The Matchmaker


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Cooper smiled, "Do you hear that? They're playing our song."

"We have a song?" Brooklyn snickered and then listened carefully. It was All of Me by John Legend. The same song they first danced to at Giovanni's. "I stand corrected, yes, we have a song." She smiled warmly.

Cooper forced himself to his feet, pulling Brooklyn up as he did. "Would Perfection like to dance?" He didn't wait for an answer and held her tight, his eyes never leaving hers. "I love you, Brooklyn McCray."

Brooklyn's eyes lit up, "I love you, too, Cooper Rutledge." She leaned in and sealed her proclamation with a kiss.

The side door opened, "How's he..." Vice Principal Carpenter smiled as he stepped back inside the building.


"We missed our turn," Cooper glanced into the sideview mirror to note that yes, Brooklyn past the street to go back to his house. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, Cuddly Bear."

Brooklyn drove for a few more miles, humming her favorite song. Cooper smiled as he listened before he interrupted her, "The Dunesbury Hotel?"

"You got it," Brooklyn grinned back at him, "I wanted to go somewhere private to clean you up bit."


"Uh-huh," Cooper shook his head as they walked past the concierge desk. "Somewhere to clean me up? Either you're lying or you knew I was going to get in a fight."

Brooklyn pulled Cooper into her arms as soon as the elevator closed. Her lips mashed into his with a fevered passion, her arms wrapping tightly around his form.

Ding. The elevator sounded as they reached the fourth floor. "Perhaps I had a moment of psychic clarity," Brooklyn giggled.

Cooper chuckled, "Well, I'm also having a moment of psychic clarity."

"Oh, really?" Brooklyn slid the key card into the door and then opened it. "What's yours say is going to happen?"

"This," Cooper spun Brooklyn against the wall as the door shut. His mouth latched onto hers with renewed abandon. His tongue pierced through the nonexistent barrier and began attacking her senses with a cavalcade of brush strokes, doing everything he has been taught by the woman that he loves. His hands began to caress her hips before moving to her back. They slid further south before pausing... It seemed ridiculous to think he was mistaken, but what if she gets upset? He crossed his fingers and threw caution to the wind as his hands felt Brooklyn's ass. He squeezed it mercifully, massaging each buttock as if they were Play-Doh.

Brooklyn pulled breathlessly away with a smile, "I really like this forceful you, grabbing my ass like you own it, but if you grab these with that same tenacity," She paused as she grabbed the hem of her dress before pulling it over her head, "You'll hurt me."

Cooper's breath caught in his throat as he bared witness to the promised land. His hand reached out and touched the right breast of Brooklyn with a soft, feathery touch. It glided around brushing against her nipple. His second hand soon joined in, taking the left mound delicately, becoming familiar with every curve.

Brooklyn let him explore until she felt she needed to encourage a little more. He took her words to heart a little too much. "You can grope them a little more firmly. You can suck on them, too."

Cooper's eyes lit up as if her words were the meaning of existence. He went in, his mouth closing around as much flesh as possible.

Brooklyn smiled at the adorableness of her partner. She'll teach him everything next time. "Ooh." That was unexpected. Cooper had flicked her nipple with his tongue. and then rolled it with tender touch.

Brooklyn felt it was time. Her hands went in between herself and Cooper until she found her goal; the top of his shirt button. She easily dispatched the little nuisance before lowering down to find another. And then another. When she was finished, she pushed Cooper away, and slid his shirt off before undoing his belt. She kissed him again, quickly this time, before retreating, pulling his lower lip slightly, all the while, she unzipped his pants. She then sashayed toward the bed before slithering on top of it. She laid down, and parted her legs ever so slightly before pointing at Cooper. Her finger then turned, and curled several times, enticing him to follow.

Cooper pulled down his pants and underwear allowing them to pool on the floor. He stepped out of them and walked towards Brooklyn and all the promises her finger were making.

Brooklyn took Cooper's head in her hands and kissed him. She pulled back with a sultry smile. "Look in the top drawer next to you."

Cooper did so rapidly and pulled out the wrapped condom. His smile was ear to ear.

Brooklyn took it from him and instead of unwrapping it immediately, she waited and pushed Cooper onto the bed. Her hands began a soft trace of his body, finding all his sensual places; his ears, his thighs, his neck before her hand enclosed upon his mighty erection. She stroked a few times, "My, my, what is your psychic clarity telling you to do with this?" She unwrapped the condom and put it effortlessly in place. "It's your night, Cuddly Bear. How do you want me?"

The offer was inconceivable. So many times he had fantasized this very moment, and with Brooklyn no less. "How about regular style, I guess."

Brooklyn smiled at the sweetness of it before licking her lips. She laid on her back as Cooper slid in between her legs. She reached down, grabbing his girth and putting right at her entrance. "I'm all yours. I love you."

"I love you, too." Cooper moved forward slowly, tickling the corridor. He couldn't believe he was at heaven's gate.

"Mmm," Brooklyn felt the caressing on her clit.

Cooper also couldn't believe Brooklyn's reaction. He hadn't done anything yet? He wasn't sure what was going on, but he did take the opportunity to continue whatever it was he was doing. Brooklyn was obviously enjoying it, so he figured he might as well do the one thing he knew was giving her pleasure. He just continued moving in slow movements, up and down, left and right, circles, triangle; he was attempting a hexagon when he noticed Brooklyn staring at him.

"You're driving me insane." Brooklyn's face scrunched in need, "Fuck me already."

Cooper was stunned at her words before a smile shown on his lips, "You said tonight was my night and that I can have you any way I want... And I want you like this."

Brooklyn's eyes went wide.

Cooper continued his torture, finding added bliss in the torment of his girlfriend.

"Cuddly Bear," Brooklyn whined. "Please?"

Cooper just stared at her with an amused expression.

Brooklyn's hips began to arc upward, searching for their own pleasure, while her eyes pierced Cooper's, and her mouth became dirty, "Fuck me, Cooper. Fuck me hard. Ram that cock inside my wet, all for you pussy and make me your fucking slut... Oh, yeah!"

That had did it. Cooper closed his eyes and slammed into Brooklyn full force, sliding easily to the base. Realization hit him like a cinder block. He was doing it. He was actually having sex. His eyes creaked open to see Brooklyn staring at him.

"Feel good?"

"More than I could have ever imagined; and what you said was the hottest thing ever."

"Oh?" Brooklyn seductively smiled. "You want to make me into you're fuck slut?"

Cooper's body involuntarily quivered at the thought.

Brooklyn leaned up and kissed Cooper. "I'll tell you what, in the bedroom, I'll be you're little fuck slut. I'll teach you all I know and you can take me however you want. How does that sound?"

"Amazing," Cooper creaked out.

"Now fuck me," Brooklyn added another quick kiss. "Fuck the shit out of your little fuck slut." Cooper pulled back and slid back forward. With the motion, Brooklyn fell back into the bed and moaned, "At last." Her hips flung upward to meet the invader, eager to let it ravage until its own satisfaction said otherwise.

Cooper thrust into Brooklyn. The feeling was exquisite. The pleasure was overbearing, clouding his senses and it spurred him on faster. Until something grabbed him not letting him go.

Brooklyn screamed in ecstasy, her channel clinging to Cooper's invading manhood. She wrapped her legs around his ass, urging him deeper into her canal.

It was too much for Cooper. His body quaked as he let forth all that he was. He roared in euphoria, as the pleasure created a haze, engulfing his entire being. It lasted and lasted, Brooklyn's legs still not letting him go. His arms fell to each side of his lover, clutching the sheet as he still gasped from aftershocks. His eyes slowly squeaked open to find a vision of perfection, His Perfection, smiling back at him. "Wow."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Brooklyn ran a hand through his hair.

Cooper nodded as he let out a deep breath, the exhaustion of the day becoming too great. He collapsed to Brooklyn's side and put an arm around her, his hand still somehow found her breast. "I wouldn't have had it any other way."

Brooklyn rolled on her side, her back to Cooper and cuddled further into him, "Anytime, anywhere."

"Really?" Cooper kissed the back of her head.

"My you're excited about that," Brooklyn giggled. "You're the first person I've ever verbalized that to, Cuddly Bear, though it was always true. Prior boyfriends would have taken my dirty talk and would have brought it outside the bedroom; no girl wants to be called a fuck slut in front of her friends." She shrugged, "I really don't have limits, I don't feel down on myself because of it anymore, and I trust you not to abuse what I'm saying. So for you, anytime, anywhere."

"I love you, Perfection."

"And I love you, Cuddly Bear."

"And as soon as you give your speech for winning the Nobel Prize for journalism, I'm taking you straight to the restroom to celebrate."


"So who's the new guy?"

It was Brooklyn's attempt at an olive branch. Though roommates, she hadn't seen Hazel since the sorority meeting, which typically meant a new boyfriend. Usually, Brooklyn was the first to know, with them spending the entire night gossiping about looks, personality, and all the pending possibilities. This time was different. There was a rift between them and now she is out of the loop. She just happened to be studying in their room when Hazel strode in, ignoring her friend as she went to grab some fresh clothes.

"His name's Easton." Hazel stuffed a shirt in a duffel bag.

"I miss you."

Hazel paused before finishing putting a pair of jeans in the bag. She turned and sat on her bed. "I miss you, too."

Brooklyn gave a soft smile, "So how is he?" Better to start with something she cares about.

"Hot, chiseled, rock hard abs, and a sex machine; don't get any better," Hazel gave a smile of her own back. "You still with High School Boy?"

"I'm with Cooper, yes," Brooklyn nodded, choosing to ignore the slight.

"You know," Hazel shook her head, "You can do so much better. I mean, look at you. I'd kill for those legs and those tits. You're a knock out and about to graduate and have a great job; and your boyfriend hasn't gone through puberty yet."

"Hazel," Brooklyn closed her Media Ethics book. "It's my life, why can't you be happy for me?"

"Because I hate seeing you throw your life away for some kid."

"You haven't even met him." Brooklyn took a deep breath to keep this from becoming a shouting match, again. "How about this? For graduation, Chad Riggs and his girlfriend invited Cooper and I to lunch to kind of celebrate beforehand since we were all busy afterwards. You should come, and bring Easton as well. It'll be like a triple date." It was Paisley's idea, originally, as the two of them have become close, but she thought the mention of Chad's name would seal the deal to get Hazel to come along and finally meet Cooper, hopefully allowing her to see what she sees in him.

Hazel raised her arms in defeat, "All right, I'll meet the kid."


"Sorry we're late everyone," Hazel bubbly announced as she arrived at the circle table. She gave a hug to Brooklyn before stepping back, "This is Easton," she gestured to her boyfriend. "Chad, it's nice to finally meet you and you must be Paisley, I heard a lot about you." She shook both of their hands before her and Easton sat in between Brooklyn and Paisley.

"Hey everyone, my name's Sharon," The waitress set down six menus. "What can I get everyone to drink?"

Everyone at the table paused, not wanting to go first. Paisley then snickered, "Okay, I'll have a lemonade."

Chad followed, "I've got camp in a few weeks, so I'm sticking with water."

"We'll each have beer," Hazel ordered for her and Easton.

Brooklyn smiled, "I'll have a cola, whichever you have is fine."

Cooper shrugged, "I'm going to have..."

"Just not any alcohol," Hazel interrupted with a laugh. "Don't want a repeat of the party, am I right?"

Easton joined in the laughter, but Hazel noticed no one else did, so she piled on, "I'd hate for us to have to duck and cover. Incoming!" She dodged to the side to get out of the way of the pretend vomit.

"Hazel," Brooklyn chided.

"What?" Hazel smirked.

Cooper glanced at the waitress, "I'll have a diet cola."

"Yes, you should," Hazel stared down Cooper with an arrogant wag of her head before opening her menu. She then mumbled, "And exercise, and liposuction, and about thirty other plastic surgeries."

Easton clutched at his side, "You're cracking me up, Babe."

Sharon soon returned with everyone's beverages and took the food orders.

Chad lifted up his water, "I propose a toast; to graduation."

Everyone lifted their drinks high and shouted "to graduation!"

"Finally!" Paisley added.

"Except, Pooper," Hazel giggled. "I mean Pooper, I mean Cooper," she shook her head in amusement.

Easton matched Hazel laugh for laugh.

Cooper took a deep breath before standing, "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom."

Everyone at the table, with the exception of Easton, was staring down Hazel.

"I'm glad he's gone, now the rest of us can enjoy ourselves," Hazel took a drink of beer. "Hope he gets stuck, am I right?"

Chad stood, prepared to do what he must, but Brooklyn spoke first.

"I don't understand you, Hazel. You said you'd meet him. You said you'd give him a chance."

Hazel laughed, "I did."

"When?" Brooklyn exasperated.

"I told you Brooklyn, he's not one of us. He just doesn't belong."

"How can you be such a... such a... Bitch?" Brooklyn shook her head as she stood. "You need to apologize."

"What did you call me?" Hazel stood, her eyes steamed in anger. "What did you just call me?"

"Apologize to him." Brooklyn stood her ground.

"I will do no such thing, the fat ass had it coming," Hazel took a step towards Brooklyn. "Right now, you need to decide what's more important to you; me, who you've been best friends with since the fifth grade or that greased up pig!"

--- (Present Day)

There was the obligatory knock on my door. I hadn't locked the door nor did I put my sign up because no one should have been here. Regardless, Brooklyn shook her head at the noise and came out of her trance.

"Counselor Higgins, will that be all?" Brooklyn blinked.

Another knock on the door before it slightly opened and Cooper stuck his head inside, "Hey, Sir, are you almost done with Brooklyn?" He glanced at his watch, "We're going to be late for her graduation dinner with her parents."

I shook my head, "I told you, call me..."

"Nope," Cooper interrupted. "I'm taking summer classes, so starting next week, you are my Counselor."

Brooklyn stood, slinging her purse over her shoulder as she did. "Thanks for everything, Counselor Higgins."

I hadn't got the chance to wipe her mind of my influence nor did I apologize yet. "Wait," I went to tap my ring when Brooklyn clutched my hand.

Brooklyn didn't let my hand go as she moved herself in front of me. She leaned in close to my ear, "Your ring is very hypnotic, Counselor."

I stared at the side of her head in fear. No one had ever figured it out before. "I'm not sure..."

"I'll meet you in the car, Cooper." After he left, Brooklyn brought her attention back to me, "No more games, Counselor."

"How did..." I couldn't even finish that question.

Brooklyn smiled, "I'm a journalist and an excellent note taker."

Oh. My. Goodness. Her notes. She had been following me, she wrote down everything.

"I just want you to know, my first article with the Hilldale Gazette is going to be published on Sunday. You should read it."

My demise was imminent. I only told her to forget about interviewing me and writing an article for the school paper. This was going national. "Just tell me you didn't name any students names." I was nearly in tears. "They don't deserve any more problems."

"Still looking out for your students," Brooklyn faced me with a stoic poker face. She knew she had the victory. "Admirable." She released me and quickly turned around, "Have a good day Counselor Higgins."

"Just one last thing," I begged. "Please?"

Brooklyn turned around, her eyes closed. "Sure."

"I'm sorry." A tear fell down my cheek. "I'm sorry I interfered in your life. You are the only one who didn't ask, and I am so sorry." My head went to my hands.


Sunday came way too fast. I thought about running, but would that be fair? Though I only did it to help my students, and only ones that truly needed that extra guidance through the turmoil filled college years and beyond, I was still wrong. That one truth kept me from fleeing. And so, I stepped out onto my front porch and picked up my Sunday edition copy of the Hilldale Gazette, glancing down both directions of my street in an effort to see how soon the police would arrive. With shaky hands, I unfolded the paper and flipped it to the last page. There, in between two car advertisements and under the crossword puzzle read the headline:

Caring too much?

By Brooklyn McCray

We have all had those people in our lives who cast influence upon us and become our mentor. For some reason, they take us under their wing to turn our raw being, molding and shaping us to our very core, into the consummate version of ourselves.

But can it go too far?

What if it's not asked for?

There was a term used in medieval times, one in which the world views as dead, that answers those two questions: Chivalry. The idea that we all have duties to our fellow countrymen, and in our honor, we do what we must to hold the most important values true. Mercy, courage, valor, fairness, protection of the weak and the poor; these are not just words or wishes, but actions. While most of us find ourselves angry over a parking spot or a conceived slight, or even the neighbor's dog that just won't stop barking, there are a select few that go above and beyond for their fellow countrymen without wanting or needing a dime or a word of praise because, at their heart, those actions were just what any person would have done.

Well, Mr. _______, I am here to tell you, no, your actions are not what any typical person would have done. To take your time and save the souls of not one, not two, but countless students, all without praise or recognition or even an off the record interview with an unknown, fresh faced journalist. Chivalry is not dead. It is embodied inside of you, Mr. _______. From Paisley to Chad, to Cooper, to Brad, to Melanie, to Ron, to Anne, to the many others I don't know about, they all thank you for being their mentor.

But most of all, Mr. _______, thank you from that lost girl in the cafeteria who was struggling with societies views of herself... Me.

Please keep doing what you always have...

I smiled, "I think I will."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Vapid, shallow, self-centred bitches like Hazel really make my skin crawl and my blood boil. Of course Brooklyn is friends with morons like her. I sincerely hope people like her get used up and spat out by the world; it's nothing less than they deserve. Maybe it will teach them humility if they're lucky. She just seemed to be endlessly horrible for no reason other than he was, what, fat? Who hurt her!?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

5 stars

wow you know this is your best work ever

so erotic so natural so hot so beautiful i loved every line of it

how carefully he decides who should end up with whom its beautiful he knows everyone too well perfect halves to become one together

he actually felt so bad for pairing brook coz she never asked for it he shed tears

i wonder who has stolen the councellers heart

wow thanku please write more

GrokerGrokeralmost 3 years ago

One of your best!

As a nitpick, I think that a journalism major and rising star would know enough to say "hung with a zucchini" and "hung with a toothpick" rather than hung "like" a zucchini or toothpick...since neither are hung at all. But that's obviously minor.

Thanks for the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Best story

Best story I have read on this site. Not what you would expect for this forum but it was still the best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story, potential for more

A great thing that stood out was the counselor used his powers for the benefit of others. I wish we could’ve gotten more romance and sex from the other pairs like paisley and chad or from hazel or more from Brooklyn (she only had sex once). A lot was left open ended in my opinion

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