The President's Gay Wife Pt. 03


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"Have there been others."

"That's the only one I have admitted. Please, can we stop this? I have been humiliated and feel deeply remorseful. I just thought we'd never been found out."

Kitty thanked Magnolia for her cooperation and openness and said she had a purpose for asking those questions.

"I thought as much."

"I think you and I should talk to Gerry about getting you on TV."

Magnolia laughed and said that was a relief because no way would Gerry agree to that.

"Oh, I don't know. You are forgetting he's a political animal and desires to turn the country's political structure on its head."

"You mean he'll says yes if he sees support and kudos for him in saying yes?"

Magnolia looked at Kitty who'd not replied and groaned, reading the answer on Kitty's face.

After dinner at the President's home that evening, where Kitty was Magnolia's guest, Gerry didn't even look dismayed let alone horrified when Kitty made the suggestion about Magnolia appearing on TV. Skye had gone off to try out the rose bath crystals Magnolia had given here along with a bottle of French perfume.

It was Magnolia who reacted with dismay. "Me appearing on TV? Gerry, I'd let the side down and promote civil unrest."

"That's one view, but the key is our level of effective control, isn't it Kitty? By the way, thank you for this excellent initiative."

"Gerry, you are making me feel flaky. You honestly want me to stand up and talk to the nation about my life as a lesbian?"

"A life at it?" Gerry asked in surprise. "You've only admitted the one liaison but I guessed there would have been others."

"I was initiated at senior boarding school and developed at college Gerry."

Sir Gerald suddenly looked flaky: he'd been a senior boarding school student and a dorm resident at college. "Well, moving on, I assume Kitty's concept doesn't involve lesbianism but she being experienced knows the interviewer will attempt to steer the interview in the direction of female homosexuality."

With resignation etched in her face, Magnolia asked: "Kitty?"

"Keep calm on this Magnolia. As you know my mind goes into warp at times and has done so over this. I had been thinking about you and your girlfriend indulging in something obviously you two didn't consider was gross. I had been thinking of Gerry's road towards understanding. Finally I had been thinking of stimulating interest in our new office. Then those thoughts were warped and up popped the idea, the Thirty Minutes With Lydia TV program on Friday nights. I figured we wouldn't get you into that slot with just one of those issues, two of them might create some interest and with all three we could catch the producer's attention and then we if we authorize the interviewer to announce you intend standing for election to Parliament the producer will say, 'Bring it on.' Are you guys listening to me?"

Magnolia was slumped back on her chair, tongue hanging out while Gerry was hunched forward against the table, thumping his head into his hands with audible force.

Kitty rolled her eyes and then refocused in a flash and looked as she'd just been rolled by a truck when hearing Gerry boom: "Brilliant!"

"Have you gone mad?" Magnolia groaned, now staring at her husband through her fingers, her eyes huge.

"It's brilliant and it matters not if electors reject you," Gerry crowed. "The Constitution makes no mention of the wife and family being prevented from engaging in politics."

"Gerry, no one wants to be a loser."

"Great, then fight for election."

Magnolia looked at Kitty wildly, "How can you do this to me?"

"Oh Magnolia," she soothed. "This is only a discussion of a wacky idea."

"No it's not, look at him," Magnolia hissed, pointed at her beaming husband.

The President loosened his purple, yellow and lime green tie and said almost reverently, "You're a cracker Kitty."

"You're a bitch!"

"Takes one to know one," Kitty baited. She patted Magnolia's knee, "Come here for a hug."

"Don't let Skye catch you otherwise you two are dead," Gerry leered but with understanding.

An hour later Gerry rolled back on to his side of the bed. "Where the hell did you learn to do that?"

"Skye's been talking to me."

"What, you two talk about things like that? She's a bodyguard, not a sex instructor."

"Do you have reason for complaint?"

"No, but I'm sure that's pushed up my blood pressure but it'll subside quickly. As you know I workout a bit."

Steadying her mind, hew own pulse-rate subsiding from that bout of exhilarating bedroom athletics, Magnolia said, "Regarding this pathetic TV thing. I'll do it."

"How much of it?"

"All of it. As Kitty argues, it's a lynchpin in my extreme makeover. It will force my critics to take a fresh look at me."

"Great, give me a kiss."

Always one to enjoy kissing a lusty wench, Gerry twiddled at his wife's chest, "Ah Magnolia, what if the National Party doesn't select you to stand for a seat. Will you be devastated?"

"Of course not. I'll talk to Alf about standing with his party."

"Oh, the President's wife threatening to stand for the main Opposition Party if she's rejected? In that case you are assured of nomination for a seat darling. All we have to do is to pressure to ensure it's a winnable seat. Heh-heh-heh. Oh, are you aware Sir Max is plotting to stand politics on its head and go into the Election with the revolutionary idea of campaigning on changing the Constitution if re-elected to replace our one-House parliamentary system with bi-partisan rule by an 11-member Executive Council plus me as it's titular head."

"I have no idea of what you're talking about darling but I'm not surprised you are involved with your reference about tits."

Gerry grinned and advised Magnolia to inform Kitty what he'd just told her but it must be kept confidential. "Kitty will know how to handle that bombshell."

* * *

Next morning the President's new private secretary called on Magnolia and Kitty and said they were required to be with the President and Prime Minister for morning tea at 10:30 to meet a TV producer. The two women watched the young guy mince away.

"He's gay isn't he?"

"Yes Magnolia. Good spotting. You are becoming worldly."

"But you were seconded to the selection panel Kitty and you said you pushed for the only guy. Why for heaven's sake?"

"To put temptation out of your husband's way. With you deep into your rehabilitation I didn't want you wondering about the promiscuity of a female as Gerry's private secretary."

Magnolia smiled and called Kitty a real darling.

"Watch you mouth Magnolia," Skye growled.

The two women laughed and made a great show of touching each other's breast. But Skye was on to them and muttered, "Childish women."

Magnolia whispered, "I'm becoming so confident that I feel if it were riled I could smack Skye to the ground and sit on her until she surrendered to a superior combatant. I did learn elementary personal defense at university."

Aghast, Kitty warned Magnolia against wishful thinking. "Skye's capable of taking out two normal size and athletic men and four women without support."

"You're dreaming Kitty. She's just a little bigger and a little stronger than me, that's all. But I'd be a lot faster that Miss Plod."

"Magnolia, I implore you -- don't even think about it. Have you been smoking pot?"

"The girls were passing a pipe around at the admin meeting. I don't smoke but since I it was a pipe I did take a few puffs. Whatever it was it was feeble."

"It must have been some other mind-bending drug," Kitty sniggered but was ignored.

They trudged through the sprawling buildings and reached the inner sanctum.

"Hi Mike, we meet the President and PM at 10:30."

"Passes please Kitty."

"They're back in our handbags. For goodness sake Mike, I sat on your promotion panel."

"Sorry Kitty, but security has tightened with the President being in our building since his wife upset the nation by licking her way to national shame."

"This is Lady Fitzroy Mike."

"This lush? I bet my left testicle she'd not. The President's wife wears funny clothes, frowns and looks generally pathetic."

Kitty flared. "Mike, we'll be late if we go back for our passes. Stand aside, we're going through."

"Over my dead body," Mike snarled, blowing a whistle. Two guys burst from a side door, drawing batons.

"Mike please, don't make me do this."

"Fuck you Kitty -- you are all under arrest as suspect terrorists."

"Mike, this is your final warning. Please..."

"Feel a headache coming on Kitty?" Mike leered, pulling out his baton.

"Skye -- yoho!"

Skye charged, sending Mike sprawling. She grabbed the wrists of the baton hands of the other two guards and Magnolia and Kitty winced as they heard bones snap and the guards screamed.

"You thug," Mike yelled, drawing his pistol attached to a white lanyard.

"Grrrrrrr!" roared Skye and leaping up kicked Mike in the upper chest. He went flying through the closed door of the photocopying room.

"Are you guys okay?" Skye asked, panting a little.

The two women nodded.

"I've just witnessed something miraculous," Magnolia breathed.

"Yes, she probably could have handled a fourth guard plus four women," Kitty said, phoning the chief of staff to brief him on a minor scuffle in Corridor A at the check point Charlie but reported technically there had been no breach of security, just an officious guard affected by his period. The chief of parliamentary staff had begun questioning her when Kitty cut the call.

"Come on guys," she called to her two companions as workers poured out of offices to witnesses the aftermath of mayhem. "Guys with machine guns and stun grenades will be on the way. We need to be clear."

"We'll be in deep crap," Magnolia moaned only to be told by Kitty she had to toughen up even more if she intended campaigning for election.

As they hurried onward Magnolia told her about the Prime Minister's as yet unannounced plan to restructure the nation's form of Government.

"The skunk, he's moving the country towards a dictatorship and will subsequently cutback the powers of the President," Kitty said, looking grim. "But enough, we'll deal with that later.

In the PM's office Kitty turned her successor pale as she briefed him. "Your job is to prevent Security from attempting to arrest us and thus ruining this important meeting for the President."


"Call Janet and the chief of parliamentary staff with their activation keys to go into E-Alert and secure the PM's suite."

"But that's a National Security alert?"

"Just do it Basil, you can always argue later. I authorize you to do it."

"Yes Kitty, I mean Miss Loveridge."

"Kitty will do Basil. Chop chop.'

As they entered the PM's office Magnolia said, "I'm surprised you have that authority, you are only a low-level manager?"

"I am and I don't have such authority Magnolia. Just remember this: people under stress lose perspective."

"I must remember that."

"Good girl Magnolia. And you are an exceptionally good girl Skye."

"Thank you ma'am."

"It's miss," Magnolia whispered but Skye, grinning, just winked at her.

The PM strode to meet them as they entered. "Hi girls. What the..."

Sirens sounded and heavy steel shutters thumped to the ground.

"It's just an exercise Prime Minister," Kitty said.

"I haven't been informed."

"You just were."

"Oh, right."

Introductions were made and the briefing of TV producer Mrs Littlejohn began, Kitty excusing herself as soon as she finished her presentation. She went down into the bunker and emerged outside the building and re-entered, to find parliamentary security and the Police gathered outside the PM's suite and looking bewildered.

Kitty walked up to the head of parliamentary security and held out her hands to be cuffed.

"I was pissed off with Mike and he was touchy, probably it's his period."

"Men don't have periods."

"Well Guy, whatever they have instead. Just take me in and interrogate me. The other woman was the President's wife Lady Fitzroy with her minder from the Bureau."

"The Bureau?" said Guy and the word 'Bureau' echoed around them, other people turning pale.

Guy swore and asked anxiously, "Was the guy hurt?"

"A guy, no it was a woman."

Guy swore hugely. "Skye? Oh God, was she hurt?"

"Nah, never lost her smile."

"Look Kitty, I can't arrest you. You encouraged my wife to kick my butt until I applied for the vacancy of chief of parliamentary security. Come with me to the office of the chief of staff and we'll chat about this."

Guy shouted, "Okay everyone. Stand down and back to what you were doing."

The chief of staff began explaining to Kitty that men don't have periods.

"Garth," said Guy, "Ease off, she was pulling our tit."

After an hour the men were satisfied they had their story off pat to present to the National Security Parliamentary Subcommittee and no one would be punished but the committee would be left with egg on its face because its multi-million-dollar plan to protect the Prime Minister against any attack had failed dismally. The realistic exercise -- the explanation suggested by Kitty -- had resulted in three security guards being moderately injured but the alarming outcome was four people -- all of them potentially terrorists -- were secured along with the PM when E-Alert maximum security took effect.

"It's back to the drawing board for the committee and they'll be censored by Parliament for coming up with a defective plan that cost millions to devise and will cost a few more millions to remedy,"

The officials laughed. Kitty went to her department's temporary office.

Gloria the barmaid was feeling Skye's arm muscles when Kitty entered and they both jumped apart when catching Kitty's frown. Magnolia was staring at a blank wall looking shell-shocked.

"Oh darling, what's the matter?"

"My half-hour interview is this Friday night. Mrs Littlejohn said my story was too hot not to screen this Friday. The interview with the Archbishop will run the following Friday. I'm to go to the studio tomorrow for coaching."

"That's wonderful. You'll have me with you and Skye to hold your hand."

Magnolia burst into tears and said the TV station had just phoned and said they didn't want Kitty or Skye near the studio because rumor was Kitty and Skye had virtually wrecked Parliament Buildings, bringing everything to a standstill.

"Gloria, over here and comfort Magnolia please. Skye you make sure they don't go over the top," Kitty said, pulling out her phone.

"Who called you from the studio Magnolia?"

"The production manager, Rick Wagstaff."

Kitty drummed her nails until a voice said, "Mr Wagstaff?"


"Oh hi Rick. I'm a fan of the quality of programs put out by you and your team. I'm Kitty at Parliament, known for my ability to kick ass. So, do we talk nicely or take off the gloves Rick?"

"You guys apparently almost demolished Parliament Buildings."

"Oh Rick, you know about rumors. Never believe them. Just call the PM's chief of staff and he'll tell you all about a realistic exercise to test defenses against terrorist attack. Your TV news department will know all about it as well."

"You're sure about that?"

"I was there Rick. By the way, you are happily married to Lucy aren't you?"

"Lucille, actually."

"Oh, sweet name. I work with a lovely young woman who happens to be rather morally relaxed should we say."

"Oh yeah and what has that got to do with me?"

"Her name is Gloria Bevan -- GB, remember?"

Kitty grinned at the sound of Rick drawing deep breath.

"Don't believe rumors Kitty. Oh, by the way, the three of you lovely ladies are welcome here tomorrow -- you and the big one as my personal guests."

"You're so sweet Rick. Bye."

Magnolia, who'd been following the conversation and was wearing her dark glasses to hide signs of tears, eased out of Gloria's arms and said, "You are incredible how you handle men Kitty. It's a wonder you're not on your back permanently."

"You know it's not all it's cracked up to be Magnolia. There are other things I want from a man."

Magnolia, Gloria and Skye nodded solemnly and then looked a little puzzled.

"Gloria, the rush will start soon so you better get back behind the bar. You other two go home early and terrorize the staff until Gerry arrives home. I'll stay on and write the script for the presenter on Friday."

Magnolia said, looking a little more composed, "Mrs Littlejohn said Lydia the presenter is a law unto herself and follows no instructions and demands a free hand, even from the studio. She gets the ratings so she gets what she wants."

"Oh honey, the presenter will be there tomorrow to say hi and to assess you. Then she'll go off with Skye and me for a wee chat."

Magnolia sighed and said to be terrorized more likely.

"Probably not Magnolia. You see to hold her position she'll be a pretty smart woman and I won't even have to threaten her. She'll read between the lines and will be impressed just watching Skye cracking her knuckles. You can expect nothing but a smooth-running interview that will of course touch quite deeply on your afternoon of madness."

"My afternoon of madness'? That sounds almost heroic."

"Don't become too carried away darling. Off you go."

To be Continued

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