The Photograph


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He wanted to please her too. After several minutes of the pleasure she was delivering, he reached down and pushed her back, extracting his now erect rod from her mouth. He kneeled before her on the plush carpeting and pulled her legs apart. She willingly complied.

His tongue circled her trimmed pussy, licking each thigh near where her legs joined her beautiful body. There were slight depressions when her leg tendons and muscles stretched the skin, and he focused on these for a minute. Then he circled higher, above her visible slit on to her lower abdomen. His tongue missed not a square inch of skin as he teased.

Then he ran his tongue from navel in a straight line down to her slit. He jerked with sudden alertness. She was wet. Her taste was divine -- a mix of musk and nectar that only the gods could create. As he circled her vaginal opening, he found her clit. She jerked again as his tongue probed the erect nubbin within its protected folds of skin.

He thrust his tongue into her vagina: Alternating between clit and hole as he aimed to bring her pleasure. Alex was moaning and purring as he attended to her. Several times she arched her back as a small wave of pleasure swept over her.

Jeremy's fingers became part of the action to please. He penetrated her with two fingers as his tongue tickled her clitoris. The fingers sought and found the slightly rough skin inside that was probably her G-spot and went to work. Alex arched her back even further and emitted a low groan of pure pleasure.

"Jeremy, come up and make love to me. Fuck me. We can do all this later. I want you in me now."

He gave a last thrust with his moist hand then rose. The two of them shifted to the center of the bed. Alex pulled her legs up, and Jeremy rose above her and aimed his rigid cock at her gapping hole. He slowly thrust into her in one long, smooth stroke completing their union.

Each of them felt the ecstasy of that first penetration. Backs arched and eyes closed as they both savored the experience. Both held the position for a few extra seconds to savor the moment. As they did they looked deeply into each other's eyes.

Jeremy extended his body onto Alex's, showering her face and neck with kisses and licks of love. Alex just kept saying "Thank you" and trying to kiss back.

Their bodies developed a slow rhythm. Both knew their brains were telling them to pump at full speed into one another, but their individual wishes to relish the copulation over rode the speed messages. Jeremy's hips thrust back and forth pushing his long and swollen member into her tunnel.

Their controlled thrusts went on and on for many minutes. If either one of them felt the approach of the end an invisible signal was sent to slow down or vary the pace slightly, taking the edge off the moment. Both bodies developed a sheen to them -- a fine moist glow of sweat showing the effort they were both putting into their coupling. Finally, both seemed to agree to continue past the point of no return.

"Oh, God, I love you Alex!" he blurted out as he looked at her with such caring and devotion.

She pulled him to her in a kiss of further passion and abandon, as she thrust her groin into his with even greater pressure. Her legs locked behind his back and she pulled him into her kiss.

"Oh Jeremy, never stop. Never stop."

In that minute both their bodies sensed an end to this act of love. Jeremy now rapidly pumped his cock into her slit with an urgency that swept over the two of them. Alex rose to meet each thrust with renewed effort, legs pulling him into her so that the coupling was never lost.

Their climaxes arrived simultaneously. Jeremy felt her vaginal muscles deep within her start to massage and milk his cock in his final thrusts. An alternating tightness he had never felt before pulled him deeper in her final moves. He erupted, sending stream after stream of his white cream into her body. Back arched, he gave his final thrusts to be sure his deposits were as deep as they could go.

At the same instant, Alex felt the initial wave of orgasm sweep over her. Her hips rotated and pulled him closer; her arms pulled him into a kiss of all kisses. She did everything she could to welcome his ejaculation into her body, to create the oneness of their bodies. She ejaculated as well, flooding their union with a small amount of liquid to seal the blissful union.

Jeremy collapsed atop her, continuing his kisses. He pulled them onto their sides so he wouldn't crush her with his weight. Between the kisses, they showered on each other they panted and sighed and tried to catch their breath. The orgasm extended slightly as they held each other.

Finally, their passions subsided. Only the panting could be heard in the room above the noise of an occasional passing car outside.

Alex finally added, "Oh wow! You surely know how to please a girl."

Jeremy nodded, still unable to speak through his gasps for oxygen. He pulled the sheet over their two naked bodies in one final gesture of strength and caring.

The two of them cuddled one another for many minutes in the afterglow of their loving. Hands smoothed breasts and chests. Kisses became gentler again. Looks of love replaced the grimaces of their passion from moments before. Their bodies remain joined for a long while. Nature was not so cooperative, however, and finally he slid from her moist warmth.

"Can I ask you something," Alex ventured.

"Of course."

"A long time ago you promised me a glass of wine; does that offer still stand? And, you should know that I haven't eaten anything since breakfast and I'm famished. Do you have any nibbles?"

He laughed, "Of course." They both hitched to the side of the bed. Alex went first; one hand clutching her pussy to stem the flow of body fluids from her body as gravity went to work. She ran into the adjacent bathroom as he yelled, "The switch is on the right."

Jeremy followed when he saw her rise from the commode with a pad of toilet paper held against her.

Alex chided him with a flirty grin; "You filled me up lover." He pulled her to him and kissed her again.

"My pleasure my love. Any time. Any time."

She pulled her undies on being careful to place her paper pad in them. Instead of dressing again, she picked up Jeremy's shirt and pulled it on, buttoning only the two middle buttons for some sense of propriety as she walked through the flat. The shirt came to mid thigh, so she figured if any neighbors glanced in they wouldn't see much. She looked sexy but practical.

Jeremy pulled a robe from his closet door and pulled it on over his naked body. Then he led her back downstairs to the kitchen.

He uncorked a bottle of his favorite Sancerre and poured two glasses. He offered Alex one, but only after she kissed him again. They kept smiling at each other in a newfound joy and happiness.

Jeremy suggested an omelet given the late hour; Alex agreed. Soon, his hands were flying as he diced up some mushrooms, peppers and ham for the dish. In a few minutes, his culinary skills were proven as he delivered a quite tasty dish to the table. He brought out several other cheeses and a baguette as well.

"You're well prepared, aren't you," Alex stated.

"I do live alone. My guests are rare, but I do like to have a civilized dinner. So I tend to stock well. You caught me after a morning shopping expedition to Sainsbury's too."

They consumed the meal with little conversation except about the food. Alex helped in the clean up after the meal. When all was done she pulled Jeremy back to the living room.

"Come. I want to see my picture again."

The two of them walked down the hallway towards the living room. Alex noted the many photographs hanging there. At one point she stopped and pointed to a formal picture of the Prime Minister. "You did this?" she asked.

Jeremy nodded in the affirmative. Alex paid more attention to who the subjects were in his gallery as she went along the hallway. Every now and then a familiar face of a politician, corporation head, or movie star caught her eye.

They entered the living room. Jeremy switched on the track lighting that illuminated the wall with Alex's picture on it. The two of them sat opposite the picture on the sofa. Jeremy started pushing Alex's' blouse and bra aside from their earlier tryst.

"That is the best picture anyone has ever taken of me," Alex offered. She paused and hesitated then she turned to him with a serious look on her face. "While we were upstairs, you told me you loved me. Did you mean it? How could you know? We've only really talked or been together on a couple of occasions. And but the way, my hopping into the sack with you was not my normal behavior on a first date -- if this is even a date."

Jeremy leaned over and kissed her enthusiastically. "Yes, I love you. You see me as someone you've spent a total of eight or so hours with between a couple of weddings and the start of this visit -- before things heated up. I see you as someone I've lived with for the past nine months, someone I've shared my joys with, my frustrations with, my life with."

"You blow me away Jeremy. I do feel like I've known you for a long time, yet ..."

He interrupted, "I would love you even if there weren't a photograph on the wall. Further, I don't expect you to do anything right now except to accept what I offer. You don't have to tell me anything in return that you don't really feel. You should feel comfortable to say nothing at all. Good grief, the last thing I want to do is scare you off with how I feel; if I haven't already."

He went on, "I know I'm a bit of a nut case to have this infatuation with you, at least with your photograph. I was worried I'd find you were a bimbo and I'd have to change my decorating, but when we spent so much time together at Jane's wedding I learned you were even better than I'd dreamed about."

Alex started, "But you haven't learned my quirks yet, and I have a temper. I frustrate easily. I have some bizarre ideas about relationships. What if you find you can't stand something about me, something I do, some nasty habit or other? What will you do?"

Jeremy leaned in a kissed her again. "Just learn to live with them, I guess."

He smiled at her then pulled her into him so he could encircle her with his arms. They snuggled together, just enjoying each other's company and the warmth and love of the night. Eventually, he picked her up and carried her upstairs again. He held her so she could click off the light switch with her toes as they left the living room.

In the bedroom, they shed their few items of clothing and embraced again in the middle of the large bed. Jeremy nestled into the "V" in Alex's legs, using tongue and fingers to excite her again. In only a few seconds, she was gasping as an orgasm shuttered through her body.

"Oh fuck, Jeremy," Alex yelled as it swept over her. "I'll give you all night to stop. My God, do you know what you just did to me -- for me?"

Jeremy continued his attention, enjoying the taste of the mingled body fluids from their earlier love session. He worked hard, and soon Alex had yet another climax.

"Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh no! Oh, not another one. Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Alex groaned into her climax, "Oh, you wonderful man." Her entire body shivered so hard the whole bed shook as though an earthquake has just moved all of London.

As her bliss subsided, Alex moved, and pushed Jeremy onto his back. She inhaled his flaccid dick, alternately sucking and releasing as she fondled the entire area. Jeremy fell back in surrender to the pleasure she offered.

He hardened quickly and was pleased to learn that Alex knew how to deep throat him when he was at full extension, something he had only seen in a porn film years before. Yes, it was as spectacular as that film had made it out to be. Occasionally, Alex would growl around his organ or hum deeply as she fellated him. His pole was rigid and unbreakable. Jeremy stroked Alex's hair and told her encouragements as she continued her work on him.

"I'm going to have a choice in a few moments," he said quietly so as not to break the mood. "I can come like this, wherever you want me to, or we can fuck again. What's your pleasure?"

Alex stopped. Never losing eye contact with him, she drew her breasts up his legs, rubbed them around his erection, even pushing them together to surround his cock. She made several cycles to masturbate him with only her breasts, but then continued her journey up his body with her breasts until she was able to put one into his mouth. Jeremy sucked hard on the semi-erect nipple; it hardened immediately. He moved to the other breast to even the stimulation.

Alex rose, straddling his body, and without using her hands placed his erect cock at her entrance. After she centered her wet pussy over his erection, she pushed down until only an inch had penetrated her. She pulled up again until he was again just touching the engorged lips of her pussy, then she lowered herself this time adding a fraction of an inch to the penetration. She continued this motion over and over, each time adding only a fraction to his penetration of her tunnel.

After many cycles to her seduction of his cock, she finally mashed the trimmed hair of her pubic area into Jeremy's. As she did this, she leaned forward and again used her taut nipples to excite his chest. Lastly, she French kissed him with a soul kiss that told them both there was more here than a one night stand.

Jeremy's muscles were alert and sharp. He was deep in her velvet warmth and every bit of his energy and desire was focused through his cock into her entire body. He radiated love, caring and devotion for her.

They both started to thrust into each other. Jeremy warned, "Between your oral stimulation and how you just mounted me, I'm not going to last very long."

"Just cum in me when you want. I'm yours. You know that don't you?"

"Yes, I think I do," he said, hoping beyond hope that she really meant what she'd just implied.

He leaned up and suckled on her breasts, using hands, mouth and tongue to excite her further. Then he used the fingers of one hand to find and excite her clitoris. She moaned and bounced harder atop his body, sometimes rotating her hips in a seductive and passionate manner that stimulated both of them in the places that elicited orgasms.

He felt it coming, probably before she did. Deep in his body he felt some muscles contract. Then the sensitivity of his cock changed -- it increased. He was more sensitive to Alex suddenly, and to everywhere their skin touched. His nipples went more erect than they were; Alex had touched them several times as they made love.

"I'm very near," he told her quietly.

"So am I," she whispered back.

The explosion hit them both together again. His climax was signaled by the extra powerful upward thrusts of his hips into her pussy, by the deep penetration of his penis in her vagina, by the ejection of another large dose of man fluid into her body. As the jets of liquid started to flow down his rod his back arched and he held her aloft, his entire mid-section arched away from the bed.

Alex's orgasm started deep in the warmth of core behind her vagina. She shifted her body so that the head of his cock massaged her G-spot more often as they thrust into each other. The muscles lining her vaginal walls contracted several times, pulling him in deeper, and signaling to him that she was ready. Seconds later every nerve ending in her vaginal area exploded with pleasure and bliss beyond description. In response, her body ejected some girl juice to provide additional lubrication to the area. The pleasure radiated upward and outward throughout her body. "Oh God, I've found heaven," she whispered. Her back arched as well, her head was thrown back and her erect breasts jutted out from her body as she made one final lunge downward to bring the ejecting cock head as close to her cervix as she could.

Their two bodies froze for a few seconds as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over each of them. Not a breath was taken. Not a muscle moved. Their hands were locked tightly together in their passion. Their body was as one. Their union was complete.

Alex finally collapsed onto Jeremy's chest with a fit of shivers and shakes, not from cold but in recovery from the spasms of passion she had just experienced. Breathing restarted as well but not without a significant number of gasps for oxygen that wasn't available fast enough.

Jeremy pulled her into him, still pushing upward with his hips to remain as deep inside her as he could. He found comfort in their coupling, particularly in this afterglow stage of making love. He held her tightly, surrounding her with his love and warmth.

Eventually, Jeremy reached over a turned out the dim light beside the bed and pulled the sheet up over their nude bodies. Alex cuddled into his embrace, but they remained joined.

Jeremy whispered, "I love you."

Alex telegraphed her own feelings of love by immediately pushing her body down on his in response to his pledge, with a special focus to push with her groin into his. She kissed him with all the tenderness she could muster. They remained in that position until they gradually stretched out beside each other; arms entwined, and went to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

the written word on the act of “joining” was exceptional.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This story is one of the most amazing love story one can ever read. It is one that i feel deep love for the one i love. To have that sort of passion is only felt on rare ocasions in life. So wish every couple would feel those feelings for one another. Keep up your passion for writing would love to know you and will continue reading your stories.

Thanks for sharing


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great Story

Great writing - a story needs a begining, middle bit and an end. You managed this very effectively so does not require a sequel!

Keep up your good work!!!!!!!

SlightlyDivineSlightlyDivineover 15 years ago
Filled with Great Detail..

...It seems that you know just as much about the art of photography as you do the art of love ;) The details in this story are what makes it believable and real. Wonderful piece!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Excellence is not only found in Photography

As a photographer your leading character is at the top of his craft. You are to be congratulated in your mastery of the printed word and its presentation.

Your prose proves that knowing the right words is only part of the whole, your presentation is outstanding.

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