The Plaything Ch. 02


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"Lisa went through that already. Smart, sweet, high sex drive but repressed—"

A quick shake of his head. "Sarah wasn't that repressed. Half the wild shit that started going on around here was her idea. She insisted we shoot video of her. Of the whole house party thing."

"So, where is this video of this mystery woman who started your campaign of debauchery? Is it up on the web somewhere?"

He cringed. "Christ, no. We'd never do that. I keep the videos under tight security, and I don't involve anyone I don't trust."

Dani bit her lip again. "Can I see it sometime?"

He stared at her for a long moment. "You can see it now."

"Do you have it on the work servers?"

"Not quite. But I can show you right now, if you want."

Dani opened her mouth to speak, then stopped. She did want to see it. She wanted to be drawn into this licentious world that had suddenly opened up in front of her — but she felt exhilarated and scared at the same time, knowing there would be no going back.

But she didn't want to go back.

"Show me."

# # #

"Would you lock the door?" he asked.

Dani obliged, walking over to shoot the deadbolt. Again, she found herself idly wondering why he'd have a deadbolt in his office. Maybe stuff like this was why.

Nick dialed down the lights with an app on his phone while calling up a file on the desktop. Dani saw at least two decryption routines involved. He turned the volume down on the external speakers while accessing the local drive. Nick owned a classically nerdy desktop rig; two massive widescreen monitors, backlit keyboard, water-cooled portable case.

"You want to drag a chair over?" he asked.

"I'm fine like this," she said, walking over to stand next to him. Because he was sitting, it put her legs and butt right in his eyeline, which she wanted... and he no doubt wanted. Lisa wasn't the only one who could scheme.

Nick opened the video. It was one of about six or eight in the directory, as far as she could see — she reminded herself to ask him more about that later, and wondered if her own video was in his collection. The thought gave her a lascivious little thrill.

He started it with a click and sat back to watch.

The video opened with the jitter and noise of a handheld camera. She saw a grassy back yard with high privacy fences... Nick's back yard, she recognized. Music thumped from somewhere off-screen. The blurry shapes of people milled in the background — no one she recognized so far.

"Do I know any of these people?" she asked. "Am I going to see somebody's penis?"

"You do, and yes," Nick said. "Not everybody in this video works here anymore. But they're all people I trust."


A young woman appeared on the screen. Dani couldn't imagine her being any older than twenty-five. She had pale, flawless skin, long chestnut hair that curled gently to the center of her back, luminous brown eyes, and the most perfect full lips Dani had ever seen. She wore a thin flower-print sundress — so thin it was clear to Dani she wore absolutely nothing underneath — and held a shot glass aloft. She also wore a pair of nerdy glasses, not unlike Dani's own.

"Very cute," Dani said. "I can see why you liked her. You definitely have a type, don't you?"

Nick looked a bit chagrined, but said nothing.

"Hi, Nick!" the girl in the video said.

"Are you nervous, Sarah?" Nick's voice asked. He obviously manned the camera.

"I'm excited!" Sarah said. "And yes, nervous." She downed the shot, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose afterward. "I'm going to put on the best show for you tonight."

"I'm looking forward to it!" Nick's voice said.

The video cut to a scene of Sarah dancing. The lawn furniture had been cleared away to make space; a single picnic table and Nick's roomy pool showed briefly in the background. Sarah wore a pair of short Frye Dorado boots — an odd choice to Dani, but it seemed to work for her. A semicircle of men had gathered around her, cheering her on and saluting her with drinks.

A series of cuts followed, some of Sarah kissing some of the men. A shot of other attendants dancing. Dani spotted Nicole among the observers, dressed in shorts and a black tube top.

"This is edited." Dani asked. "Oh my god, did you edit this down?"

"Come on, that's not weird," Nick said. "It would get long and boring otherwise."

"So how long do you wait before getting to the good part?" Dani asked.

"Not long now."

Indeed, it wasn't long. Soon came a shot of Sarah throwing a dart at a dartboard, which had some sort of descriptive note affixed to it. Dani couldn't read the note, but when the dart struck home, a cheer went up, and Sarah pointed into the crowd with a boisterous yell. A familiar shape emerged from the shadows.

"Is that Rich?" Dani asked, mouth agape. Awkward, khakis-wearing Rich?

"He's not a bad guy once you get to know him," Nick said, a trifle defensively.

"I guess this puts his constant hitting on me in perspective," she said. "Am I going to see his cock before this is all over?"

"Yeah, but probably not his face at the same time."

"That's so comforting." She giggled despite herself. Her heart raced a bit from the thrill of watching her co-workers so radically re-contextualized. She's said to herself that she'd had no desire to see Rich naked — but now, all of a sudden, she kind of did.

On the screen, Rich approached Sarah, apparently in charge of undressing her. It didn't take much — Rich slipped the straps off Sarah's shoulders and the whole thing just fell away. She was naked underneath, her breasts smallish but perfectly teardrop-shaped, the nipples hard and pink. She was shaved. Sarah raised her arms in victory to a chorus of cheers, wearing nothing but her boots.

Sarah leaned in to kiss the exuberant Rich — and then dropped to her knees in front of him. Eagerly, she undid Rich's belt buckle and unzipped his jeans, and a moment later Rich's erect cock popped out.

"Well then," Dani said.

"I guess I remembered wrong," Nick said nonchalantly. "You do see his face at the same time."

"He does have a nice cock," Dani remarked.

"Oh yeah? You like that?"

"Maybe." Dani bent at the waist and put her hands on the desk, leaning forward to get a better look — and to let her skirt hike up in the back. She knew Nick would be looking. She wanted him to look.

On the screen, Sarah stroked Rich's cock, looking up at him with a winsome gaze. Dani felt a sudden rapport with this girl, having been in a similar situation herself. She wondered if Rich would like to have his cock sucked by her... but of he would.

People were shouting advice and encouragement from off-screen. Finally, Sarah put her mouth to Rich's cock, to the loud approval of many. She worked him slowly, making a show of it, teasing him just enough before finally slipping it in her mouth in its entirety. Rich's hand went to the back of Sarah's head, pulling back her hair, and the show began in earnest.

The camera panned around to the audience, some of whom cheered at the camera, others just watching intently. Nicole was one of the intent watchers, a glass held close to her chest while she looked on, biting her lip. Then back to the main event.

A fade cut the action, and now Sarah was suddenly wearing her hair tied back instead of down around her bare shoulders. She'd begun to pick up speed, deep-throating Rich with a rapturous look on her face. A moment later, he drew back with a groan almost drowned out by the roar of the crowd, and spurted a white jet of come into Sarah's face. It splattered her glasses, cheek and lips, flowed into her open mouth, dotted her neck and shoulders.

On the screen, Sarah giggled and gasped. Dani shifted uncomfortably — not because she was bent over, but because she could feel her arousal rising.

Nick knew how to make a video. The action centered on Sarah's expressions, devoid of obnoxious close-ups and harsh lighting. Somehow, he managed to make it look sweetly carnal instead of tawdry. Dani had to admit, it worked.

Another cross-fade, another guy. Sarah took his pants down and began fellating him expertly, with just as much enthusiasm as she'd shown before. This time, either because the guy was very ready or the editing had grown tighter, it didn't take very long for the man to come. He groaned and pulled Sarah's head back by the hair, forcibly, drawing a happy gasp from her.

"Ooh," Dani whispered, barely aware she'd done it. She wanted that.

When the unnamed man did come, Dani gasped in astonishment. A thick white blast hit Sarah squarely across the forehead and the bridge of her nose — then another, and another, and another — and another. It just kept going. Sarah's jaw dropped in astonishment, and she gave a squeak of disbelief. And still, the man's orgasmic pulses didn't let up.

"Oh my god!" Sarah said, unable to get the words out without another spatter of come hitting her lips. Her glasses were nearly opaque.

Finally, the torrent ceased, and Sarah laughed helplessly, positively dripping. The room applauded outright as she spat out a mouthful.

"That was so much, are you fucking kidding?" Sarah said, peeling off her sticky glasses. "You can't be serious!"

"Holy shit," Dani said. "Who is that guy?"

"I'm not going to say," Nick said.

"Is it someone who works here?"

"Maybe." Nick's hand brushed the back of Dani's thigh, and she instantly felt her knees go weak. She was wet — she knew it. A moment later, Nick knew it too, as his fingers traced up her thigh and touched her between her legs. Dani drew in a sharp gasp and braced her hands against the table.

"This okay?" Nick asked, ever the sensitive one.

"I'll let you know when it's not," she gasped. She kept her eyes on the screen. Sarah was already servicing a third guy — his face seemed familiar, as if Dani had seen him around, but she couldn't place him. He came full in Sarah's mouth without pulling out, and when she withdrew, Sarah let the sticky mess run down her chin and breasts. She was sweaty now, her exposed flesh slick with it. Dani remembered how it felt, and envied it anew.

Another fade, and now Sarah lay on the picnic table next to the pool. Someone held down her wrists, pinning them above her head. A quick zoom back revealed it to be Nicole. Sarah's legs were apart, her knees up. She still wore the boots. A naked man came into view, erect, muscular, his body in good shape. Dani started. It was Todd. Todd, the gray-haired hot uncle from the phone bank.

Dani's jaw dropped. "Oh. My god."

On the screen, Todd took Sarah's thighs in his hands and thrust himself into her, slowly. The camera zoomed in on Sarah's face, lingering on her reaction. On the screen, Sarah gasped; at the same time, Nick slipped a finger into Dani from behind.

"Fuck," Dani breathed. "Nick..."

Her knees were going weak. She knew she wouldn't be able to stand much longer. She reached down and undid her skirt with a few tugs, let it fall away. This hadn't been her plan — but maybe, somewhere in the back of her mind, it had been, all this time.

She practically fell back onto Nick's lap, and he was ready for her. He slipped a supporting arm around her, slipped a finger past her black underwear and touched her again, finding her clitoris effortlessly. His other hand fumbled briefly with the buttons of her cardigan. Dani moved to aid him, undoing the buttons with a few practiced motions, opening it up to him. She leaned back, craning her neck for an awkward kiss as he cupped a hand around her breast.

So this is why we locked the door, she thought, and murmured a happy laugh into his mouth. Part of her wished the door wasn't locked. Part of her wished the door would open and the whole office would come to watch. Maybe Rich. Maybe the mystery man with the unbelievable, voluminous ejaculation. It didn't matter to her at this point.

Nick caressed her rhythmically, his fingers lightly pinching her nipple. She felt deliciously exposed, and groaned under her breath, spreading her legs wider. She returned her attention to the screen. Sarah still lay on the table, being fucked hard, hands holding her down, voices cheering her on. Somebody — was it Todd? She'd lost track as well as her clothes — pulled out and came on her breasts, groaning loudly. Sarah was a glorious mess now, sweaty and sticky, exultant in her willing objectification.

The next scene put her over the top — the video cross-faded to Sarah on all fours, taking one guy from behind while another roughly fucked her mouth, and that was simply it; Dani shuddered and came, in what felt like a normal orgasm at first but soon spiraled into something blindingly huge, so big that her eyes rolled back in her head and she was suddenly aware that she was letting out loud, gasping groans. Her whole body shuddered, and she would have slipped right off Nick's lap if his strong hands hadn't been holding her in place.

Her orgasm passed, slowly, leaving effervescent waves of sensation in its wake, and she relaxed into his grip. The video still played, but she saw only an indistinct blur of flesh and motion now, barely visible through half-closed eyes.

"Oh, holy fuck, Nick," she whispered. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her mouth toward his, kissing her.

Now she slid off his lap voluntarily, turning to get on her knees. She caught a glimpse of the video as she moved: Sarah on her knees, taking another cock on her mouth to crown that evening's festivities. More than ever, she wanted to be Sarah.

This would have to do.

She undid Nick's belt and unzipped his pants. He was already erect — she'd been able to feel him through their clothing as she'd settled on his lap, and was not surprised to find him thick and hard now. She didn't bother with preamble. They were past teasing and going slow now. She swallowed him down, curling her fingers around the base of his shaft, smiling inwardly as he gasped and twitched underneath her.

His hand touched her shoulder gently, slipping her half-worn cardigan further off her body. She took a moment to shrug out of it entirely, then took Nick's hand in hers and placed it on the back of her head, squeezing to let him know what she wanted. He obliged silently, twisting his fingers into her hair and pulling. She moaned, her mouth full of his cock.

Nick began to pull her head forward rhythmically, tilting his hips up to thrust deep into her mouth, the head of his cock touching the back of her throat. She whimpered, and he seemed to like that, his grip tightening. He gave a sigh of satisfaction.

It didn't take long. Nick was thick and rock-hard, and within moments he had both hands on her head, fucking her mouth as hard as he dared. Dani thought of being watched from the door — being on the monitors in every cubicle in the office while this was happening — and became aroused all over again.

Nick's whole body stiffened, and his cock pulsed in her mouth as he gave a choked cry. "Dani...!"

Dani swallowed it all, letting it flow down her throat. His fingers pulled at her hair — painfully, sweetly — and then he relaxed.

Dani withdrew, a satisfied laugh escaping her. Her mouth and chin was wet, a stray dribble of come leaking from one corner of her mouth. She grabbed a tissue from the box on the desk and wiped her face clean.

With a lopsided grin, Nick zipped up. He handed Dani her skirt.

"Thanks," she said with a soft laugh, putting it back on with quivering hands.

"Sure thing," Nick said. "So, can you take a closing shift tonight?"

She blinked. "Are you serious?"

He shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be? I've only got one guy on, I need some backup on the phone bank."

"I don't think you do. You'll be lucky if you get four calls."

He spun slowly in his chair, making a show of seeming casual. "Well, I don't want to seem like I'm giving special favors to my girlfriend." He put special emphasis on the last word.

Dani gave him a mock glare. "Fine. I guess I need the hours. Who's working?"

"Todd. You'll be all alone with him for hours..." Nick glanced at the monitor and grinned.

She balled up the tissue and threw it at him, laughing. "You're an asshole."

But when she felt around for the anxiety that had been plaguing her, she found it absent, as if it had never been.

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autoplotautoplotabout 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comment. I know the second chapter doesn't meet the standards of the first. It's one of the things that's kept me from continuing the series for awhile. I want to make it worthwhile. I hope to get to it soon. :)

FatherlyneedFatherlyneedabout 7 years ago
Not as good as first chapter but ...

Still very worthwhile writing. The first chapter is a hard one to follow. It was, in my mind, nearly perfect.

Still a god follow up to the action of the first chapter. And, a needed conclusion? or will it be a bridge to another ... chapter ?

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
To be continued?!

Where is the next chapter? It is a perfect setting for a new office's plaything to be passed around

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