The Matchmaker


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Brooklyn stayed in bed until well after Hazel had gotten up. She was still upset at her friend and did not want to deal with her this morning. She didn't want to linger too long, however, as she wanted to go over and help with Cooper's inevitable hangover. A quick shower, and she headed down the stairs.

"Brooklyn, can I have a word with you."

The words were uttered with such seriousness, Brooklyn thought the President of her sorority, Fiona, was going to imply someone passed away. "Okay." She followed the President into the living room to find all of her fellow sisters had convened for a meeting.

"Sisters," Fiona quickly took the vocal lead. "I have gathered all of you here this morning because one of us has recently caused a blackmark to our institution. Brooklyn, we, as your fellow sisters are now asking you to explain yourself in your actions in dating a High School student."

Brooklyn glanced around the room until her eyes fell upon Hazel. Her friend was sitting tall in her seat with a smug smile on her face. This was her doing. "To put it simply, he treats me better than any other guy I have ever dated." There really was no other way of saying it.

"Girls," Fiona announced after Brooklyn appeared to be done. "Does anyone have anything to add?"

"Is he really in High School?"

"How old is he?"

"He didn't pay you, did he?"

Brooklyn answered every question.

Hazel stood up, "I tried to warn you. As your friend, roommate, and most importantly, your sister, I told you that dating him was not going to end well. Last night just confirmed that to be the case and now the Beta Nu Kappa's are a laughingstock."

The worst part about this whole ordeal was that Hazel was right. How everything unfolded the prior night made that abundantly clear. Maybe it was too much of her to hope that Cooper could ingratiate himself into her life. It all seemed impossible now. Maybe all her sisters are right? Brooklyn began to cry, "What should I do?"

"Regardless of your reasons, I worry how your dating a High School student may tarnish our sorority. Even you, Brooklyn, have to admit that there is a negative connotation to a woman of our caliber dating some one that much younger in age."

The doorbell interrupted the sentencing. Fiona nodded to Kelly, and the Freshman quickly complied.

It was Amazon's delivery service. "I've got a package for Brooklyn McCray. Sign here."

Brooklyn perked up at the mention of her name. She wiped the tears from her eyes as Kelly came back to the room and handed her the package. "It's from Cooper." She made quick work of the small package to find a state of the art audio recording device with a note in the instructions. She smiled as she read the offered words out loud, "To protect Perfection from carpal tunnel when you end up interviewing the President of the United States."

"I have a question," Kelly raised her hand.

Fiona shook her head with a smirk. Freshman. "You don't have to raise your hand, Kelly. Go ahead."

Kelly cleared her voice, "Do you love him, Brooklyn?"

Brooklyn looked at the Freshman, the only one here to actually ask what seemed to be the most important question. It forced Brooklyn to confront her feelings earlier than expected. A small grin formed on her lips that quickly turned into a beaming smile. "I do," she nodded to Kelly.

"Then I have something else to say," Kelly looked at Fiona for approval.

"Go ahead," Fiona nodded.

"I think we should be ashamed of ourselves. Here is our sister, in love with a man, and we are attacking her like a firing squad. We should be supporting her." Kelly looked around and her eyes went wide as everyone stared at her, expressionless. She had more to say, but humbly sat back down.

Fiona, however, was better at gauging the temperature of the room. Hazel had asked her to intervene to help Brooklyn see clearly why dating a High Schooler was not in her best interest, but clearly, this Cooper was something different; and all her fellow sisters felt the same way. Fiona offered an encouraging smile, "Well said, Kelly." She then turned her attention to the star of the room, "Brooklyn, if your happy and in love, I support you. Just try to not have a repeat of last night happen again. I will personally be there to help you if needed."

"Thank you," Brooklyn wiped at the joyous tear that was trickling down her cheek.

Kelly tilted her head, "Does that make you a cougar?" The room fell into laughter. She then added, "And is he really hung like a zucchini?" The room fell into a hushed anticipation.


Cooper was laying in the darkened room with a cold washcloth on his forehead. His bed felt comfortable enough to entice him to not get up. Ever. He was certain Brooklyn will hate him now after last nights debacle. She was so worried about him impressing her friends, and he blew it. That guy friend of hers was so adamant, and he wanted to show his girlfriend he could hang with him. It was a horrible mistake. A light rapping graced his door and before he could respond, Brooklyn stuck her head in.

"Brooklyn," Cooper went to sit up in bed and a sharp hissing sound exploded from his mouth as he grabbed his head from the vicious migraine attack.

"No, don't get up," Brooklyn eased her way into the room, closing the door behind her with a sensitive touch. She pulled the black office chair away from Cooper's desk and moved it next to the bed. As she sat down, she embraced Cooper's hand, "Are you all right?"

Cooper didn't respond to her question, instead going right for what felt right, "I apologize about last night. I don't remember much, but I know you cried. I am so sorry. I know you wanted me to put on a show for your friends and that guy friend of yours was so gung ho about drinking together..."

"Cooper," Brooklyn interrupted. "That was not a friend."


"He was an ex boyfriend, Cuddly Bear." Brooklyn smiled as she reached over to kiss Cooper on the lips.

"You dated that guy?" Cooper's eyes went wide. How did Brooklyn go from male model to me?

"For a short time?"

"And now your with me?" Cooper shook his head.

"For a long time," Brooklyn smirked. "And there is no one better."

"Somehow, I still feel inadequate."

"Let me put it this way," Brooklyn nodded. "Thanks for the audio recorder. It's amazing; and it's obvious that you put a lot of thought into that gift. But you know what was even better? The note was such a pick me up. I know, with you, I can accomplish all that you say. That's why there is no one better."

Cooper did not know how to process the new information. He slumped back into his bed. "You really are Perfection."

Brooklyn picked up his hand and pecked it. "When was the last time you took some aspirin?"

"It's been a few hours." Cooper gestured to his night stand, "There's a bottle over there."

Brooklyn opened the bottle, poured two into her palm, and grabbed the water bottle that was sitting on the stand. "Take these."

"Thank you."

Brooklyn went to put the water bottle back when the paper it was sitting on, caught her eye. "Your prom is this week?"

Cooper coughed, "Yeah?"

"And you're not going to ask me?" Brooklyn's face furrowed, "So who are you going with?"

Cooper laughed. "I didn't plan on going at all."

"Why?" Brooklyn was taken aback. "Prom is supposed to be the most memorable night in all of High School."

"Cooper looked at her, really for the first time today, "I guess that's only if you want to remember High School."

"Oh," Brooklyn startled. Then a smile curled her lips as she slid into bed with Cooper. She draped her body over his, her hand coursing through his chest hair in random patterns. "But you've met me while in High School. Are you saying you don't want to remember me?"

Cooper turned on his side, a painful endeavor, but he wanted to look into his beloved's eyes. In the tight quarters, his hand found her waist, "Are you saying, my hot as hell college girlfriend wants to spend the evening around Neanderthal High School students? I mean, I'm one of them and even I don't want to do that."

Brooklyn kissed Cooper, her tongue making short work of the seal his lips made. She danced a beautiful dance of arousal before pulling back, using her teeth to briefly pull on his lower lip before releasing it with a smile.

Cooper smiled, "If you want to."


It was a glorious evening for a dance. It's not that Brooklyn cared to go to prom, but Cooper needed this. Cooper needed to have a positive High School experience, just once. Who was she kidding, she did want to go to the prom, if anything, to let Cooper show up those jerks at his High School with an added bonus that she would be dancing with her man. Excitement coursed through her as everything was styled. Her hair was done up in a way that allowed a strand of her curled, brunette locks to cascade down her right cheek. Her eyes were done to a tantalizing, smoky quality that was positively going to make Cooper squirm in her gaze. Her nails were manicured and painted red to accompany the dress, a wonder of fabric that allowed open shoulders as the straps wrapped behind her neck before crossing in front, creating a plunging deep v in in her bosom, hugging all her curves and didn't end until it was just above the knee, and then combining it with a matching a pair of three inch heels. Looking at herself in the mirror, she added a red shawl to wrap herself in. If Cora and Dave wanted pictures, a typical right of passage, she didn't want the girls being too much on display. But the rest of the night? She planned on making mouths drool and turning Cooper into a legend at his school.


Cooper answered the door in a stupor.

That was the exact feedback Brooklyn was anticipating from Cooper. Mouth agape, stunned silence, nearly fell onto the floor with a tent in his pants reaction. For once, her boyfriend was speechless, all with him just opening the door.

Somehow, Cooper regained his composure, "Brooklyn, My Perfection, My Everything, there is no word that describes the amazement of wonder that you are tonight."

"Wow," Brooklyn shook her head, "You can say that line to me anytime for the rest of our lives... And here I thought I had you speechless for once."

"I want pictures!" Cora called out from the living room. "Just let me get my camera."

Brooklyn immediately moved her shawl up from around her waist to over her shoulders, noticing Cooper shaking his head in amusement as she made sure her cleavage was covered. "What?" She lifted and molded the cloth around her breasts to make it look good for the camera, "These are for you, not her."

Cooper's grin went wider than ever. "Greatest gift ever." He then grabbed the white corsage from the table and slipped it around Brooklyn's wrist. "Yes, you most definitely are the greatest gift ever."

Cora turned the corner followed closely by Dave. She stopped and he bumped into her.

"Geez, Honey, give a guy a warning before you stop in front of him." Dave then understood what happened. "You look as lovely as ever Brooklyn, don't she Honey?"

"Yes, she does." Cora then stepped forward, waving her camera. "Time for pictures!" She leaned in and whispered into Brooklyn's ear, "A little excessive for a High School prom, don't you think?"

"Yes," Brooklyn whispered back, "But after all the hell Cooper's classmates have put him through over the years, I'm ensuring he's getting payback in the form of jealousy tonight."

Cora gave a slight nod of approval, but only slightly.

Dave then whispered into Cora's free ear, "Just take the pictures so they can leave and I can ravish you."

Cooper shook his head, "You know, I can hear all of you."


"I don't think that Vice Principal Carpenter likes me," Brooklyn snickered. "He checked my hemline three times."

"No," Cooper chuckled, "I think he liked you a little too much; as well as every other hormone in here."

Brooklyn snuggled into Cooper, "Let's make them jealous." She then turned his head and gave him a kiss before pulling him by the arm, "Let dance."

Brooklyn knew her mission was an overwhelming success. Every guy wished they were the one with her. Cooper was notorious as he was all anyone could gossip about. She found that none her goals, however, compared to the pure thrill of dancing with her boyfriend. She bumped and grinded during the fast paced songs but then allowed him to take the lead during the slow dancing. It truly was becoming a special night and only hoped Cooper was feeling the same.

"Woo," Cooper breathed as he sat down after pulling out Brooklyn chair.

"I couldn't agree more," Brooklyn smiled. "You dance really well. You surprised me with that spin and dip combination."

"I started practicing the night you told me you wanted to come." Cooper shrugged, "You can find someone to show you anything on YouTube."

"Well, it has paid off."

"I'm glad you liked it because I was nervous I was going to step on your feet." Cooper then stood, "I'm parched, how about some punch?"

"Sounds delightful," Brooklyn went to stand.

"No, I got it," Cooper held up his hand. "After all, you have to deal with my dancing."


"Well, look who it is; the guy so pathetic he hired a hooker to be his prom date."

Cooper turned from the punch bowl, a full cup in each hand, to face Neil, the resident macho elite of Hilldale High, and three members of his posse, Rick, Sam, and Eric. "She's not a hooker." Cooper took a step forward, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a thirsty date."

Neil blocked his path. "How much are you paying for her. She's got to be expensive."

"I told you, she's not..."

"Oops," Neil knocked both of the cups of punch onto Cooper. "Boys, why don't you entertain the Pillsbury Dough Boy here why I go take his date from him."

"You Bastard," Cooper balled his fist, but Rick, Sam, and Eric grabbed him before he was able to swing and began dragging him out the door. "If you lay one hand on her!"

Neil arrogantly waved at Cooper as he was being hauled away. "Now time for my fun," he sinisterly snickered as he poured a cup of punch for his prey.


"Hey there, Sexy," Neil set the punch in front of Brooklyn and sat comfortably in Cooper's seat with his legs outstretched. "You looked thirsty, so I brought you a drink. I'm Neil, but you can call me your dream come true."

Great, a Mini Aiden. Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "Not interested, kid. I'm sure even someone as idiotic as you have noticed that I'm here with my boyfriend tonight."

"Uh-huh," Neil leaned forward, "Now ask me why I think lard ass isn't your boyfriend." He finished by putting his hand on the exposed thigh of Brooklyn.

Brooklyn removed his hand instantly, but she was game. "Okay, why is Cooper not my boyfriend?"

Neil chuckled, "Because that's my job, Babe." He put his hand back on her thigh with a tightened grip.

"And here I thought this verbal game of yours was going to be interesting," Brooklyn slowly shook her head as she removed Neil's hand once again, this time she leaned forward, bending his hand at the wrist. "You can go now."

"Feisty, I like it," Neil pulled his hand away. "All right, all right, I give. Whatever that ball of grease is paying you, I'll double it. How about that?"

Brooklyn twitched. That was now the third insult to Cooper and this arrogant asshole was pissing her off. She seemed to stare a hole in his head, "Get the fuck out of my boyfriends chair."

"Now, that's where I think you're mistaken, Doll." Neil smiled like the Cheshire cat. "Fat Ass is busy. This here, is my chair, next to my piece of meat."

Brooklyn looked toward the punch table, noting how long it was taking Cooper to get back. Nothing. She moved her hand forward as she leaned against her antagonist.

"Now that's what I'm talking... Yikes."

Brooklyn felt a certain pleasure at the eight year old girl sound Neil made when she squeezed unmercifully his testicles. "Where is Cooper?"

Neil's eyes went wide, "Just lighten up lady. I'll pay you anything."

"Let me give you some knowledge," Brooklyn tightened her grip even further. If you ever call me a prostitute again, if you ever insult my man again, if anything bad is happening to my boyfriend right now, I will pop your balls off and people will start calling you Naomi. You better hurry before something happens to him."

"He's outside, he's outside," Neil kept rocking his head to the exit by the punch bowl. "Please let me go, please."

Brooklyn let go of her captive and stood up. She glanced at his pants before staring him in the eye. If it was good for Aiden, it's good for Mini Aiden, "Not even close to what Cooper's packing. So tiny." She then hurried out the door as fast as her heels would allow.

There was a couple snickers from the group of girls at the next table.


Rick, Sam, and Eric dragged a kicking and screaming Cooper outside, "Let me go!"

The trio obliged, throwing Cooper to the ground.

Cooper stood, anger in his heart, "I swear, if anything happens to Brooklyn..."

"You'll do what?" Sam took a step of intimidation forward.

Eric cracked his knuckles, "Eat a gallon of ice cream?"

The triumvirate laughed in unison. Cooper wasn't... And Sam was the closest. Cooper's right fist caught Sam completely by surprise and he corkscrewed to the ground. But Cooper wasn't finished. He then punched Rick in the stomach with his left and then brought his tormentors face to meet his raised knee.

Eric came from Cooper's right and sent multiple body shots into his side. The repeated blows were staggering before Cooper regained his footing. Eric wasn't letting up and swung a right punch directly at Cooper's face. Cooper took a step back, but got caught with enough of the punch that blood began trickling from his nose. Eric was like a wild dog and ran forward, forcing Cooper to keep backpedaling and he cringed in pain when he ran into the side of the building. Body blows rained onto Cooper before Eric went for the finishing shot. His right hand wound and fired. Cooper, no longer being held up by the body punches collapsed as the punch landed into the brick.

"Fuck!" Eric cried out in agony, his hand shattered.

Brooklyn ran through the door, "Oh my God, Cooper." She ran over to her boyfriend and cringed. He was a wreck.

Rick and Sam slowly regained their composure and took off with Eric as a few students as well as Vice Principal Carpenter started filing out of the building.

"Okay, kids, back inside," Vice Principal Carpenter shouted as he corralled the students back inside. Once accomplished, he went over to Brooklyn and Cooper. "How's he doing?"

"I don't know," Brooklyn shouted. "He hasn't said a word since I got here. Cooper?" She shook her head, "Just leave me alone with him for a few minutes, all right? I can take care of him." She pulled some tissue from her purse and wiped at the blood.

Vice Principal backed off. "I'll be back in five minutes."

"Cooper, Cuddly Bear," Brooklyn lowered her head and started to cry. "Please say something."

A glint of life flickered in Cooper's eye. "Did Neil hurt you?"

Brooklyn breathed a sigh of relief, "No, he didn't."

A faint smile formed before turning to something more serious, "Why are you with me?"

"What?" Brooklyn was stunned by the question.

"Just look at me," Cooper lowered his head. "I couldn't protect you. I'm just a fat loser."

"You certainly are not and I don't want to hear you say that again."

"But I couldn't..."

"What do you mean you didn't protect me?" Brooklyn giggled as she interrupted, "Do you realize that you, Cooper Rutledge, My Cuddly Bear, fought, beat up, and won against three people?"

"I did?" Cooper looked up, "I don't remember."

Brooklyn smirked, "That's because you were worried about me." She leaned in and tenderly kissed Cooper. "My hero." She grinned, "And don't you worry about Neil, either. I had a little chat with him and he won't bother you ever again."