The Phone Call


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"Oh God darling - don't talk like that - I'm shaking all over at the moment as it is... "

I thought I heard Greg moan quietly in the background and allowed myself a leery chuckle when I heard Mandy gasp a second later. Hopefully, he must have been touching her up and I loved the thought that his hands might now be starting to properly explore her body.

"Then put on those lacy little black panties darling. You know the ones I mean - the see-through ones? And your Cheongsam with the four buttons at the top and that long split below down the front of it... that'll guarantee he'll see the suspenders and stockings when you sit down, particularly if you're a little bit careless about keeping your knees together!

"Just think darling, he'll virtually be able to see your pussy through the panties and realise just how easily he can get access to you with only four cheongsam buttons to undo."

My wife gave a little moan, "Oh darling - that's just such a sexy thought. Do you really think he'll like seeing me like that? I can almost see the look on his face at the thought of it... "

More sounds of movement and a slight rusting sound. Then,

"Do you think he'll like seeing the real thing darling - in the flesh so to speak?"

I nearly came in my pants at this. Not only was she feeling hotter than ever but she was winding Greg up as well and heaven knew what he was now about to do to her. I had to spread this out to get maximum pleasure for all of us before it was all over too fast, so I said,

"Just imagine if he was there now darling and heard me telling you that I think he made some prints of those photos for himself before handing back the originals to me. Do you suppose he'd let you prove what I'm saying? I know he's got one in the inner plastic window of his wallet, because I've seen it; but I don't know how many others he carries with him!"

There was a sound of further rustling and then I heard Mandy quietly whisper,

"Ohmigod - he really wasn't joking was he!"

I nearly came at the thought that Greg was obviously showing my wife a picture of her own naked body from his wallet. I wondered which one it was. The last time I'd seen it accidentally when he was taking out a note to pay for drinks, it was a photo of her lying naked with legs widely spread, her breasts on full view and a really sultry look on her grinning face. I never let him know that I'd seen it.

It was time to move on with my encouragement, so I continued,

"Anyway my darling, I take it I'm forgiven for leaving the negatives lying about? So to continue with your change of clothes. Tuck the shirt into the cheongsam waistband and make sure you pull it forwards enough so's you can't quite see the outline of your nipples through the bra' when you lean back on the sofa... and I suggest that when you come back down, you sit on the sofa, so's our fantasy Greg has room to sit next to you.

"When you're happy with all that my darling, come back downstairs... but don't be too long over all this Mandy, 'cos it's making me really randy now thinking about how you'll look and I want to get on with our dirty phone call! Remember, I'm not going to be seeing you until at least eleven, so don't let's waste time or I'll be even later getting home. "

I wanted to 'unknowingly' reassure Greg that he'd have plenty of time alone with my now very randy young wife.

I heard her get up from her seat and it sounded as if she was being kissed just before a quiet whisper which I couldn't quite make out - something about not being too long; but then I heard her open the door and her footsteps a moment or so later going up the stairs.

After she'd shut the door, I think Greg must have taken his cock out and was playing with it, because I could hear a regular swishing sound and he moaned slightly. I knew how he felt and would probably have done the same if I'd been there with someone else's beautiful and seemingly now willing wife about to come down dressed for him the way I'd told her.

After hearing her moving around in our bedroom for a bit, she came back down the stairs and into the sitting room. She shut the door behind her and I was delighted to hear a little click as she locked it. There was no way she wanted to be disturbed!

"You still there Peter?"

Yes I am. Have you dressed up sexily as I suggested my naughty little wife? Do you look really available for our fantasy Greg?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have - and oh yes, I definitely think I do."

Even though she tried to modulate her voice, I could sense that she was now completely into our little fantasy and the only one who didn't realise the full extent of what was going on was Greg. But he was so into fulfilling his own lustful agenda that he'd probably want my wife to go along with anything I suggested... anything that would let him get her where he wanted her.

There was a rustling and a slight grunt as if she was fending someone off. I could imagine Greg's face flushing up with lust as he stared at my sexily dressed wife - knowing that she'd dressed at my instigation to purposely provoke his 'fantasy' interest in our little phone-sex scenario. He also knew that despite the fact that I was apparently unaware of his presence, Mandy most definitely did know that he was still there and he must have realised that her actions were now aimed at his 'real' arousal. She was his for the taking and I loved the thought.

"OK darling, let's carry on then. I take it you're still feeling randy?"

"God yes, I can hardly breathe Peter; and I'm shaking all over - I don't think I've been this randy in ages. Come on, I hope we're going to get under way with this role playing pretty soon 'cos I can't keep this up much longer without doing something to myself!"

My cock gave a slight lurch of excitement and I undid my waist-band to make more room before continuing,

"Oh yes my darling, that's good. Now, just slip your hand into your nicks darling and feel free to fondle yourself as we play the game - I want you to work yourself up, 'cos then your imagination will really take over and I'll get worked up too... then you never know, our role-play fantasy might even feel as if it's really happening.

"Now darling, just let yourself imagine Greg's hands slowly massaging each side of your neck and slowly circling it as his fingers move around to the front... you can feel his thumbs at the back of your neck... his fingers are beginning to circle your throat and to gently squeeze it. Not hard but just enough for you to sense that he could cut off your air supply at any time if he wanted to. The thought of being vulnerable and exposed like that thrills you doesn't it my naughty little wife... you feel completely at his mercy and it's beginning to make you feel very randy isn't it...!"

I could hear her breathing rate increase still further and she let out another tiny moan.

"Now put your hands over his and just gently squeeze them, as if you're telling him it's all right to go wherever he wants with you... you doing that?"

She didn't answer immediately but her breathing now was almost a long extended moan. Then she panted,

"Yes... I'm doing that with one hand and touching myself with the other."

"That's all right... you do as much as you like to yourself - that's the whole idea and I'm doing the same."

"Are you getting randy too Peter... oooh, and really playing with yourself... really?"

"Bloody right I am darling - the thought of Greg doing things to you really turns me on big time and you have no idea how hot it's making me feel by imagining what'd be happening if he was really still there with you. He'd be free to do anything he wanted to you and he wouldn't realise that I'd know. Oh wow, I wish he really was there darling and feeling his way around your beautiful tits. Just sit back on the sofa darling and pretend Greg's back in the armchair opposite. Now, slide your right hand up and surreptitiously undo the top button of your shirt... but be sure he doesn't see you doing it.

... have you done that?"


"Now look over at Greg and give him that naughty smile I see you give him in the pub sometimes. Are your legs closed, or will he be able to see between them through the slit on your cheongsam?"

I heard a rustle and assumed she'd spread her knees a little, so he could see she was wearing stocking and suspenders. After about half a minute, she breathed further into 'her fantasy' role,

"I think he can probably see I've got stockings on - he's really staring at me down there Peter!"

I bet he was!

"That's great darling, now look into his face and smile. Fiddle nervously with the buttons on your shirt and let the second one come undone, as if accidentally - then lean your shoulders forwards slightly, so your shirt opens and he can see a bit more of your cleavage.

This was where my 'fantasy' really came into play as my mind took control and I envisaged exactly what was happening in our sitting room.

Here I was, with a fast growing erection, actually directing events and making sure my randy little wife was about to let Greg do the all things to her that I knew he'd been dying to do for ages. Not only that but he'd be thinking I was the one who was unwittingly authorising him what to do as the result of a purported bit of phone sex with my wife. I was sure that the reality of his boss indirectly instructing him in the seduction of his wife must have turned him on even further and surely he must be thinking it was his birthday and a Christmas all rolled into one!

Oh wow - the thought of what was actually happening in our sitting room and just how much I would be able to orchestrate what was going to happen there was absolutely mind-blowing!

"Greg, why don't you come back over here and finish what you started - that neck and shoulder massage was absolute heaven and just so relaxing!"

Mandy was right into the game now and I imagined Greg would be moving behind her again - and if she'd done what I suggested, her white shirt would already have come partially undone from the top. It was probably hanging quite loosely over her breasts now and with anything like luck, her nipples would have hardened into dark stubs which would show through the thin white material. I knew the effect this would be having on Greg's libido, particularly if she gave him one of those really sexy innocent smiles and looked upwards at him through her eyebrows.

Once more, I heard a shuffling sound and then a swish. Was he really now standing behind her with his crotch resting against the back of the sofa? I really hoped so.

"Yes, that's right... Could you just pull my hair back from my face so you can reach back to massage my neck... mmmm, that feels really lovely Greg."

"Now imagine that his hands are sliding slowly down your neck with each massaging movement. They get really low until they're beginning to massage your shoulders. Can you imagine him doing that darling... how does it feel?"

"Mmmmm, that's really sexy, his hands are being so gentle and it feels like he's about to close them round my throat... "

I could hear my voice slightly feeding back from where the other phone lay on the coffee table in front of my wife and even I could detect a slight tremor of excitement in my speech as I went on,

"Now let his hand slide lower and ever so slowly, so he's rubbing the very top of your chest above those gorgeous breasts of yours. Would you like him to go still lower and put his hands right onto them?"

"Oh God yes Peter, I'd love him to... he's just sliding... I mean, I'm just imagining him sliding his hands down inside my shirt onto the top of both my breasts... "

My mind's eye could see Greg looking down at his first real sight of my wife's naked breasts as his hands spread wide above them and raised her shirt to enhance his view of the tanned flesh where her skin turned whiter below the bikini line and highlighted what must by now be her aroused nipples. They'd be sliding ever so slowly down Mandy's chest and I could hear her breathing faster as they moved. She gave a little moan, no doubt as his finger-tips pushed down on to her breasts and began to feel the firm white flesh in his hands. I imagined his cock thrusting forward to rest against the back of her neck as he reached down over her shoulders with arms each side of her head.

Would she be able to feel its hardness as he began to explore my wife's beautiful tits and moved his finger tips to squeeze those engorged nipples?

She moaned again, quite loudly this time and began to talk to Greg,

"Oh God Greeggg... you really shouldn't be doing that... Peter'd go mad if he knew what you're doing but oh yes, don't stop now, it feels so good. You've got them completely in your hands now and the way you're touching my nipples... it feels really... ooh yes, that's right... just squeeze them gently like that and roll them between your fingers... oh my godfathers Greg but that's lovely... don't stop now, please!"

I was getting beside myself now and wanted to speed things up,

"Does it feel really good Mandy... tell me again what he's doing to you. Are you playing with yourself as you imagine his hands exploring your breasts for the first time... our young employee? You know he shouldn't be doing that darling, even if he is a friend as well as an employee. Just think how randy this must be making him... being completely free to see and feel the body that he's been lusting after for ages. It must be really wonderful for him - much better to see and touch than to just look at you naked in photos!"

My wife mumbled something but I couldn't make out what it was she said and I didn't want to spoil the moment, so I just continued talking dirty to her,

"I'm just imagining what it'll be like for you to have your body being felt up by another guy's hands for the first time in years and it's really turning me on thinking about it darling - does it feel really nice? You're obviously taking care of yourself 'cos I can hear you moaning really loudly now. You must be really giving yourself a good seeing to as you imagine what he's be doing. Is that right my darling... you're not saying much, just moaning."

"Oh Peter, I'm thinking of his hands slipping down to the buttons of my Cheongsam skirt... no, he's not undoing them, he's sliding his hand under the waistband and feeling his way down my... ooh yes, that's right Greg, just go right there...!"

I could hear her moans getting longer and louder and I imagined Greg's hands under the buttons at the top of her Cheongsam, reaching his hand under the waist of her panties and sliding down to her sex. I wanted him to undo the buttons on her Cheongsam - slowly, one at a time, until it opened up and gave him access to her panties beneath. Then he'd be able to see her stockings and suspenders framing the top of those lovely naked thighs and providing a luscious frame to her pantie-clad sex. I went on, knowing that I'd get little response for a bit,

"Oh darling, I really want to be there and help you to come... would you like me to be there helping him, or would you prefer our fantasy Greg to be doing it on his own? I'll bet you wish now that he really was there don't you darling. I've got such a hard on thinking about how incredible it'd be for Greg to really be there and exploring his boss's wife like this, don't you think? He's been lusting after you for ages now darling and I really want the opportunity for him to have you when the time's right. I want him to experience just how lovely it feels to be deep inside my beautiful young wife... to be the only other guy to have you. I want to see the look on your face as his lovely young cock slowly pushes into you - bare-back and feeling his way in without anything to cover the wonderful sensation of your pussy clamping his penis. I want you to feel his naked cock thrusting impatiently into you and I want you to feel the whole length of him forcing himself right up until you're completely impaled and moaning around in ecstacy!"

"Oh god darling, his fingers are doing things to me I can't describe. It's so sexy letting him do what he wants to me... I think I'd...oh my god but that's heaven...!"

"That's right darling, you're really getting into it now. Just keep imagining what you want him to do and tell me what's happening as you imagine it."

Just as I spoke, the other phone rang in my office and I told her to keep doing what she was doing while I answered it.

In fact it was a friend of ours asking if I fancied a pint when I'd finished working. I speedily told him I might see him in the pub later and put the phone down as fast as I could.

As I did so, I had another idea.

"You still there darling?"

A quiet moaning was going on at the other end but she eventually answered,

"Yes - who was that on the phone?... oh-ooh... sorry darling... I just... oh yes, Greg's just found the right place above my pussy and his fingers are... oooh yes Greg , just there... do it just there but a little harder... oooh that's unbelievable...!"

"Don't you worry darling just keep going for it! And in answer to your question, it was just David wanting me to have a drink with him when I finish. Look, I know this is a pain given the circumstances but could you pick up the phone again for a minute - I don't seem able to hear what you're saying properly?"

"There was a scraping noise as she picked up the handset and a click as she inadvertently touched the conference button, thus turning it off.

"OK darling, did I hear you turn off the conference button?"

"Yes... should I turn it back on?" There was a rustling noise and she moaned again.

"No, don't do that. I want you to just put the phone down as if I've gone. Don't disconnect it. Just tell Greg that I've had to go and meet someone. Say that if you leave the phone on the table as it is, it'll give an 'engaged' tone to anyone trying to ring it so's at least you can be certain your husband won't be able to ring back and disturb you. I want him to feel free to talk without thinking I'll hear him. In fact I will of course be able to hear both of you doing whatever happens. Is that a lovely thought for you too?"

"Yes, that'd be really lovely darling. I was just getting into this phone sex thing but I'm sure I can finish on my own! See you later."

I heard the sound of the phone being put down and Mandy beginning to explain to Greg,

"Peter's had to go, so that's the end of the role playing for a bit! I've left the phone 'open', so if Peter or anyone else rings, they'll get the 'engaged' tone and we won't be disturbed. Now, where were we...?"

(To be continued...)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Oh my godfathers"?!?! Golly gee, and 23 Skidoo. A for initial plot, C for dragging things out, D for believable dialog, F for incompleteness. Not a great trend...

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 1 year ago

Not so well crafted, unless you base ‘crafted’ on speeches! The first-half of LIT page 1 is TOTALLY narration. Let the characters develop the story with their own speech to the extent possible rather than the narrator/MC.

Plus the lack of closure, we get to 2*

NonSequitourNonSequitouralmost 5 years ago
No "whingeing"...

...about the subject matter here. Rather bitching because after lecturing your potential readers, building a narrative (poorly), you failed to FINISH THE DAMN STORY! That's why it got such a sucky rating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
To be cont'd.?

What the f- - k ? You crank all your readers up & then leave us hanging ! It's been 2-years, hello ?? How about finishing it ? Not bad writing except for an ending.

fifteen16fifteen16almost 9 years ago
Well Crafted

Very well crafted story but where is the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great start

Great start to the story. Please continue. Ignore the naysayers who just don't like this type of turn-on. The phone call is a pretty decent device to permit the wife to tell the husband what is going on. It all sounds like fantasy but can be a report of reality, too. Nice idea.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I think it's o.k.

If you are not man enough to take care of your wife and bi enough to get off when a man does, than what the hell. I wish I was your neighbor.

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 10 years ago
Good Read

I am not normally a fan of wife sharing stories because they lack any dramatic tension. At least with your stories there is always the possibility the reluctant wife will pull the plug. The fact that she needs to be seduced also greatly enhances the impact of the sex.

katyontimekatyontimealmost 10 years ago

Not very sexy,and much too long.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Ah, leave it up to Splendid Spunk and his kind

to insult another reader. The willing cuckolds seem to have that problem, they're always bitching about another readers opinion. Shows one who the real trolls are on this site. As to the story didn't read it, given the description of this authors stories, it's obvious he's a willing cuckold writer. These stories I consider "fetish" and why this site allows them in loving wives I'll never understand. Some good points made by other comments, but the likes of splendid spunk and this author will never understand them. They consider "loving wives" a cuckold category and tough shit to anybody that doesn't like it. Haven't figured out how this guy gets over 4 stars for fetish stories. Must have followers like Splendid Spunk who eat this shit up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Read the prologue.....

First paragraph author already insulted some readers. Gave this an automatic 1* without reading further. And, Splendid Spunk, go fuck yourself. You're in the same league as this worthless writer. Always bitching about another reader. Go soak your puffed up head in some water and drown, idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

# 1

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
re: You did warn them...

A warning that appears AFTER you open the story is worth jack shit. Too little, too late.


Also, there's a funny little concept that you have to read a story to know what's in it. If you can tell what is in a story without reading it, that's solid evidence is sucks and defending it is illogical.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Question Lets see if you can figure this out?. How does anyone( anon or not and that is basically everyone on this site unless your real name is Slendidspunk) know if they like or dislike a story unless they read it? ESP? Prologue or not a person still has to read the story to make a judgement. If you read the comments it was not what the characters were doing it was how it was written. Sorry Splendid. This was poorly written and formulaic , How many times? Non erotic is right

SplendidSpunkSplendidSpunkalmost 10 years ago
Wow the anon's still come!

You did warn them which should tell you what pathological idiots they are. I on the other hand found your story engaging and worth waiting for more. Yes its a frequent plot, the phone bit is interesting, but in these the ultimate result is always the climax so to speak. If the wife lied it was because hubby asked her to, keep going and know you can delete the any comments you feel have no critical value, and merely condemning the concept is ridiculous. I feel you wrote this well and deserve some recognition of a job well done. Carry on, if only to spite the preachers!

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