The Pandora Effect


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Adam looked at Kevin and smiled. "I can cover that," Adam said then left for the bar with Garrett Brown.

When they were alone, the two werewolves stared at each other. Jake, continued to drink his beer quietly, while Kevin nursed his water. After a few moments, Jake put his beer down and looked down at the closed folder.

"Your Lieutenant knows, doesn't he," Jake said point blank.

"Yes, he knows what we are."

"I've never met another were, but aren't we supposed to keep our true self hidden?"

"It was unavoidable. It was the only way to protect him. Did you kill those men?" Kevin asked with a hint of anger.

Jake leaned forward and placed his hands on the table. "Those were my friends. I should ask you the same thing."

"No I didn't, I don't do that sort of shit. Although I do know, there are some like us that do. I took one out in Predjama. I assume you saw the photos of Bravo squad."

"I have, but unlike you, I keep what I know to be a true secret," Jake said as he leaned back.

"Why did you come looking for us? You have the talent to chase this werewolf down and kill it. Why is it even out there doing this? What is he or she after anyway?"

"I can't tell you that, and it's not like I can go up to the Director of the Special Activities Division and tell him, oh by the way, your team was taken out by a werewolf like me. Can I track it down and kill him for you?" Jake said sarcastically.

Kevin started laughing and tossed his head back. "I don't get it, what's so funny, Dvorska?"

"Oh shit -- oh it's -- it's just I remember when Bravo got hit. I had the same dilemma you do. Fucking sucks doesn't it?"

Jake smiled and laughed a bit. "Yeah it sort of does. I guess since Mr. Dawson knows about you, it's a little easier huh."

"Yeah sometimes, but give it some thought on telling, Brown. He'll freak out at first, but he'll probably calm down once he knows you're on his side."

"Christ Dvorska, that's the stupidest thing I've heard all day."

Kevin looked over at Adam Dawson and nodded his head. He held up one finger, letting his team leader know he needed a beer. After a few moments, both Adam and Garrett came back and sat down. Kevin took a drink of his beer and set in on the table.

"Ok Mr. Brown, what do you need the SEALs to do?"

Adam looked at his point man. "First off Kevin, let me offer up my own team if you don't mind. Second, is everything cool with you two?"

"Yeah it's fine L-tee. Let's just say we had to dump some hormones to settle down. I think we share the same difficulties you might say."

"What the hell are you talking about, Dvorska," Garrett asked.

"We both have great bosses Sir," Kevin said then raised his beer to Jake.

Jake raised his beer and nodded to Kevin. Suddenly Jake and Kevin broke out laughing loudly as the two other men looked on in disbelief. Adam sort of knew where Kevin was going with this and shook his head. Then he looked at Garrett and smiled.

"Has the whole table suddenly lost their minds?" Garrett asked as he looked back and forth at them.

"Settle down Garrett, you're taking life way too seriously. How long are you two going to be in town?" Adam asked.

"I was planning on heading back tonight, unless you have a better idea."

"Do you have any Intel on what your men were doing out there?"

"I'm under orders not to discuss it with you. I just want to know a little more of what happened in Predjama."

"I wonder if you'd be willing to let my wife and I look at some of the Intel you have. She used to be an Intelligence Operative. She's probably the best the CIA ever had to offer."

"Are you insane, Dawson? You know I can't..."

"Listen Garrett, you'll have to trust me on this one. You are not going to catch what ever did this without our help. If you want another piece of advice, I think you better put Newton in charge of this op. If my point man trusts him, that's certainly good enough for me."

The grey haired ex-Green Beret looked at all three men as they drank their beer and looked back. After thirty years in the Army and another ten in the S.A.D., he'd never seen anything like this. He was conditioned for secrecy and to follow orders. There was no room for taking chances, the stakes were always too high.

"Mr. Brown, can I speak freely?" Jake asked politely.

"What is it, Jake?"

"Sir, I'm not saying to take Mr. Dawson here up on his offer, but we are running out of time on this one. I think it's time we put an end to this one before we can't stop it anymore. Fuck what Mr. Eason says. Lets fucking end this so we can get on with our lives."

Garrett Brown, studied the Navy SEAL across from him closely. Adam just sat there with a blank expression. He knew the director had a hard choice. Trust someone outside the group, or continue fighting a losing battle.

"I'm so getting fired for this. What time do you want me to show up?"

"I'm pretty sure you won't regret this. Kevin, why don't you take Jake here and get the team together for tonight, I'll take Garrett here with me back to the house."

"Aye, aye Sir. Jake, I hope you like stripper bars."

"I'm a Marine stupid, we live in them."

0300hrs, outskirts of Zernove, Ukraine.

The white Volvo van slowed to a stop just outside of the small sleeping city. Bashir Haddad studied the surrounding area carefully. After careful consideration, he picked the town of Zernove to test the deadly virus's effectiveness. The population was just under a thousand, so he was sure they wouldn't be seen at this hour of the morning.

"Mansur, when we drive in I want you to put the vial under the tire of a parked car. When that car drives away in the morning, it will smash it."

"What happens if it's discovered before the car drives away?" Mansur asked.

"That's a chance we'll have to take. I don't want to just leave it in the street where someone would pick it up and throw it away."

Bashir, drove the van the rest of the way into town. He noticed a few street lamps on which cast an eerie glow down the deserted streets. When they approached the center of town, he noticed a police car parked on the curb. He knew if it was empty, it was the perfect choice to place the capsule.

He drove by the car and looked over. It was empty, so he continued farther down and turned the plain white van around. Just before he reached the empty cruiser, he turned his lights off and carefully pulled to a stop.

The three deadly killers carefully surveyed the quiet little town. "It looks safe enough. Mansur, get the mask and gloves on and put one under the rear driver's side tire."

Once Mansur had the protective gear on, he opened the small ice chest that held a single vial. Bashir, only brought one deadly capsule with them for the test. He decided it was safer to bury the canisters far out in the countryside. He couldn't risk anyone finding them with the virus and alerting someone to their presence.

Mansur, exited the back of the van and slowly approached the police car. After checking the area once more, he placed the capsule directly under the rear tire and walked quickly to the van. After the rear door shut, Bashir drove away but left the headlights off for a few more moments.

As they approached the edge of town, Bashir felt the strong stirring in his groin. The kind of stirring he felt as he watched his lovely mate feast on the dead humans. They had been so busy with the planning of the mission, that he never had a chance to quench his lust. Now that the test was underway, the only thing they could do was wait. This was the prime opportunity to get Rashida ready for what was to come when they reached the safe house.

About four miles outside of Zernove, Bashir stopped the van and looked towards the rear passenger seat. Mansur, was puzzled why they stopped, but realized it when he saw Bashir looking hungrily at. Rashida Turk. He always looked like that when he wanted her sexually.

"Mansur, drive us to the safe house for the night. We'll stay there for a few days to monitor the news of the town. I'm going to sit in the back with my mate. I think she might need my help with something."

Bashir, climbed in the back of the van and sat next to his mate, Rashida. She had a smile on her face as he began palming her medium sized breasts. As her head fell back, her brown hair fell back over the seat and her mouth opened in a silent moan.

Even though he was the Alpha male, he got pleasure from seeing his mate enjoy herself. There would be enough opportunities to get her pregnant tonight, but for now, some quick enjoyable sex would suffice. Bashir, started slowly unbuttoning her plain dress and exposing the soft flesh to the night air.

Rashida, never wore a bra and her small nipples throbbed as they came into the open. Bashir, leaned down and captured one of them between his lips, running his rough tongue across the sensitive flesh. Mansur, could hear Rashida softly moaning, as he glanced in the rearview mirror.

While Bashir sucked softly on Rashida's breast, he snaked his large hand down to her panties and found her moist sex. She instinctively spread her legs out, and allowed him access to her. When he found her hooded clit, he gently squeezed it between his fingers. This caused her to shudder slightly and pull Bashir's head harder against her breast.

"Oh Bashir, it's been so long since you've touched me," she moaned softly.

The Alpha male moved his head up next to her ear. "It's because of the mission. Now that we have the virus, I can attend to the next step. When we return to the safe house, I will take you into the bedroom and mate with you. You will bear me the next generation of the greatest power known to the world."

"Yes my love. Our first offspring will be the start of a new world order," she said and then turned to kiss him.

As their tongues dueled for dominance, Bashir slowly slid two large fingers deep inside her body. As she felt the walls of her sex open, she cried out against his pressing lips. It had been weeks since he touched her and she was primed for a numbing orgasm. Bashir, began thrusting his digits into his mate as he returned to suckling her.

Rashida, wanted to cum quickly so she could return the pleasure she was receiving. While one hand held her mate's lips to her breast, she brought the other up to massage her unattended nipple. Now that both of her agonizing buds were busy with attention, her climax neared the point of explosion.

Up in the driver's seat, Mansur reached down and adjusted his own growing member. He knew he was not allowed access to Rashida until she gave birth to Bashir's first child. He began to wonder if Bashir would allow him to take a human for relief. He of course would have to kill her afterwards, but that was a small price to pay.

"Oh my love, I'm so close now. Push me over the edge my darling mate," Rashida moaned as she thrust her hips up against his probing hand.

Bashir, began biting her nipple as he pistoned his fingers faster. When he did, his mate's lovely face contorted into a pained look as her orgasm took control of her shaking human form. The musky smell of her climax filled the van, as her dress became wet from the fluid seeping out of her body.

When Rashida started coming down from the orgasmic high, she reached over and began undoing Bashir's pants. She was startled when he grabbed her hands and pulled them away. She looked into his eyes with a puzzled look as he moved back against the seat.

"I don't understand, Bashir? Let me make you feel good also."

"We are close enough to the safe house that I can wait. I want the most potent seed planted inside you as your true self. Mansur, make sure you drive the speed limit. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves at this stage of the mission."

Mansur, kept his speed just below the limit and continued on. The three werewolves remained quiet for the rest of the ride, although Rashida kept her dress open to keep her mate primed for later. With any luck, by sunrise the first of many baby werewolves would be growing inside her womb.


The winged angel looked down through the mist and watched as the white van drove along the highway. He was silently chiding himself for not taking a more active role in the events so far. He was wondering if there was any stopping the three demons from achieving their goals, when Gabriel slowly walked up and stood beside him.

"It's getting worse isn't it," Gabriel said.

"Yes Sir. She isn't involved, but the three wolves are testing the virus."

"We must not get involved. You know the rules."

"Forgive me if I seem out of line Sir, but if we are not to get involved what good is it to sit and watch their destruction?"

"What would you have me do, ask him to send one of us to help them? Enough has been done through the years to destroy them ten times over. He wants them to find their own way."

"I agree Sir, but the fallen one is changing it. She is trying to decide their fate, not him. Please, if he really loves them, let me stop it before it's too late," the winged angel said as he took a knee.

Gabriel, put a hand and the troubled angel's head. "I know you feel for them, it is your greatest gift. I will ask again, but I can make no promises. Keep a watch out for them all and I will return shortly," he said, then walked away into the bright light.

Hope you enjoyed the story so far. This just sort of sets the scene for the rest of the story. I'll get them out as soon as I can and leave me a comment to let me know what you think.

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nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 8 years ago
Exterminate ...

Was the word you meant since the terrorists planned to wipe out the human race.

Decimate has a specific meaning; why do so many misuse it?

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 8 years ago

To decimate was a Roman military punishment for mutiny or desertion, killing one in ten of a unit, usually a cohort (about 480 men).

The troops would be chosen randomly, then the other nine would be ordered to kill them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Specifically means removing one out of every ten. It does NOT mean devastate or destroyed. It means only 10% losses. Bad but not horrific.

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_ealmost 10 years ago
Tom Clancy just got a boner.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Yeah, baby!

Love the stet up for this continuation. More weres-good and bad, fallen angels and shackled angels-this is going to be an awesome ride. Glad Kevin will have a furry buddy to bond with.

MizTMizTover 11 years ago
Bible Quote

I wasn't sure I was reading the right story. Who starts a story w/ a Biblical quote? You do.....Jake Newton is a great surprise! He is so far behind when it comes to sharing who he is that it will be interesting to watch him open up w/the help of Kevin. You made no comment of how Kevin and the others spent Halloween or should I say the "Royalty" Kevin met on Halloween. And what happened to the author Jaz or her editor Miz T? know I had to ask......

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 11 years ago
Great Chapter

Boneams, just read the story. I liked it. I love Kevin and Adam. They are so awesome. I am anxiously awaiting chapter 2. The concept of weres being the aggressors. I like it. Will keep checking for chapter 2. Voted 5 stars.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago

Looks like another great story in the making. I love your were wolves!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

but you really, really need to learn how to use commas correctly.

rissa200204rissa200204over 11 years ago
Good Stuff!

Really enjoy your stories, keep em coming :)

dliterdliterover 11 years ago

I have enjoyed all the preceding stories with Dvorska but I don't like the direction this one is taking: Probably just me but not my cup of tea:-(

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wow great start!!!

Great start for your next story. Chapter two right around the corner?

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