The Real Adam and Eve

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A more likely scenario.
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Ad A Mal Ga, or Mal as his family called him, knew he was in trouble. The spirits had abandoned him when the land shook and his whole tribe slid into the ground before it closed up. He heard Toa Gin's screams for a second before they ended in a strangled groan. He'd dug in the ground to try to find them but he'd only found Toa Gin. From the waist up. Her cloak was soaked in blood and he knew there was no sense trying to help her.

He'd been about ten steps behind the group as they rounded a granite outcropping. He'd hurried to catch up because he admired the form of his brother's woman, although Toa had already born his brother a fine boy. Just at that moment the ground shook and knocked him backwards off his feet. It wasn't the first time the ground had shook, but it was the worst and when he made his way around the rock he saw Toa as the last one to be swallowed .

His people were a hardy bunch and didn't spend a lot of time worrying or dreaming. It was hard enough making it in this cold, barren land without that. Mal immediately started thinking about the future and how he was going to survive alone. In a group there was a division of labor that allowed individuals to excel at various tasks while ignoring others. The barter system allowed them to get what they couldn't do themselves. But now that he was alone he realized he wasn't as proficient at some things as he needed to be. There was no finer flint striker within a moon's march in any direction but he could barely pierce a hide, or clean it, with his own tools.

Mal gathered up what he could find of his tribe's belongings. He briefly let his thoughts linger on Toa, then on her son Lob Ba. As the oldest child in the tribe he was still only three summers old. The boy was a pleasure to watch and Mal was going to miss his nephew's smiling face. They had only left their Summer Place two days earlier and Mal had another moon to get to their Wintering Place, then hunt enough meat for the winter. Once inside the cave for the winter there was no going out except to empty the waste and discard scraps so he wouldn't attract other four legged animals. With nothing to carry but a few scraps of furs and leather, his striker, and some raw flint he started on his journey. He made good time and managed to fashion a sling for himself. He also found a good branch for a spear and hardened the tip in is occasional fires. He'd never been very good at using the sling but now he had nothing but time to practice as he walked.

His first night alone was terrible. As pragmatic as he was, he still mourned the loss of his family and friends. And Toa Gin. He had long bemoaned the loss of Toa to his brother. Mal had gone on a hunt and was thought dead, although he'd only been lost and injured. Toa had been 'captured' from a neighboring tribe during the final days of the last gathering. Toa and he were to be mated at the next full moon but he went missing. Toa went ahead and mated his brother Tul Ga, and when Mal reappeared there had been some tense moments. He would have been within his rights to claim her but she had grown fond of Tul Ga and was torn, not to mention Tul Ga's feelings. Better all around for Mal to step back. That didn't stop Mal and Toa from joining when they could.

Mal remembered his last time with Toa. Tul and several others had gone on a hunt. The men took turns going and this time Mal was to stay home. It was a warm day and Toa was gathering berries with a few other women. Mal walked out to where they were and helped for a bit before gesturing to Toa to walk with him. The other women knew what was going on. In fact Tul knew what was going on too, but he chose not to make an issue because of the way their relationships had evolved.

Mal walked with Toa down river a bit and after they were out of sight of the others they clasped hands. They got to the flat rock, a piece of limestone four times as big as a man. When the sun warmed it it was a favourite place for people to relax and for lovers to meet. As they stepped onto the rock he roughly pushed Toa to the ground. She grinned back at him. Tul was a considerate and gentle lover but Mal was more forceful. He was considerate too, but he made sure his needs were always being met. He gestured to her and she nodded her head no. His gesture to assume the position with her legs straight, hands on the ground and rear end in the air was usually met with defiance from this one. She grinned and bared her teeth as he grabbed her hair. A feral moan escaped her and he could smell her need. He pulled her to her toe tips by her hair and slapped her hairy buttocks then force her into position. She stood there panting, waiting for him to take her. Instead he threw her off and fell to his own knees to apply his mouth to her fragrant left. He sniffed her anus and licked her all around, pulling her hair gently with his teeth. He'd seen his brother do this and saw how she responded. She grunted and pushed herself back at him as he opened her up with his hands. His tongue swept from her clit to her anus and she shuddered with need.

Mal stepped up behind her and rammed his meat in her, making her howl. He grunted as they rutted, roughly taking what he wanted. It just happened that what he wanted was what she needed and her howling didn't abate. It only lasted a few minutes but there was no doubt to the whole tribe that Toa was getting royally pounded. Her final shrieks brought looks of disgust from the older members. The younger, mature, unattached ones knew the feeling so they could empathize with Toa. In fact they were a little envious since they had several times been the recipient of Mal's charms.

Mal and Toa laid on the rock and talked until dusk. They heard the hunting party come back to great fanfare yet still they lingered. When Tul joined them and Toa rose to go with him Mal felt an overwhelming sadness. He knew he'd have to leave at the beginning of the next warm season. That would give him a whole season to find another tribe to join. He couldn't take this any more. He loved Toa but he knew she loved Tul as much as him. Since she was with Tul, the situation wasn't going to change. Two days later they started their journey to the Wintering Place.

Mal estimated he was seven more sleeps from the Wintering Place. He'd managed to capture some small game so he hadn't gone hungry. They were fattening up too, getting ready for the coming season. As he climbed a small hill, following an eons old trail between two stone walls, he heard a whimpering sound. It sounded like people, but somehow more frail. Like a wolf pup, almost. He and his people communicated mostly by small noises and gestures although they had some rudimentary language, mostly for applying names to people and objects. As he crested a rise in the trail he saw a startling tableau in a wide spot before him. There was a she creature unlike any he had ever seen before, kneeling. He darted behind a boulder and watched the proceedings.

With the she were a number of males of her race. He'd never seen them but he'd heard talk of them at the gatherings. They had always been around it seemed, but sightings were becoming more common. All of them were quite slender and slight of build, although taller than he. The female was obvious because she was even smaller than the others and half of her coverings were off revealing her left breast, much larger than the females of is own tribe. Maybe she was pregnant, Mal thought. Her hair was long and golden which he'd never heard of. The males all had dark hair on their head and faces. Mal's people didn't grow facial hair like that, long and bushy, and it gave them a fearsome appearance. Not that Mal feared these creatures. He'd heard they were quick, but weak and frail. But there were numbers so it was best to be cautious.

The reason for the female's whimpering soon became apparent. One of the males soon came over and kicked her hard, knocking her to the ground. She let out a shriek, and Mal was surprised that it hurt that much. He was even more shocked when the male then pulled her into the position and mounted her.

"No! Stop it, pig!" Mal had no idea what she was saying and she obviously wasn't receptive but the male continued anyway, admonishing her with a clout to the back of her head. Mal got angry. With his people, women, although doing menial labor and often subservient, held a measure of respect that prohibited such acts. One didn't simply mount a woman if she wasn't claimed, unless she made the gestures. Even if she was claimed her male wouldn't do that, out of respect. Females were the bringers of life. That alone gave them status.

Mal wasn't accustomed to fighting since it rarely happened with his people. But he didn't see these creatures as people so he had no reluctance when he lifted the heavy spear he'd fashioned on his journey and prepared to throw it. He moved quickly and was halfway to the rutting couple when they saw him. By now the female was silent, merely whimpering under the onslaught. But the male roared and stood upright when he saw Mal. His timing was perfect and he caught Mal's spear in the chest seconds before Mal darted past. Mal launched himself on the larger of the remaining males and his hands clasped the creature around it's throat. His inertia carried them over until the male was on his back and Mal was surprised at how easily he crushed his windpipe. He briefly wondered if they were edible but quickly decided that would be too weird. They were almost like people. Mal barely felt the other male's hands grasping at his own. He only registered it when his smallest finger was bent backwards and broken. Since the male on his back was basically dead, Mal turned and grasped the other male. The creature was quick, striking him repeatedly, but when he turned for a spear Mal seized his chance and grabbed his arm. He quickly tugged back and twisted and the male screeched like the female. Mal brained him with a rock as he fell to his knees from the pain. They were so weak. Mal knew they weren't going to survive here.

Mal turned to the female. Now what? After saving her he couldn't very well kill her. Maybe he'd keep her until she was healthy, then let her go. He gestured to her to follow him but after going five steps he noticed she hadn't followed. He turned back to her and saw how she cowered in fear before him. Not that he'd blame her, she was like a child compared to his thickly muscled body. Her features were so ugly, thin and delicate. Not like his own kind, where the females had more hair and were much thicker. He figured she was good for these 'others' because she was way too delicate to handle a real man like him. He thought of Toa with her heavy forehead, thick lips and darker, hairy skin. This waif had tremendous breasts even though she didn't look obviously with child. Toa's breasts only got large when she was with milk for Lob Ba. The girl shrieked in fear when he reached down but he didn't have time for her silliness. He had to get moving. When he picked her up to make her stand he saw she would have been taller than him if she hadn't immediately screamed and fallen again. This time she vomited and grabbed her foot. When he looked at it he saw her ankle was broken and a piece of bone was sticking out. Mal briefly considered killing her with mercy but the look in her eyes when he raised his spear showed there was at least some intelligence there. And bravery. She actually braced herself for the blow.

She wasn't going anywhere so he left her with the spear and went to gather some wood. He wanted to get moving before the bodies attracted carrion eaters. Big ones. He gathered a dozen small branches and two larger ones and made a platform to set the girl on. One end had the poles further apart where he could handle them on either side of his body. The other end was somewhat narrower to allow him to follow narrower trails and even tip the assembly if he had to. He cut some of the leather clothing from the dead males and made straps which he used to tie the girl to the platform. He had put fur underneath her and he covered her with more fur before tying her down. The only part of her visible was that horribly ugly face. Her narrow nose and clear skin was bad enough but her blue eyes were a little disconcerting. Mal was glad he was facing away from her. In fact her only redeeming feature was her yellow hair which grew down to her waist. Far longer than his people's hair grew and the colour was unnatural. He'd found and ground up some Willow bark which he added to hot water from a hollowed out wooden bowl. He'd heated rocks in the fire and kept exchanging them in the bowl until the water was hot enough. Just before he strapped her in he looked away and grunted in surprise. Her tear stained face turned also and just then he grasped her foot and wrenched it into position. She screamed and passed out from the pain and again Mal wondered if she was worth the effort. Now would be a good time to kill her since she was unconscious, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Mal and the girl, that's what he decided to call her even though she wasn't 'people' made slow progress. He figured she was close enough for that term to work. He figured they would be another ten sleeps before reaching the wintering place. He began looking for tracks to see what the game was like in case he came back this way to hunt. The girl was mostly asleep for the first four days and she was flush with a fever. He kept the first few days of travel short to ease her healing but after she'd awakened he spent long hours traveling. He only stopped when he could barely see enough to gather wood for a fire. He would have foregone the fire, eating his trappings raw, but the girl needed her Willow bark tea. Finally on the eleventh sunrise he walked into the valley where his people spent the winter. It was moderately protected with tall conifers ringing the surrounding hills. At two days walk across it was large enough for game animals to be found in which made the hunting easier. A spring at the northern end provided fresh water and a swamp area for waterfowl in the spring and fall.

The cave they stayed in was halfway down the Northern slope. Hopefully he wouldn't have to chase any large animals out. One year they had a bear to contend with. They got some nice fur from that one. He had enough food on him for three days so he spent those days resting from the journey and making the cave habitable. He had to evict various rodents and small animals and throw out some woven mats that had been burrowed into. There were a few smaller caves dotted around the valley but were only used for storage overflow when his tribe was large. They wouldn't be needing them.

Mal set up an area for the girl, dried ferns and grasses with leathers and furs to sleep on. He wasn't sure how to arrange it because if she was a real woman he would just claim her as his own. He put his own area next to hers but left a space between them. He'd kept the girl's ankle immobilized with a splint but there was no way she would be able to move far for another moon or two. As it was he was going to have to do some hunting and gathering. The first day out he scouted the territory for game tracks and trapped two rabbits. He also fashioned himself two more spears, thinking to leave one with the girl. She was becoming livelier, recovering from her ordeal and she made incessant noises with her mouth. He had no idea what she was saying, but he guessed from her gestures the points she was making. He showed her the bowl they used as a toilet in the winter and he brought some water in small hollowed out tree trunk jars. He gave her a spear and tried to impress on her that there wasn't much chance of any danger, but to use it if she needed to. He was surprised that she seemed comfortable handling it. Although his women weren't generally discouraged from handling weapons they weren't unfamiliar with them. After leaving her with some food he left for a three day jaunt.

Mal found evidence of other people half a day's walk away but it was abandoned and had been for some time. Maybe even since the previous summer. He followed the spoor of a small herd of deer and watched them drink at the creek in the morning. He also saw evidence of a family of cats wildcats but they were out while he examined their lair. On the second day he stumbled into a glade that brought back some sharp memories. It was the first place he had been alone with Toa after he'd returned to the . She had asked him to come and look at some flint deposits. Tul knew she was taking him and waved as they left the cave. As they walked the discussed their situation and chagrin, although Mal was happy for Tul. When they got to the glade Toa at first made to look around for the so-called deposit she had seen. Eventually she just turned to Mal and dropped her cloak. He admired the shape of her small breasts, still unsullied from childbirth. The hair covering them was soft and fine and he felt the blood surging into his manhood. He knew his equipment was larger than the other men of the tribe which was one of the reasons why he was so popular with the women. It was longer than his fingers which was uncommon. His brother was similarly endowed and had similar success before he mated with Toa. Mal still didn't move to do anything until Toa suggested that if he wanted her, he was going to have to take her. She quickly turned and ran to the edge of the clearing. By the time she reached it though Mal was on her and bending her over a fallen tree. He pulled her hair and forced her to look at him then signed that she was going to be punished.

Mal pushed Toa over the log and held her upper body in place. He swatted her hard drawing a sharp cry from her and he laughed at her. He pulled his manhood out and jumped over the log. When he was standing in front of her he pulled her hair forcing her head up and her mouth open. He rubbed the head of his club around her lips then pushed it inside. Toa acted like she didn't like to do that but Mal knew better and he forced himself into her. Once he was in she sucked him with gusto. He loved the way her soft features turned to a look of desperation. She brought her hand up and stroked him with her fingers as she sucked on him. Mal let her suck him hard for a few minutes before he pulled out. He jumped back over the log and found her juices running down her leg. Her scent was strong and he licked her juices from her strong legs before he stood and mounted her. Again he pounded her like an animal until she reached her first screaming climax. Her shrieks momentarily silenced the birds in the surrounding trees and Mal almost erupted, himself. When she had calmed down a bit he turned her over and entered her again. This time he was face to face and he memorized every expression. He moved slower yet her passions over took her quickly again and she screamed her release. She raised a hand to is face, her eyes seeming to look into his very soul as he worked toward his own release. Finally he erupted and her mouth opened along with his passionate cry as he emptied himself into her. After they were finished and lying in the long grass under the weak autumn sun, Mal asked why she never screamed like that when she was in the cave with Tul and she said she didn't want to disturb the other tribesmen. She said it was very difficult holding her screams in.

Mal looked at the log where he had first taken her, somewhat more rotted for the passed years, and felt the anguish in his soul. For the first time since the loss of his tribe he screamed out his pain. The loss of his brother, his friends, and the girl he loved but could never truly have. And now he was stuck, alone, with a wounded girl, not even a real person. For the umpteenth time he considered putting her out, or killing her, but his compassion wouldn't let him. He likened it to the bond with the wild dogs that sometimes followed the tribe. Sometimes they would get close and you could actually touch them, but they were never really yours.
