The Power Outage

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A revenge story.
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Diane looked up from her computer screen when the APC started to chirp and noticed that the second hand on the clock wasn't moving. "Not again" she groaned as she shut down her computer. It was the third time in six months that the power had gone down. When was the landlord going to get his head out of his ass and do something about the problem?

She got up from her desk and walked down the hall to Mike's office. He was on his cell phone and she waited for him to disconnect. He finished his call and he looked up at her and answered her unasked question:

"I don't know. He says he called the electrician and the electrician said he couldn't get here for at least an hour. It took them three hours to fix the problem last time so figure three, maybe four hours minimum. Three hours would make it what, two-thirty? You might as well take the rest of the day off."

"Okay. I'll be on my cell if anything changes."

Diane walked back to her office and got her purse. She looked at her watch and saw that it was eleven-forty. That was just enough time for her to get over to the Bachmann Building before Rob went to lunch. She rarely got to have lunch with her husband; their work places were fifteen minutes apart so that amounted to thirty minutes travel time round trip and with only an hour for lunch it wasn't feasible. Today, thanks to a penny-pinching landlord, she would have the time.


She stepped off the elevator on the fifth floor and turned left to go to room 512. As she entered the office she saw all the empty desks and she looked at her watch. Unless it was slow she was there before the noon lunch hour. She saw several balloons pinned to the bulletin board and she walked over and saw the poster that announced the luncheon in the cafeteria to say good-bye to Brenda who was going on maternity leave.

She turned to head for the basement cafeteria and then she checked herself. She would check Rob's office before going down to the basement. Rob wasn't a baby shower, bridal shower, going away party kind of guy. He would give generously for a gift, but he would usually avoid the get togethers. She walked up to his office and was reaching for the doorknob when she heard it. It was a moan, but it was not a moan of pain, a moan from someone hurting or in trouble. She heard it again and she put her ear to the door.

"Harder baby, harder. You have to get me there baby, make me cum."

Diane very carefully and quietly turned the doorknob and opened the door just a crack. "Fuck me baby, fuck me" she heard and she opened the door a little at a time until she could see what was happening in the office. There was a woman laying on her back on Rob's desk and her legs were up on the shoulders of the man who was fucking her. The man's back was to Diane, his trousers in a puddle around his ankles, but even though the man's back was to her she knew the man was Rob. There was no mistaking the birthmark on his right butt cheek. She backed up and pulled the door closed until only a crack remained and then she stood there and listened as her husband pounded into the woman lying on his desk.

"Come on Rob honey, make me cum, hurry baby, hurry."

Diane cringed as she listened to the 'slap, slap, slap' of flesh smacking into flesh.

"Come on baby, come on. Fuck me hard, make me cum baby, make me cum."

"Hurry up sweetie" Rob said, "I'm almost there, hurry, I don't want to leave you hanging. Cum with me sweetie, cum with me."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh God, oh God yessssss" the woman shouted as she had her orgasm and seconds later, "Let me up Rob, I need to get down to Brenda's luncheon. Tonight? After work?"

"You bet."

"Get a couch in here Rob, will you please. Either that or an air mattress for the floor. This desk is hard on my back."

Rob was saying, "I'll get something" as Diane quietly closed the door and hurried from the office.


Diane wasn't surprised at what she had discovered. She had hoped it would never happen, but deep down inside she had been expecting it. She thought back to the barbecue she and Rob had attended nine years ago. He had been working for McIlhenny's at the time and old man McIlhenny had thrown a huge barbecue and pool party for his customers, suppliers and employees. Diane loved to swim so she had spent a lot of time in and around the pool. Rob, on the other hand, had no use for water except for showering and drinking. He spent most of his time drinking beer and socializing.

Three hours into the party she had gone into the house to use the bathroom. She had just come out of the bathroom when she heard, "Oh Rob honey" and some giggles from a room just across the hall. There may have been some other Rob's at the party, but her curiosity was aroused and she had opened the door to the room and had found her husband with his hand inside the bikini top of a dishwater blond. The dishwater blond had her hand inside Rob's fly.

She was mad, extremely pissed, but she had been raised with manners and a scene in someone else's house was just something she couldn't do. She stepped into the room and said:

"Excuse me for interrupting, but I need the keys to the car."

The blood had gone from Rob's face and he looked pale and ashen as he fumbled in his pockets for the keys, came up with them and handed them to her. Only after she had taken them from him did he recover enough presence of mind to ask her what she needed them for.

"I'm going home."

"Wait up. I'll say my good-byes."

"You aren't coming with me."

"How am I supposed to get home?" he whined.

"I don't care if you ever come home asshole."

She was turning to leave when the blond had asked who she was.

"I'm the wife of this asshole."

"You never told me you were married," the blond was saying to Rob as Diane walked out the door. She was only ten steps down the hallway when she heard a yelp of pain and the blond came running after her.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't know he was married. He wasn't wearing a ring."

"What was that yell about?"

"I kneed him in the balls."

"Good for you."

Rob had come home that night all contrite and begging for forgiveness. He had blamed it on too much to drink and some flirting that had gotten a little out of hand. In the end she had forgiven him, but she had put him on notice that a second mistake would not be tolerated.

When she had delivered that ultimatum her meaning had been clear. Fuck up again and she would throw him out on his ear, but things had changed since then. Then they had lived in an apartment, now they had a house. Then they were childless, now they had two children. Then they were just starting out and money was tight, but now Rob was making six figures. She had gone back to work to have something to do when her kids both started school, but she wasn't the least bit interested in becoming a single mother of two living in an apartment somewhere.

No, divorce was not an option, at least not at that time, but she had to do something. She had to get back at Rob if for no other reason than her own peace of mind. She wondered how many times in the last seven years Rob had cheated on her and then she realized that it didn't matter; the one she knew about was one too many.

Her cell rang and she answered it. It was Mike. The power was back on and he wanted to know if she could come back in.

"I know I told you to take the rest of the day off, but Steven's called and would like our proposal by tomorrow. That's a week ahead of when it was supposed to be due. I hate to ask Di, but I need help."

"Sure Mike, I'll see you in a few."

As she dropped her phone back in her purse she smiled; she knew just what she was going to do to get back at Rob.


She checked her make up one last time. Her panties and her bra were in her purse and the top three buttons on her blouse were undone. She had stopped at a shoe store on the way back to work and had bought a pair of high heels to replace the flats she had worn to work.

When she had come to work for Mike a year ago he had spent the first six months trying to get into her pants before finally accepting that she was a faithful wife and he was wasting his time. She hoped her open blouse and bra less breasts would invite comment. All Mike had to do was give her an opening and she would take it and run with it.

The thought of Rob licking her pussy after another man had been in it made her loins tingle. She had no idea how many times he had come to her in bed after being with another woman, but tonight Rob would have the experience of not being the first one in her even if he wouldn't know it. And it would happen. If Mike wouldn't play she would stop at a bar on the way home and pick someone up; she was determined that Rob would have sloppy seconds that night.

One last adjustment to her blouse and she left the ladies bathroom and headed for Mike's office. She walked in and said:

"I'm back. What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to double check these figures and make sure that they are accurate."

She leaned forward to take the papers from his hand and her blouse gapped open a bit and she saw his eyes lock onto her breasts and they stayed on her chest as she stood up. She knew his eyes were on her ass as she walked out the door and she knew how the high heels made her hips sway. He was primed now; all she could do was wait and see if he would make a move. If he didn't, she would. She would prefer to let him make the first move; she didn't want to because she thought that it might make her look too much like a slut. She liked her job and didn't want to leave it and if she came across as too slutty to Mike she didn't know if she could stay.

She worried about it as she went over the numbers on the proposal and then it suddenly dawned on her that it wouldn't matter. If she fucked Mike he would want to fuck her again. It wouldn't matter how big a slut he thought she might be; if she continued to do her job AND continued to fuck him he wouldn't complain. She had only intended it to be a one time thing, but it didn't have to be. Rob and his bimbo were talking couches and air mattresses, which meant they were going to keep on going, she could too. Why the hell had she thought that one time would make her even with Rob? Her fears put to rest she buried herself in checking the numbers.

It was an hour later when she walked back into Mike's office and put the papers down in front of him. "The numbers check out," she said as she saw his eyes stare at her breasts. "What now?"

Mike didn't answer right away so she said, "Earth to Mike, come in please."

He jerked his head up and his face turned red. She smiled at him and said:

"I don't mind if you want to look at my tits. I'll even take my blouse off and let you play with them, but we need to get the Steven's proposal out of the way first."

"If those figures are correct, we are done."

She straightened up and walked over to the door and locked it and then turned back to face him. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse, slipped out of it and let it fall to the floor. Next she unfastened her skirt and let it slide down to pool around her ankles. She stepped out of it and kicked it to the side and then stood in front of Mike in only high heels, nylons and garter belt.

"What's your pleasure Mike? Want to eat my pussy? Want me to suck your cock? Or do you just want to bend me over your desk and fuck me?"

Mike was so caught by surprise he just sat behind his desk and stared at her open mouthed.

"Come on boss, do something. Don't make me do it all."

Mike finally got over his shock and he got up and moved to her. "Not that I'm going to question a gift from the gods, but what is going on?

"I've just decided that I don't need to stay faithful to an unfaithful husband."

Mike took her in his arms and bent his head to kiss her and she parted her lips and let his tongue probe her mouth then hers began to dance with his. She felt his hand slide down her body and knowing where it was headed she parted her legs a little. The hand reached its goal and rubbed her pussy and then a finger parted her pussy lips and started working into her warm hole. She gasped as a second finger joined it and probed what until then had been only Rob's.

Her hands went to Mike's waist and her fingers quickly unfastened his belt and undid the top button. She pulled his zipper down and his pants fell in a heap on the floor. She broke the kiss and went to her knees in front of him. She pulled his boxers down and then worked his clothes from around his feet and pushed them off to the side.

She took Mike's cock in her hands and looked at it. It was only the second one she had ever touched. It was about the same size as Rob's, maybe an inch longer, but no bigger around. She slid her hand along it and felt the veins throb. Her tongue flicked out and licked the helmet and then she licked the top of it to the base and then the bottom of it back to the head. She swirled her tongue around the head and then she opened her mouth and took him in. Her head bobbed back and forth and she took a little more of him in each time.

"Oh God yes" Mike moaned, "You are so good at that."

Her hands played with his balls as she mouth fucked him and she felt them tighten and she shoved her mouth on him and took in as much of his cock as she could. She felt his cock hit the back of her throat just as his first spurt of cum blasted out. She gulped and she swallowed as three large spurts hit the back of her throat and started to slide down into her belly. She pulled back a little and used her tongue to clean his shaft and then she began sucking on him to get him back up.

It took her a couple of minutes, but she got him hard and he pulled her to her feet and kissed her. His tongue danced in her mouth as he tasted himself and then he picked her up and carried her to his desk and sat her down on the edge.

"I'm torn" he said, "I want to eat that luscious cunt, but I've wanted to fuck you for so long that I'm afraid if I don't do it right this minute I might never get another chance."

"Do it" she said, "Do it, fuck me now. You can eat me next time."

She spread her legs wide and Mike stepped forward, took her ankles in his hands and then he pushed into her. She was hot, wet and ready for him and he slid all the way in on his first thrust and then for the next five minutes he fucked her through two orgasms until he finally had his own. He pulled his softening cock out of her and went to kneel in front of her, but she stopped him.

"No lover, not this time. Everything in me is going to go home with me so I can give it to that cheating asshole I'm married to. You sit on your chair lover so I can get you up again."

Mike sat down on his desk chair and she went to her knees and took his cock in her hand and fondled it for a bit and then she licked it a couple of times before taking it in her mouth and sucking on it. She worked on it with her lips and her tongue until he began to harden and then she stood up, spread her legs wide and leaned forward over the desk.

"From the back this time lover. Fuck me hard and make me be happy that I'm your new slut."

Mike fucked her a third time before she told him that she needed to get on home. "I need to fix the asshole his dinner and then feed him his dessert."

"You really going to let him lick up my cum?"

"I might as well get him used to it. He is going to get a lot of your leavings from now on, isn't he?"

"For as long as you let me Diane."

"What's retirement age here?"

"That long?"

"Until you get tired of me. One thing though."


"Can you get a couch in here, or maybe an air mattress for the floor? The desk is hard on my back."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Payback a bitch,Lord knows how long he's been screwing around her back.She's not weak or laim good for her.However there that old saying(two rong doesn't make it right).Me! I'm from Brooklyn I can counter that old saying.F--k That! When it come to ego,pride,self worth you don't mess with that.To cheated husband&wives teach them a lesson nothing physical O.K.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Another of non-stories from this writer. Mediocre idea, few paragraphs and no plot to go with. Nothing but garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Took longer for the page to refresh than it did to skim this. That had more of a plot and was far more interesting as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Hubby noticed right away his wife had gotten fucked

She got the divorce papers the next week after he had emptied the bank accounts. Dumb.

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
Okay story

Guess I will just never comprehend the revenge fucking thing. So you catch your spouse cheating, then you go revenge fucking, so you are both cheaters. Oh, so the one cheating first is the bad one, right? I Don't think it works that way, at least it wouldn't in court.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Her "plan" has no chance of working.

Her husband is going to realize he's "tasting" another man's cum and the divorce will be on. Except it will be on his terms instead of her terms and that's a mistake on her part. He'll do everything he can to see to it that she gets as little as possible from the divorce. If she files, she has the element of surprise and can stick it to him. I guess she must be a dumb blonde. Bad Bob, BAD!

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

She is worried about finances after divorce and yet every other story the Bitch gets everything and he has to heat beans out of a can.

MightyHornyMightyHornyalmost 5 years ago
Man, it is so easy for girls to get revenge...

No need for spy cams, for military buddies to know kung-fu.

All you need is the certainty that your husband is screwing someone behind your back, and, immediately, you can get some other fucker to prepare the creampie you'll let him eat the same night!

As brutal, if not more, than anything most cheated on men can come up with. With the added bonus that Diane still would end up with most of their money if Rob find out about her. Definitely a win/win here.

Great BTB. Nice to read one going the other way.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Revenge goes both ways. Good story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
I wouldn't recommend it...

...divorce is more empowering, but women always have the greater power to find sex when they want it. So, can anyone be surprised that she had an easy time finding sex just hours after catching her worthless husband? It's a good lesson for men - women have that choice every day. Don't give them motivation to prove it.

Good story.

imhaplessimhaplessover 6 years ago
Cute and entertaining


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
sex of cheating spouse...

...does not matter


The only jpb story I have scored a five

The Usual One

ju8streadingju8streadingalmost 7 years ago

sooner or later he will find out or she will tell him.

revenge is sweet

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago

Nice ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

What good is vengeance if the party your taking it on doesn't know it???

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This is a trainwreck looking for a place to happen.

After getting fucked so many times at work is her husband really not going to notice that "just fucked" look on his wife's face when she gets home? Or the "smell" of her just fucked pussy? Hubby would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to notice. The only question this unfinished story leaves us with is which one of the cheaters will file for divorce first? Why would either of them want to be married to the other? UGH!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Ha ha good try

The first time she feeds him leftovers he'll know and the divorce will be on. That's okay. They're both cheaters so why stay married?

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

prompts a Deja Vu. Huh? TK U MLJ LV NV

connoisseur29connoisseur29about 10 years ago

Touche! Dejavu! Good reading. Cheers!

OverthefallsOverthefallsalmost 11 years ago
Another shot across the bow by JPB

Quick and to the point. But for the life of me, whether it's a man or a woman doing it, how does sleeping with someone else earn you "revenge" against your spouse? Doesn't it just make you a cheater? Aren't you exposing yourself to std's? And does it really make you feel better about your self and your situation? BAH!

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