The Next Seduction


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So it was no surprise when the call came about a minor domestic emergency. A broken window, and the landlord out of town. Could I come over and help? Bet your ass I could, I knew this chapter. She hovered as I worked the putty (metaphors abound), and those lovely breasts just happened to brush my arm. I made a joke, she licked her lips. As our eyes met and lingered, I reached out to her.

I've never been in a prison camp, and that's about the only thing I can think of that would cause me go without sex for 5 months. But this woman had done it voluntarily, and it showed. She was quaking with need as I held her and stroked her hair. We kissed, first gently, then hungrily. I wanted to be tender, to go slowly and savor the moment, but Kirsten had other ideas: she wanted to get laid. She murmured something about hoping this wasn't a mistake, and I murmured back assurances.

I almost hated to do this without Lisa present, that's how into the game we were. But I quickly overcame that, and concentrated on the lissome Kirsten slowly stripping before me. Off came the blouse, down went the skirt. She looked great in underwear. I reached forward to unclasp her bra, but she eased back, wanting to give me the whole show.

When she slipped her panties below her knees, I saw for the first time what Lisa had described weeks before -- a fiery red bush, nicely trimmed for the occasion. Kirsten blushed furiously as she let her bra straps slide and the cups fall away to reveal a pair of tits any 30+ woman would love to have. Smallish, yes, but nicely shaped and free from sag. And I think Lisa was just jealous about her ass -- it looked fine, thank you.

My bone was about to burst my shorts as I ogled this luscious woman. Taking my inaction for shyness, Kirsten came forward to deliver a deep soul kiss, pressing her nakedness against me and groping the front of my trousers for the thing she craved. Between us we got me bare in seconds, and she wasted no time falling to her knees and slurping me into her mouth.

You (well, I) never really expect a classy woman to be quite as carnal as the rest of us, but under the skin we're all the same. Certainly this one was as hot as any I've ever met, and she knew how to suck a cock. She couldn't throat me like Lisa, few women could, but she found all the right places and her slow, steady bobbing was, um... effective.

And bless her, she was a swallower. Not a drop escaped her lovely ovaled mouth as I let go of a full load. She sat back on her heels and stroked my dick, waiting for it to droop, but to her delight I stayed as hard as third-year Latin. I told her she had a magical effect on me, which was true, but also since I'd known what was coming tonight I'd fortified myself with a little Vitamin V. No need to give up all our secrets.

Kirsten rebuffed my attempt to return the oral favor, instead dragging me by the handle into the bedroom, laying me on my back, and climbing aboard. No mere tongue could scratch this itch. She needed a live cock, and she wanted to be in control. Fine with me. Her juices were flowing, and her core was so hot I think I could have lit a match on her clitoris.

Not many sights can compare to that of a beautiful, slim and horny woman slowly impaling herself on your cock, eyes closed and head back, with her nipples proud and flushed with lust. It's a memory that will warm my nights well into old age. She rocked and plunged and twisted and bucked as I rolled her nipples, rubbed her clit, and teased her little brown hole. I was encouraged to note that she seemed to know what that was all about.

Waves of orgasm coursed through her for what seemed like hours in sex-time but really was only a few minutes. Shouting my name, she collapsed onto my chest, gasping in great heaves and sobbing like a nun on Good Friday. Not that I've ever fucked a nun at Easter, it's just a simile. Ok, it's a bad simile... I'll delete it later.

That wasn't the end of the evening, but it's all I'll relate here. Repeated limnings of raw lust and ecstasy can be so tedious, can't they?

But Lisa wanted all the skinny, pronto. We wound up the next day at lunchtime re-enacting the scaling of Mount Me, with Lisa as the lovely Sherpa guide. Now that she knew how totally sexual Kirsten could be, she was more eager than ever to turn her out.

Kirsten was a bit sheepish when I stopped by that evening, not sure how we should handle the lust and emotion that had gripped us. I assured her that I was fine with it if she was. As we talked I reached out to give her a little hug, honest, that's all it was, but before we knew it the floodgates were open again. This time I managed to eat her to a couple of dandy orgasms before spreading her on the bed and giving her a straight-up missionary fuck for another. From the tattooing of her heels on my back I think she liked it, but Lisa would find out for sure.

When my two ladies next met, Lisa claims that she could still see the relaxed aura of a well-fucked woman about her friend. She pressed for details, and got as much as Kirsten was comfortable telling. Kirsten expressed deep satisfaction, and knew now that she couldn't wait another 5 months to get laid. But she was concerned that her nice neighbor might misunderstand and start getting serious. See, I told you there were no stars in her eyes.

Lisa reminded her that the sea was full of horny men who'd kill for a chance to jump a beauty like her, but Kirsten grimaced at the thought of getting back into the dating scene at 33. Our couplings had been perfect, she said, because they came without any of the trappings. So far it was just good hot sex between friendly, compatible people.

Well, hey, Lisa had a thought! (Lisa: Actress and dog-ette.) Kirsten knew that Lisa's deal with me was just that, sex buddies with no attachments, and that I was an inventive and attentive lover. Lisa didn't mind sharing a little, and was sure I'd be eager once I got a look at Kirsten. How about it? She could be visiting Lisa's place when I arrived some evening, and if the vibe was good Lisa would spring it on me later.

She was reluctant, but Lisa was selling it hard. Kirsten had heard tales of our rabid sex life, and eventually her curiosity won out. OK, she'd take the first step. At the very least she'd like to meet the guy who could satisfy Lisa so thoroughly. They agreed to set it up for next Thursday.

Boy, if you thought butt-fuck Saturday was slow in coming, "next Thursday" took a month. Lisa was manic, hotter than a half-fucked chicken. Plans overspilled her fertile brain. When I wasn't there to help she managed alone -- Wired Willie got more pussy that week than I did.

On the day, I arrived at Lisa's with my key and a nice Merlot in hand. When I unlocked the door the two of them were huddled over a picture album. Lisa bounced up with a flip of her skirt to greet me with a hug, then turned to introduce her friend Kirsten... who took one look and shot off the sofa like she'd been goosed with a cattle prod.

I've never seen such a range of emotion, confusion and near panic cross a woman's face all at once. She might have thought that she could pretend we'd never met (or sucked each other's naughty bits), and make a quick and graceful exit. But Lisa foxed her by quickly asking what was wrong, and was she feeling OK?

There was more hemming and hawing than at a quilting bee in a spittoon factory (all right, all right, I'll delete that along with the nun thing). Maybe if she hadn't just been poleaxed Kirsten might have seen through Lisa's act, but as it was she never had a chance. Lisa did a slow double take from Kirsten to me and back -- my acting contribution being a slack-jawed goggle -- and exclaimed omigod, you know him! Oh... my... god, oh shit, he's the guy you've been fucking!

Moliere couldn't have scripted a better farce (actually, I think he did write one like this, but without the blowjobs). Blushing and apologizing, Kirsten and I started talking at the same time, trying to explain that we didn't know... we never meant... not what it seemed...

Then Lisa did the perfect thing, for the wrong reason: she started laughing so hard she nearly peed. She did it because she couldn't keep up the pretense, but the effect was to unfreeze the tableau, to get us both moving -- Kirsten to comfort what she guiltily saw as hysteria, me to shut her up before she blew the monkey.

I was whispering an urgent "Ixnay" into Lisa's ear when Kirsten drew her into an embrace, trying to calm her by stroking her hair and saying how sorry she was. I was caressing Kirsten while she was distracted by Lisa, telling her it was OK, we were all friends, no harm done... basically a bunch of bullshit platitudes but it gave me the chance to connect to her physically.

This interlude reduced the tension some, and as Lisa recovered she steered us to the sofa. I took one end and Kirsten warily took the other, with Lisa between us. I uncorked the wine and soon we'd drained that bottle, and another, and now the level of tension had dropped considerably. In fact we were downright loose as Lisa turned to lay her head in my lap and her feet in Kirsten's.

It was only natural for me to pet Lisa as she lay there, and with a little wiggle she encouraged Kirsten to do her feet. Lisa wasn't an underwear person on days when I visited, and as she raised her knees to get her feet into position, Kirsten got a nice beaver shot.

Meanwhile, my hands had roamed from Lisa's head down to her taut-nippled breasts. Lisa looked directly at Kirsten and said how totally cool it was that they'd both fucked me, how turned on she was by our all being together, and how much she loved to have her breasts played with.

Kirsten was clearly uncomfortable, but the wine and the situation also had her more than a little heated up. I undid a few buttons on Lisa's blouse (no bra -- no surprise) and continued feeling her up. Lisa described aloud how good it felt to have her nipples tweaked, how horny it made her and how much she needed a cock or a tongue inside her. Kirsten's own nipples had risen and were clearly outlined beneath her blouse.

Something else had risen beneath Lisa's head, and with a grin at Kirsten she turned, lowered my zipper, and freed my erection. Kirsten was like a deer in headlights -- knowing that the smart thing would be to move, but frozen by the sight. Lisa's sweet mouth slowly engulfed me and I gave a groaning sigh. It was a throat night for Lisa and soon I was tickling her uvula.

I called Kirsten's name, and her eyes jerked from the blowjob to gaze directly into mine. I whispered to her that I really loved the sex we'd had, that I wanted her again, that she should kneel here by the sofa and let me touch her hair, just her hair and she could watch as Lisa did something very special with her throat, and I needed just to touch her as she watched, would she please kneel here, that's good, slide off the sofa and kneel here by Lisa and oh, what a lovely sight to have both of you kneeling so close to me and so close to each other.

The soothing, coaxing tone had done the trick. She was all the way into it now, so when Lisa let my dick loose with a pop and offered it to her, she didn't hesitate. Lisa moved aside and I cradled Kirsten's head, brushing back her hair and telling her how lovely she looked with my cock in her mouth, how good and how different it felt for her to suck me after Lisa had.

I don't think she even noticed that it was Lisa and not I who undid her blouse and brassiere as she bobbed up and down in that maddeningly slow and steady way of hers. Her breasts needed attention, her nipples demanded it. At my urging she reluctantly released my staff and rose to present her lovely tits for me to nip and suckle at. Lisa moved behind her to help remove her slacks and undies. Now Kirsten was naked on my lap with me still orally adoring her breasts and Lisa gently stroking her back and ass, not yet daring to finger her.

She felt around for my cock and when she located it, with a little help from Lisa, she straddled me. With a moan of pure lust she pressed herself down to take me inside and began slowly, then feverishly, fucking up and down. Lisa was beside herself (and us), frigging her own clit and plunging with two fingers as she watched this show she'd worked so hard to bring to the stage.

Lisa couldn't help it, she had to get involved. So as Kirsten fucked away at me, all but oblivious, Lisa straddled me, separating my lips from Kirsten's nipples, and planted a long, wet kiss on her gasping mouth. At first confused, Kirsten quickly realized what was happening and after a brief hesitation she responded in kind. Lisa's sweet pussy was now hovering near my face, so I did what anyone would do, I started licking.

I couldn't last long under these conditions and luckily I didn't need to. Kirsten came with a throaty roar, which in turn set Lisa off. I was right behind with my own pleasure, sending gouts of sperm deep into my pale and willowy lover, as my dark and earthy lover stared into her eyes and urged us on in the most graphic terms.

Not giving anyone a chance to recover, I herded us all into the bedroom and laid Kirsten on her back to munch her sloppy parts. Not something I'm overly fond of, eating my own duck butter, but anything for the cause. Kirsten responded eagerly to my lingual caress, and in no time was on a sexual plateau, where I kept her for several minutes as Lisa toyed with her nipples and whispered an intimate mix of love and filth, telling Kirsten how beautiful she looked and how much she wanted to be the one sucking my come out of her.

It was time for the moment of truth in this whole game, the handoff. And when it came it seemed like the most natural thing in the world for me to move aside and for Lisa to take up licking Kirsten's overheated pussy. Lisa looked radiant -- they both did -- as she applied the lessons she'd learned from our oral lovemaking, and her own body's reactions to it.

As I watched them I wanted nothing more than to slide behind Lisa and slip my cock into her as she ate our mutual friend, now our mutual lover. But I resisted, because this was Lisa's moment, the culmination of what she had asked for long weeks ago. We had done what we set out to do, and from here on was an uncharted adventure for all of us.

Then Kirsten broke the spell and sealed our course with an explosive climax, calling out Lisa's name with unmistakable overtones of passion, pleasure, and love. We had been two couples -- now we were a trio.

* * * * * * *

The duplex across the way is sitting empty now. Kirsten moved out a few weeks ago when she and Lisa decided it was silly to maintain two households. I still have my key to Lisa's, and I'm still welcomed warmly (in fact ardently) when I show up, but it's no longer Lisa and I with Kirsten on the side. It's the two of them, and the odd man out.

The last few weeks had been a mad whirlwind of sexual fun. We tried everything three people can do, with and without toys. Lisa guided Kirsten through her first anal experience... before I arrived (I did get the second round). Kirsten proved to be as enthusiastic and talented an oral lover as Lisa had hoped. What none of us had expected was that they would come to prefer each other's oral ministrations to mine. At least they agree that I'm still a better lay than Black Bart.

Both would vehemently deny that they're lesbian (I'll testify if called), but there's no denying that they're lovers. The writing's on the wall, and I doubt they'll complain much when my visits taper off. Believe me, I know I've had an incredible run with Lisa, then with Kirsten, and I do have memories enough to last. But the game is over, and while the good guys may have won, the game's still over.

Anyway, the other day I was in town buying a book, and there was a woman behind the counter with a nametag that said 'Julie'. Cute blonde, maybe 5' 5", nice body, great smile. I'd say 25, 26, something in there. Might have had a ring on, didn't notice... don't care, really.

What can I say? It's in my nature. Dogs must prowl, and for this dog it's not so much the meat as the hunt that gets my blood up. So I think I'll start reading more... I've heard it broadens the mind.

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don87654don87654almost 18 years ago
Good reading!

There seems to be a concern by other critics on this story for the lack of condoms or birth control. THESE STORIES ARE FANTASY STORIES, folks, so get with the program. If babies are shot into the belly of the female, so much the better. And fantasy stories to not normally include HIV or worse! This story was very erotic!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
you are wasting your talent..

...writing stuff like this....and as was noted by someone else, its not all that arousing, but one heck of a great read...

widespreadinterestswidespreadinterestsover 19 years ago
Lots of fun,

very well written and entertaining, but, oddly, not all that arousing. Maybe it is just that female on female doesn't do much for me. What was this guy's wife doing all this time? He seems to have been available for dates with these women at all hours of the day and night, weekdays and weekends. Not the way most married men can operate. But all those things are just mild quibbles. I'll be looking for more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
What is next?

Thanks for the preamble. Too many times writers are plagued with vitriolic comments about "safe sex".

Your story was full of imanginable scenes. Loved it.

wagoneer88wagoneer88over 19 years ago
Beautiful style.

It's extremely well written - the best, by far, that I've seen in Literotica, with only a hint of a fault in grammar; you wrote: "it's no longer Lisa and I with Kirsten on the side". Would you really say "It's no longer I" rather than "It's no longer me"?

The plot is excellent, and very believable.

The only thing is, it lacks a little (and very little) of the eroticism that I like in porn. For me, you think a little too much with your brain, instead of with your cock. The similes and metaphors and other cerebral devices are clever, but they are a distraction from the dirty thoughts and deeds that that turn us on.

Foxe-MaleFoxe-Maleover 19 years ago
Far Out

You old dog....too bad it's just a fantasy.

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