.

Dexter let his mother apply the lipstick and then gloss his lips. Angela turned away and excused herself and left the room. Dexter wasn't sure what was going on with Angela. He did not realize yet though that his feminization was causing her severe heartaches and seeing him like this made him less attractive to him.


At Sarah's office that evening Dexter sat quietly at a conference room table with his mother and Angela waiting for the others to arrive.

"How are you feeling Dexter?" Sarah asked looking at the young man wearing a black cocktail dress with the platinum blond bouffant.

"Great," he said with a sarcastic smile, shaking his head. "Can't you see? Don't I look great?" he said looking up at her sheepishly.

"Well, under the circumstances yes. Believe me Dexter I understand what you are going through, and I know this is not easy for you, and how much you don't want to do this. In a way you are a very brave young man," she said looking at Lynne.

"Yeah, sure you do," Dexter said not knowing the facts if Sarah's previous life as a man.

"Dexter, Sarah is not the enemy here," his mother said.

The former EKG showed up a little late. There was the man from the mall and a woman with him.

"Hello everyone," he said in a booming friendly voice, "My name is Marcus but you can call me Marcus," he said grinning at his own humor that the others didn't seem to understand. "Oh well, and this is Laura." They all greeted one another and then Marcus looked to Dexter. "And you must be Dexter," he said reaching out his hand giving a deep nod of the head as Dexter took his hand and shook it.

"Are you alright" Laura said looking at Dexter. "I know this is very tough time for you. Terrible thing the Queen is doing to you," she said taking his hand giving a bow as she did.

They were all seated and Marcus sat next to Sarah and looked down at her red high spike heel shoes with pointed toes. She frowned at him.

"Not now you pervert," she hissed, "Stay focused." He grinned then took a serious tone.

"Dexter, do you know why the Queen is having you do this?" Marcus asked.

"No I don't," he said softly looking at Angela sitting next to him.

"Well there is a lot of speculation as to her reasons, but I want you to listen closely to what you are about to hear."

Marcus looked to Sarah and then Lynne. He wanted them to tell him. Lynne had said she felt she should be the one to tell him first.

"Honey, the Queen feels threatened by you." she said searching for words.

"But why? I have done nothing to her and I don't know her," he said looking concerned.

"Dexter, your father was also Queen Jewels father. The King."

"WHAT?" Angela let slip shocked at the sudden revelation.

"How? You and the King?" Dexter looked confused now.

"I was taken away honey. On my wedding night. Some sort of ancient custom I was forced to participate in, well it was the excuse that was used to make me cooperate. It was not something I wanted to do, and I was not asked for my permission before, and it was the one night and I was brought back to my husband the next morning. The man that you thought of as your dad. He didn't even know you weren't his son. I have kept this secret ever since."

"I am the King's son?" he said again stunned.

"Honey that would make you the rightful owner to the throne in some peoples eyes," she said

"You are his bastard son," Laura said.

"And if it is true," Lynne said looking at Laura out of the side of her eye after that comment, "and the Queen wants to make you female which under the law for sexual reassignment changes your sex back to birth and that would make you first in line once you have had your sex changed and not the true heir. We don't want you to be submitted to this dear," she said.

"But what if it does happen," he asked softly.

"Dexter, being a woman is not a form of punishment honey." Lynne said

"No, but being castrated sure feels like a punishment," he snapped back. "So what happens to me then?"

They all looked at each other a little confused. They then looked to Laura.

"If she acknowledges you as her sister, I think that would officially make you Princess Dexter, or whatever female name you may choose. Either way you would be acknowledged publicly as Royalty by the Queen herself if this is truly her thinking."

Angela took Dexter's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She was trying to comprehend it all. He was to be royalty? A Princess? Queen? Angela had suddenly realized that their child would be heir if he were to the throne if he became Queen somehow. She smiled and somehow that platinum bouffant hair on his head became a more fitting hairstyle for him now in her eyes. He could be Queen, she thought almost grinning. And I would be his spouse? She was more worried about what her title would be if she and Dexter married and Dexter became a female Princess now, than about what would be done to Dexter to make him a Princess.

"Dexter," Marcus said looking to him, "This is a very serious decision for you. If you go through with having this sex change on your own and she announces you as her lost sister, then your life and your families will change forever. You, however will be a woman. If you try and fight it and claim the throne as King, well it could backfire in many ways. You may end up being a woman sooner and she may be less willing to put her stamp of approval on who you really are and she could make you just disappear."

"Disappear?" Dexter questioned.

"Yes, they would probably han...OOWW!" Marcus started before a pained expression over came his facial expression from a kick in the shin from Sarah with her pointed toe high heels. "They will try and sweep it under the rug so it will be forgotten," he then said looking at Sarah like she had maybe kicked himtoo hard.

"If this is all true, and I am the heir, and I will be royalty, this is bigger than me, isn't it," he said almost sad.

"Yes, I'm afraid so Dexter. Politics and power can be very cruel when in the hands of someone with know feelings inside," Laura said softly. "It's not easy being a Pawn in this game against a Queen. Seldom does the Pawn when that match. We can help you along the way Dexter. You won't be alone."

"I don't want to be forced to be a girl. What real man wants that," Dexter said.

"Agreed," Marcus said nodding. "No man wants to under go what is facing you right now. Life will still go on and you and your family will live in luxury the rest of there lives due to your sacrificing your manhood. Think of it that way instead of the Queen having some cruel vendetta against you."

"I will cooperate as best I can," he said looking straight ahead.

"What?" his mother exclaimed. "Dexter, they're not saying you have to agree to do this. We will still try and find a way out," she said looking at her son wearing one of her own dresses in front of strangers.

"You must understand though, I will never become a girl in my mind even though I may be forced to look like one and have body altered. So I reluctantly accept being forced to be a girl, if that makes sense. Hopefully we will find a way to stop the sex change. If not I will become Princess which will benefit my entire family and I will have done something very giving and loving for those I care most for."

"A very noble statement," Marcus said then looked at Dexter, "Majesty."

"Oh my god," Lynne said as she began to cry.

After everyone had left it was just Sarah, Marcus and Laura.

"Laura, could you please excuse us for a moment I want to talk with Sarah alone," he said nodding to the door.

"What about," Sarah said watching her leave.

"I want you to tell me what you think of what happened here tonight."

"I think it is pretty straight forward. The Queen is trying to change gender for the sake of power and she will stop at nothing. This means nothing to her, this poor boy being forced into such an unjust situation. I think she enjoys watching men being totally emasculated. She is evil."

"We are still talking about the boy Dexter right?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"How do you know me?" she said suspiciously realizing what he was saying now.

"Let's stay on subject for now and when we are done you can ask me that question again. Now, what makes you think that Dexter is the King's son."

"The card you put in my bra," she said looking at him as if he had violated her all over again. "Then Lynne told me she was bedded on her wedding night by the King." she said looking at him seriously.

"Are you sure it was the King?" he said raising the eyebrow again.

"She was in bed with him. Of course she saw him up close."

"How many people do you know have seen the King that close. In a bedroom, low lights, could have been somebody else you know," he said as if pondering the truth.

"What do you mean?"

"Lynne, do you know how the Queen died?" he asked.

"Sudden heart attack. Died in her sleep," she said as if common knowledge was too simple.

"That's the official version. The Queen was taken away early one night and hanged in the monestary Bell Tower. Then hours later brought back to her chambers where it was pronounced by the King's physicians she had died of a severe heart attack. The King had many women in his chambers. You have probably heard of the rumors. The Queen forced to sleep in another chamber while he bedded a girl in their own bed. Well the Queen had a secret affair, just one night that we know of. When the King found out about the affair he took swift action and gave his decree and she was quietly removed as well as the man that took part in her indiscretion. She found that being Queen was not the same being King."

"The Bell Tower at a monestary? Lynne told me that they took her to a monestary after she became pregnant and she waited in a room for hours just down from the Bell Tower." she said a little shocked, "She then said they took her back home and nothing happened after that. Was she there to be..." Sarah shuttered at the thought.

"Yes, I know about her visit there. I think there was a plan for her at that moment then something happened."

"You were in his guard then. You knew about this and you continued to guard that man?"

"I lost all respect for that man that night and would have sent him to the same fate if I could have."

"This young man must be the heir. Why all the fuss if he is not. They know things Marcus. They are not just randomly selecting boys to brcomes girls you know," she scolded him assueredly. Then her look softened a bit, "Are they?"

"Let me ask you this Sarah, if he is the heir she would have just sent him to the Bell Tower. Another thing, why is it that Queen Jewel and Dexter's DNA show that they are not related to each other in any way? What if I said that Dexter's DNA and the King's show that they are not related either? So why is all this happening now, I mean you just said it yourself the Queen knows things and I'm sure she knows about this."

"What? I am confused Marcus," she said shaking her head.

"Do not say anything to the boy or his mother at this time. He is in a good place in his mind right now and we can tell him when we have better information. He may still end up being a girl, and for that I would be truly sorry but as weird as it sounds he still could end up a Princess," he said.

"But you just said...oh Marcus I am so confused."

"I am too. I am also hungry. Can I take you out for a nice dinner," he said smiling.

"No, I'm busy right now."

"Fine, then tomorrow it is," he said stealing a quick kiss from her cheek.

"Marcus, don't you leave, we need to talk more" she said as he was leaving. "I didn't agree to dinner tomorrow," she shouted as he was leaving.

As Marcus was leaving Clarence walked in.

"Well hello Marcus, " Clarence said, "What are you doing here."

"In a hurry Clarence, will catch up with you later," he said as he left.

Sarah was standing with her arms crossed tapping her foot glaring at Clarence when looked up at her.

"Sit!" she said pointing to the chair. He sat down. "Now explain to me who that man was that just left. Take your time and leave nothing out."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

anymore to this story? there should be another chapter to where he is saved and the the so called queen is executed

BJGoodheadBJGoodheadabout 5 years ago
The story continues...

So nice to see this story finally has another chapter. A bit of editing would have helped with the few spelling, grammatical, and plot inconsistencies.

Nonetheless, a good return to this storyline and I hope for more the near future. Erotica is nice, but character development and an emerging plot line are what makes a story great!

Was also "fun" to read Angela's change of heart regarding Dexter if indeed he is to become royalty. Less believable was Dexters sudden acceptance at this revelation. It will be interesting to see how his attitude develops has his appearance and gender are changed.

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