The Night Manager Redux


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She scanned the area, not able to zero in on anyone, when Alex appeared. "Hey Bec, been here long?" He leaned over and gave her a wet, sloppy kiss, as he had taken to doing lately. She would have complained if she didn't like it so much.

"Look what someone has sent us, darling. Dom Perignon. Stick with me to live the good life, baby." They both grinned.

"Who was it, Bec? Over there, under the tartan? Umm, ah I see, there's a couple over there, your broad street type, with an older woman. They're smiling at us. Must be them. Lets have a glass, then go over."

"Where's your dolly, then, Romeo? Not up for dancing on a weeknight?" Alex frowned, just as the older woman he had noticed at the table that had sent the wine walked, or rather strutted toward them.

"Mmmmm, bit of alright there, eh Bec? For a senior. My dolly, as you call her, must complete a paper for tomorrow and declined." He rose as the woman stood before them, a wide smile on her face.

"Hi , my name's Meg. That dishy fellow I left behind's Daniel. We hoped we could induce you to join us. Can I have the waiter carry the bubbly over?"

Alex looked at Bec, squinted again at the woman's bosom, and said "Sure, Meg, but I'll carry it. I'm Alex and that's Rebecca. Awfully good of you."

At the table, they shook Daniel's hand, and began to talk in the desultory fashion of strangers. Alex and Becca danced twice, the best on the floor by far, drawing applause. Meg danced one long set with Alex, and though in the swing tunes she was not as skilled as Becca, her toned sexy body could wiggle both frantically and erotically, and she drew whistles, which caused her to smile widely and wave to the crowd. She was an altogether pleasant, and Bec noticed, erotically attractive woman. Her casual carnality reminded her of her mother. Alex was nearly drooling over her.

Daniel was another matter altogether. He stared raptly at Rebecca, which she was accustomed to, and spoke very little. "Sorry, never learned to dance." What he did say was often distracted and superficial, as he continued to stare at Rebecca, though she could sense that rather than lust, his mind was somewhere in another universe. Finally, as Alex danced with Meg, Bec addressed him directly. "Daniel, you seem quite distracted. Somewhere else, old boy. I am accustomed to men staring at me, but not to having my attentions ignored. Can you give me some idea about why you are being such a bore?"

Her words jolted Daniel. He had been seeing Jeb and her daughter, staring at him lovingly, anguish blooming as his cock spasmed, a mixture of want and lust, tempered by not wanting to embarrass himself in front of this gorgeous creature, churning uncontrolled through his body. He blurted "I knew your mother once, Rebecca. She was kind to me, and I have often thought of her over these years. You remind me of her in a way that is almost unbearably attractive." There he thought, I've said it, and be damned.

Rebecca smiled, for she and Alex had always been curious about events in their parents' lives before they came along, from which they had been carefully shielded. "Oh Daniel, do tell me about it. Alex and I have always wanted to know more about how they met, and those first few years. Mum and Dad don't talk about it, as though it was a great secret." Just then, Meg and Alex returned. "Alex, stop drooling over Meg, you'll embarrass her, and probably her escort as well. He was about to tell me about our parents lives before we were born."

Both Alex and Rebecca saw the quick look which passed between Meg and Daniel. Daniel looked crestfallen. A silence settled over the table, further heightening the curiosity of their new acquaintances. Finally, Meg told them "I think Daniel is concerned that he would betray confidences your parents do not wish you to know. The best course would be for you to tell your parents you have met Daniel Roper, and see what they say."

Then Daniel broke in. "Please be sure to give them both my fondest regards. Meg, give them both cards, will you? Now I'm afraid I shall have to excuse myself, hoping to see you soon again." His face was red, and looked uncomfortable as he made his way toward the exit. Meg looked at Alex, put her hand behind his head, and kissed him in the most ardent way imaginable. Bec could see their tongues working. Meg whispered "So you'll remember me, big boy. Bye." Alex stared at her ass as she wiggled out the door after Daniel.

Becca reached under the table, and rubbed Alex's hard cock. "I should think the problem will be forgetting her, eh Alex my boy. Nice ass, I must concede, but those boobs are plastic, don't ya know. Now if you can get your mind upwards, what did you make of that bit about knowing Mum and Dad? You ever hear of Daniel Roper?" She continued to rub his prick.

Alex choked "New to me, Bec. He did look rather done in, though that's a two thousand dollar suit, and he must be thirty, if he's a day. The card says 'Ironbrand Trading', and he's the Chairman. Never heard of that either. Lets just ask Mum and Dad."

Becca had his cock out of his pants, and was jacking it smoothly. "Goodness, you're rather excited. We should have gotten a room. I'm not sure we should reveal this to them, big brother. They'll probably stonewall us, and we'll never hear the real story. Goodness, you're going to burst. Dolly not taking care of you, eh? Well leave it to your little sister then, but you owe me." She knocked an ashtray to the floor, and ducked under the table. He felt her warm, sucking mouth taking his cock right down to the root, relaxed, and let his climax overtake him. Through an orgasmic haze, he felt the familiar mouth swallowing his copious spend, his heart swelling. How would he ever find a woman like Bec?

When he opened his eyes, his sister sat beside him, sipping champagne, with a little trail of white fluid leaking out of one corner of her mouth, and simpering at him. As soon as she knew he was watching, her tongue licked up the jism, and he sighed as she made a little show of swallowing this last bit of his cum. "Jesus, Bec."

She grinned broadly, and spoke with the authority of one owed a debt. "Now say nothing to Mum and Dad, I'm going to call him and demand he take me to dinner and treat me better than he did tonight, including some juicy tidbits from our parents' pasts. I think I shall make my request for this Saturday night, and I suppose, if you wish, you could attempt an attack on old Meg, though what she can see in a young primitive like you I can't imagine. I must say it appeared tonight that against all good sense, she might be willing to consider such a proposal."


Meg and Daniel were nude, resting on the leather covered couch in his office, relaxed and comfortable as she leaned against him, after two drinks and lovely oral sex. Though both their groins were wet, they paid no attention, as the next few minutes they would take their next step, which Meg suspected might involve sodomy upon her. He was in that sort of mood, rough and urgent, churning from the call she had put through an hour ago. He's gaga over that girl, she thought, and the mother too. He was such a good fellow, had been so put upon in his life, and Meg loved mothering him. Her own children were grown, and she considered herself lucky to have a young, handsome and ardent lover at her age, when so many of her friends were abstinent from necessity.

"My god but she's cheeky, Meg. 'You were rather indifferent to me last night, Daniel, so I think the least you could do would be take me to a nice dinner, so we can correct the rather unhappy first impression you made on me. No, just book a table, and Email it to me. I'll meet you there. You can drive up some other time. You realize of course this is all rather mysterious, you know so much about me, though I suppose I'm flattered.' Never a thought that I might be busy or anything."

Meg opined "She wants to get you alone and pump you about her parents, darling. You're going to have to decide how much you want to say, and for that matter how you feel about the whole thing. She really is a beauty, dear, and I suspect is not above putting that and her vivacious personality to work loosening your tongue. If you wish my opinion, I think you should try to get to know her, and practice a bit of your own charm on her. She would do you rather well as a wife, and my sense was she is rather sexy. She certainly likes to show off her assets."

Daniel sighed. "Yes, I suppose that's her plan. I wish I was more certain about how I will feel if it turns out that her parents did indeed kill Dad. I know he was a bit of a cad, and perhaps a crook as well, but I never saw any true evil in him. Though I suppose a child never does."

Meg twisted around, holding his gaze, letting him see her affection. "Darling, eventually, after a pleasant meal, tell her your story. If you want a future, you really must. Anyone with half a mind, and you might have noticed she took a first in the examinations so she is no fool, will understand the complications of your life. I think you have survived it all rather well, you might have noticed my bias in your favor, and are closing in on a discovery that will perhaps free you from some of your psychic angst."

Daniel smiled at her, and leaned down to kiss her gently. "You are a prize, my dear. what would you like to do with my body next?"

Meg leered at him. "Fuck my ass, stud." So he did. She omitted the fact that Alex would be taking her to dinner Saturday night. Their agreement was, what you don't know won't hurt.

So Rebecca was quite pleased with the intimate table at the Savoy, for which she had carefully achieved what she thought of as her "classy slut" look, a translucent gown that hinted at the charms beneath. Daniel was waiting for her in the lobby, and seemed a very different person, charming and confident. He kissed her cheek, then guided her to the table as the head waiter trailed behind. Once they were seated, and the man had listed the nightly specialities, he poured the Chablis that had been chilling, and left them alone.

"Well Daniel, that was a great improvement. I'm so pleased that you do indeed know how to show a girl a good time. I've never been here, so help me to make the most of it." She leaned over and whispered "I'd say you are charming the pants off me darling, but I'm not wearing any." In spite of knowing she was manipulating him, he felt his body respond to her casual, rather free spirited sensuality. So much like Jeb, he thought. He grinned at her.

The meal was a great pleasure for them both. The elegant food, good wines, and careful service made them relax and exchange ideas in an altogether enjoyable way. Daniel was conscious of his lust for her, but let it show only occasionally. Rebecca sensed it, but smiled and did her usual flirtatious but superficial teenager imitation, which was well practiced. She had begun to react to an undefined and vague unease that was like an aura around him, in spite of his practiced sophistication. He was a troubled fellow, she felt, not in the nasty way some men were, but an ungrounded, confused sort of discomfort. In spite of this, his casual wealth and sincere, almost worshipful admiration pleased her greatly, so it was easy to say yes when he invited her to his apartment.

It was a spectacular place, the penthouse of a five story building in a fashionable downtown section. The twelve foot high walls of the main room were connected to skylights which gave an impression of openness and size, and a great feeling of being outside. The fashionably modern interior was beyond classy, and the whole effect took one's breath away. After staring around for a a long moment, Rebecca turned and embraced Daniel, lifting her face to his, and breathing "Okay darling, I'm suitably impressed. You may kiss me now."

He was a good kisser, she thought, and relaxed her body against his. He allowed the kiss to become slowly more passionate, which she knew was an intended prelude to seduction. One of the things her mother had taught her, and an occasional experiment had confirmed, was that seduction never resulted in good sex, much less genuine affection. It was simply intended to confirm the male's power.

She drew away from him, smiling up at his handsome but not quite certain face. "Darling, I'm not sure we're ready for each other, though you're awfully attractive. When we make love, I want us both to be fully committed and clear. Honestly Daniel, you would make an awfully good husband, and I would make an excellent wife. But a quick bump and giggle is no way to begin. So lets relax, please tell me what you can about my parents, and you're relationship to them."

Meg's apartment was about three blocks away, a pleasant, airy third floor flat, two bedrooms and a nice view. Alex was stroking smoothly into her quivering quim, working her toward her fourth orgasm. They had dined casually but well, nearby, at her suggestion. There had been a hot, viscerally erotic character to their conversation, leaving no doubt in either mind that their evening would end in their present naked, missionary position. Meg, however, was having her breath taken away by the young man's lovemaking.

"Migod, Alex, ready again? Oh no, darling you don't have to....... yes, yes keep sucking just like that, ooh darling ohhhhhhhhh.........." And later, "Don't stop, don't stop, Alex cum with me, that would be so nice, so, now darling, oh now you lovely naughty man aggghhhh......" She lay gasping, watching his face smile down at her after grimacing as he filled her swampy pussy for the second time. "Darling, you've had an awfully good teacher somewhere along the way. And such confidence. Mmmmm. Oh stop wiggling like that, or you'll have to do it all again. Really? Well lets shower, my dear. I haven't your energy, though I might have twenty years ago. But don't get the idea that I'm finished. Oh stop that, I'm impressed, but don't start showing off."

Feeling lethargic and sated, they were spooned together in her bed, covered by a light blanket, when Alex whispered "You know all the bit about my parents don't you Meg? Knowing Bec, I'm sure she has it all squeezed out of Daniel by now. Can't you tell me about it?"

Meg twisted around and stared at him. "Fucking me for information, Alex? Oh that's so seedy and nasty. I know, I know, I'm a good fuck, no doubt about it, and you aren't the nasty sort. I can tell you this, Daniel is troubled by the death of his father, which people have accused your parents of causing, and he remembers them fondly. He is confused and not entirely clear about his feelings. I think he must eventually confront your Mum and Dad, though it's not obvious that they would go along with that."

She rolled away, reached in the drawer of her bedside table, and pulled out a cigarette. She lit it quickly, waved the smoke away, and twisted around, her breasts in profile to him, with a seductive smile. "I love Daniel dearly, Alex. Part of it is a mothering thing, and part is the pleasure an old gal like me gets from young studs like the two of you. He's very generous, and truly has a good heart. But he will never be content without somehow dealing with this strange ambivalence. You see, he thinks he loves his father's killers. That's a confusing burden to bear."

She took a deep drag, closing her eyes as she felt the smoke hit her lungs. Alex thought, through his confusion, what a sensual woman she was, seeking pleasure so forcefully. "I don't know the truth of it, dear. Nor do I know how it will all come out, but I hope for the best. Rebecca would be a marvelous mate for him, particularly if she is as wise sexually as you are. He has some way to go before he can be the lover you are, and I don't seem to be able to teach him." Her eyes were closed as she inhaled another puff. Then she stubbed out the thing into an ash trey inside the drawer.

Twisting back to him, she pressed her body to his, whispering "So we're ships passing in the night, darling. I'm the same to you as to Daniel. I can comfort, give affection, sexual pleasure, but it is temporary, because you must each eventually live your own lives. So be kind to your substitute mommy, Alex. And don't forget me. Now, I find I have regained my strength, and I can feel that you have revived. I don't think preliminaries are necessary darling. But do try to wait for me."


Jonathon walked in to the living room to discover Jeb with an angry look on her face, by itself a rare thing, and his children on the couch opposite her, looking cowed, an even rarer thing. He said "Good Evening", and sat down on the arm of Jeb's chair, looking down at her. She looked up and he saw a tear, lingering in her eye, and a hint of fear beneath the anger. He looked over at the kids. "Will someone tell me what's going on."

Simultaneously, Rebecca blurted out "I didn't think it was so bad to want to know about....", and Jeb groaned "They have met with Daniel Roper, Jonathon, and pumped him about our past." With that, both children were shocked to see their mother break down in tears, big, heavy, anguished tears. They both thought "Mother never cries, not at funerals, not when a horse dies, never. Well, weddings, but not like this." Jonathon had his arm around Jeb, but she kept her head up, staring now into space, tears rolling down her face.

"He was such a darling little boy, just wanted love, quiet, thoughtful, so unlike his dad. You remember Jonathon, the night you rescued him, I danced with him, on that veranda to that stupid calypso band, and he got a little stiffy, right there against my tummy. It was the last time I felt innocent, the last time the world seemed bright and fresh, the last of simple minded, naive, helpless Jeb. I miss her sometimes, darling, and then I think of that poor boy, no father, a shit of a mother, with no one. No one for god's sake. It always seemed so cruel. And he loved your father. Every morning, when he was going sailing, or climbing, or whatever, he would be bright and smiling. But he was always careful around his father, not to fuss too much over Thomas. That's how he knew your dad. And I remember how he hugged me when I put him on the plane back to England, crying, not wanting to leave. But he went, with his lip quivering, not looking back. I remember the pain I felt, thinking I would never see him again."

She looked up at Jonathon. "But it looks like I will, dear. God what are we going to tell him? It sounds to me as though your daughter has her eye on him. And your son is having it off with his secretary."


Meg was very impressed with Jonathon in person, as he stood in front of her desk, an intense, penetrating stare, and announced "Jonathon Pine to see Mr. Roper." He looked slightly younger in person, and the sense of harnessed power he projected was awfully sensual. Not handsome, but virile as hell. She realized, suddenly, that he had, without doubt, killed Daniel's father. For the first time in many years she felt flustered. "Um, well, yes, Mr. Pine, Mr. Roper is expecting you. Please go right up, I mean in." He smiled quickly at her, seeming to see into her soul, and as he walked past her, she felt her pussy gushing.

Daniel stood beside his desk, as Thomas, he couldn't think of him with any other name, strode directly to him and shook his hand. Suddenly, he remembered the feeling, that this was a man you could have complete confidence in, a man who would never let you down. "Please sit down, do you mind if I call you Thomas? I know that's strange, but its the way I have thought of you all these years." As the man waved his hand, as though to say "Whatever", Daniel felt a rush of affection. He took a deep breath, but Thomas was talking.

"My children have told me how you met, Daniel, and I must conclude you are trying to find out what happened twenty two years ago. I am willing to tell you some of what I know, but my main purpose is to be certain you are not a threat to my family. So may I ask, why now? I know about both Darker and Langbourne's efforts, and I suppose they told you what they discovered. So why wait so long? Has something happened that I should know about?"
